Anteon simoni sp. n.

Fig. 9

Etymology: This species is named after Dr Simon van Noort.



Fully winged; length 2.12–2.81 mm (holotype 2.81 mm). Head black, with mandibles testaceous; antennae testaceous, with segments 7–10 brownish; mesosoma and gaster black; legs testaceous, with clubs of femora, hind coxae, mid and hind tibiae darkened.Antennae clavate; antennomeres as following:10:5:6:4.5:4.5:5:5:5.5:5:7. Head completely reticulate rugose; frontal line complete; face without lateral keels directed towards antennal toruli; occipital carina complete; POL = 9; OL = 6; OOL = 5; OPL = 5.5; TL = 4; greatest diameter of posterior ocelli = 2. Pronotum with anterior surface rugose; posterior surface less than 0.5 as long as scutum (6:15), rugose, with posterior half smooth and without sculpture. Scutum shiny, smooth, punctate, without sculpture among punctures. Notauli reaching approximately 0.3 length of scutum; in a paratype notauli almost completely absent. Scutellum and metanotum shiny, smooth, without sculpture. Mesopleura with anterior half reticulate rugose and posterior half smooth, punctate, without sculpture among punctures; metapleura completely reticulate rugose. Propodeum with strong transverse keel between dorsal and posterior surface; dorsal surface reticulate rugose, more than 0.5 as long as scutellum + metanotum (9:14); posterior surface reticulate rugose, without longitudinal keels. Forewing with dark transverse band beneath pterostigma; distal part of stigmal vein much shorter than proximal part (3:8). Fore tarsal segments in following proportions: 10:2:2:2.5:8.5; segment 4 of fore tarsi less than 0.5 as long as basal part of segment 5. Enlarged claw (Fig. 9) with proximal prominence bearing 1 long bristle. Segment 5 of front tarsus (Fig. 9) with some medial and proximal bristles and 5 distal lamellae. Tibial spurs 1, 1, 2.

Male. Unknown.

Holotype: ^“ SOUTH AFRICA: Western Cape, Walker Bay Nat. Res., 34 ° 27.41'S: 19 ° 21.39'E, ix–xii.1997, Malaise trap, S. van Noort ”; [red] “ Anteon simoni sp. n. M. Olmi det. 2005, ^” (SAMC).

Paratypes: Same data as the holotype, 2^(SAMC, MOLC).

Hosts: Unknown.

Comparison: The female of A. simoni is similar to that of A. glabrum Olmi, 1987, but the anterior dorsal surface of the propodeum is more than 0.5 as long as the scutellum and metanotum combined (in A. glabrum it is less than 0.5 as long as the scutellum and metanotum).