Published February 22, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Submucosal Regrowths after Watch and Wait in Rectal Cancer: A Case Series

  • 1. Leiden University Medical Centre
  • 2. Karolinska University Hospital
  • 3. Haaglanden Medical Centre


This case series presents three patients with Stage II and III rectal cancer treated with neoadjuvant (chemo)radiotherapy who, after achieving initial complete response, developed cancer regrowths. In over 90% of cases, rectal cancer regrows in the rectal lumen and is primarily detected by digital examination and rectoscopy. In the presented cases, regrowths were detected uniquely with Magnetic Resonance Imaging with the support of Diffusion Weighed Imaging the rectal submucosa, where they were invisible to other assessment modalities.

This article aims to create awareness towards this possible alternative location of rectal cancer regrowths and to the importance of good quality MRI and experienced radiologists in the non-operative management of rectal cancer patients.C



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European Commission
CAST – Active Monitoring of Cancer As An Alternative To Surgery 857894