;Lingua;Tipo/dominio;Subtipo/subdominio/temática;Frase;Literalidade;Fonte 1;GL;web;moda;Se o teu enderezo de entrega ten algunha restrición no envío, veralo no momento da compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/restrictions-h34.html 1;EN;web;moda;If there are any delivery restrictions on your address, you will see them at the time of purchase;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/restrictions-h34.html 2;GL;web;alimentacion;Queres sorprender os teus invitados con esta presentación? Aquí tes a explicación desta receita de lombo Selecta con deliciosos froitos vermellos;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/ 2;EN;web;alimentacion;Are you willing to surprise your guests with this presentation? Here is a delicious recipe featuring Selecta loin with red berries;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/ 3;GL;web;alimentacion;No momento no que finalizas a túa compra todo un equipo de profesionais ponse en marcha para ofrecerche sempre o mellor servizo;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 3;EN;web;alimentacion;As soon as you complete your purchase, a whole team of professionals gets to work to offer you the very best service;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 4;GL;web;moda;En Zara podes encontrar unha ampla gama de pezas de materiais naturais, artificiais e sintéticos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/materiais-h13.html 4;EN;web;moda;At Zara you can find a wide range of garments in natural, artificial and synthetic materials;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/materiais-h13.html 5;GL;web;moda;Traballamos con programas de seguimento que nos axudan a garantir a calidade e seguridade das nosas pezas e a reducir o seu impacto ambiental;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/materiais-h13.html 5;EN;web;moda;We work with monitoring programmes that help us to guarantee the quality and safety of our garments and reduce their environmental impact;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/materiais-h13.html 6;GL;web;turismo;Existen distintas rutas para peregrinar a Santiago;alta;http://catedraldesantiago.es/gl/peregrinacion/#caminho 6;EN;web;turismo;There are different pilgrimage routes to Santiago;alta;http://catedraldesantiago.es/en/pilgrimage/#way 7;GL;web;turismo;O Camiño de Santiago non é un fin en sí mesmo, senón un medio para chegar á meta: a Tumba de Santiago;alta;http://catedraldesantiago.es/gl/peregrinacion/#caminho 7;EN;web;turismo;The Way of Saint James is not an end in itself, but a means of arriving at the destination: the Tomb of Saint James;alta;http://catedraldesantiago.es/en/pilgrimage/#way 8;GL;web;turismo;Porén, podemos dicir que existen rutas destacadas e tradicionais que concentran a afluencia de peregrinos;alta;http://catedraldesantiago.es/gl/peregrinacion/#caminho 8;EN;web;turismo;However, it can be said that there are several major and traditional routes that receive the greatest flow of pilgrims;alta;http://catedraldesantiago.es/en/pilgrimage/#way 9;GL;web;moda;Dispoñemos dos seguintes medios de pagamento;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-pagamento-h26.html 9;EN;web;moda;We offer the following payment methods;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/payment-methods-h26.html 10;GL;web;moda;Para o pagamento con tarxeta regalo podes obter máis información na sección Tarxeta Regalo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-pagamento-h26.html 10;EN;web;moda;For payment using a gift card, you can find more information on Gift Card section;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/payment-methods-h26.html 11;GL;web;moda;Algunhas entidades bancarias poden mostrar unha preautorización e un cargo real posterior;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/momento-do-cobramento-h27.html 11;EN;web;moda;Some banks may show both a pre-authorisation and the actual subsequent charge;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/time-of-payment-h27.html 12;GL;web;moda;Este importe desbloquearase de forma automática;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/momento-do-cobramento-h27.html 12;EN;web;moda;This amount will be automatically released;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/time-of-payment-h27.html 13;GL;web;moda;En colaboración con organizacións sen ánimo de lucro locais, recuperamos as pezas que xa non se utilizan e dámoslles unha segunda vida;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h60.html 13;EN;web;moda;In collaboration with local non-profit organisations, we recover garments that are no longer used and give them a second life;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/general-information-h60.html 14;GL;web;moda;Podo depositar pezas que non estean en perfecto estado?;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-doaz%C3%B3n-h64.html 14;EN;web;moda;Can I donate clothes that are not in perfect condition?;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/artigos-doaz%C3%B3n-h64.html 15;GL;literatura;prosa;As persoas maiores aconselláronme que deixase os debuxos de serpes boa;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 15;EN;literatura;prosa;The grown-ups' response, this time, was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 16;GL;literatura;prosa;Foi deste xeito como abandonei, ós seis anos de idade, unha magnífica carreira de pintor;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 16;EN;literatura;prosa;That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a magnificent career as a painter;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 17;GL;literatura;prosa;As persoas maiores nunca comprenden nada por si soas e é fastidioso para os nenos terlles que andar dando sempre explicacións;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 17;EN;literatura;prosa;Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 18;GL;literatura;prosa;Quería saber se se trataba dunha persoa verdadeiramente comprensiva;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 18;EN;literatura;prosa;I would try to find out, so, if this was a person of true understanding;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 19;GL;literatura;prosa;Peguei un brinco como se me ferise un raio, restreguei os ollos, mirei ben arredor de min e vin un rapaciño extraordinario que me ollaba gravemente;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 19;EN;literatura;prosa;I jumped to my feet, completely thunderstruck. I blinked my eyes hard. I looked carefully all around me. And I saw a most extraordinary small person, who stood there examining me with great seriousness;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 20;GL;literatura;prosa;Contemplei esta aparición cos ollos redondos polo abraio;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 20;EN;literatura;prosa;Now I stared at this sudden apparition with my eyes fairly starting out of my head in astonishment;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 21;GL;literatura;prosa;Ademais o rapaciño non me parecía perdido, nin morto de cansazo, nin morto de fame, nin morto de sede, nin morto de medo;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 21;EN;literatura;prosa;And yet my little man seemed neither to be straying uncertainly among the sands, nor to be fainting from fatigue or hunger or thirst or fear;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 22;GL;literatura;prosa;Cunha gran sorpresa para min, o rostro do meu xove xuíz iluminouse;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 22;EN;literatura;prosa;I was very surprised to see a light break over the face of my young judge;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 23;GL;literatura;prosa;E o principiño soltou unha gargallada que me molestou moito;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 23;EN;literatura;prosa;And the little prince broke into a lovely peal of laughter, which irritated me very much;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 24;GL;literatura;prosa;De repente, un cachiño de luz iluminoume o misterio da súa presencia, e pregunteille bruscamente;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 24;EN;literatura;prosa;"At that moment I caught a gleam of light in the impenetrable mystery of his presence; and I demanded, abruptly";baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 25;GL;literatura;prosa;Meneaba a cabeza con dozura, ollando detidamente o meu avión;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 25;EN;literatura;prosa;He tossed his head gently, without taking his eyes from my plane;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 26;GL;literatura;prosa;E fundiuse nun soño que durou moito tempo;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 26;EN;literatura;prosa;And he sank into a reverie, which lasted a long time;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 27;GL;literatura;prosa;Despois de meditar un intre en silencio, respondeume;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 27;EN;literatura;prosa;After a reflective silence he answered;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 28;GL;literatura;prosa;O mellor da caixa que me deches é que, pola noite, lle servirá de casa;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 28;EN;literatura;prosa;The thing that is so good about the box you have given me is that at night he can use it as his house;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 29;GL;literatura;prosa;E se es bo, dareiche tamén unha corda e unha estaquiña para que o teñas atado polo día;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 29;EN;literatura;prosa;And if you are good I will give you a string, too, so that you can tie him during the day, and a post to tie him to;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 30;GL;literatura;prosa;E con certa melancolía, quizais, engadiu;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 30;EN;literatura;prosa;And, with perhaps a hint of sadness, he added;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 31;GL;literatura;prosa;Cando lles falades dun novo amigo, nunca vos preguntan nada esencial del;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 31;EN;literatura;prosa;When you tell them that you have made a new friend, they never ask you any questions about essential matters;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 32;GL;literatura;prosa;"A proba de que o principiño existiu, é que se trataba dun ser engaiolante, que ría e que quería un año; e o feito de querer un año, é unha proba de que existe";baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 32;EN;literatura;prosa;The proof that the little prince existed is that he was charming, that he laughed, and that he was looking for a sheep. If anybody wants a sheep, that is a proof that he exists;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 33;GL;literatura;prosa;Sinto unha pena fonda ó contar estas lembranzas;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 33;EN;literatura;prosa;I have suffered too much grief in setting down these memories;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 34;GL;literatura;prosa;En fin, heime trabucar nalgúns detalles importantes;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 34;EN;literatura;prosa;In certain more important details I shall make mistakes, also;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 35;GL;literatura;prosa;Díxenlle ó principiño que os baobabs non son arbustos, senón árbores tan grandes como igrexas;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 35;EN;literatura;prosa;I pointed out to the little prince that baobabs were not little bushes, but, on the contrary, trees as big as castles;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 36;GL;literatura;prosa;Bruscamente e sen preámbulos, como se fose o froito dun problema longamente meditado en silencio, preguntoume;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 36;EN;literatura;prosa;Abruptly, without anything to lead up to it, and as if the question had been born of long and silent meditation on his problem, he demanded;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 37;GL;literatura;prosa;As espiñas non serven para nada;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 37;EN;literatura;prosa;The thorns are of no use at all;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 38;GL;literatura;prosa;As flores téñenas por pura maldade;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 38;EN;literatura;prosa;Flowers have thorns just for spite;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 39;GL;literatura;prosa;Se este perno segue resistindo, vouno facer saltar dun martelazo;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 39;EN;literatura;prosa;If this bolt still won't turn, I am going to knock it out with the hammer;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 40;GL;literatura;prosa;Estou ocupado en cousas serias;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 40;EN;literatura;prosa;I am very busy with matters of consequence;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 41;GL;literatura;prosa;Miroume pampo;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 41;EN;literatura;prosa;He stared at me, thunderstruck;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 42;GL;literatura;prosa;Ti confúndelo todo, misturas todo;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 42;EN;literatura;prosa;You mix everything up together, you confuse everything;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 43;GL;literatura;prosa;Coñezo un planeta onde vive un señor moi colorado;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 43;EN;literatura;prosa;I know a planet where there is a certain red-faced gentleman;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 44;GL;literatura;prosa;Na súa vida fixo outra cousa que non fosen sumas;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 44;EN;literatura;prosa;He has never done anything in his life but add up figures;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 45;GL;literatura;prosa;Parece que isto infla o seu orgullo;alta;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 45;EN;literatura;prosa;And that makes him swell up with pride;alta;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 46;GL;literatura;prosa;O principiño estaba pálido de cólera;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 46;EN;literatura;prosa;The little prince was now white with rage;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 47;GL;literatura;prosa;Aparecían unha mañá entre a herba e apagábanse xa á tardiña;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 47;EN;literatura;prosa;One morning they would appear in the grass, and by night they would have faded peacefully away;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 48;GL;literatura;prosa;Pero aquela xermolara un día, dun gran chegado quen sabe de onde;baixa;O Principiño, de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 48;EN;literatura;prosa;But one day, from a seed blown from no one knew where, a new flower had come up;baixa;The Little Prince, translated from French by Katherine Woods 49;GL;web;alimentacion;O custo depende do día e a franxa horaria á que queres que che sirvamos;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 49;EN;web;alimentacion;The cost depends on the day and time slot you choose for your order delivery;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 50;GL;web;alimentacion;Pero lembra que a entrega da túa compra online é gratis se o teu pedido supera os 140 euros;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 50;EN;web;alimentacion;Please remember that the delivery of your online purchase is free of charge if your order exceeds 140 euros;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 51;GL;literatura;poesia;Errante vagaría;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 51;EN;literatura;poesia;It might a pilgrim be;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 52;GL;literatura;poesia;Se eu non a arrincase;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 52;EN;literatura;poesia;Did I not take it from the ways;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 53;GL;literatura;poesia;Ofrecida para ti;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 53;EN;literatura;poesia;And lift it up to thee;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 54;GL;literatura;poesia;Só unha abella ha ter saudade;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 54;EN;literatura;poesia;Only a bee will miss it;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 55;GL;literatura;poesia;A voar desde moi lonxe;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 55;EN;literatura;poesia;Hastening from far journey;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 56;GL;literatura;poesia;Por deitarse no seu peito;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 56;EN;literatura;poesia;On it's breast to lie;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 57;GL;literatura;poesia;Baixo a árbore durmiu;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 57;EN;literatura;poesia;She slept beneath a tree;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 58;GL;literatura;poesia;Puxo as galas cor carmín;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 58;EN;literatura;poesia;Put on her carmine suit;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 59;GL;literatura;poesia;En tardes coma esta ela ergueuse;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 59;EN;literatura;poesia;Noons like these, she rose;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 60;GL;literatura;poesia;Primeiro insegura, logo máis firme;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 60;EN;literatura;poesia;Fluttering first, then firmer;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 61;GL;literatura;poesia;Xamais o musitou;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 61;EN;literatura;poesia;Never did she lisp it;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 62;GL;literatura;poesia;E xa próximo o serán;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 62;EN;literatura;poesia;Till the evening nearing;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 63;GL;literatura;poesia;Axiña un bulir máis forte;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 63;EN;literatura;poesia;Quick a sharper rustling;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 64;GL;literatura;poesia;E a alauda que voou;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 64;EN;literatura;poesia;And this linnet flew;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 65;GL;literatura;poesia;A xenciana trenza os seus flocos;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 65;EN;literatura;poesia;The gentian weaves her fringes;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 66;GL;literatura;poesia;A urdime do pradairo é vermella;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 66;EN;literatura;poesia;The maple's loom is red;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 67;GL;literatura;poesia;Unha breve paciente doenza;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 67;EN;literatura;poesia;A brief, but patient illnes;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 68;GL;literatura;poesia;Esta mañá marchou cos anxos;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 68;EN;literatura;poesia;This morning is were the angels are;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 69;GL;literatura;poesia;O paporrubio estaba alí;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 69;EN;literatura;poesia;The bobolink was there;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 70;GL;literatura;poesia;Confiamos en que ela quixese;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 70;EN;literatura;poesia;We trust that she was willing;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 71;GL;literatura;poesia;Se o meu baixel esgareceu;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 71;EN;literatura;poesia;Whether my bark went down at sea;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 72;GL;literatura;poesia;En que místico ancorar está prendido agora;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 72;EN;literatura;poesia;By what mystic mooring she is held today;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 73;GL;literatura;poesia;Aínda non llo dixen ao xardín;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 73;EN;literatura;poesia;I haven’t told my garden yet;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 74;GL;literatura;poesia;Non vaia ser que me venza;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 74;EN;literatura;poesia;Lest that should conquer me;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 75;GL;literatura;poesia;Agora non reúno as forzas para llo contar á abella;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 75;EN;literatura;poesia;I haven’t quite the strenght now to break it to the bee;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 76;GL;literatura;poesia;Que unha tan coitada, tan temesiña, tivese cara de ir morrer;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 76;EN;literatura;poesia;That one so shy, so ignorant, would have the face to die;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 77;GL;literatura;poesia;Que non o saiban os outeiros, lugares que eu andei;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 77;EN;literatura;poesia;The hillsides must not know it, where I have rambled so;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 78;GL;literatura;poesia;Tampouco amantes fragas, o día en que eu partir;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 78;EN;literatura;poesia;Nor tell the loving forests the day that I shall go;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 79;GL;literatura;poesia;Nin bisbalo xunto á mesa;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 79;EN;literatura;poesia;Nor lisp it at the table;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 80;GL;literatura;poesia;Alguén hoxe se ha adentrar;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 80;EN;literatura;poesia;One will walk today;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 81;GL;literatura;poesia;A roda está no escuro;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 81;EN;literatura;poesia;My wheel is in the dark;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 