1) Name of the tool 2) Provider 3) Access / Link 4) Form 5) Publication year 6) Development status Automation level of the evaluation 8) Editing time 9) Number of upper categories 10) Number of questions 11) Comprehensibility of the evaluation 12) Generic 13) Subject reference 14) Explanation of the question 15) Feedback of the results 16) Final Report 17) Language 18) Registration required 19) Costs in Euro 20) Complies with FAIR principles 21) Required knowledge and skills  22) Comment FAIR Evaluation Services FAIRsharing.org https://fairsharing.github.io/FAIR-Evaluator-FrontEnd/#!/ Fully Configurable Tool, Automatic Tools 2018 complete and will be updated completely automatic evaluation 5 min 4 22 all answers equally without weighting yes no short explanation short feedback overview of passed tests with evaluation protocol English no no Aspects comply with FAIR principles RDM knowledge and computational skills  "evaluates only machine-readable data (e.g. no quality of documentation), based on ""FAIRsFAIR Data Object Assessment Metrics"": https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3775793" FAIRshake CFDE-CC https://fairshake.cloud/ Fully Configurable Tool, Automatic Tools 2018 complete and will be updated manual and automatic evaluation 20 min 4 16 weighting with indication of weights yes no short explanation no feedback intermediate and final result in a color-coded matrix English yes no Aspects comply with FAIR principles RDM knowledge and computational skills  definition of binary questions, no lists or follow-up questions possible F-UJI Automated FAIR Data Assessment Tool FAIRsFAIR https://www.f-uji.net/ Automatic Tools 2020 complete and will be updated completely automatic evaluation 1 min 4 16 weighting with indication of weights and explanation for weighting yes no no explanation short feedback final result as percentage and evaluation protocol with JSON export function for protocol and metadata English no no Aspects comply with FAIR principles computational skills  "evaluates only machine-readable data (e.g. no quality of documentation), based on ""FAIRsFAIR Data Object Assessment Metrics"": https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3775793" FAIR Enough Institute of Data Science at Maastricht University https://fair-enough.semanticscience.org/collections/fair-evaluator-maturity-indicators Automatic Tool, Fully Configurable Tool 2022 complete and will be updated completely automatic evaluation 1min 4 22 all answers equally without weighting yes no "simple explanation " short feedback final result as percentage and evaluation protocol with JSON export function English no no Aspects comply with FAIR principles computational skills  "evaluates only machine-readable data (e.g. no quality of documentation), based on ""FAIRsFAIR Data Object Assessment Metrics"": https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3775793" SATIFYD: Self-Assessment Tool to Improve the FAIRness of Your Dataset DANS, FAIRsFAIR https://satifyd.dans.knaw.nl/ Improved Survey Tool 2019 complete manual and automatic evaluation 15~20 min 4 12 weighting with indication of weights yes no detailed explanation detailed feedback intermediate and final result as percentage with PDF export function English no no Use of other criteria beginners without knowledge no comment FAIR self assessment tool ARDC (Australian Research Data Commons) https://ardc.edu.au/resources/aboutdata/fair-data/fair-self-assessment-tool/ Improved Survey Tool 2018 complete manual and automatic evaluation 15 min 4 12 weighting with indication of weights yes no detailed explanation detailed feedback intermediate and final result as bar chart English no no Aspects comply with FAIR principles beginners without knowledge internal explanation links do not work FairDataBR FairDataBR https://wrco.ufpb.br/fair/index-en.html Improved Survey Tool 2021 complete manual and automatic evaluation 10~15min 4 20 weighting but without indication of weights and without explanation yes no no explanation no feedback intermediate and final result as decimal number with PDF export function English, Portuguese no no Aspects comply with FAIR principles RDM knowledge partly missing English translation in explanations CSIRO 5-star Data Rating tool OzNome (CSIRO-led initiative) https://csiro-enviro-informatics.github.io/5stardata/ Improved Survey Tool 2017 complete manual and automatic evaluation 15min 5 17 weighting but without indication of weights and without explanation yes no no explanation no feedback intermediate and final result as star chart English no no Aspects comply with FAIR principles RDM knowledge and computational skills bug in question 15 to 16, share link does not work, 5-star principle difficult to understand How FAIR are your data? EUDAT https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1065990 Regular List Tool 2017 complete completely manual evaluation 10~20 min 4 16 all answers equally without weighting yes no no explanation no feedback no result English, Spanish no no Aspects comply with FAIR principles RDM knowledge no comment Data Object Assessment Metrics FAIRsFAIR https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3775793 Regular List Tool 2020 complete and will be updated completely manual evaluation 60~120 min 4 17 weighting with indication of weights and explanation for weighting yes no detailed explanation with examples detailed feedback with examples no reuslt English no no Aspects comply with FAIR principles computational skills  accompanying document for FAIR Evaluation Services, F-UJI and FAIR Enough Simple Grid FAIR Poster SHARC https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1995645 Regular List Tool 2018 complete completely manual evaluation 20 min 4 18 weighting with indication of weights yes no short explanation no feedback no result English no no Principles incorrectly assigned F-A-I-R RDM knowledge poster description on zenodo available in French only