Published February 23, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Markerless Augmented Reality Implementation Using Computer Vision

  • 1. Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P.A. College of Engineering
  • 2. Student,Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P.A. College of Engineering


A real world and a virtual or computer-generated one are combined to create augmented reality. It is accomplished by enhancing real-world photographs with computer-generated ones. There are four different types of augmented reality: marker-based, marker-less, projection-based, and superimposition-based. It has a wide range of practical applications. Numerous industries, including healthcare, education, manufacturing, robotics, and entertainment, use augmented reality. The category of mixed reality includes augmented reality. It might be viewed as the opposite of virtual reality. Both of them share certain similarities and distinctions. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought concern in people’s mind to shop outdoors resulting in massive innovation in technology related to enhancing online retail experience. One such idea is using AR to enhance e- commerce visually. Our aim is to help people by showing product by 3D vision in online so that customers will get satisfy to buy the product. people will get real world experience by seeing product online. we demonstrate how real time performance is possible with platform specific optimization.


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