Column names Description of column names SampleID Uniformized sample names Species Animal species and plant functional group names d13C Carbon stable isotope signature of bulk samples d13C_LE Carbon stable isotope signature of lipid extracted samples d15N Nitrogen stable isotope signature of bulk samples Date Sample collection date Tissu Sample types (hair or plants) Enclos Capture location names for animal sampled during the annual predator control program SampleName Fieldwork sample names Location Location of sample collected across the study area pctC Percentage of carbon in the sample pctN Percentage of nitrogen in the sample CN_ratio Elemental ratio of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) C (mg) Carbon concentrations in the sample in milligrams N (mg) Nitrogen concentrations in the sample in milligrams Weight (kg) Individual weight in kilograms Sex Individual sex (M for male and F for female) AgeClass Animal age class (A for adult and J for juvenile) Length (cm) Individual total length in centimeters LatinName Latin name Family Family name from Linnaean biological classification (taxonomy) N/A No information for this cell; this is not a missing value, but this variable was not relevant for this specific food item