82;GL;literatura;poesia;Non podo ver un raio que os seus pés mollados non paran de virar;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 82;EN;literatura;poesia;I cannot see a spoke yet know it's dripping feet go round and round;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 83;GL;literatura;poesia;O meu pé vai na marea;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 83;EN;literatura;poesia;My foot is on the tide;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 84;GL;literatura;poesia;Un camiño sen andar que as estradas todas gardan unha roza no final;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 84;EN;literatura;poesia;An unfrequented road yet have all roads a clearing at the end;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 85;GL;literatura;poesia;Algúns no sepulcro bulicioso aínda teñen que facer;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 85;EN;literatura;poesia;Some in the busy tomb find quaint employ;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 86;GL;literatura;poesia;Algúns con pés recentes, maxestosos, pasan como reis pola cancela a guindaren o problema cara a ti e cara a min;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 86;EN;literatura;poesia;Some with new, stately feet, pass royal through the gate flinging the problem back at you and I;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 87;GL;literatura;poesia;Habemos esquecelo ti e máis eu á noite;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 87;EN;literatura;poesia;We will forget him you and I tonight;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 88;GL;literatura;poesia;Cando o teñas feito dimo, por favor, que axiña hei comezar;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 88;EN;literatura;poesia;When you have done, pray tell me, that I may straight begin;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 89;GL;literatura;poesia;Non sexa que demores e eu me lembre del;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 89;EN;literatura;poesia;Lest while you're lagging I remember him;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 90;GL;literatura;poesia;Tan próxima a sentín que houben de tocala;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 90;EN;literatura;poesia;Within my reach I could have touched;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 91;GL;literatura;poesia;Xa tarde para os dedos arelantes;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 91;EN;literatura;poesia;Too late for striving fingers;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 92;GL;literatura;poesia;Soportouno ata trazaren as veas o azul na súa man;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 92;EN;literatura;poesia;She bore it till the simple veins traced azure on her hand;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 93;GL;literatura;poesia;Os narcisos xurdiron e murcharon nin sei cantas veces;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 93;EN;literatura;poesia;The daffodils had come and gone I cannot tell the sum;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 94;GL;literatura;poesia;Nunca máis a súa figura paciente no solpor morno hei encontrar;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 94;EN;literatura;poesia;No more her patient figure at twilight soft to meet;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 95;GL;literatura;poesia;A auga apréndese con sede;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 95;EN;literatura;poesia;Water, is taught by thirst;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 96;GL;literatura;poesia;A paz polo relato das batallas;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 96;EN;literatura;poesia;Peace by it's battles told;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 97;GL;literatura;poesia;O amor polo mofo dos anos;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 97;EN;literatura;poesia;Love by memorial mold;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 98;GL;literatura;poesia;Que pousada é esta na que, a pasar a noite, chega o viaxeiro peculiar?;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 98;EN;literatura;poesia;What inn is this where for the night peculiar traveller comes?;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 99;GL;literatura;poesia;Quen son os de aí embaixo?;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 99;EN;literatura;poesia;Who are those below?;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 100;GL;literatura;poesia;Tense o triunfo por máis doce naqueles que xamais triunfaron;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 100;EN;literatura;poesia;Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 101;GL;web;alimentacion;Coren ofrece unha ampla gama de produtos curados cunha gran variedade de referencias para adaptarse ós gustos do consumidor;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/promocions/ 101;EN;web;alimentacion;Coren offers a wide range of cured products with a large variety of references to the liking of its customers;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/promotions/ 102;GL;web;alimentacion;Unha perfecta combinación das materias primas das nosas granxas con suaves marinados adaptados ás características de cada tipo de carne, que realzan a súa substancialidade natural.;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/promocions/ 102;EN;web;alimentacion;A perfect combination of our farms raw materials with soft marinated that is adapted to the characteristics of each kind of meat and enhance its natural of juiciness;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/promotions/ 103;GL;web;alimentacion;Ofrecer produtos da máxima calidade foi o obxecto do noso traballo en Coren desde o seu nacemento hai xa máis de 50 anos;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/conecenos/quenes-somos/#presentacion 103;EN;web;alimentacion;Offering products with the highest quality has been the purpose of our work in Coren since its appearance over 50 years ago;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/meet-us/about-us/ 104;GL;web;alimentacion;Os nosos animais críanse en condicións de máximo benestar e avogamos tamén por unha produción agrogandeira sostible;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/conecenos/quenes-somos/#presentacion 104;EN;web;alimentacion;Our animals are bred in the highest welfare conditions and we defend a sustainable agro-farming production;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/meet-us/about-us/ 105;GL;web;alimentacion;Enche este formulario coa túa consulta e porémonos en contacto contigo coa maior brevidade posible;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/contacto/ 105;EN;web;alimentacion;Fill in this form with your enquiry and we will contact you within the shortest delay possible;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/contact/ 106;GL;web;alimentacion;Verterase a salsa sobre a pasta e remexerase todo ben ata que o prebe impregne toda a pasta;baixa;https://www.coren.es/gl/receitas/fettuccine-con-polo-de-curral-en-salsa-alfredo/ 106;EN;web;alimentacion;Pour the sauce over the pasta and toss thoroughly to make sure the pasta is impregnated by the sauce;baixa;https://www.coren.es/en/recipes/fettuccine-with-free-range-chicken-and-alfredo-sauce/ 107;GL;web;alimentacion;Pódense servir os fettuccine de polo con salsa Alfredo nunha fonte un pouco fonda e decorar cunhas ramas de pirixel;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/receitas/fettuccine-con-polo-de-curral-en-salsa-alfredo/ 107;EN;web;alimentacion;You can serve the fettuccine with chicken and Alfredo sauce in a deep platter and use parsley branches to decorate;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/recipes/fettuccine-with-free-range-chicken-and-alfredo-sauce/ 108;GL;web;alimentacion;Comezarase quitando os restos de plumas, se os hai;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/receitas/pularda-do-convento-asada-con-patacas-baby-e-uvas/ 108;EN;web;alimentacion;Start by removing the remains of feathers if any;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/recipes/roasted-convent-poularde-with-baby-potatoes-and-grapes/ 109;GL;web;alimentacion;Porase a pola nunha bandexa e botaráselle sal e pementa por dentro e por fóra;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/receitas/pularda-do-convento-asada-con-patacas-baby-e-uvas/ 109;EN;web;alimentacion;Place the poularde on a tray and add salt and pepper inside and outside;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/recipes/roasted-convent-poularde-with-baby-potatoes-and-grapes/ 110;GL;web;alimentacion;Pódese empregar o viño e o zume da pola como caldo;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/receitas/pularda-do-convento-asada-con-patacas-baby-e-uvas/ 110;EN;web;alimentacion;You can use the wine and the poularde's juice as broth;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/recipes/roasted-convent-poularde-with-baby-potatoes-and-grapes/ 111;GL;web;alimentacion;O primeiro que debemos ter en conta é que tanto o lacón como a cachucha deberán estar en remollo durante un día e medio antes de facer o cocido;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/receitas/cocido-galego/ 111;EN;web;alimentacion;The first thing to bear in mind is that both the shoulder and the head need to be left to soak for a day and a half before making the stew;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/recipes/galician-stew/ 112;GL;web;alimentacion;Faremos o mesmo cos garavanzos;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/receitas/cocido-galego/ 112;EN;web;alimentacion;The same thing has to be done with the chickpeas;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/recipes/galician-stew/ 113;GL;web;alimentacion;Deixaremos que coza todo durante un par de horas aproximadamente e salgaremos cando leve unha hora no lume;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/receitas/cocido-galego/ 113;EN;web;alimentacion;Leave everything boiling for a couple of hours approximately and add salt after one hour cooking;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/recipes/galician-stew/ 114;GL;web;alimentacion;E xa estamos listos para este manxar;baixa;https://www.coren.es/gl/receitas/cocido-galego/ 114;EN;web;alimentacion;And now you will be ready for this feast;baixa;https://www.coren.es/en/recipes/galician-stew/ 115;GL;web;alimentacion;fomos pioneiros na recuperación da crianza tradicional en condicións de máximo benestar;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/polo-de-curral/ 115;EN;web;alimentacion;We have pioneered in the recovering of the traditional breeding in the maximum welfare conditions;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/free-range-chicken/ 116;GL;web;alimentacion;Comeza a tempada dos pratos de culler;baixa;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/polo-de-curral/ 116;EN;web;alimentacion;The soups and broths season is back again;baixa;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/free-range-chicken/ 117;GL;web;alimentacion;Hoxe traemos esta deliciosa proposta de fabas con polo de curral;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/polo-de-curral/ 117;EN;web;alimentacion;Here is a delicious proposal: beans with free-range chicken;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/free-range-chicken/ 118;GL;web;alimentacion;Unha decena de ovos con todo o sabor campeiro de Coren para as grandes ocasións;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/ovos-de-curral/ 118;EN;web;alimentacion;Ten eggs with all the free-range Coren flavour for special occasions;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/free-range-eggs/ 119;GL;web;alimentacion;Para os que desexen apreciar o pracer dunha gran xema co sabor dos ovos de antes;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/ovos-de-curral/ 119;EN;web;alimentacion;For those who want to appreciate the pleasure of a big yolk with the flavour of traditional eggs;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/free-range-eggs/ 120;GL;web;alimentacion;O mellor sabor dun ovo da casa que te axuda a combater os efectos do envellecemento;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/ovos-de-curral/ 120;EN;web;alimentacion;The best flavour of a home egg that helps you fight against ageing effects;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/free-range-eggs/ 121;GL;web;alimentacion;Media ducia de ovos procedentes de galiñas criadas en liberdade;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/ovos-de-curral/ 121;EN;web;alimentacion;Half a dozen eggs coming from chickens bred in liberty;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/free-range-eggs/ 122;GL;web;alimentacion;Os porcos Selecta nacen e desenvólvense en Galicia cunha crianza tradicional;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/porco-selecta/ 122;EN;web;alimentacion;Selecta pigs are born and raised in Galicia following a traditional breeding;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/selecta/ 123;GL;web;alimentacion;Que favorece a infiltración de graxa cunha elevada porcentaxe de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/porco-selecta/ 123;EN;web;alimentacion;That favours fat infiltration with a high percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/selecta/ 124;GL;web;alimentacion;A ampla variedade de carnes de Porco Selecta Coren convérteno nun produto moi versátil;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/porco-selecta/ 124;EN;web;alimentacion;The wide variety of Coren Selecta Pork meat turns it into a very versatile product;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/selecta/ 125;GL;web;alimentacion;Destas excelentes carnes proceden os exclusivos embutidos e xamóns serranos Selecta avalados polo prestixio do selo Galicia Calidade;baixa;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/porco-selecta/ 125;EN;web;alimentacion;The exclusive cold meats and Selecta Serrano hams are the result of this excellent meats guaranteed by the prestige granted by the Galicia Calidade seal;baixa;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/selecta/ 126;GL;web;alimentacion;É a carne que procede dos tenreiros que se crían en explotacións tradicionais ligadas ao medio con vacas nai de aptitude cárnica;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/ternera-gallega/ 126;EN;web;alimentacion;This is the meat coming from those calves bred in traditional environmentally-linked farms accompanied by meat breed mother cows;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/ternera-gallega/ 127;GL;web;alimentacion;É a carne que procede dos tenreiros que se crían en explotacións e cebadeiros de carácter familiar;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/ternera-gallega/ 127;EN;web;alimentacion;It is the meat coming from those calves bred in family farms and feedlots;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/ternera-gallega/ 128;GL;web;alimentacion;Os tenreiros destétanse a distintas idades e a súa alimentación baséase nas forraxes e nos concentrados vexetais;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/ternera-gallega/ 128;EN;web;alimentacion;Calves are weaned at different ages and their diet is based on fodder and vegetable extracts;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/ternera-gallega/ 129;GL;web;alimentacion;Estamos ante un produto agroalimentario con tradición e historia;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/nosos-productos/ternera-gallega/ 129;EN;web;alimentacion;This is an agro-food product of long tradition and history;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/our-products/ternera-gallega/ 130;GL;web;alimentacion;Acepto que Coren me envíe comunicacións comerciais e que ceda os meus datos a outras entidades do Grupo Comercial Coren para que os use co mesmo propósito;alta;https://www.coren.es/gl/contacto/ 130;EN;web;alimentacion;I agree that Coren can send me commercial communications and submit my personal data to other Commercial Coren Group entities to use them for the same purpose;alta;https://www.coren.es/en/contact/ 131;GL;web;turismo;Se non tes pechados uns días concretos para a túa escapada e tes flexibilidade de datas, compara os prezos dos diferentes días para atopar o máis barato;baixa;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/busca-o-teu-voo 131;EN;web;turismo;If you haven't decided exactly when you want to travel and you are flexible with dates, compare the prices of several days to find the cheapest;baixa;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/find-your-flight 132;GL;web;turismo;Presta atención ás ofertas de voos que lanzamos e non deixes que che escapen;baixa;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/busca-o-teu-voo 132;EN;web;turismo;Pay attention and don't miss our flight deals;baixa;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/find-your-flight 133;GL;web;turismo;Non adoita ser verdade iso de que a última hora os prezos baixan;baixa;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/busca-o-teu-voo 133;EN;web;turismo;It's not always true that prices go down at the last minute;baixa;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/find-your-flight 134;GL;web;turismo;As nosas ofertas adoitan ter unhas datas de compra concretas e as prazas son limitadas, así que deberás darte présa;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/busca-o-teu-voo 134;EN;web;turismo;They usually have specific purchase dates and seats are limited, so you’ll need to hurry;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/find-your-flight 135;GL;web;turismo;É máis doado que atopes voos baratos se viaxas en temporada baixa, concretamente no outono e despois do Nadal;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/busca-o-teu-voo 135;EN;web;turismo;It will always be easier to find cheap flights if you fly off-season, especially in autumn and after Christmas;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/find-your-flight 136;GL;web;turismo;Se podes escapar nesas datas, aínda mellor;baixa;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/busca-o-teu-voo 136;EN;web;turismo;So make the most of it if you're able to get away then;baixa;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/find-your-flight 137;GL;web;turismo;Sempre que poidas, tenta voar ó mediodía, de luns a xoves;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/busca-o-teu-voo 137;EN;web;turismo;Whenever possible, try to fly at midday, from Monday to Thursday;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/find-your-flight 138;GL;web;turismo;Así é máis doado que atopes ofertas e voos baratos, e ademais aforrarás as aglomeracións nos aeroportos;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/busca-o-teu-voo 138;EN;web;turismo;It's easier to find offers and cheap flights then, and you'll also avoid busy times at the airport;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/find-your-flight 139;GL;web;turismo;Se cres que vas precisar levar unha maleta facturada, contrátaa online durante o proceso de reserva, ou no momento do check-in;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/busca-o-teu-voo 139;EN;web;turismo;If you think you're going to need a checked bag, book it online while you're booking your flight, or when you check in;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/find-your-flight 140;GL;web;turismo;Pecha os ollos, pensa en cal queres que sexa a túa próxima escapada;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/calendario-de-prezos 140;EN;web;turismo;Close your eyes and think about where you'd like to go for your next break;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/price-calendar 141;GL;web;turismo;Amosámosche nun calendario todos os nosos prezos, para que elixas facilmente;baixa;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/calendario-de-prezos 141;EN;web;turismo;To help you choose, we'll show you a calendar with all our prices;baixa;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/price-calendar 142;GL;web;turismo;Elixe o teu voo e prepara as maletas porque marchamos;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/calendario-de-prezos 142;EN;web;turismo;Choose your flight and pack your bags because we're off;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/price-calendar 143;GL;web;turismo;O crédito de voo é un peto virtual onde poderás gardar o importe dun voo cancelado para usalo en futuras reservas;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/credito-de-voo/ 143;EN;web;turismo;Flight credit is like a virtual moneybox where you can keep the money you get back from cancelled bookings, so you can use it to book again in the future;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/flight-credit/ 144;GL;web;turismo;Utilízao para voar a onde queiras, cando queiras, para ti ou para outra persoa.;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/credito-de-voo/ 144;EN;web;turismo;You can use it to fly wherever you want, whenever you want, for yourself or for someone else;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/flight-credit/ 145;GL;web;turismo;Unha vez que completes os datos solicitados poderás ver o saldo do que dispós;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/credito-de-voo/ 145;EN;web;turismo;Once you fill in the details you will be able to see your current balance;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/flight-credit/ 146;GL;web;turismo;Se o importe?da reserva?