This document describes the tSMS20 dataset, which comprises rs-MRI data from 20 healthy subjects (28.5 ± 5.2 years old, 9 females), who participated in a randomized, longitudinal, sham-controlled experiment involving transcranial static-magnetic-field stimulation (tSMS). The imaging parameters and protocol are fully described in (Pineda-Pardo et al., Commun Biol, 2019). The stimulation protocol consisted of 30-minute tSMS using a single magnet placed over the supplementary motor area (SMA). Each subject underwent two stimulation sessions (real and sham) in two separate days, whose order was randomized. In each session, structural MRI was acquired before tSMS, and resting-state fMRI before and after. Structural images were T1-weighted (T1w), with 1 mm isotropic voxel. Functional data was acquired in 10 minutes-long sessions, TR/TE 2400/30 ms (250 volumes per session), with 3mm isotropic voxel. Preprocessing T1w images were corrected for intensity bias using N4 bias-correction algorithm (Tustison et al. IEE Trans Med Imaging, 2010) , denoised using an optimized non-local means filter (Manjon et al, J Magn Reson Imaging, 2010) , skull tripped (Smith, Hum Brain Mapp, 2002) , segmented in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), white matter (WM), cortical gray matter (GM), and subcortical structures with FSL’s FAST (Shang et al, IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 2001) and FIRST tools (Patenaude et al, Neuroimage, 2011). Skull-stripped images were non-linearly registered to the MNI152 space using an affine transformation followed by diffeomorphic symmetric normalization in ANTs (Avants et al, Med Image Anal, 2008). WM and CSF masks were eroded to avoid partial volume contamination from GM. The first five volumes of the resting-state fMRI scan were discarded to allow for signal stabilization. Then, the fMRI series were de-spiked (AFNI’s 3dDespike), corrected for slice timing (FSL’s slicetimer), realigned to the first volume (FSL's mcflirt) , skull stripped and corrected for EPI distortion using the field map (FSL’s fugue). A rigid transformation to the T1w space was computed using ANTs. A scrubbing process was carried out to avoid noisy/artifactual volumes, using frame-wise displacement (FWD), the derivative of the root mean square function across voxels (DVARS) and standard deviation were computed. Volumes overpassing a conservative value of 0.3 for FWD, or a cut-off of 75% inter-quartile range for DVARS and standard deviation were tagged as non-valid. Each voxel’s time course was demeaned. The eroded CSF and WM masks were transformed to fMRI native space and their mean time courses, along with the six motion parameters and their derivatives were regressed out of each voxel’s time series, without considering the noisy time points tagged in the scrubbing stage. Data were bandpass-filtered in the time domain, using zero-phase filtering with a second-order Butterworth filter with pass band 0.009-0.08 Hz, normalized to MNI152 standard space with the transforms computed for the T1w images and spatially smoothed (FWHM = 6 mm). File description: ./tSMS20/ (subject data from tSMS20 dataset) sub-/ (folder for a subject) ses-<01/02>/ (folder for a session) sub-_ses-<01/02>_treat-_run-
							(The fully preprocessed rs-fMRI data in MNI space. No scrubbing applied)

							(structure containing DVARS, FWD and the scrubbing vector, with ones for valid volumes and zeros for noisy ones)

							(gray matter mask extracted from FSL's FAST)

							(subcortical segmentation obtained from FSL's FIRST)
                 	rois/			(subject-specific rois)
				AAL/		(modified AAL atlas with SMA/preSMA subdivision, cropped by the subject's cortical gray matter)

							(mask file for each region)

				choi/		(7Networks regions from Choi's study, cropped by the subject's striatum)

							(mask file for each region)

				ctx_spheres/	(AAL atlas with SMA/preSMA subdivision, cropped by the subject's cortical gray matter)
							(mask file for each region)