README DATE: 27/06/2022 TITLE: An unusual tandem kinase fusion protein confers leaf rust resistance in wheat AUTHORS: Yajun Wang, Michael Abrouk, Spyridon Gourdoupis, Dal-Hoe Koo, John Raupp, Miroslava Karafiátová, István Molnár, Kateřina Holušová, Jaroslav Doležel, Naveenkumar Athiyannan, Emile Cavalet-Giorsa, Łukasz Jaremko, Jesse Poland, Simon G. Krattinger CONTACT:, The file 'ThatcherLr9_whole_genome_assembly.fasta.gz' contains DNA sequence of the whole genome assembly of hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. AABBDD, 2n = 6x = 42) cv. ThatcherLr9. The file 'Aegilops_umbellulata_TA1851_whole_genome_assembly.fasta.gz' contains DNA sequence of the whole genome assembly of diploid Aegilops umbellulata (UU, 2n = 2x = 14) accession TA1851. Data was produced using PacBio HiFi sequencing and assembled with Hifiasm. The files 'ThatcherLr9_IsoSeq_cluster_hq.fasta.gz' and 'TA5605_IsoSeq_cluster_hq.fasta.gz' contain high-quality transcript isoforms from Puccinia triticina infected leaf samples of ThatcherLr9 and TA5605, respectively. Data was produced using PacBio long-read isoform sequencing (Iso-Seq) and processed following the IsoSeq pipeline (v.3.; The Lr9 CDS and genomic sequences are present in FASTA format. Provided files: - ThatcherLr9_whole_genome_assembly.fasta.gz - Aegilops_umbellulata_TA1851_whole_genome_assembly.fasta.gz - ThatcherLr9_IsoSeq_cluster_hq.fasta.gz - TA5605_IsoSeq_cluster_hq.fasta.gz - TA5605-chrom2B.fasta.gz - Lr9_CDS_genomic_sequence.fasta