é inferior ao?crédito?do que dispós, a diferenza gardarase para futuras reservas;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/credito-de-voo/ 146;EN;web;turismo;If the price of the booking is lower than your credit balance,?the difference will be saved for future bookings;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/flight-credit/ 147;GL;web;turismo;No caso de que?o importe total da reserva?sexa?superior?ao importe do que dispós, poderás aboar a diferenza mediante tarxeta de crédito;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/credito-de-voo/ 147;EN;web;turismo;If the total price of the booking is higher than your credit balance, you can pay the difference by card;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/flight-credit/ 148;GL;web;turismo;"Podes consultar a validez do crédito de voo na ventá ""Consulta o teu Crédito"" que atoparás na parte inferior dereita desta páxina";alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/credito-de-voo/ 148;EN;web;turismo;"You can check your flight credit validity period in the ""Check your Credit"" window that you will find in the bottom right-hand corner of this page";alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/flight-credit/ 149;GL;web;turismo;Lembra que o período de validez do teu crédito de voo indica as datas nas que podes realizar unha nova reserva con el, independentemente de cando decidas voar;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/credito-de-voo/ 149;EN;web;turismo;Remember that the flight credit validity period shows the dates you can book again using the credit, regardless of when you decide to fly;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/flight-credit/ 150;GL;web;turismo;Para ver o saldo e a caducidade do teu crédito de voo, así como para utilizalo, cómpre que teñas o código da reserva que cancelaches;alta;https://www.vueling.com/gl/reserva-o-teu-voo/credito-de-voo/ 150;EN;web;turismo;To view the balance and the expiry date of your flight credit, and to use the credit, you'll need the code of the booking you cancelled;alta;https://www.vueling.com/en/book-your-flight/flight-credit/ 151;GL;literatura;poesia;Para gorentar un néctar é precisa unha carencia;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 151;EN;literatura;poesia;To comprehend a nectar requires sorest need;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 152;GL;literatura;poesia;Ningún destes soldados que hoxe ergueron a bandeira pode darlle co sentido máis claro da vitoria;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 152;EN;literatura;poesia;Not one of all the purple host who took the flag today can tell the definition so clear of victory;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 153;GL;literatura;poesia;Agora volven as aves;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 153;EN;literatura;poesia;These are the days when birds come back;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 154;GL;literatura;poesia;A min a túa plausibilidade case me induce a crer;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 154;EN;literatura;poesia;Almost thy plausibility induces my belief;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 155;GL;literatura;poesia;A salvo nas súas cámaras de alabastro;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 155;EN;literatura;poesia;Safe in their alabaster chambers;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 156;GL;literatura;poesia;Sen o roce da mañá;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 156;EN;literatura;poesia;Untouched by morning;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 157;GL;literatura;poesia;Dormen os submisos membros da Resurrección;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 157;EN;literatura;poesia;Sleep the meek members of the Resurrection;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 158;GL;literatura;poesia;Grandiosos van os anos no ceo que os encobre;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 158;EN;literatura;poesia;Grand go the years in the crescent above them;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 159;GL;literatura;poesia;Achego un viño raro para os labios resecados xunto aos meus;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 159;EN;literatura;poesia;I bring an unaccustomed wine to lips long parching next to mine;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 160;GL;literatura;poesia;Viro os ollos asolados;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 160;EN;literatura;poesia;I turn my brimming eyes away;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 161;GL;literatura;poesia;As mans aínda prenden o cálice pousón;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 161;EN;literatura;poesia;The hands still hug the tardy glass;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 162;GL;literatura;poesia;Algún outro resequido alguén me mostraría de ser quen de falar;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 162;EN;literatura;poesia;Some other thirsty there may be to whom this would have pointed me had it remained to speak;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 163;GL;literatura;poesia;Pra os cativos, para min;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 163;EN;literatura;poesia;Unto the little, unto me;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 164;GL;literatura;poesia;Houben perderme e fun salvada;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 164;EN;literatura;poesia;Just lost, when I was saved;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 165;GL;literatura;poesia;Sentín o mundo virar á miña beira;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 165;EN;literatura;poesia;Just felt the world go by;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 166;GL;literatura;poesia;Houben prepararme para o voo da eternidade mais o alento volveu e no outro lado escoitei o devalo da marea defraudada;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 166;EN;literatura;poesia;Just girt me for the onset with eternity when breath blew back and on the other side I heard recede the disappointed tide;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 167;GL;literatura;poesia;Por iso, como unha que volveu, quixera contar segredos sen par sobre a fronteira;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 167;EN;literatura;poesia;Therefore, as one returned, I feel, odd secrets of the line to tell;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 168;GL;literatura;poesia;Se a campaíña abrise os seus sépalos á abella namorada sería venerada tanto coma outrora?;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 168;EN;literatura;poesia;Did the harebell loose her girdle to the lover bee, would the bee the harebell hallow much as formerly?;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 169;GL;literatura;poesia;Nunca sinto falar na fuxida sen un latexo apurado;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 169;EN;literatura;poesia;I never hear the word escape without a quicker blood;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 170;GL;literatura;poesia;Un aceno de voar;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 170;EN;literatura;poesia;A flying attitude;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 171;GL;literatura;poesia;Era un barco pequeniño a brincar pola baía;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 171;EN;literatura;poesia;It was such a little little boat that toddled down the bay;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 172;GL;literatura;poesia;Era un mar aposto e cortés que en acenos o levou;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 172;EN;literatura;poesia;It was a gallant gallant sea that beckoned it away;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 173;GL;literatura;poesia;Foi tan ávida unha onda que o arrincou do litoral;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 173;EN;literatura;poesia;It was such a greedy, greedy wave that licked it from the coast;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 174;GL;literatura;poesia;Deberán ter coidado coa faca os cirurxiáns;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 174;EN;literatura;poesia;Surgeons must be very careful when they take the knife;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 175;GL;literatura;poesia;Por debaixo dos seus cortes axítase culpable a vida;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 175;EN;literatura;poesia;Underneath their fine incisions stirs the culprit life;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 176;GL;literatura;poesia;E cando o camiño dourado rematou senta tímida aos seus pés;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 176;EN;literatura;poesia;And when his golden walk is done sits shily at his feet;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 177;GL;literatura;poesia;El, a espertar, encontra a flor aí;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 177;EN;literatura;poesia;He, waking, finds the flower there;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 178;GL;literatura;poesia;Nós somos flor, e vós, o sol;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 178;EN;literatura;poesia;We are the flower, thou the sun;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 179;GL;literatura;poesia;Perdóenos se no solpor furtivas nos achegamos a vós;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 179;EN;literatura;poesia;Forgive us, if as days decline, we nearer steal to thee;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 180;GL;literatura;poesia;Aprendermos o rapto pola dor como os cegos aprenden o sol;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 180;EN;literatura;poesia;To learn the transport by the pain as blind men learn the sun;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 181;GL;literatura;poesia;Morremos coa sede, sospeitando, que os regatos escoan no panasco;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 181;EN;literatura;poesia;To die of thirst, suspecting that brooks in meadows run;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 182;GL;literatura;poesia;Esta é angustia suprema;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 182;EN;literatura;poesia;This is the sovreign anguish;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 183;GL;literatura;poesia;O cervo xa ferido brinca máis alto;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 183;EN;literatura;poesia;A wounded deer leaps highest;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 184;GL;literatura;poesia;Oínllo a un cazador;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 184;EN;literatura;poesia;I've heard the hunter tell;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 185;GL;literatura;poesia;Unha meixela é sempre máis vermella alí onde lle proe a axitación;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 185;EN;literatura;poesia;A cheek is always redder just where the hectic stings;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 186;GL;literatura;poesia;Esposa hai ser, cando o día rompa;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 186;EN;literatura;poesia;A wife, at daybreak, I shall be;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 187;GL;literatura;poesia;Os anxos a brincar no corredor;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 187;EN;literatura;poesia;The angels bustle in the hall;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 188;GL;literatura;poesia;Docemente, o meu futuro sobe as escaleiras;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 188;EN;literatura;poesia;Softly, my future climbs the stair;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 189;GL;literatura;poesia;De súpeto, xa non son unha nena;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 189;EN;literatura;poesia;So soon to be a child, no more;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 190;GL;literatura;poesia;Os meus beizos, sen hábito de ti, con vergoña liban o xarope;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 190;EN;literatura;poesia;Lips unused to thee bashful sip thy jessamines;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 191;GL;literatura;poesia;Ebria de aire, ando;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 191;EN;literatura;poesia;Inebriate of air, am I;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 192;GL;literatura;poesia;Se contigo estiver noites loucas habían ser o noso luxo;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 192;EN;literatura;poesia;Were I with thee wild nights should be our luxury;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 193;GL;literatura;poesia;A esperanza é unha cousa con plumas que asenta na alma e canta unha canción sen palabras e non para xamais;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 193;EN;literatura;poesia;Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 194;GL;literatura;poesia;A candea, quen a apagou?;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 194;EN;literatura;poesia;Which put the candle out?;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 195;GL;literatura;poesia;Despois de grave dor, solemne o sentimento;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 195;EN;literatura;poesia;After great pain, a formal feeling comes;baixa;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 196;GL;literatura;poesia;A herba ten tan pouco que facer que eu quixera ser balume;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 196;EN;literatura;poesia;The grass so little has to do I wish I were a hay;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 197;GL;literatura;poesia;Obediente sempre ás ordes que o teu ollo impón sobre min;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 197;EN;literatura;poesia;Obedient to the least command thine eye impose on me;alta;Herba abraiada, poemas de Emily Dickinson. Escolma e traducción de Marta Dahlgren e Manuel Forcadela 198;GL;web;turismo;A idea de Galicia asóciase co verde, coa auga, un mar embravecido, o son da gaita e algúns elementos patrimoniais tan recoñecidos como a Catedral de Santiago, a Torre de Hércules ou a Muralla de Lugo;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/patrimonio-oculto?langId=gl_ES 198;EN;web;turismo;As an idea, Galicia is associated with greenness, with water, a raging sea, the sound of bagpipes and some heritage assets as well-known as the Cathedral of Santiago, the Tower of Hércules or the Wall of Lugo;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/patrimonio-oculto?langId=en_US 199;GL;web;turismo;Pero hai moito máis que Galicia ofrece e está por descubrir, pois é unha terra de pequenas vilas que albergan as súas propias xoias tanto artísticas coma etnográficas;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/patrimonio-oculto?langId=gl_ES 199;EN;web;turismo;But Galicia offers much more to be discovered, as it is a land of villages, each with its own treasures, both artistic and ethnographic;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/patrimonio-oculto?langId=en_US 200;GL;web;turismo;Estes son só unha pequena mostra de todo o que hai por descubrir en Galicia;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/patrimonio-oculto?langId=gl_ES 200;EN;web;turismo;This is but a small sample of what there is to discover in Galicia;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/patrimonio-oculto?langId=en_US 201;GL;web;turismo;Por que non tratades de desvelar o seu segredo?;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/patrimonio-oculto?langId=gl_ES 201;EN;web;turismo;Why don't you try to unravel its secret?;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/patrimonio-oculto?langId=en_US 202;GL;web;turismo;A Mariña lucense é unha fonte inesgotable de marabillas naturais que cohabitan cun espectacular patrimonio histórico;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/faros-e-praias-salvaxes/as-catedrais-do-mar?langId=gl_ES 202;EN;web;turismo;The Marina of Lugo is an inexhaustible source of natural wonders that coexist with spectacular historical heritage;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/faros-e-praias-salvaxes/as-catedrais-do-mar?langId=en_US 203;GL;web;turismo;O esplendoroso pasado da vila constátase dando un paseo polo encantador centro histórico repleto de fermosas construcións indianas;baixa;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/faros-e-praias-salvaxes/as-catedrais-do-mar?langId=gl_ES 203;EN;web;turismo;The splendid past of the town can be seen by taking a stroll through the charming historical centre, full of beautiful constructions built by returning emigrants from South America;baixa;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/faros-e-praias-salvaxes/as-catedrais-do-mar?langId=en_US 204;GL;web;turismo;Ao chegar ao porto, poderemos realizar unha pequena camiñada ao bordo dun agreste acantilado;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/faros-e-praias-salvaxes/as-catedrais-do-mar?langId=gl_ES 204;EN;web;turismo;When we come to the port, we can take a short walk along a rugged cliff;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/faros-e-praias-salvaxes/as-catedrais-do-mar?langId=en_US 205;GL;web;turismo;Galicia é o principal destino termal de España;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/mananciais-de-galicia?langId=gl_ES 205;EN;web;turismo;Galicia is the number one hot springs destination in Spain;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/mananciais-de-galicia?langId=en_US 206;GL;web;turismo;O número de mananciais existentes na comunidade supera os 300;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/mananciais-de-galicia?langId=gl_ES 206;EN;web;turismo;There are more than 300 hot springs in the region;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/mananciais-de-galicia?langId=en_US 207;GL;web;turismo;Os nosos balnearios contan cunha longa tradición como centros terapéuticos, de relax e de lecer;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/mananciais-de-galicia?langId=gl_ES 207;EN;web;turismo;Our thermal spas have a long tradition as therapeutic, relaxation and leisure centres;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/mananciais-de-galicia?langId=en_US 208;GL;web;turismo;A auga do mar tamén posúe múltiples beneficios para relaxar corpo e mente;baixa;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/mananciais-de-galicia?langId=gl_ES 208;EN;web;turismo;Seawater also has many benefits for body and mind;baixa;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/mananciais-de-galicia?langId=en_US 209;GL;web;turismo;Esta auga conforma paisaxes de singular beleza, onde os viñedos atopan as condicións ideais para producir excelentes viños;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/mananciais-de-galicia?langId=gl_ES 209;EN;web;turismo;Its water creates beautiful landscapes in which vineyards find the ideal conditions for producing excellent wines;alta;https://www.turismo.gal/que-facer/mananciais-de-galicia?langId=en_US 210;GL;web;turismo;Pazo galego do século XVII restaurado e acondicionado para un hotel de catro estrelas;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 210;EN;web;turismo;Seventeenth-century Galician Pazo restored and conditioned for a four-star hotel;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 211;GL;web;turismo;O Pazo O Rial, declarado Ben de Interese Cultural e Turístico, está situado en Vilagarcía de Arousa, no corazón das Rías Baixas;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 211;EN;web;turismo;Pazo O Rial, declared as an Asset of Cultural ans Tourist Interest, is located in Vilagarcía de Arousa, in the heart of the Rias Baixas;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 212;GL;web;turismo;Reserva connosco e terás o mellor prezo;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 212;EN;web;turismo;Book with us and you will receive the best price;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 213;GL;web;turismo;Actualmente estamos pechados ata principios de marzo de 2022;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 213;EN;web;turismo;We are currently closed until the beginning of March 2022;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 214;GL;web;turismo;se queres quedar antes desta data, atenderemos no Hotel Castelao;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 214;EN;web;turismo;if you want to stay before this date, we will attend you at the Hotel Castelao;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 215;GL;web;turismo;para calquera outro asunto non dubides en contactar connosco en info@pazorial.es;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 215;EN;web;turismo;for any other matter do not hesitate to contact us at info@pazorial.es;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 216;GL;web;turismo;Hotel con historia a 800 metros da praia;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 216;EN;web;turismo;Historic hotel 800 metres from the beach;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 217;GL;web;turismo;Non perda as oportunidades para gozar dun espazo único;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 217;EN;web;turismo;Do not miss the opportunities to enjoy a unique environment;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 218;GL;web;turismo;Céntrase no estudo da lingua, a literatura e a cultura grega e latina, preservando desta forma a riqueza cultural da Época Clásica.;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/estudos/graos/artes-humanidades/grao-filoloxia-clasica 218;EN;web;turismo;It focuses on the study of the Greek and Latin languages, as well as literature and culture, thus preserving the cultural richness of the Classical Period.;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/studies/degrees/arts-and-humanities/classical-philology-degree 219;GL;web;turismo;Coñeza as nosas salas e todo o que lle ofrecemos;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 219;EN;web;turismo;Know our rooms and everything we offer you;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 220;GL;web;turismo;As nosas salas de eventos, cada unha con características diferentes, teñen o espazo axeitado para as súas necesidades;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 220;EN;web;turismo;Our meeting rooms, each one with different characteristics, have the right space for all your needs;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 221;GL;web;turismo;Situado nos arredores de Vilagarcía de Arousa, destaca pola súa situación nunha zona tranquila no corazón das Rías Baixas;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 221;EN;web;turismo;Located on the outskirts of Vilagarcía de Arousa, it stands out for its location in a quiet area in the heart of the Rías Baixas;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 222;GL;web;turismo;Temos todo o que necesita para que se sinta mellor que na casa;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 222;EN;web;turismo;We have everything you need to make you feel better than at home;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 223;GL;web;turismo;Organizamos o teu evento con todas as comodidades;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 223;EN;web;turismo;We organize your event with all the comforts;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ 224;GL;web;turismo;Estade atentos ás ofertas que iremos publicando, en eventos puntuais, verán, etc;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ofertas-menu.html 224;EN;web;turismo;Stay