"Column__","ColumnDescription__","Variable_Type","Sample_Phase","Availability_Notes","Fraction_of_Samples","Data_Source" "DepthID","Unique random IDs for each ""Soil-Depth"" node in the EMERGE-DB, where each ""Soil-Depth"" node corresponds to a unique core section along with its corresponding porewater/poregas sample. This column is included here, as some coders may find it useful; otherwise it can be ignored.","text (unique for each row)","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "SampleID__","Sample IDs designed to be consistent thoughout the DB. These use the following standardized format:
[core group].[YYYYMM]_[site abbrev]_[core # or name]_[min depth]to[max depth]","text (unique for each row)","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "SampleID_old__","Old sample IDs used in previous versions (pre-1.0.0) of the Sample Metadata Sheet.","text (unique for each row)","","",1,"" "CoreGroup__","Broad core groupings, useful for subsetting samples by subproject (e.g. ""MainAutochamber"" for the main yearly autochamber site cores). These groupings match the first part of the SampleID__.","categorical","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "Month__","Month of field sample collection.","numeric","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "Year__","Year of field sample collection.","numeric","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "Date__","Date that the sample was collected in the field.","date (YYYY-MM-DD)","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "FieldSampling__","Month and year (YYYY-MM) of the beginning of the field sampling campaign during which the sample was collected. This tag is added for quick distinction between field campaigns that may not be obvious from simply parsing their sampling dates (e.g., continuous field campaigns that encompassed >1 calendar month).","categorical, date (YYYY-MM)","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "Habitat__","Habitat type. This is distinct from the specific site names (which are under the ""Site__"" column), and represents the site's categorization within the superset of possible habitat types (that is, multiple different sites can fall under the same habitat). For terrestrial samples, the habitat types currently include the following categories: Palsa, Collapsed Palsa, Bog, Poor Fen, Fen.","categorical","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "Site__","Full name of the site from which a sample or measurement was taken. A full list of site names and their synonyms (compiled from https://bitbucket.org/MAVERICLab/isogeniedb-tools/raw/HEAD/tools/data/site_syn.json) can be found in this FAQ document under ""Site Synonyms.""","categorical","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "Core__","Core number (i.e., replicate), or core name + number if it's a non-canonical core (e.g., ""SHR1"" for Sphagnum High Resolution Core #1).","text","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "GPS__","Latitude and longitude, formatted in degrees and decimal minutes, e.g.: N 68 21.3754, E 19 02.8538","text","","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.974178403755869,"Depth-Info (mostly)" "image_url__","URL(s) of core image(s).","text","","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.654929577464789,"" "DepthCode__","Standard IsoGenie depth letter codes (S, M, D, etc.), used for field samples collected between 2010-2013.","text","","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.694835680751174,"" "DepthMin__","Shallowest depth in the sample's depth range (cm). For solid-phase core sections, the width of the depth intervals is typically 3cm (2010-2012) or 4cm (2013-present). For porewater, they are typically ~3cm (based on the range encompassed by the swampsucker holes). If DepthMin__ and DepthMax__ are missing, this is likely because the sample was porewater and the full depth range was not recorded, so the full depth range can be approximated as DepthMin__=DepthAvg__−1.5 and DepthMax__=DepthAvg__+1.5.","numeric","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "DepthMax__","Deepest depth in the sample's depth range (cm). For solid-phase core sections, the width of the depth intervals is typically 3cm (2010-2012) or 4cm (2013-present). For porewater, they are typically ~3cm (based on the range encompassed by the swampsucker holes). If DepthMin__ and DepthMax__ are missing, this is likely because the sample was porewater and the full depth range was not recorded, so the full depth range can be approximated as DepthMin__=DepthAvg__−1.5 and DepthMax__=DepthAvg__+1.5.","numeric","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "DepthAvg__","Average depth of the sample (cm), represented as a single number for easy plotting.","numeric","","Intended to be comprehensive.",1,"" "metaG_ACE__","Whether this sample has a metagenome sequenced at ACE: yes = sample name used; no = NA.","text","solid phase","",0.823943661971831,"" "metaG_JGI_HiSeq__","Whether this sample has a metagenome sequenced at JGI using HiSeq: yes = sample name used; no = NA.","text","solid phase","",0.0657276995305164,"" "metaG_JGI_NovaSeq__","Whether this sample has a metagenome sequenced at JGI using NovaSeq: yes = sample name used; no = NA.","text","solid phase","",0.598591549295775,"" "FTIR__","Whether there was FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) measured on this sample: yes = X; no = NA.","categorical","solid phase","Measured episodically.",0.286384976525822,"Biogeochemistry" "FTICRMS__","Whether there was FT-ICR MS (Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry) measured on this sample: yes = X; no = NA.","categorical","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.0117370892018779,"Biogeochemistry" "EEMS__","Whether there was EEMS (Excitation-Emission Matrix Spectroscopy) measured on this sample: yes = X; no = NA.","categorical","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.23943661971831,"Biogeochemistry" "ALD.cm__","Active layer depth at time of sampling (cm below peat surface).","numeric (some text values)","","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.929577464788732,"Depth-Info" "WTD.cm_neg_is_below_sfc__","Water table depth at time of sampling (cm), with negative=below and positive=above peat surface.","numeric (some text values)","","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.94131455399061,"Depth-Info" "T_air.deg_C","Air temperature (deg C) at time of sampling.","numeric","","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.734741784037559,"Depth-Info" "T_soil.deg_C","Soil temperature (deg C). These were mostly measured at the same depth as the corresponding peat and porewater samples, but there are a few that are a few cm off; contact Suzanne for the exact depths.","numeric (some text values)","","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.643192488262911,"Depth-Info" "Weather_Conditions_on_Day_of_Coring","Weather conditions on day of coring, as noted by the field team.","text","","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.561032863849765,"Depth-Info" "Conductivity.uS","Conductivity (microsiemens).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.0164319248826291,"Depth-Info" "Redox_Potential_ORP.uncalibrated_relative_values_only","Oxidation-reduction potential. This was measured on an uncalibrated instrument, and I'm not sure of the units (it was a last-minute addition), so I would interpret these values tentatively as relative potentials across samples. More negative indicates more reducing conditions.","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.0164319248826291,"Depth-Info" "O2.percent","Percent oxygen, as measured with an oxygen probe in the field.","numeric","porewater, poregas","Measured semi-episodically.",0.0657276995305164,"Depth-Info" "pH_porewater","pH of porewater.","numeric","porewater","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.514084507042254,"Depth-Info (mostly)" "pH_peat","pH of peat, measured by mixing a small amount of wet peat with DI water for a couple minutes, then measuring the pH with the same pH probe as was used in the field. Note that although this is a crude method, values are similar to corresponding porewater pHs.","numeric","solid phase","Measured episodically.",0.10093896713615,"Biogeochemistry" "BulkDensity","Peat bulk density (g / cm^3).","numeric","solid phase","Measured episodically.",0.0751173708920188,"Biogeochemistry" "percentWater_wt","%water (by weight) of wet peat.","numeric","solid phase","Measured episodically.",0.176056338028169,"Biogeochemistry" "CH4.mM__","Dissolved CH4 concentration (mM). Calculated using Henry's Law constant of 0.0015 mol/(L*atm).","numeric","porewater","Intended to be comprehensive for waterlogged samples.",0.453051643192488,"Biogeochemistry" "CO2.mM__","Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC, or ""CO2"") concentration (mM). Calculated using Henry's Law constant of 0.037 mol/(L*atm).","numeric","porewater","Intended to be comprehensive for waterlogged samples.",0.474178403755869,"Biogeochemistry" "CH4.percent","Percent CH4 by volume (mole fraction * 100).","numeric","poregas","Intended to be comprehensive for non-waterlogged samples.",0.110328638497653,"Biogeochemistry" "CO2.percent","Percent CO2 by volume (mole fraction * 100).","numeric","poregas","Intended to be comprehensive for non-waterlogged