Boothiella Lodhi & Mirza, Mycologia 54: 217 (1962)

Index Fungorum number: IF 627

Type species: Boothiella tetraspora Lodhi & Mirza, Mycologia 54: 217 (1962)

Notes: Boothiella was a monotypic genus and established by the type species B. tetraspora, which was isolated from soil in Lahore City, Pakistan. Boothiella is similar to Thielavia but differs by having a colourless ascomatal wall (Lodhi & Mirza 1962). Eriksson et al. (2004) and Kirk et al. (2008) proposed Boothiella should be accommodated in the family Sordariaceae, and this phylogenetic placement was confirmed by other researchers later (Vu et al. 2019, Wang et al. 2019). The sexual morph was described by having a superficial to immersed, globose to subglobose, cleistothecial ascomata, solitary to aggregated, non-ostiolate, hyaline ascomatal walled, clavate to cylindrical asci with four-spored, short pedicellate, uniseriate, evanescent. Ascospore ellipsoidal to broad ovoid, hyaline to yellow to olivaceous brown with the maturity, one-celled, with apical germ pores, however, no asexual morphs have been reported (Huang et al. 2021). Thielaviella humicola and Thielavia tetraspora were recently re-identified as Boothiella tetraspora based on evidences of morphology and phylogeny (Wang et al. 2019). This genus has a single species (B. tetraspora), and most collections were isolated from soil (Wang et al. 2019).