tuned to the offers that we will be publishing, in specific events, summer, etc;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ofertas-menu.html 225;GL;web;turismo;Non deixes escapar a oportunidade de aloxarte nun auténtico Pazo;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ofertas-menu.html 225;EN;web;turismo;Do not miss the opportunity to stay in an authentic Pazo;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ofertas-menu.html 226;GL;web;turismo;"Estamos adheridos ao programa ""Bono Turístico"" da Xunta de Galicia";alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ofertas-menu.html 226;EN;web;turismo;"We form part of the ""Tourist Voucher"" program of the Xunta de Galicia";alta;https://www.pazorial.es/ofertas-menu.html 227;GL;web;turismo;A cociña do Hotel Pazo O Rial ten unha extensa carta onde a tradición e a innovación únense ao preparar deliciosos pratos cos mellores mariscos, peixe e carne;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/restauracion-menu.html 227;EN;web;turismo;The kitchen of the Hotel Pazo O Rial has an extensive menu where tradition and innovation merge when preparing delicious dishes with the best seafood, fish and meat;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/restauracion-menu.html 228;GL;web;turismo;En aplicación das medidas de prevención contra COVID-19, reducimos a nosa capacidade, polo que será necesario facer unha reserva;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/restauracion-menu.html 228;EN;web;turismo;In application of the prevention measures against COVID-19, we have reduced our capacity, so it will be necessary to make a reservation.;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/restauracion-menu.html 229;GL;web;turismo;A cociña estará pechada os luns;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/restauracion-menu.html 229;EN;web;turismo;The kitchen closes on Mondays;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/restauracion-menu.html 230;GL;web;turismo;Estes son os horarios dos servizos gastronómicos do Hotel Pazo O Rial;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/restauracion-menu.html 230;EN;web;turismo;These are the schedules of the gastronomic services of the Hotel Pazo O Rial;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/restauracion-menu.html 231;GL;web;turismo;E grazas ao noso horario poderán disfrutar ata ben entrada a noite;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/restauracion-menu.html 231;EN;web;turismo;And thanks to our schedule you can enjoy until late at night;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/restauracion-menu.html 232;GL;web;turismo;O hotel ten un total de 60 habitacións de diferentes tipos;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/habitaciones-menu.html 232;EN;web;turismo;The Hotel has a total of 60 rooms of different types;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/habitaciones-menu.html 233;GL;web;turismo;As nosas salas, todas distinguidas con diferentes características, teñen o espazo adecuado para todas as necesidades;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/eventos-menu.html 233;EN;web;turismo;Our meeting rooms, all singled out with different characteristics, have the right space for all your needs;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/eventos-menu.html 234;GL;web;turismo;O Pazo data de finais do século XVII e foi restaurado e acondicionado coma un hotel de catro estrelas;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/historia-del-hotel-menu.html 234;EN;web;turismo;The Pazo dates from the late seventeenth century and has been restored and conditioned for a four star hotel;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/historia-del-hotel-menu.html 235;GL;web;turismo;Os Pazos Galegos son vellas casas señoriais do deseño nobre, de uso residencial e agrícola;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/historia-del-hotel-menu.html 235;EN;web;turismo;The Galician pazos are old manor houses of noble design, for residential and agricultural use;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/historia-del-hotel-menu.html 236;GL;web;turismo;O Rial é non só un dos pazos máis fermosos no Val de O Salnés, senón de toda Galicia;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/historia-del-hotel-menu.html 236;EN;web;turismo;O Rial is not only one of the most beautiful pazos of the O Salnés Valley, but from all over Galicia;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/historia-del-hotel-menu.html 237;GL;web;turismo;O Rial é declarado Ben de Interese Cultural na categoría Hotel-Monumento Histórico Artístico razón pola que aparece en todas as guías Galicia;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/historia-del-hotel-menu.html 237;EN;web;turismo;O Rial is declared an Asset of Cultural Interest with the Hotel-Historic Artistic Monument category, which is why it is included in all Galician guides;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/historia-del-hotel-menu.html 238;GL;web;turismo;As súas orixes remóntanse ao século XVII, aínda que parece que houbo un edificio máis adiantado medieval;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/historia-del-hotel-menu.html 238;EN;web;turismo;Its origins date back to the seventeenth century, although it can be deduced that there was an earlier construction —probably medieval—;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/historia-del-hotel-menu.html 239;GL;web;turismo;O Pazo O Rial está situado nos arredores de Vilagarcía de Arousa;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 239;EN;web;turismo;The Pazo O Rial is located on the outskirts of Vilagarcía de Arousa;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 240;GL;web;turismo;situado nunha zona moi tranquila no corazón das Rías Baixas;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 240;EN;web;turismo;located in a very quiet area in the heart of the Rías Baixas;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 241;GL;web;turismo; O edificio ten un recinto privado con amplo aparcamento gratuíto para os nosos clientes;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 241;EN;web;turismo;The building has a private enclosure with ample free parking for our clients;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 242;GL;web;turismo;A só 3,5 km de distancia atópase o centro histórico de Vilagarcía e a zona comercial da cidade;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 242;EN;web;turismo;Only 3.5 km away is the historic center of Vilagarcía and the commercial area of ??the city;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 243;GL;web;turismo;A praia máis próxima está a menos dun quilómetro de distancia e, a poucos minutos en coche, hai o parque natural da Illa de Arousa e a famosa A Lanzada;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 243;EN;web;turismo;The nearest beach is less than a kilometer away and, a few minutes by car, there are the natural park of A Illa de Arousa and the world famous A Lanzada;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 244;GL;web;turismo;As posibilidades de acceso á zona son múltiples;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 244;EN;web;turismo;The possibilities of access to the area are multiple;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 245;GL;web;turismo;A súa proximidade cos enlaces coas principais vías de comunicación permite o acceso rápido e cómodo aos puntos de referencia en toda Galicia;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 245;EN;web;turismo;Its proximity to the links with the main communication routes allows quick and convenient access to the points of reference throughout Galicia;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 246;GL;web;turismo;Vilagarcía destaca como unha terra de nobreza profundamente arraigada, como mostra o bo número e calidade dos seus pazos;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 246;EN;web;turismo;Vilagarcía stands out as a land of deep-rooted nobility, as shown by the good number and quality of its pazos;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 247;GL;web;turismo;Vilanova destaca pola súa herdanza relixiosa interesante polas vistas do Monte Lobeira e por ser o berce de escritores de renome, como Ramón Valle Inclán e Julio Camba;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 247;EN;web;turismo;Vilanova stands out for its interesting religious heritage, for the views of Mount Lobeira and for being the birthplace of prestigious literati such as Ramón Valle Inclán and Julio Camba;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 248;GL;web;turismo;Neste municipio atópanse as súas casas nativas, destacando Valle-Inclán por ser un Monumento Histórico Nacional e porque tamén están as primeiras edicións das súas obras.;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 248;EN;web;turismo;In this municipality are their native houses, emphasizing among them the one of Valle-Inclán for being National Historical Monument and because in her, in addition, are the first editions of his works.;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 249;GL;web;turismo;A Illa de Arousa é o único municipio insular de Galicia;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 249;EN;web;turismo;A Illa de Arousa is the only island municipality in Galicia;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 250;GL;web;turismo;Ten 11 km de praias e o parque natural de Carreirón, en cuxo termo atópase a enseada Brava cun muíño de marea de gran valor etnográfico e varios observatorios de aves;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 250;EN;web;turismo;It has 11 km of beaches and the Carreirón Natural Park, at the end of which lies the Brava inlet with a tidal mill of great ethnographic value and several bird observatories;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 251;GL;web;turismo;Alí tamén se pode atopar o cemiterio pre-romano de Os Bufos ou a vila romana preto de Punta Nasas;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 251;EN;web;turismo;There you can also find the pre-Roman cemetery of Os Bufos or the Roman villa near Punta Nasas;alta;https://www.pazorial.es/situacion-y-contacto-menu.html 252;GL;web;educacion;A Universidade de Santiago de Compostela é unha institución pública de ensino superior e investigación dotada de autonomía, plena personalidade xurídica e patrimonio propio;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional 252;EN;web;educacion;The University of Santiago de Compostela is a public institution for higher education and research endowed with autonomy, full legal personality and its own heritage;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institutional 253;GL;web;educacion;A USC fai parte do Sistema Universitario Galego;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 253;EN;web;educacion;The USC is part of the Galician University System;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 254;GL;web;educacion;A USC é unha universidade pública dedicada á preservación, á xeración, á transmisión e á difusión de coñecemento dun xeito socialmente responsable e en conexión coas demandas e retos da sociedade galega;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 254;EN;web;educacion;The USC is a public university dedicated to the preservation, generation, transmission and dissemination of knowledge in a socially responsible manner and in connection with the demands and challenges of Galician society;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 255;GL;web;educacion;A Universidade de Santiago de Compostela conta cunha ampla oferta académica e unha potente capacidade investigadora;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 255;EN;web;educacion;The University of Santiago de Compostela has a wide academic offer and a powerful research capacity;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 256;GL;web;educacion;A USC é unha institución pioneira no desenvolvemento de políticas de emprendemento, impulso do I+D+i e mais na transferencia e a valorización dos resultados da súa investigación;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 256;EN;web;educacion;The USC is a pioneering institution in the development of entrepreneurship policies, the promotion of R&D&I and the transfer and valorisation of the results of its research;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 257;GL;web;educacion;Favorecer a formación integral dos membros da comunidade universitaria mediante a programación e a organización de cursos, conferencias e todo tipo de actividades culturais, recreativas e deportivas;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 257;EN;web;educacion;To favour the integral formation of the members of the university community through the programming and organisation of courses, conferences and all types of cultural, recreational and sporting activities;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 258;GL;web;educacion;Potenciar o asociacionismo universitario para a participación no goberno da Universidade e o desenvolvemento de actividades estudantís, culturais e deportivas;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 258;EN;web;educacion;To promote university associations for participation in the governance of the University and the development of student, cultural and sports activities;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 259;GL;web;educacion;Proxectar o labor docente e investigador e os servizos da Universidade cara á súa contorna social;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 259;EN;web;educacion;To project the teaching and research work and services of the University towards its social environment;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 260;GL;web;educacion;Velar especialmente pola defensa, o desenvolvemento e a difusión da lingua e a cultura galegas, promovendo actividades e servizos e colaborando con outras institucións culturais de Galicia;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 260;EN;web;educacion;To watch over the defence, development and dissemination of the Galician language and culture, promoting activities and services and collaborating with other Galician cultural institutions;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/mision-vision-valores 261;GL;web;educacion;O novo PDS articularase ao redor de tres eixos;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/desenvolvemento-sostible 261;EN;web;educacion;The new SDP will be articulated around three areas;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institutional/sustainable-development 262;GL;web;educacion;Xeración de coñecemento e educación ambiental;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/desenvolvemento-sostible 262;EN;web;educacion;Generation of knowledge and environmental education;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institutional/sustainable-development 263;GL;web;educacion;Planificación, xestión e avaliación ambiental;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/desenvolvemento-sostible 263;EN;web;educacion;Environmental planning, management and assessment;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institutional/sustainable-development 264;GL;web;educacion;Sensibilización ambiental e participación;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/desenvolvemento-sostible 264;EN;web;educacion;Environmental awareness and participation;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institutional/sustainable-development 265;GL;web;educacion;Política de Plásticos 0, para atinxir a curto e medio prazo unha redución efectiva da cantidade de plástico empregado;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/desenvolvemento-sostible 265;EN;web;educacion;0 Plastics Policy, to achieve an effective reduction in the amount of plastic used in the short and medium term;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institutional/sustainable-development 266;GL;web;educacion;Para isto asinaranse acordos con cafetarías, comedores e concesionarios de máquinas expendedoras;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/desenvolvemento-sostible 266;EN;web;educacion;Agreements will be signed with cafeterias, canteens and vending machine dealers for this purpose;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institutional/sustainable-development 267;GL;web;educacion;USC saudable e xusta, co obxectivo de facer dos comedores e cafetarías universitarias un referente da alimentación sustentable, coa extensión da dieta atlántica e a compra de proximidade e en entidades de comercio xusto dos produtos;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/desenvolvemento-sostible 267;EN;web;educacion;Healthy and fair USC, with the aim of making university canteens and cafeterias a benchmark for sustainable food, with the extension of the Atlantic diet and the purchase of products from local and fair trade entities;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institutional/sustainable-development 268;GL;web;educacion;As accións da USC responden, máis concretamente, ás seguintes liñas reitoras;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/internacionalizacion 268;EN;web;educacion;The actions of the USC respond, more specifically, to the following guidelines;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/internationalisation 269;GL;web;educacion;Intensificar a presenza institucional da USC en espazos de decisión, foros e plataformas internacionais da educación superior e a súa implicación na formalización de alianzas estratéxicas;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/internacionalizacion 269;EN;web;educacion;To intensify the institutional presence of the USC in decision-making spaces, forums and international platforms of higher education and its involvement in the formalisation of strategic alliances;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/internationalisation 270;GL;web;educacion;Fomentar a participación da USC en redes de investigación e reforzar o seu liderado en programas europeos e internacionais, valorizando e dando maior difusión aos resultados dos proxectos de investigación e de cooperación;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/internacionalizacion 270;EN;web;educacion;To promote the participation of the USC in research networks and strengthen its leadership in European and international programmes, valuing and disseminating more widely the results of research and cooperation projects;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/internationalisation 271;GL;web;educacion;Aumentar a potencia dos programas de mobilidade internacional do estudantado, o PDI e o PAS;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/internacionalizacion 271;EN;web;educacion;To increase the power of the international mobility programmes for students, the PDI and the PAS;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/internationalisation 272;GL;web;educacion;Enriquecer a oferta docente mediante o desenvolvemento de programas de estudos multilingües coa participación doutras universidades;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/internacionalizacion 272;EN;web;educacion;To enrich the teaching offer through the development of multilingual study programmes with the participation of other universities;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/internationalisation 273;GL;web;educacion;Optimizar os protocolos de atención ao estudantado e profesorado visitante internacional;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/internacionalizacion 273;EN;web;educacion;To optimise the protocols for looking after international students and visiting lecturers;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/internationalisation 274;GL;web;educacion;Mellorar o alcance dos programas de captación e retención de talento;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/internacionalizacion 274;EN;web;educacion;To improve the scope of talent recruitment and retention programmes;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/internationalisation 275;GL;web;educacion;Ampliar a captación de recursos e o financiamento internacional para diversificar as iniciativas de internacionalización e de proxección global da USC;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/usc/institucional/internacionalizacion 275;EN;web;educacion;To expand the attraction of resources and international funding in order to diversify the USC's internationalisation and global projection initiatives;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/usc/institucional/internationalisation 276;GL;web;educacion;A maior parte das titulacións de grao teñen unha duración de catro anos (ou 240 ECTS), e as de dobre grao, polo xeral, oscilan entre e cinco e seis cursos académicos;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/estudos/graos 276;EN;web;educacion;Most degrees last for four years (or 240 ECTS), and double degrees generally range from five to six academic years;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/studies/degrees 277;GL;web;educacion;O estudantado, á parte de superar as materias propias de cada grao, tamén deberá realizar a defensa dun traballo de fin de grao e, nalgunhas titulacións, prácticas en empresas ou institucións;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/estudos/graos 277;EN;web;educacion;Students, besides passing the subjects specific to each degree, must also carry out the defence of an end-of-degree project and, in some degrees, an internship in companies or institutions;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/studies/degrees 278;GL;web;educacion;O grao en Filoloxía Clásica está orientado ao coñecemento de todos os aspectos da Antigüidade Grecolatina.;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/estudos/graos/artes-humanidades/grao-filoloxia-clasica 278;EN;web;educacion;The degree in Classical Philology is oriented towards knowledge of all aspects of Graeco-Latin antiquity.;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/studies/degrees/arts-and-humanities/classical-philology-degree 279;GL;web;educacion;Para conseguir estes obxectivos, o estudo e coñecemento dos textos clásicos é esencial, polo que esta titulación proporciona competencias neste ámbito, como o dominio do grego e do latín ou a comprensión, análise e comentario de textos clásicos;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/estudos/graos/artes-humanidades/grao-filoloxia-clasica 279;EN;web;educacion;To