Published March 7, 2023 | Version v1.0.0
Software Open

VPHi-clinical-community-survey: data & R notebooks for statistical analysis


The VPH institute has run a survey towards the clinical community in 2021 about computational modelling and simulation (awareness, usage, trust, perception, etc.). This repository provides the R notebook, script and data as R objects that were used to carry the statistical analysis as presented in the linked peer-review publication. 



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SimCardioTest – Simulation of Cardiac Devices & Drugs for in-silico Testing and Certification 101016496
European Commission
ISW – In Silico World: Lowering barriers to ubiquitous adoption of In Silico Trials 101016503
European Commission
SIMCOR – In Silico testing and validation of Cardiovascular Implantable devices 101017578
European Commission