Published February 28, 2020 | Version v1
Report Open

Report on the workshop 'New Narratives for Nature: operationalizing the IPBES Nature Futures Scenarios'


In February 2020, the IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) Task Force and Technical Support Unit on Scenarios and Models, which is hosted by PBL (Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency), organized the workshop ‘New Narratives for Nature: operationalizing the IPBES Nature Futures Scenarios’.

This workshop took a next step in the development of new, positive scenarios of nature, ‘nature futures’, as part of the IPBES work programme. The workshop focused on comparing and refining their draft nature future scenarios to better differentiate and characterise the visions covered in the Nature Futures Framework, and to describe different narrative themes consistently across the various narratives. The Nature Futures Framework was first developed in a workshop with the former IPBES expert team Scenarios and Models during a workshop at PBL in 2018.



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