samples.",0.110328638497653,"Biogeochemistry" "d13C_CH4__","d13C value of CH4.","numeric","porewater, poregas","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.427230046948357,"Biogeochemistry" "d13C_CO2__","d13C value of DIC or CO2.","numeric","porewater, poregas","Intended to be comprehensive.",0.593896713615023,"Biogeochemistry" "dD_CH4__","dD value of dissolved CH4.","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.13849765258216,"Biogeochemistry" "dD_H2O","dD value of water.","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.164319248826291,"Biogeochemistry" "d18O_H2O","d18O value of water.","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.164319248826291,"Biogeochemistry" "DOC.mM__","DOC concentration (mM). For the samples up through August 2011, these values may be slightly overestimated relative to values measured in Oct. 2011 and later, due to differences in sample prep (the later dates were acidified first whereas the earlier dates were not). The acidified samples (Oct. 2011 and later) probably have more accurate values, but the non-acidified samples are still accurate within reason.","numeric","porewater","Measured semi-episodically.",0.262910798122066,"Biogeochemistry" "TN.mM__","Total nitrogen concentration (mM), including both organic and inorganic N. Since this was measured at the same time as the DOC and the DOM has very high C/N ratios, many of the TN values were very close to the detection limit, so I would use them with caution.","numeric","porewater","Measured semi-episodically.",0.227699530516432,"Biogeochemistry" "Acetate.uM__","Acetate concentration (µM).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.161971830985915,"Biogeochemistry" "Propionate.uM__","Propionate concentration (µM).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.0516431924882629,"Biogeochemistry" "Butyrate.uM__","Butyrate concentration (µM).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.00469483568075113,"Biogeochemistry" "Formate.uM__","Formate concentration (µM).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.0422535211267606,"Biogeochemistry" "Sulfate.uM__","Sulfate concentration (µM).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.225352112676056,"Biogeochemistry" "Phosphate.uM__","Phosphate concentration (µM).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.0704225352112676,"Biogeochemistry" "Nitrate.uM__","Nitrate concentration (µM).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.183098591549296,"Biogeochemistry" "Ammonia.uM__","Ammonia concentration (µM).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.183098591549296,"Biogeochemistry" "Ca.uM","Calcium concentration (µM).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.0211267605633803,"Biogeochemistry" "Mg.uM","Magnesium concentration (µM).","numeric","porewater","Measured episodically.",0.0211267605633803,"Biogeochemistry" "C.percent__","%C in peat (by weight).","numeric","solid phase","Measured semi-episodically.",0.492957746478873,"Biogeochemistry" "N.percent__","%N in peat (by weight).","numeric","solid phase","Measured semi-episodically.",0.488262910798122,"Biogeochemistry" "d13C_peat__","d13C value of peat C.","numeric","solid phase","Measured semi-episodically.",0.492957746478873,"Biogeochemistry" "d15N_peat__","d15N value of peat N.","numeric","solid phase","Measured semi-episodically.",0.488262910798122,"Biogeochemistry" "D14C_peat__","Radiocarbon of peat, expressed as D14C.","numeric","solid phase","Measured episodically.",0.00938967136150237,"Biogeochemistry" "pool.DOM","Whether or not the DOM sample was pooled across all replicate porewater profiles from the same Site__ and FieldSampling__. The DOM sample includes the following variables: FTICRMS__, EEMS__, DOC.mM__, TN.mM__, Sulfate.uM__, Nitrate.uM__, Ammonia.uM__, Ca.uM, Mg.uM","categorical","porewater","This was done episodically. If not explicitly noted, assume FALSE.",0.26056338028169,"Biogeochemistry" "pool.dD_CH4","Whether or not the dD_CH4__ sample was pooled across all replicate porewater profiles from the same Site__ and FieldSampling__.","categorical","porewater","This was done episodically. If not explicitly noted, assume FALSE.",0.26056338028169,"Biogeochemistry" "UpdateDate__.DepthInfo","Date when the graph DB node for the coring metadata was last updated.","date (YYYYMMDD)","","",1,"Depth-Info" "UpdateDate__.Biogeochemistry","Date when the graph DB node for the lab-measured biogeochemistry was last updated.","date (YYYYMMDD)","","",0.901408450704225,"Biogeochemistry" "Notes__.DepthInfo","Notes on field sampling.","text","","",0.73943661971831,"Depth-Info" "Notes__.Biogeochemistry","Notes on lab-measured biogeochemistry.","text","","",0.255868544600939,"Biogeochemistry"