Variables;Data_sheet;Question_type_answer_options;Question_formulation Respondent ID;Aspatial_survey;-;- Publication ID;Aspatial_survey;-;- Submitted;Aspatial_survey;-;- First Active;Aspatial_survey;-;- Carbon Literacy_Understanfings of CC;Aspatial_survey;Open ;Could you please describe, what does carbon sequestration and storage have to do with urban green spaces in your understanding? TO_BD_1;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Forests in Helsinki should be managed so as to maximize their carbon uptake, even if this is detrimental for e.g. old growth forest species. TO_BD_2;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Meadows, brownfields and other unused land in the city should be forested even if this leads to loss of open habitat. TO_BD_3;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Even non-native vegetation can be favored in urban green spaces if it stores carbon more efficiently than native vegetation. TO_AES_1;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Forests in Helsinki should have dead and decaying wood in them, even if this looks neglected and untidy. TO_AES_2;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";New plantings in public parks should be selected for their ability to sequester and store carbon, not for their aesthetic appeal. TO_AES_3;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Public green spaces should be managed with low-emission methods, even if this leads to a messier appearance. TO_REC_1;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Newly built urban green spaces should have the lowest carbon footprint possible, even if this means that they can not be used for all recreation purposes. TO_REC_2;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";To reduce vegetation and soil disturbance in urban forests efficient in CSS, access to and movement in them should be limited. TO_REC_3;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Wetlands along rivers and the seaside should be protected and restored to a larger extent, even if this leads to a loss of recreational area within the city. PolAtt_Density_In Helsinki;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Managing urban green spaces for increased density of vegetation. For example, urban forests would have more trees and shrubs. In Helsinki. PolAtt_Density_In my local green spaces;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Managing urban green spaces for increased density of vegetation. For example, urban forests would have more trees and shrubs. In my local green space. PolAtt_Intensity_In Helsinki;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Relaxing the intensity of management in urban green spaces. For example, mowing park lawns less frequently, not raking all the leaves from park lawns. In Helsinki. PolAtt_Intensity_In my local green spaces;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Relaxing the intensity of management in urban green spaces. For example, mowing park lawns less frequently, not raking all the leaves from park lawns. In my local green space. PolAtt_Maintain_In Helsinki;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Maintaining as much of the existing vegetation and native soils as possible during new urban development. For example, instead of surrounding newly built houses with built green spaces, to the extent it is possible, housing and infrastructure should be placed around existing vegetation. In Helsinki. PolAtt_Maintain_In my local green spaces;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Maintaining as much of the existing vegetation and native soils as possible during new urban development. For example, instead of surrounding newly built houses with built green spaces, to the extent it is possible, housing and infrastructure should be placed around existing vegetation. In my local green space. PolAtt_Offsetting_In Helsinki;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Compensating for lost carbon storages upon urban development. For example, a forest cut down in a specific location should be accompanied by tree planting elsewhere. In Helsinki. PolAtt_Offsetting_In my local green spaces;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Compensating for lost carbon storages upon urban development. For example, a forest cut down in a specific location should be accompanied by tree planting elsewhere. In my local green space. PolAtt_Infill_In Helsinki;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Prioritizing the development of new housing into already built-up areas rather than expanding them into existing green spaces. For example, existing low-density housing should be replaced by tall, dense housing. In Helsinki. PolAtt_Infill_In my local green spaces;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = strongly agree; 1 = agree; 2 = neutral; 3 = disagree; 4 = strongly disagree)";Prioritizing the development of new housing into already built-up areas rather than expanding them into existing green spaces. For example, existing low-density housing should be replaced by tall, dense housing. In my local green space. Access_Private yard or garden;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = < 1 time per year; 1 = 1-6 times per year; 2 = 2-3 times per month; 3 = Weekly 4 = Daily)";Which kinds of green spaces do you use? Please select the frequency of visits in the scale below. Access_Allotment garden or vegetable patch;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = < 1 time per year; 1 = 1-6 times per year; 2 = 2-3 times per month; 3 = Weekly 4 = Daily)";Which kinds of green spaces do you use? Please select the frequency of visits in the scale below. Access_Yard of garden owned by the apartment building I live in;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = < 1 time per year; 1 = 1-6 times per year; 2 = 2-3 times per month; 3 = Weekly 4 = Daily)";Which kinds of green spaces do you use? Please select the frequency of visits in the scale