achieve these objectives, the study and knowledge of classical texts is essential, and the degree provides skills in this area, such as the acquisition of both Greek and Latin and the understanding, analysis and commentary of classical texts.;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/studies/degrees/arts-and-humanities/classical-philology-degree 280;GL;web;educacion;Esta estrutura está formada polos seguintes elementos;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/estudos/graos/artes-humanidades/grao-filoloxia-clasica 280;EN;web;educacion;This structure comprises the following elements;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/studies/degrees/arts-and-humanities/classical-philology-degree 281;GL;web;educacion;Módulo de Formación Básica. O seu obxectivo é proporcionar unha formación xeral en Lingüística e Teoría da Literatura, así como unha formación inicial en tres das seguintes linguas: alemán, español, francés, galego, grego, inglés, italiano, latín e portugués;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/estudos/graos/artes-humanidades/grao-filoloxia-clasica 281;EN;web;educacion;Basic Training Module. This aims to provide a general education in Linguistics and the Theory of Literature, as well as an introduction to three of the following languages: German, Spanish, French, Galician, Classical Greek, English, Italian, Latin, and Portuguese.;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/studies/degrees/arts-and-humanities/classical-philology-degree 282;GL;web;educacion;Maior. Proporciona unha formación avanzada nas disciplinas nucleares da titulación;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/estudos/graos/artes-humanidades/grao-filoloxia-clasica 282;EN;web;educacion;Major. This provides advanced training in the core disciplines of the degree;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/studies/degrees/arts-and-humanities/classical-philology-degree 283;GL;web;educacion;Módulo Complementario. Fornece unha competencia básica, pero significativa, nunha segunda lingua e a súa literatura ou nunha disciplina transversal ou afín;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/estudos/graos/artes-humanidades/grao-filoloxia-clasica 283;EN;web;educacion;Supplementary Module. This provides a basic but significant competence in a second language and its literature, or in a related or intersecting discipline;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/studies/degrees/arts-and-humanities/classical-philology-degree 284;GL;web;educacion;Módulo Optativo. Permite que o estudante acabe de perfilar a súa titulación de acordo cos seus intereses;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/estudos/graos/artes-humanidades/grao-filoloxia-clasica 284;EN;web;educacion;Elective Module. This allows students to finish shaping their degree according to their own interests;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/studies/degrees/arts-and-humanities/classical-philology-degree 285;GL;web;educacion;Ter un título de bacharelato ou equivalente e superar a proba de acceso á universidade;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 285;EN;web;educacion;To have a baccalaureate certification or equivalent and pass the university entrance exam;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 286;GL;web;educacion;Cumprir os requisitos esixidos para o acceso á universidade nos sistemas educativos de Estados membros da Unión Europea ou doutros Estados cos que España subscribise acordos internacionais nesta materia;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 286;EN;web;educacion;To comply with the requirements for university access in the educational systems of Member States of the European Union or other States with which Spain has signed international agreements in this area;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 287;GL;web;educacion;Ter superada a proba de acceso á universidade para maiores de 25 anos, para maiores de 40 anos con experiencia laboral ou profesional ou a proba para maiores de 45 anos;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 287;EN;web;educacion;To have passed the university entrance exam for those over 25, for those over 40 with work or professional experience or the exam for those over 45;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 288;GL;web;educacion;Posuír un título de técnico superior de formación profesional, ensino de artes plásticas e deseño ou de técnico deportivo superior, ou títulos equivalentes;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 288;EN;web;educacion;To hold a diploma in vocational training, teaching of plastic arts and design or high-level sports technician, or equivalent;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 289;GL;web;educacion;Ter un título universitario oficial de grao, máster ou un título dos correspondentes á anterior ordenación do ensino universitario (diplomado universitario, arquitecto técnico, enxeñeiro técnico, licenciado...) ou títulos equivalentes;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 289;EN;web;educacion;To hold an official university degree, master's degree or one of those corresponding to the previous order of university education (Bachelor degree, technical architect, engineer, licensed...) or equivalent qualifications;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 290;GL;web;educacion;Ter cursados estudos universitarios parciais estranxeiros ou españois, ou que, ao finalizar os estudos universitarios estranxeiros, non obtivesen a súa homologación en España e desexen continuar estudos nunha universidade española;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 290;EN;web;educacion;To have completed partial foreign or Spanish university studies, or who, at the end of the foreign university studies, have not obtained their validation in Spain and wish to continue studies in a Spanish university;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 291;GL;web;educacion;Neste suposto, será requisito indispensable que a universidade correspondente recoñeza cando menos 30 créditos ECTS;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 291;EN;web;educacion;In this case, it will be an indispensable requirement that the corresponding university recognises at least 30 ECTS credits;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 292;GL;web;educacion;Unha vez rematado o bacharelato, para poderes acceder a un grao universitario debes superar a Avaliación de Bacharelato para o acceso á Universidade (ABAU);alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 292;EN;web;educacion;Once you have completed the baccalaureate, in order to gain access to a university degree you must pass the Baccalaureate Assessment for University Access (ABAU);alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 293;GL;web;educacion;Poden facer esta proba as persoas que sexan maiores de 25 anos de idade no ano en que se celebre a proba e que non teñan ningunha titulación académica que dea acceso á universidade por outra vía;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 293;EN;web;educacion;Persons who are at least 25 years of age in the year in which the exam is taken can do this exam and who do not have an academic qualification giving access to university by any other means;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 294;GL;web;educacion;En Galicia, as probas de acceso ás tres universidades galegas —Avaliación de Bacharelato para o acceso á Universidade (ABAU) e para persoas maiores de 25 e 45 anos— están organizadas pola Comisión Interuniversitaria de Galicia (CIUG);alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 294;EN;web;educacion;In Galicia, the entrance examinations to the three Galician universities –Baccalaureate Assessment for University Access (ABAU) and for people over 25 and 45 years old– are organised by the Galician Inter-University Commission (CIUG);alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 295;GL;web;educacion;As solicitudes ordenaranse segundo a nota media do título de técnico superior realizado sobre un máximo de 10;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 295;EN;web;educacion;The applications will be sorted according to the average mark of the qualification of superior technician carried out over a maximum of 10;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 296;GL;web;educacion;Repara en que a nota de acceso á universidade pode ser de 14 puntos. Se desexas mellorar a nota de admisión aos estudos de grao, podes facer a proba da parte voluntaria da ABAU;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 296;EN;web;educacion;Note that the grade for admission to university can be 14 points. If you want to improve your admission grade to undergraduate studies, you can take the exam of the voluntary part of the ABAU;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 297;GL;web;educacion;Podes presentarte a un máximo de catro materias de modalidade do segundo curso de bacharelato, onde podes obter ata 4 puntos;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 297;EN;web;educacion;You can apply to do a maximum of four modality subjects of the second year of baccalaureate, where you will be able to obtain up to 4 points;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 298;GL;web;educacion;A cualificación das materias desta proba terá validez durante os dous cursos académicos seguintes á súa superación;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 298;EN;web;educacion;The qualification of the subjects of this exam will be valid during the two academic years following their passing;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 299;GL;web;educacion;Se cumpres 45 anos de idade neste ano natural e non posúes ningunha titulación académica que che permita acceder á universidade, podes estudar titulacións oficiais de grao despois de superar unha proba de acceso adaptada;alta;https://www.usc.gal/gl/admision/graos 299;EN;web;educacion;If you turn 45 in this calendar year and do not have any academic qualifications that would allow you to enter university, you can study official undergraduate qualifications after passing an adapted access exam;alta;https://www.usc.gal/en/admision/graos 300;GL;web;turismo;Goza dos mellores plans de lecer, escapadas, ofertas e descontos para viaxar con Renfe;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 300;EN;web;turismo;Enjoy the best leisure plans, getaways, offers and discounts travelling with Renfe;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 301;GL;web;turismo;Este núcleo urbano esténdese ao longo da ría de Nervión e está enmarcado por espectaculares paisaxes montañosas que osixenan a cidade;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 301;EN;web;turismo;This part of the city centre runs along the Nervión estuary and is found within spectacular mountain landscapes that give fresh air to the city;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 302;GL;web;turismo;A súa capacidade para combinar cultura tradicional e innovación vaiche conquistar;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 302;EN;web;turismo;Its ability to combine traditional culture and innovation will conquer you;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 303;GL;web;turismo;Desde que se abriu o Museo Guggenheim en 1997, a cidade experimentou unha renovación social e urbana espectacular;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 303;EN;web;turismo;Since the Guggenheim Museum opened in 1997, the city has undergone a spectacular urban and social renewal process;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 304;GL;web;turismo;Esta obra do aclamado Frank Gehry atrae a bilbaínos e turistas durante todo o ano;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 304;EN;web;turismo;This work of art by the acclaimed Frank Gehry attracts locals and tourists all year round;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 305;GL;web;turismo;Déixate levar polo ambiente vivo e auténtico que destilan as súas rúas;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 305;EN;web;turismo;Let yourself be carried away by the lively and authentic atmosphere of its streets;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 306;GL;web;turismo;Aproveita o teu tempo para camiñar tranquilamente pola túa ampla zona peonil e descubre os seus recunchos máis característicos;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 306;EN;web;turismo;Take your time to stroll around through its large pedestrian area and discover its most charming corners;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 307;GL;web;turismo;Fai un descanso para gozar dos seus famosos pintxos nunha das moitas tabernas tradicionais;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 307;EN;web;turismo;Take a break to enjoy the city's famous pintxos in one of the many traditional taverns;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 308;GL;web;turismo;Unha das actividades favoritas dos bilbaínos é percorrer a cidade polos carrís bici, que estruturan a vida desta cidade diversa;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 308;EN;web;turismo;One of the favourite activities of the people of Bilbao is to tour the city on the bike lanes, which run across such a diverse city;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 309;GL;web;turismo;O bo tempo non está en contradición coa arte;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 309;EN;web;turismo;Good weather is not at odds with art;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 310;GL;web;turismo;Admira as marabillosas esculturas exteriores do Guggenheim;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 310;EN;web;turismo;Admire the Guggenheim's wonderful exterior sculptures;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 311;GL;web;turismo;Coa chegada do verán, Bilbao énchese de música;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 311;EN;web;turismo;Bilbao is filled with music with the arrival of summer;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 312;GL;web;turismo;Completa a túa escapada estival no mirador de Artxanda;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 312;EN;web;turismo;End your summer getaway at the Artxanda viewpoint;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 313;GL;web;turismo;Admira as espectaculares vistas panorámicas e despídese desta gran cidade como se merece;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 313;EN;web;turismo;Admire the spectacular panoramic views and say farewell to this great city as it deserves;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 314;GL;web;turismo;O outono tamén é un dos mellores momentos para deixarte levar polo espírito vibrante de Bilbao;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 314;EN;web;turismo;Autumn is also one of the best times to let yourself be carried away by the vibrant spirit of Bilbao;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 315;GL;web;turismo;A cidade agárdate cos brazos abertos;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias 315;EN;web;turismo;The city awaits you with open arms;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences 316;GL;web;turismo;A situación xeográfica e a condición de capital dan a Madrid ese carácter cosmopolita;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/madrid 316;EN;web;turismo;The geographical location and capital status of Madrid grant it its cosmopolitan character;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/madrid 317;GL;web;turismo;É o centro da escena cultural e social, o lugar onde se reuniron persoas de todo tipo e bagaxe que conforman a súa historia;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/madrid 317;EN;web;turismo;It is the centre of the cultural and social scene, the place where people of all kinds and backgrounds that make up its history have gathered;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/madrid 318;GL;web;turismo;Un bo punto de partida para percorrer a vila é o quilómetro cero da porta do Sol;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/madrid 318;EN;web;turismo;A good starting point to tour the city is kilometre zero of Puerta del Sol;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/madrid 319;GL;web;turismo;Nesta praza hai fitos como o reloxo da Real Casa de Correos que anuncia o comezo de cada ano coas súas badaladas ou a estatua do oso e o érbedo;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/madrid 319;EN;web;turismo;This square has a few characteristic elements, such as the clock of the Royal Post Office that announces the beginning of each year with its bells or the statue of the Bear and the Arbutus.;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/madrid 320;GL;web;turismo;Pasear por Madrid é sorprendente mires onde mires;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/madrid 320;EN;web;turismo;You will be surprised when you stroll around Madrid, wherever you look;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/madrid 321;GL;web;turismo;A Gran Vía é un bo exemplo: despois de ver os seus cines, teatros e tendas, alza a vista para descubrir as esculturas de deuses romanos e gregos que che observan desde as azoteas;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/madrid 321;EN;web;turismo;"The Gran Via is a good example, with its many cinemas, theatres and shops; you can look up to discover the sculptures of Roman and Greek gods that watch you from the rooftops";alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/madrid 322;GL;web;turismo;Este festival, que dura máis de dous meses desde finais de xuño, ofrece infinitas actividades nos espazos públicos de Madrid;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/madrid 322;EN;web;turismo;This festival that lasts over two months, from the end of June, bringing endless activities to the public spaces of Madrid;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/madrid 323;GL;web;turismo;Non importa que o verán acabe;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/madrid 323;EN;web;turismo;It doesn't matter if summer comes to an end;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/madrid 324;GL;web;turismo;Dragóns e xoias arquitectónicas á beira do Mediterráneo;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/barcelona 324;EN;web;turismo;Dragons and architectural treasures on the shores of the Mediterranean;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/barcelona 325;GL;web;turismo;Situada moi preto dos Pireneos e bañada polo mar, Barcelona é a cidade da arquitectura sen límites;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/barcelona 325;EN;web;turismo;Located very close to the Pyrenees and bathed by the sea, Barcelona is the city of architecture without limits;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/barcelona 326;GL;web;turismo;Grazas a Gaudí poderás adentrarte nas cores, texturas e plasticidade da súa obra modernista, única no mundo;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/barcelona 326;EN;web;turismo;Thanks to Gaudí, you will be able to delve into the colours, textures and plasticity of its modernist work, unique in the world;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/barcelona 327;GL;web;turismo;Se observas, seguramente atoparás escamas e gadoupas en máis dunha esquina das súas rúas;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/barcelona 327;EN;web;turismo;If you look closely, you will surely find scales and claws in more than one corner of its streets;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/barcelona 328;GL;web;turismo;Aquí atoparás unha fusión perfecta entre natureza, lecer e cultura;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/barcelona 328;EN;web;turismo;Here you will find a perfect blend of nature, leisure and culture;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/barcelona 329;GL;web;turismo;Non hai mellor momento para gozar das augas tranquilas do Mediterráneo que o verán;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/barcelona 329;EN;web;turismo;There is no better time to enjoy the calm waters of the Mediterranean than summer;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/barcelona 330;GL;web;turismo;Aínda que hai unha variedade de deportes acuáticos que podes practicar, o realmente autóctono é o 'takatá';baixa;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/barcelona 330;EN;web;turismo;You can also practice many different water sports, but the truly native activity is 'takata';baixa;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/barcelona 331;GL;web;turismo;O máis senlleiro son as noites nas praias de Barcelona, coa sensación de ter a area nos pés mentres ves unha película nunha gran pantalla de cine;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/barcelona 331;EN;web;turismo;Most unique are the nights of the beaches of Barcelona, feeling the sand on your feet while you watch a film on a large cinema screen;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/barcelona 332;GL;web;turismo;Se non sabes o que é, pregunta aos que se entreteñen preto da costa entre balóns e pelotas de tenis;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/experiencias/destinos-imprescindibles/barcelona 332;EN;web;turismo;If you don't know what it is, ask those who entertain themselves near the shore with footballs and tennis balls;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/experiences/must-see-destinations/barcelona 333;GL;web;turismo;Moitas das nosas estacións dispoñen de aparcamentos, onde podes deixar o teu coche antes ou despois da viaxe;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/en-terra/aparcamento 333;EN;web;turismo;Most of our stations have car parks, where you can leave your car before or after the trip;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/on-land/parking 334;GL;web;turismo;Gañarás tempo e comodidade e poderás esquecerte de buscar un burato na rúa;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/en-terra/aparcamento 334;EN;web;turismo;You will gain time and comfort and you will be able to forget about hunting for a hole in the street;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/on-land/parking 335;GL;web;turismo;Podes aparcar gratis durante 24 horas;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/en-terra/aparcamento 335;EN;web;turismo;You can park for free for a period of time of 24 hours;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/on-land/parking 