Published January 19, 2023 | Version preprint
Conference paper Open

Low-Order Model for Detonation Velocity Suppression in Rotating Detonation Combustors

  • 1. Technische Universität Berlin
  • 2. University of Cincinnati


A Rotating Detonation Combustor (RDC) is a novel pressure gain combustion device, in which a detonation wave processes steadily around an annulus. It has been experimentally observed that detonation waves in the RDC propagate slower than the idealized Chapman- Jouguet (CJ) speed (as low as approximately 60%) and with lower than expected peak pressures. This work then attempts to develop a low-order model to identify the impact of non-ideal processes on these key detonation properties. Three mechanisms are incorporated: the buffer region created by non-premixed reactant injection, parasitic combustion of reactants, and suppression of the heat release through the detonation. While these sophisticated processes are only coarsely described by such a low-order model, it is shown that their effect results in a partial heat release that supports the detonation wave and can capture the deficit in detonation properties. One special aspect of this model is that it is designed to utilize relatively easily measured experimental data as inputs. This has the objective of providing rough, first order estimates of these more sophisticated processes than would otherwise be available by typical RDC combustor diagnostics. A parametric analysis is conducted for stable detonation runs on the RDC at TU Berlin. Convergence between predicted and experimental values show that a significant proportion of the heat release is lost in the buffer zone, undergoes parasitic combustion or is unable to contribute to the detonation heat release


SciTech2023_PB_Low_order_model_of_impact_of_combustion_inefficiencies (7).pdf

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INSPIRE – INSpiring Pressure gain combustion Integration, Research, and Education 956803
European Commission