below. Access_Public green spaces, such as parks and playgrounds;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = < 1 time per year; 1 = 1-6 times per year; 2 = 2-3 times per month; 3 = Weekly 4 = Daily)";Which kinds of green spaces do you use? Please select the frequency of visits in the scale below. Access_Balconies or green roofs;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = < 1 time per year; 1 = 1-6 times per year; 2 = 2-3 times per month; 3 = Weekly 4 = Daily)";Which kinds of green spaces do you use? Please select the frequency of visits in the scale below. Access_Seashores, lakeside, riverside or other blue spaces;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = < 1 time per year; 1 = 1-6 times per year; 2 = 2-3 times per month; 3 = Weekly 4 = Daily)";Which kinds of green spaces do you use? Please select the frequency of visits in the scale below. Access_Forests and other areas of natural vegetation;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = < 1 time per year; 1 = 1-6 times per year; 2 = 2-3 times per month; 3 = Weekly 4 = Daily)";Which kinds of green spaces do you use? Please select the frequency of visits in the scale below. Survey_distribution_channel;Aspatial_survey;"Multiple choice (0 = I received an invitation to participate by mail; 1 = Through newspaper or other media; 2 = Through a local association; 3 = Through social media; 4 = Through a friend or colleague; 5 = Other)";How did you find out about this survey? Respondent ID;Spatial_Important;-;- Publication ID;Spatial_Important;-;- Submitted;Spatial_Important;-;- First Active;Spatial_Important;-;- Publication Consent;Spatial_Important;-;- Language;Spatial_Important;-;- Index;Spatial_Important;"0 = point mapped; 1 = 2nd point mapped; 2 = 3rd point mapped…";- Zoom;Spatial_Important;-;- wkt;Spatial_Important;mapping question;In this section, we would like to know about the green spaces in Helsinki that are most important to you personally. Place as many dots to the adjacent map as you want, and indicate why these places are important to you. Click on the “Important green spaces” button below, and pin it on the map. Note: Please make sure to zoom in enough to be able to place a pin. This will also help you mapping accurately. geojson;Spatial_Important;-;- SV_type;Spatial_Important;"Pop-up multiple choice (0 = Relaxation and restoration - This place has a relaxing, calm and pleasant atmosphere; 1 = Natural value - This place has urban wildlife and biodiversity; 2 = Wilderness - This place has a wild feeling to it; 3 = Aesthetic value - This place is beautiful and appealing; 4 = Walking - This place is good for taking a walk; 5 = Sports - This place is good for doing sports or exercise; 6 = Other outdoor activities - This place is good for foraging, hiking etc.; 7 = Social interaction - This place is good for meeting other people and socializing; 8 = Heritage value - This place is relevant for local history; 9 = Learning - This place is good for or enables learning; 10 = Spiritual - This place is spiritually important to me; 11 = Personal identity - I have a special bond with this place; 12 = Community identity - This place is of community importance)";Please select from the list below the primary reason why this green space is important for you. Respondent ID;Spatial_Unpleasant;-;- Publication ID;Spatial_Unpleasant;-;- Submitted;Spatial_Unpleasant;-;- First Active;Spatial_Unpleasant;-;- Publication Consent;Spatial_Unpleasant;-;- Language;Spatial_Unpleasant;-;- Index;Spatial_Unpleasant;"0 = point mapped; 1 = 2nd point mapped; 2 = 3rd point mapped…";- Zoom;Spatial_Unpleasant;-;- wkt;Spatial_Unpleasant;mapping question;Now we would like to know if there are any green spaces in Helsinki that you consider to be unpleasant. Please place as many dots to the adjacent map as you want, and shortly describe why these places are unpleasant. Click on the “Unpleasant green spaces” button below, and pin it on the map. Please make sure to zoom in enough to be able to place a pin. This will also help you mapping accurately. geojson;Spatial_Unpleasant;-;- Reasons_Unplesant;Spatial_Unpleasant;Open (pop-up after mapping);Why do you think so? Respondent ID;Spatial_Biodiversity;-;- Publication ID;Spatial_Biodiversity;-;- Submitted;Spatial_Biodiversity;-;- First Active;Spatial_Biodiversity;-;- Publication Consent;Spatial_Biodiversity;-;- Language;Spatial_Biodiversity;-;- Index;Spatial_Biodiversity;"0 = point mapped; 1 = 2nd point mapped; 2 = 3rd point mapped…";- Zoom;Spatial_Biodiversity;-;- wkt;Spatial_Biodiversity;mapping question;Now we would like to know where you consider biodiversity to be the high in the urban green spaces of Helsinki. Please place as many dots to the adjacent map as you want, and shortly describe why these places are high in biodiversity. Click on the “High biodiversity” button below, and pin it on the map. Please make sure to zoom in enough to be able to place a pin. This will also help you mapping accurately. geojson;Spatial_Biodiversity;-;- Reasons_Biodiversity;Spatial_Biodiversity;Open (pop-up after mapping);Why do you think so? Respondent ID;Spatial_Carbon;-;- Publication ID;Spatial_Carbon;-;- Submitted;Spatial_Carbon;-;- First Active;Spatial_Carbon;-;- Publication Consent;Spatial_Carbon;-;- Language;Spatial_Carbon;-;- Index;Spatial_Carbon;"0 = point mapped; 1 = 2nd point mapped; 2 = 3rd point mapped…";- Zoom;Spatial_Carbon;-;- wkt;Spatial_Carbon;mapping question;Finally, we would like to know where you consider carbon sequestration and storage to be high in the urban green spaces of Helsinki. Please place as many dots to the adjacent map as you want, and shortly describe why these places are high in carbon sequestration and storage. Click on the “High CSS” button below, and pin it on the map. Please make sure to zoom in enough to be able to place a pin. This will also help you mapping accurately. geojson;Spatial_Carbon;-;- Reasons_Carbon;Spatial_Carbon;Open (pop-up after mapping);Why do you think so?