336;GL;web;turismo;Sempre debes recoller o ticket de aparcamento ao acceder ao aparcadoiro;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/en-terra/aparcamento 336;EN;web;turismo;You must always collect the parking ticket when accessing the car park;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/on-land/parking 337;GL;web;turismo;No momento do pago terás que validalo ben de forma automática ou manualmente, entregándoo xunto co teu billete ao persoal do aparcadoiro;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/en-terra/aparcamento 337;EN;web;turismo;At the time of payment, you will have to validate it either automatically or manually, delivering it along with your ticket to the parking staff;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/on-land/parking 338;GL;web;turismo;Nos trens Ave e Larga Distancia podes viaxar coa túa mascota sempre que se trate de pequenos animais de compañía;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 338;EN;web;turismo;On AVE and long distance high-speed trains, you can travel with your pet as long as you have a small pet;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 339;GL;web;turismo;Sempre deben viaxar co seu propio billete de mascota e non ocupar praza;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 339;EN;web;turismo;Pets must always travel with their own pet ticket and do not take up a seat;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 340;GL;web;turismo;A túa mascota non ocupa praza;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 340;EN;web;turismo;Your pet does not occupy a seat;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 341;GL;web;turismo;Ten en conta que, nas viaxes con billete combinado de tren+bus, non se admiten mascotas;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 341;EN;web;turismo;Please note that train+bus combined tickets do not accept pets;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 342;GL;web;turismo;Os cans de guía e asistencia viaxan sempre de balde e non están suxeitos a limitacións de peso ou transporte;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 342;EN;web;turismo;Guide and assistance dogs always travel free and are not subject to weight or transportation limitations;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 343;GL;web;turismo;Antes de viaxar, consulta as condicións de transporte e a documentación necesaria para que a túa mascota e mais ti gocedes dunha viaxe segura e cómoda;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 343;EN;web;turismo;Before you travel, check the transport conditions and the necessary documentation, so that you and your pet enjoy a safe and comfortable trip;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/informacion-util/mascotas 344;GL;web;turismo;PlayRenfe é o servizo gratuíto de wifi e entretemento co que poderás acceder a contidos exclusivos a máis de 300 km/h;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 344;EN;web;turismo;PlayRenfe is the free Wi-Fi and entertainment service that brings you access to exclusive content at speeds of over 300 km/h;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 345;GL;web;turismo;Conéctate a internet cos teus dispositivos e aproveita o teu tempo como che apeteza;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 345;EN;web;turismo;Connect to the internet with your devices and make the most of your time;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 346;GL;web;turismo;Responde correos electrónicos, entra nas túas redes sociais, chatea ou elixe entre a gran variedade de contidos de lecer que PlayRenfe che ofrece;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 346;EN;web;turismo;Answer emails, check your social media, chat or choose from the wide range of entertainment content that PlayRenfe offers;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 347;GL;web;turismo;Descarga a aplicación para iOS e Android e comeza a gozar do servizo;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 347;EN;web;turismo;Download the application for iOS and Android, and start enjoying the service;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 348;GL;web;turismo;Descarga a aplicación na túa app store;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 348;EN;web;turismo;Download the app from your app store;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 349;GL;web;turismo;Use o navegador e ingresa calquera URL para acceder á pantalla de rexistro;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 349;EN;web;turismo;Use your browser and enter any url to access the registration screen;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 350;GL;web;turismo;Se é a primeira vez que accedes á plataforma, escolle o idioma;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 350;EN;web;turismo;If this is your first time accessing the platform, choose your language;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 351;GL;web;turismo;Marcando a opción de recordar as túas credenciais, obterás un acceso máis rápido e sinxelo nas túas próximas viaxes, xa que te conectarás automaticamente;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 351;EN;web;turismo;By checking the option to remember your credentials, you will ensure quicker and easier access on your next trips, since you will connect automatically;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 352;GL;web;turismo;Acepta os termos e condicións;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 352;EN;web;turismo;Accept the terms and conditions;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 353;GL;web;turismo;Xa podes acceder a todos os servizos;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 353;EN;web;turismo;You can now access all the services;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 354;GL;web;turismo;O acceso a algunhas páxinas web, programas, páxinas de descarga e vídeos en streaming, excepto YouTube, pode estar bloqueado;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 354;EN;web;turismo;Access to some websites, programmes, download pages and streaming video may be blocked, except for YouTube;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 355;GL;web;turismo;Os menores que viaxen sós poden usar PlayRenfe sempre que leven consigo a autorización e a fotocopia do DNI, NIE ou Pasaporte da nai, pai ou titor legal;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 355;EN;web;turismo;Minors travelling alone can use PlayRenfe as long as they bring with them the authorisation and photocopy of their mother's, parent's or legal guardian's national ID card, foreigner ID card or Passport;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/el-viaje/a-bordo/playrenfe/que-es-play-renfe 356;GL;web;turismo;Podes subir a bordo do tren ata 3 vultos considerados equipaxe de man, sempre que a suma dos tres non supere os 25 kg ou 290 cm de tamaño;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/informacion-util/equipajes/politica-de-equipajes 356;EN;web;turismo;You can carry up to 3 pieces of hand luggage onto the train, provided that the sum of the three does not exceed 25 kg or 290 cm;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/informacion-util/equipajes/politica-de-equipajes 357;GL;web;turismo;Todas as bicicletas e patinetes encartados dentro dunha funda considéranse equipaxe de man sempre que as súas dimensións non superen entre as tres máis de 180 cm e, polo tanto, serán admitidas de balde en todos os servizos regulares;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/informacion-util/equipajes/politica-de-equipajes 357;EN;web;turismo;All bicycles and scooters folded in a cover are considered hand luggage as long as their dimensions do not add up to more than 180 cm between the three elements, and therefore will be accepted free of charge on all regular services;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/informacion-util/equipajes/politica-de-equipajes 358;GL;web;turismo;A política de transporte de bicicletas e patinetes sen encartar depende do tipo de tren no que viaxes;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/viajar/informacion-util/equipajes/politica-de-equipajes 358;EN;web;turismo;The transport policy for unfolded bicycles and scooters depends on the type of train you are travelling on;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/viajar/informacion-util/equipajes/politica-de-equipajes 359;GL;web;turismo;Somos a empresa líder do medio de transporte colectivo que menos contamina;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/grupo-renfe/transporte-sustentable/eficiencia-enerxetica 359;EN;web;turismo;We are the leading company of the least polluting means of mass transport;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/renfe-group/sustainable-transport/energy-efficiency 360;GL;web;turismo;Iso é unha sorte e tamén unha responsabilidade, así que traballamos cada día para multiplicar esa vantaxe ata o máximo, desde todos os ámbitos do Grupo Renfe;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/grupo-renfe/transporte-sustentable/eficiencia-enerxetica 360;EN;web;turismo;That is both fortunate and a big responsibility, so we work every day to multiply that advantage to the maximum, from all areas of the Renfe Group;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/renfe-group/sustainable-transport/energy-efficiency 361;GL;web;turismo;O resultado dese traballo chámase sustentabilidade e para nós é a prioridade;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/grupo-renfe/transporte-sustentable/eficiencia-enerxetica 361;EN;web;turismo;The result of that work is called Sustainability, and it is our top priority;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/renfe-group/sustainable-transport/energy-efficiency 362;GL;web;turismo;Ao futuro, sen dúbida, viáxase en tren;baixa;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/grupo-renfe/transporte-sustentable/eficiencia-enerxetica 362;EN;web;turismo;Looking towards the future, there is no doubt that people will be travelling by train;baixa;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/renfe-group/sustainable-transport/energy-efficiency 363;GL;web;turismo;Buscamos unha alternativa traballando na súa progresiva substitución por enerxías máis limpas ou libres de contaminación local e efecto invernadoiro;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/grupo-renfe/transporte-sustentable/eficiencia-enerxetica 363;EN;web;turismo;We are looking for an alternative, working on its progressive replacement with cleaner energies or free of local pollution and greenhouse effect;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/renfe-group/sustainable-transport/energy-efficiency 364;GL;web;turismo;Ademais de nos nosos trens, promovemos a compra de enerxía “verde” e a produción de enerxías renovables nas nosas instalacións;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/grupo-renfe/transporte-sustentable/eficiencia-enerxetica 364;EN;web;turismo;"In addition to our trains, we promote the purchase of ""green"" energy and the production of renewable energies in our facilities";alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/renfe-group/sustainable-transport/energy-efficiency 365;GL;web;turismo;A outra clave son os trens;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/grupo-renfe/transporte-sustentable/eficiencia-enerxetica 365;EN;web;turismo;The other key is the trains;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/renfe-group/sustainable-transport/energy-efficiency 366;GL;web;turismo;A renovación da frota fíxose primando maximizar o rendemento co mínimo consumo enerxético;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/grupo-renfe/transporte-sustentable/eficiencia-enerxetica 366;EN;web;turismo;The fleet was renewed prioritising the maximisation of performance with minimal energy consumption;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/renfe-group/sustainable-transport/energy-efficiency 367;GL;web;turismo;Os trens incorporan sistemas de condución eficiente integrados nos modos de condución automática;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/gl/grupo-renfe/transporte-sustentable/eficiencia-enerxetica 367;EN;web;turismo;Trains incorporate efficient driving systems integrated into automatic driving modes;alta;https://www.renfe.com/es/en/renfe-group/sustainable-transport/energy-efficiency 368;GL;web;alimentacion;O sistema de xestión ambiental de Mercadona está enfocado en reducir os residuos e aproveitar ao máximo os recursos naturais;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/atencion-ao-cliente/preguntas-frecuentes-0/bolsas-e-o-noso-compromiso-co-medio/faq?b=t&tema=1477790381377 368;EN;web;alimentacion;Mercadona’s environmental management system is focused on reducing waste and making the most of natural resources;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/customer-service/frequently-asked-questions/bags-and-our-environmental-commitment/faq 369;GL;web;alimentacion;Por iso contamos cun sistema de xestión de residuos enfocado na prevención, na reutilización e na reciclaxe;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/atencion-ao-cliente/preguntas-frecuentes-0/bolsas-e-o-noso-compromiso-co-medio/faq?b=t&tema=1477790381377 369;EN;web;alimentacion;We therefore have a waste management system focused on prevention, reuse and recycling;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/customer-service/frequently-asked-questions/bags-and-our-environmental-commitment/faq 370;GL;web;alimentacion;Fomentamos a reutilización das bolsas da compra e ofrecemos bolsas feitas con plástico reciclado ou papel, todas elas son á súa vez reciclables;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/atencion-ao-cliente/preguntas-frecuentes-0/bolsas-e-o-noso-compromiso-co-medio/faq?b=t&tema=1477790381377 370;EN;web;alimentacion;We encourage the reuse of shopping bags and we offer bags made with recycled plastic or paper, all of which are also recyclable;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/customer-service/frequently-asked-questions/bags-and-our-environmental-commitment/faq 371;GL;web;alimentacion;Así mesmo temos un sistema de recollida de residuos que abarca tanto os residuos xerados por Mercadona como outros que o Xefe pode depositar nas tendas, como as pilas, para asegurar a súa correcta xestión;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/atencion-ao-cliente/preguntas-frecuentes-0/bolsas-e-o-noso-compromiso-co-medio/faq?b=t&tema=1477790381377 371;EN;web;alimentacion;Furthermore, we have a waste management system that encompasses both the waste generated by Mercadona and other waste items that the Boss disposes of in our stores, like batteries, to ensure they are managed correctly;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/customer-service/frequently-asked-questions/bags-and-our-environmental-commitment/faq 372;GL;web;alimentacion;En relación cos envases de plástico, traballamos conxuntamente cos nosos provedores/fabricantes para que todos os nosos produtos cumpran os máis estritos estándares de seguridade alimentaria, sostibilidade e calidade;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/atencion-ao-cliente/preguntas-frecuentes-0/bolsas-e-o-noso-compromiso-co-medio/faq?b=t&tema=1477790381377 372;EN;web;alimentacion;In terms of plastic packaging, we work in partnership with our suppliers/manufacturers to ensure that all our products comply with the strictest food safety, environmental and quality standards;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/customer-service/frequently-asked-questions/bags-and-our-environmental-commitment/faq 373;GL;web;alimentacion;O noso obxectivo é que cada envase sexa o máis adecuado para cumprir a súa función facendo un uso racional dos recursos e usando diversas estratexias para reducir, alí onde é posible, o plástico utilizado;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/atencion-ao-cliente/preguntas-frecuentes-0/bolsas-e-o-noso-compromiso-co-medio/faq?b=t&tema=1477790381377 373;EN;web;alimentacion;Our goal is for every package to be the best option to fulfil its function, making rational use of resources and using a range of strategies to reduce the amount of plastic used whenever possible;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/customer-service/frequently-asked-questions/bags-and-our-environmental-commitment/faq 374;GL;web;alimentacion;Poderás encontrar máis información sobre os nosos compromisos co medio ambiente na nosa memoria anual e na memoria ambiental;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/atencion-ao-cliente/preguntas-frecuentes-0/bolsas-e-o-noso-compromiso-co-medio/faq?b=t&tema=1477790381377 374;EN;web;alimentacion;You can find more information about our commitment to the environment in our annual report and in the environmental report;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/customer-service/frequently-asked-questions/bags-and-our-environmental-commitment/faq 375;GL;web;alimentacion;Todos debemos cumprir coas leis e normativas que regulen en cada país a actividade da compañía;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/legal-2 375;EN;web;alimentacion;We all must comply with legislation and regulations that govern the company's actions in each country;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/legal-1 376;GL;web;alimentacion;"O ""orgullo de pertenza"" en Mercadona debe ser unha constante que presida a actuación de todos e cada un dos que conformamos Mercadona";alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/legal-2 376;EN;web;alimentacion;In Mercadona, the “pride of belonging” must be a constant and oversee the actions of all of us that make up Mercadona;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/legal-1 377;GL;web;alimentacion;Somos unha empresa que busca a satisfacción dos nosos cinco compoñentes a través do noso modelo de xestión de Calidade Total;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/legal-2 377;EN;web;alimentacion;We are a company that strives to satisfy our five components through our Total Quality Management Model;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/legal-1 378;GL;web;alimentacion;Daquela as carnicerías do negocio familiar transfórmanse en ultramarinos;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 378;EN;web;alimentacion;So what had been family-run butcher shops become grocery stores;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 379;GL;web;alimentacion;Juan Roig asume a dirección da compañía, que comeza a súa actividade como empresa independente;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 379;EN;web;alimentacion;Juan Roig assumes control of the company, and it starts to operate as an independent business;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 380;GL;web;alimentacion;Primeira empresa en España en utilizar o escáner para a lectura do código de barras nos puntos de venda;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 380;EN;web;alimentacion;First Spanish company to use scanners to read bar codes at points of sale;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 381;GL;web;alimentacion;Inauguración do bloque loxístico de Riba-roja de Túria (Valencia), pioneiro en España por estar totalmente automatizado;baixa;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 381;EN;web;alimentacion;Opening of the Riba-roja de Turia (Valencia) logistics block, the first fully automated distribution centre in Spain;baixa;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 382;GL;web;alimentacion;Acádanse as cifras de 10.000 traballadores e 150 tendas;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 382;EN;web;alimentacion;The company reaches 10,000 employees and 150 stores;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 383;GL;web;alimentacion;Asínase o primeiro convenio de empresa para todos os traballadores;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 383;EN;web;alimentacion;The company’s first collective agreement is signed for the benefit of all employees;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 384;GL;web;alimentacion;Finaliza o proceso, iniciado en 1995, de converter en fixos a todos os membros do cadro de persoal;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 384;EN;web;alimentacion;Completion of the process whereby all staff contracts are made permanent, which had started in 1995;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 385;GL;web;alimentacion;Iníciase o proxecto de novo deseño e modelo de perfumerías;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 385;EN;web;alimentacion;The project for a new design and model for the cosmetics section is started;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 386;GL;web;alimentacion;Inauguración do primeiro centro educativo infantil gratuíto para os fillos dos traballadores, no bloque loxístico de Sant Sadurní d'Anoia (Barcelona);alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 386;EN;web;alimentacion;Inauguration of the first free nursery school for employees’ children at the Sant Sadurni d’Anoia (Barcelona) logistics block;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 387;GL;web;alimentacion;Mercadona acada as 500 tendas na abertura do seu primeiro supermercado en Linares (Jaén);baixa;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 387;EN;web;alimentacion;The opening of its first store in Linares (Jaen) marks Mercadona’s store number 500;baixa;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 388;GL;web;alimentacion;O Comité de Dirección decide como norma xeral non abrir os supermercados os domingos;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 388;EN;web;alimentacion;The Management Committee decides not to open the supermarkets on Sundays as a general rule;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 389;GL;web;alimentacion;"Volvermos á sinxeleza para termos un catálogo eficaz facendo aquilo que engade valor para ""O Xefe""";alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 389;EN;web;alimentacion;Back to basics for an effective selection by providing added value for “The Boss”;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 390;GL;web;alimentacion;Mercadona cumpre trinta anos dun modelo sustentable que pasa por facer crecer os cinco compoñentes da compañía;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 390;EN;web;alimentacion;Mercadona celebrates thirty years of its sustainable model based on promoting the growth of the company’s five core