182. Ixodes percavatus Neumann, 1906.

Remote islands: 1) Atlantic Ocean Islands (south) of Inaccessible, Nightingale and Tristan da Cunha Islands, 2) Indian Ocean Islands of Kerguelen (Paulian 1953, Anastos 1954, Guglielmone et al. 2014).

Wilson (1970b) examined a female tick collected in the Kerguelen Islands (Indian Ocean) and identified as Ixodes percavatus by André (1947), concluding that the specimen was probably Ixodes kerguelenesis and stating that the presence of Ixodes percavatus on Indian Ocean islands is based on misidentifications. However, Paulian (1953) reported several additional records of Ixodes percavatus from the Kerguelen Islands, and the presence of this tick there is considered provisionally valid here, pending additional evaluations.

Labruna et al. (2020a) recorded several specimens of Ixodes percavatus sensu lato collected in the Neotropics (Brazil) from pelagic birds that breed in the Afrotropical Region. These ticks are considered to be natural invaders but are not part of the Neotropical ixodid fauna.