components;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 391;GL;web;alimentacion;Iníciase o cobro de bolsas para adaptarse ao Plan Nacional Integrado de Residuos;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 391;EN;web;alimentacion;Charging for plastic bags is introduced, in accordance with the National Integrated Waste Plan;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 392;GL;web;alimentacion;Reinventármonos para ser máis tendeiros;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 392;EN;web;alimentacion;Redefining ourselves to be more like shopkeepers;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 393;GL;web;alimentacion;Implantación de novas seccións de frescos;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 393;EN;web;alimentacion;Implementation of new fresh products sections;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 394;GL;web;alimentacion;O modelo de innovación radical de Mercadona é recoñecido internacionalmente;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 394;EN;web;alimentacion;Mercadona’s radical innovation model is internationally acknowledged;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 395;GL;web;alimentacion;Aproba iniciar o seu proxecto de internacionalización coa entrada en Portugal;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 395;EN;web;alimentacion;Mercadona starts its internationalisation process by opening in Portugal;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 396;GL;web;alimentacion;Desenvolvemento da estratexia Frescos Global para impulsar e modernizar as novas seccións de frescos;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 396;EN;web;alimentacion;Developing the Global Fresh Products strategy to boost and modernise the new fresh products sections;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 397;GL;web;alimentacion;O proxecto de internacionalización convértese en realidade coa apertura da primeira tenda en Portugal;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 397;EN;web;alimentacion;The internationalisation project comes to fruition with the opening of the first store in Portugal;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 398;GL;web;alimentacion;Nun ano tan duro, o conxunto de persoas excepcionais que forman o Proxecto Mercadona contribúe a lograr a mellor xestión da historia da compañía;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/gl/conecenos/historia-2 398;EN;web;alimentacion;In such a hard year, the group of exceptional people who are part of the Mercadona Project have helped to achieve the best management in the company’s history;alta;https://info.mercadona.es/en/who-we-are/history 399;GL;web;turismo;Benvidos ao Nagari Health & Spa, un verdadeiro Santuario de Saúde e Beleza situado no corazón de Vigo, con dúas plantas destinadas á serenidade, harmonía e benestar de corpo e mente;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 399;EN;web;turismo;Nagari Health & Spa is a true health and beauty sanctuary located in the heart of Vigo, with 2 floors for serenity, harmony and well being of body and mind;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 400;GL;web;turismo;Ambientado no exotismo asiático, cada peza foi coidadosamente seleccionada para que o seu corpo e mente gocen do luxo e o benestar;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 400;EN;web;turismo;Set in exotic Asia, each piece has been carefully selected for your body and mind to enjoy the luxury and comfort;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 401;GL;web;turismo;Prepárese para unha intensa viaxe polas diferentes culturas e terapias do mundo rescatando da India os beneficios do Ayurveda;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 401;EN;web;turismo;Prepare for an intense journey through different cultures and therapies in the world, capturing the benefits of Ayurveda, India.;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 402;GL;web;turismo;O elemento que imprime, sen ningunha dúbida, máis exclusividade e elegancia ao hotel é a súa piscina Skyline;baixa;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 402;EN;web;turismo;Without any doubt, Nagari's Skyline pool is the most exclusive and impressive component of the Hotel;baixa;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 403;GL;web;turismo;Fai que o cliente case poida “tocar o ceo” mentres goza dun agradable circuíto de auga;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 403;EN;web;turismo;It almost makes the customer can “touch the sky” while enjoying a pleasant naturalized water circuit.;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 404;GL;web;turismo;Conta con chorros cervicais, de cisne, volcáns que xorden desde o fondo, camas de burbullas que traballan toda a parte posterior do corpo e chorros de natación contracorriente;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 404;EN;web;turismo;It has cervical jets, swan necks, volcanoes that rise from the bottom, bubble beds that work the entire back of the body and cross-current swimming jets.;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 405;GL;web;turismo;Ademais este fantástico circuíto péchase con dous jacuzzies climatizados un cuberto e outro descuberto, e un solarium exterior;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 405;EN;web;turismo;Besides, this fantastic circuit is closed with two heated Jacuzzis, one covered and one uncovered, and an outdoor solarium.;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 406;GL;web;turismo;A cuberta é telescópica, ábrese ou pecha en poucos segundos dependendo das condicións climatolóxicas.;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 406;EN;web;turismo;The cover is telescopic, opens or closes in a few seconds depending on weather conditions;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 407;GL;web;turismo;Tamén conta con servizo de cafetaría a disposición dos clientes mentres gozan do circuíto;baixa;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 407;EN;web;turismo;Other amenities include a cafeteria available to customers while enjoying the circuit;baixa;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 408;GL;web;turismo;Tamén está dispoñible para sorprender aos seus invitados cunha exclusiva festa privada;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 408;EN;web;turismo;It is also available to surprise your guests if you arrange an exclusive private party;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 409;GL;web;turismo;As impresionantes vistas sobre a Ría de Vigo completan o escenario;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 409;EN;web;turismo;The breathtaking views over the Ria de Vigo complete the picture;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 410;GL;web;turismo;Durante a noite a piscina convértese no moderno bar-terraza Skyline, ofrecendo unha nova perspectiva da cidade;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/health-y-spa-2/ 410;EN;web;turismo;At night, the pool becomes a modern Skyline terrace bar, offering a new perspective of the city;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/health-and-spa-2/ 411;GL;web;turismo;Situado nun edificio histórico, conserva a súa impoñente fachada catalogada;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/o-hotel/ 411;EN;web;turismo;Located in a historic building retains its imposing facade classified;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/the-hotel/ 412;GL;web;turismo;Unha vez no seu interior completamente reformado, o deseño de cada un dos seus espazos está marcado por liñas clásicas e orientais fusionadas coa vangarda máis moderna, obtendo como resultado un marco de incomparable elegancia ecléctica;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/o-hotel/ 412;EN;web;turismo;Now completely renovated inside, the design of each of the spaces is marked by classical and oriental lines fused with the most modern art avant-garde, resulting in a framework of eclectic elegance unmatched;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/the-hotel/ 413;GL;web;turismo;O luxo nos detalles e o servizo personalizado, xunto coa recepción nas habitacións chea de pequenas atencións, permitirá que experimente un estilo de vida único;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/o-hotel/ 413;EN;web;turismo;Luxury in detail and personalized service, along with the reception in rooms full of little attentions, will allow you to experience a unique lifestyle;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/the-hotel/ 414;GL;web;turismo;Adica gran parte das súas instalacións ao uso e lecer da zona Spa e outros servizos exclusivos consagrados ao benestar e á revitalización de todos os seus hóspedes;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/o-hotel/ 414;EN;web;turismo;It devotes much of its facilities to use and enjoy the spa and other amenities dedicated to the welfare and revitalization of all guests;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/the-hotel/ 415;GL;web;turismo;Coñeza o noso hotel desde a súa pantalla coma se estivese aquí mesmo;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/o-hotel/ 415;EN;web;turismo;Know our hotel from your screen as if you were here;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/the-hotel/ 416;GL;web;turismo;Pode percorrer os distintos espazos nunha viaxe fascinante polo universo Nagari;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/o-hotel/ 416;EN;web;turismo;You can visit different places on a fascinating journey through the universe Nagari;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/the-hotel/ 417;GL;web;turismo;De deseño elegante, ecléctico e vangardista, as nosas Loft Room están totalmente equipadas para satisfacer as necesidades dos hóspedes.;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 417;EN;web;turismo;Stylish, eclectic and avant-garde in design, our Loft Premium are completely equipped to satisfy guests needs;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 418;GL;web;turismo;Ademais, co fin de sorprender ao cliente en cada unha das súas visitas, o proxecto decorativo inclúe diferente ambientación e cores en cada andar;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 418;EN;web;turismo;Furthermore, in order to surprise the customer in each of his visits, the decorative project includes different atmospheres and colors in each floor.;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 419;GL;web;turismo;Déixese envolver pola nosa cálida e acolledora habitación Executive Room cuxa distribución, a diferenza das Loft Room, permite gozar dunha zona de lectura e un escritorio;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 419;EN;web;turismo;Treat yourself to our warm and cosy Executive Room whose layout, unlike other Lofts, enables you to enjoy a reading area and a desk;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 420;GL;web;turismo;O seu proxecto decorativo inclúe os mesmos elementos que nas Premium Loft Room e gozan de todos os servizos para maior confort dos clientes;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 420;EN;web;turismo;Its decorative scheme includes the same elements as in the Premium Loft rooms and include all the services our customers feel at ease;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 421;GL;web;turismo;Dispoñible con cama de matrimonio ou dúas camas, gozará dun descanso nun ambiente elegante e relaxado;baixa;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 421;EN;web;turismo;Available double bed or twin beds, you will enjoy a peaceful break in an elegant and relaxed atmosphere;baixa;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 422;GL;web;turismo;O espírito do luxo contemporáneo escenificado no confort dos materiais nobres e o deseño de vangarda e tecnoloxía en cada un dos detalles que encerra este magnífico universo cosmopolita;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 422;EN;web;turismo;The contemporary luxury spirit staged in the comfort of quality materials, cutting edge design and technology in each of the details surrounding this great cosmopolitan world;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 423;GL;web;turismo;O branco impón a súa singular presenza en elementos decorativos únicos;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 423;EN;web;turismo;The white imposes its unique presence in unique decorative elements;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 424;GL;web;turismo;Un mobiliario elegante e coidadosamente seleccionado respira na harmonía das grandes ventás ó centenario arboredo da praza da Alameda de Vigo, a zona nobre da cidade;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 424;EN;web;turismo;Elegant furnishings and carefully selected breathes in the harmony of the large windows at the century-old trees of the Plaza de la Alameda de Vigo, the noble area of the city;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 425;GL;web;turismo;Elementos harmónicamente ensamblados para escenificar unha visión do luxo máis cosmopolita e contemporáneamente elegante;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 425;EN;web;turismo;Here everything has been harmoniously assembled to stage a vision of cosmopolitan and elegant luxury.;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 426;GL;web;turismo;Un inventario interminable de materiais inspirados na natureza onde a luz atlántica inunda o privilexiado espazo orientado ao mar;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 426;EN;web;turismo;An endless inventory of materials inspired by nature where light floods the privileged Atlantic space oriented to the sea;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 427;GL;web;turismo;Un exercicio estilístico evocador de calma e refinamento co espírito boutique que evoca a integración de continente e contido;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 427;EN;web;turismo;An evocative stylistic exercise of calm and refinement with a boutique spirit that evokes the integration of container and content.;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 428;GL;web;turismo;O material máis nobre inspira esta Suite que dun xeito cromático percorre os matices do luxo en pezas únicas;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 428;EN;web;turismo;The noblest material inspires this suite that covers in a chromatic way the nuances of luxury in unique pieces;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 429;GL;web;turismo;Un espazo reservado á calma interpretada en clave cromática, ao glamour dos lugares únicos e cosmopolitas con pezas singulares e luxosas;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 429;EN;web;turismo;A space reserved for calm interpreted in a chromatic key, and for the glamour of the unique and cosmopolitan places with unique and luxurious pieces;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 430;GL;web;turismo;Amor polas pequenas atencións que garanten o confort aos seus ocupantes;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 430;EN;web;turismo;Love for the little details that guarantee comfort for its occupants;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 431;GL;web;turismo;Gran Hotel Nagari pon á disposición dos seus clientes opcións de regalo, paquetes e ofertas especiais;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 431;EN;web;turismo;Gran Nagari Hotel offers to its customers several gift vouchers, packages and special offers;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 432;GL;web;turismo;Pode acceder á nosa tenda en liña e reservalos, aproveitando sempre as mellores condicións de contratación;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/habitaciones/ 432;EN;web;turismo;You can access to our online store and book them, taking advantage of the best purchasing conditions;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/rooms/ 433;GL;web;turismo;A exclusividade dos nosos salóns con deseños de vangarda e a personalización de cada servizo, fan do hotel un lugar único para a celebración de seu evento;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 433;EN;web;turismo;The exclusivity of our facilities with cutting-edge designs and the customization of every service make the Hotel a single place to celebrate your event;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 434;GL;web;turismo;Cada detalle do noso hotel foi preparado co fin de converter o seu evento nun día único;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 434;EN;web;turismo;Every detail in our hotel has been prepared to make your event an unforgettable experience;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 435;GL;web;turismo;Pomos á súa disposición unha exclusiva selección de servizos, que foron creadas exclusivamente para ofrecerlle o maior goce gastronómico, polo prestixioso Chef Executivo Bernardo Esperante;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 435;EN;web;turismo;We offer a wide variety of services, which have been created exclusively for gastronomic enjoyment, led by the prestigious Executive chef Bernardo Esperante;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 436;GL;web;turismo;Salón con capacidade para 60 personas, recursos audiovisuais, restauración;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 436;EN;web;turismo;Meeting room with capacity for 60 people, equipped with electronical devices and catering service;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 437;GL;web;turismo;Salón con capacidade para 32 personas, recursos audiovisuais, restauración;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 437;EN;web;turismo;Meeting room with capacity for 32 people, equipped with electronical devices and catering service;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 438;GL;web;turismo;Diferentes espazos para as súas comidas, ceas, cócteles e almorzos;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 438;EN;web;turismo;There are several places to enjoy your lunches, dinners, cocktails or breakfasts;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 439;GL;web;turismo;Tamén temos unha Zona de Reservado privada que lle garantirá a intimidade nos seus eventos e a Zona apartada da Cristaleira cunha gran iluminación natural;baixa;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 439;EN;web;turismo;We also have a private room to ensure the privacy of your events, as well as a remote space with natural lighting;baixa;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 440;GL;web;turismo;Ademais dispón dunha ampla terraza ao aire libre;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 440;EN;web;turismo;Besides, it has a large outdoor terrace;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 441;GL;web;turismo;Ideal como lugar de traballo para pequenas reunións e presentacións individuais de produtos;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 441;EN;web;turismo;It is ideal as a workplace for informal meetings and individual presentations of products;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 442;GL;web;turismo;A súa reunión máis privada e exclusiva, no 7º andar do Hotel;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 442;EN;web;turismo;The most private and exclusive meeting is on the 7th floor of the Hotel;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 443;GL;web;turismo;Situada no último andar do Hotel, cunhas magníficas vistas coas Illas Cíes ao fondo e a Ría de Vigo, onde poderá celebrar os eventos máis orixinais nun espazo único;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/salas/ 443;EN;web;turismo;It is located on the top of the building with wonderful views of the Cies Islands at the back and the Vigo estuary, where you will arrange original events in a single place;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/nagari-spaces/ 444;GL;web;turismo;Este novo concepto de bar e restaurante achega un toque de distinción ao hotel, imprimindo personalidade e carácter propio;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/manhattan/ 444;EN;web;turismo;This new concept bar and restaurant brings a touch of class to the hotel, printing personality and character;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/manhattan-wine-lounge/ 445;GL;web;turismo;Proporciona instantes para a desconexión, nun encontro orixinal coa cultura do viño;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/manhattan/ 445;EN;web;turismo;It provides moments for disconnection, a original encounter with the culture of wine;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/manhattan-wine-lounge/ 446;GL;web;turismo;É tamén un espazo habilitado para poder degustar deliciosas viandas artesás baseadas en produtos de alta calidade, para aqueles clientes que prefiran un ágape máis informal;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/manhattan/ 446;EN;web;turismo;It is also a place where you can taste delicious homemade food based on high quality products, for those customers who prefer a more casual meal.;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/manhattan-wine-lounge/ 447;GL;web;turismo;Manhattan Wine & Lounge pon á súa disposición unha gran variedade de refrixerios e menús para un xantar ou cea rápidos;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/manhattan/ 447;EN;web;turismo;Manhattan Wine & Lounge offers a wide range of high quality snacks and menus for a quick lunch or dinner;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/manhattan-wine-lounge/ 448;GL;web;turismo;Por favor consulte a nosa carta;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/gl/manhattan/ 448;EN;web;turismo;Please check our menu;alta;https://www.granhotelnagari.com/en/manhattan-wine-lounge/ 449;GL;web;moda;A tarxeta regalo é un documento ao portador e a responsabilidade do seu uso é exclusivamente do seu propietario;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 449;EN;web;moda;Gift vouchers are bearer documents and the responsibility for their use is exclusively that of the owner;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 450;GL;web;moda;A tarxeta regalo non ten caducidade;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 450;EN;web;moda;Gift vouchers have no expiry date;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 451;GL;web;moda;O valor inicial da tarxeta regalo é o da súa carga inicial en euros e do devandito importe se irán descontando os sucesivos consumos no grupo El Corte Inglés ata esgotalo;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 451;EN;web;moda;The initial value of a gift voucher is the initial top-up in euros and successive purchases in the El Corte Inglés group will be deducted from this amount until it is used up;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 452;GL;web;moda;Ao tramitar o pedido poderás escribir unha dedicatoria á persoa que vai recibir a Tarxeta regalo;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 452;EN;web;moda;When processing the order, you can write a personal message to the person who is going to receive the Gift Card;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 453;GL;web;moda;Para encontrar un produto, podes despregar o menú de navegación situado na esquina superior esquerda;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 453;EN;web;moda;To find a product, you can open the navigation menu located in the top left corner of the page;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 454;GL;web;moda;Deste xeito, poderás acceder a todos os departamentos dispoñibles;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 454;EN;web;moda;This will give you access to all the available departments;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 455;GL;web;moda;Cada departamento conta con varias portadas, compostas por unha zona central, onde se expoñen os contidos máis destacados;baixa;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 455;EN;web;moda;Each department has several sections and a central area where featured contents are on display;baixa;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 456;GL;web;moda;A través destes menús, accedes ás listaxes de produto;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 456;EN;web;moda;Use these menus to access the lists of products;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 457;GL;web;moda;Tamén podes acudir ao buscador situado na zona superior;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 457;EN;web;moda;You can also use the search tool located at the top of the page;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 458;GL;web;moda;O resultado mostrará os artigos dispoñibles en función dos datos introducidos;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 458;EN;web;moda;It will display the available products according to the terms you enter;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 459;GL;web;moda;Unha vez que encontres o artigo, amplía a información premendo sobre o seu nome ou sobre a súa imaxe;baixa;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 459;EN;web;moda;Once you have found the item you are looking for, click on the product name or its picture to see more information;baixa;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 460;GL;web;moda;Abrirase unha ficha de produto coas súas características detalladas, as variantes de cor ou medidas, as promocións aplicadas, as opcións de envío e devolución, a súa dispoñibilidade en centros e outros produtos relacionados;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 460;EN;web;moda;A product information window will open showing the product’s details, colours, sizes, any applicable promotions, delivery and return options, availability in centres and other related products;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 461;GL;web;moda;Para realizar cambios e devolucións de pedidos realizados a través da nosa web, podes tramitalos dende a sección de A Miña Conta;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 461;EN;web;moda;You can process exchanges and returns of orders placed on our website from the My Account section;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 462;GL;web;moda;Para calquera outra dúbida, podes chamar o noso servizo de información xeral sobre El Corte Inglés;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 462;EN;web;moda;For any other questions you can call our El Corte Inglés general information service;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 463;GL;web;moda;A maioría de produtos comprados en El Corte Inglés pódense devolver, sempre e cando conserven a embalaxe orixinal e estean en perfectas condicións;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 463;EN;web;moda;The majority of products purchased at El Corte Inglés can be returned as long as you still have the original packaging and the products are in perfect condition;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 464;GL;web;moda;Hai algunhas excepcións e prazos determinados para poder efectuar a devolución;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 464;EN;web;moda;There are some exceptions and specific return periods for making a return;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 465;GL;web;moda;A Tarxeta Regalo Empresa El Corte Inglés é unha tarxeta deseñada para acumular o importe que desexes regalar como empresa aos teus clientes, empregados ou provedores;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 465;EN;web;moda;The El Corte Inglés Company Gift Card holds the amount that your company wishes to give as a present to your customers, employees and suppliers;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 466;GL;web;moda;O importe da tarxeta vai gravado no frontal, de forma que a persoa obsequiada saberá o seu valor en todo momento;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 466;EN;web;moda;The amount is printed on the front of the card, this way the recipient knows its value at all times;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 467;GL;web;moda;Só serás responsable da diminución de valor dos bens que resulte dunha manipulación distinta á necesaria para establecer a natureza, as características e o funcionamento dos bens;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 467;EN;web;moda;You will only be responsible for the decrease in value of the goods if they have been handled in a manner other than that necessary to ascertain their nature, characteristics and functioning;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 468;GL;web;moda;O custo directo da devolución do ben ou servizo será asumido polo cliente segundo se recolle na LGCU;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 468;EN;web;moda;The direct cost of returning the good or service will be borne by the customer, as established in the LGCU;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 469;GL;web;moda;É gratuíta, sen gastos de emisión;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 469;EN;web;moda;It is free and has no issuance fees;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 470;GL;web;moda;Só se aboará o importe e os gastos de envío se é inferior a 1.500 euros ou ten máis dun enderezo de entrega;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 470;EN;web;moda;You will only be charged for its amount and the delivery charge if it is below €1,500 or is being delivered to more than one address;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 471;GL;web;moda;Para unha total seguridade, esta tarxeta queda bloqueada ata que confirmemos a súa correcta recepción;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 471;EN;web;moda;For complete security, the card will remain blocked until we can confirm it has been received;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 472;GL;web;moda;Se no prazo de 5 días naturais dende a data da recepción non se solicita a súa activación, a tarxeta activarase automaticamente;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 472;EN;web;moda;If after five calendar days from its date of delivery the card still has not been activated, it will be activated automatically;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 473;GL;web;moda;Cada vez que sexa utilizada, irase descontando o importe consumido ata que se esgote, sen límite de tempo;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 473;EN;web;moda;Each time it is used, the consumed amount will be deducted until the balance runs out, without a time limitation.;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 474;GL;web;moda;O pedido mínimo das tarxetas de Empresa é de 600 €;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 474;EN;web;moda;The minimum order for a Company Card is €600;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 475;GL;web;moda;A forma de pagamento dunha Tarxeta regalo Empresa El Corte Inglés é mediante transferencia bancaria polo importe total das tarxetas máis os gastos de envío;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 475;EN;web;moda;Payment for the El Corte Inglés Company Gift Card is made via bank transfer for the total amount of the cards plus delivery charges;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 476;GL;web;moda;Unha vez realizado o pedido, nun prazo máximo de 24 horas, poñerémonos en contacto contigo para facilitarche o número de conta;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 476;EN;web;moda;Once the order has been placed, we will contact you within a maximum period of 24 hours to supply the account number;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 477;GL;web;moda;O envío da túa Tarxeta regalo Empresa El Corte Inglés realizarase no domicilio indicado ás 48-72 horas de ter recibido a transferencia bancaria;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 477;EN;web;moda;The El Corte Inglés Company Gift Card will be delivered to the indicated address within 48-72 hours after receiving the bank transfer;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 478;GL;web;moda;Sempre que o desexes, podemos retirar os teus mobles ou electrodomésticos antigos que vaian ser substituídos polos novos;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 478;EN;web;moda;We can remove the old furniture or household appliance that is going to be substituted upon request;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 479;GL;web;moda;O noso persoal encargarase de trasladalo a un punto de reciclaxe autorizada;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 479;EN;web;moda;Our staff will bring it to an authorised recycling point;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 480;GL;web;moda;Deste xeito, entre todos, contribuímos a coidar o medio ambiente;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 480;EN;web;moda;This way, we all work together to care for the environment;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 481;GL;web;moda;Para solicitar a retirada, só tes que comprobar se o produto a inclúe;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 481;EN;web;moda;To request removal, you just need to verify that the product includes this service;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 482;GL;web;moda;Cando o engadas á túa cesta, aparecerá unha ventá preguntando se queres que nos levemos o antigo;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 482;EN;web;moda;When you add the product to your basket, a window will pop up asking if you would like us to remove the old piece;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 483;GL;web;moda;Recorda que este servizo funciona dentro da área de influencia dos nosos centros comerciais;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 483;EN;web;moda;Bear in mind that this service is only available in the area of operation of shopping centres;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 484;GL;web;moda;O custo do servizo de retirada está suxeito a diferentes condicións;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 484;EN;web;moda;The removal service is subject to different terms and conditions;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 485;GL;web;moda;A posta en marcha e retirada do antigo é gratis;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 485;EN;web;moda;Start-up and removal of the old appliance is free;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 486;GL;web;moda;O servizo de montaxe é gratis para pedidos superiores a 1.500 €;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 486;EN;web;moda;Assembly service is free for orders over €1,500;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 487;GL;web;moda;A retirada do antigo é gratis se non require desmontaxe;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 487;EN;web;moda;Removal of old furniture is free if it does not require disassembly;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 488;GL;web;moda;A retirada do antigo moble e a montaxe das bases é gratis;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 488;EN;web;moda;Removal of old furniture and assembly of bases is free;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 489;GL;web;moda;No caso dos biombos de bañeira, é o propio provedor quen o ofrece, polo que pode supoñer algún custo.;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 489;EN;web;moda;In the case of shower screens, the supplier provides the removal service and may charge an associated cost;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 490;GL;web;moda;O servizo de retirada do antigo inclúese en gran parte dos grandes electrodomésticos, mobles voluminosos, colchóns...;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 490;EN;web;moda;The removal service for old items includes large household appliances, large furniture, mattresses, etc;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 491;GL;web;moda;Polas súas características especiais, necesitamos que fornos, placas, campás e aires acondicionados estean previamente desmontados para poder retiralos e reciclalos;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 491;EN;web;moda;Due to their special characteristics, we require that ovens, hobs, hoods, and air conditioning units be disassembled before we can remove and recycle them;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 492;GL;web;moda;Se queres reciclar un electrodoméstico pequeno, ofrecemos os nosos Centros Comerciais como puntos de recollida de residuos de aparatos eléctricos ou electrónicos de pequenas dimensións;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 492;EN;web;moda;If you wish to recycle a small household appliance, we offer our Shopping Centres as waste collection points for small electrical or electronic appliances and devices;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 493;GL;web;moda;Para a túa comodidade, facilitámosche este web de puntos limpos que creamos para que localices o máis próximo ao teu domicilio;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 493;EN;web;moda;For your convenience, we have created this webpage with waste collection points so you can find the one nearest to you;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 494;GL;web;moda;Entre todos conseguiremos reciclar máis e axudar ao medio ambiente;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 494;EN;web;moda;Together we can recycle more and help the environment;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 495;GL;web;moda;Si hai punto de recollida de aparatos electrónicos nas nosas tendas;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 495;EN;web;moda;There are waste collection points for electronic devices in our shopping centres;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 496;GL;web;moda;O respecto polo medio ambiente é unha das nosas principais liñas de actuación;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 496;EN;web;moda;Respect for the environment is one of our core policies;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 497;GL;web;moda;Neste sentido, e co fin de mellorar o servizo ao cliente, ofrecemos os nosos centros comerciais como puntos de recollida de residuos de aparatos eléctricos ou electrónicos de pequenas dimensións;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 497;EN;web;moda;Thus, and in order to improve our customer service, we offer our shopping centres as waste collection points for small electrical or electronic appliances and devices;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 498;GL;web;moda;Nesta web poderás encontrar os puntos limpos máis próximos a ti;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 498;EN;web;moda;On this webpage you will find the collection points closest to you;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 499;GL;web;moda;El Corte Inglés garante a xestión adecuada dos residuos, mediante procesos de descontaminación e reciclaxe;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 499;EN;web;moda;El Corte Inglés guarantees proper waste management using decontamination and recycling processes;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 500;GL;web;moda;Os aparatos que se entreguen deberán estar limpos, sen aceites ou substancias que poidan derramarse;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 500;EN;web;moda;Devices handed in must be clean and free of any oils or substances that may spill;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 501;GL;web;moda;No caso de aparatos que almacenen datos, estes deberán ser borrados antes da súa entrega;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 501;EN;web;moda;If the devices store data, they must be deleted beforehand;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 502;GL;web;moda;El Corte Inglés non se responsabiliza dos devanditos datos;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/axuda/gl/ 502;EN;web;moda;El Corte Inglés accepts no liability for any such data;alta;https://www.elcorteingles.es/help/en/ 503;GL;web;restauracion;O espazo é esencial no noso discurso culinario;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/xantar 503;EN;web;restauracion;Space is essential in our culinary discourse;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/eat 504;GL;web;restauracion;En Culler somos intérpretes do noso territorio, intentamos que o comensal sinta a terra usando produtos que veñen dela, cociñando o noso ámbito;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/xantar 504;EN;web;restauracion;In Culler we are interpreters of our territory and we try that diners feel the ground by using products that come from it, cooking our environment;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/eat 505;GL;web;restauracion;O noso camiño gastronómico comeza nun lugar privilexiado e concibimos cada parte do edificio, a cociña, o restaurante enteiro como continuación do espazo, da paisaxe;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/xantar 505;EN;web;restauracion;Our gastronomic trail begins in a privileged place, and we conceive each part of the building, the kitchen, and the whole restaurant, as a continuation of space and landscape;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/eat 506;GL;web;restauracion;A luz natural, a madeira e o cristal priman no edificio de Culler, queren ser reflexo do ámbito como o son tamén nosos menús e a nosa carta;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/xantar 506;EN;web;restauracion;Natural light, wood and glass predominate in the Culler building, pretending to be a reflection of the environment as are our menus and dishes;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/eat 507;GL;web;restauracion;Somos unha prolongación do mar e da terra e o que facemos é trasladar todo iso a pratos nos que o sabor é esencial;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/xantar 507;EN;web;restauracion;We are an extension of sea and earth, and we bring all that to our dishes, where taste is essential;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/eat 508;GL;web;restauracion;Pero como todos os sentidos están interconectados, o conxunto de todos eles importa á hora de comer, saborear e divertirse na mesa;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/xantar 508;EN;web;restauracion;But since all senses are interconnected, they all matter when it comes to eating, tasting and having a good time at the table;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/eat 509;GL;web;restauracion;As nosas propostas buscan espertar os sentidos e conectalos coas emocións, tan doado e tan complicado como iso;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/es/a-carta 509;EN;web;restauracion;"Our proposals seek to awaken our senses and connect them with our emotions; it’s so easy and yet so complicated as that";alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/menu 510;GL;web;restauracion;Procurámolo creando ‘experiencias gustativas’ ;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/es/a-carta 510;EN;web;restauracion;So we try creating ‘taste experiences’ ;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/menu 511;GL;web;restauracion;Para iso cremos indispensable a excelencia no produto;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/es/a-carta 511;EN;web;restauracion;To do this, we strongly believe in the excellence of the product as something essential.;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/menu 512;GL;web;restauracion;Cociñamos aquilo que nos ofrecen a horta, a lonxa, os bosques, os provedores de confianza…;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/es/a-carta 512;EN;web;restauracion;We cook the products that the orchard, the fish market, the forests, or trusted suppliers offer us…;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/menu 513;GL;web;restauracion;Eles marcan o ritmo dos nosos pratos;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/es/a-carta 513;EN;web;restauracion;They set the pace of our dishes.;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/menu 514;GL;web;restauracion;Cada tempada é totalmente diferente á anterior e así, interpretamos un territorio e poñémolo en valor a través da creatividade e cociñando as estacións;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/es/a-carta 514;EN;web;restauracion;Every season is completely different from the previous one, allowing us to interpret a territory and add it value through creativity, cooking the stations.;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/menu 515;GL;web;restauracion;Pratos con alma que esperten todos os sentidos e emocionen;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/es/a-carta 515;EN;web;restauracion;Dishes with soul that awaken all our senses and touch us;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/menu 516;GL;web;restauracion;Buscamos alimentar non só o estómago, senón tamén a curiosidade, o desexo a través dunha cociña sincera, divertida, consecuente;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/es/a-carta 516;EN;web;restauracion;We want to feed not only the stomach but also curiosity, the desire through an honest, funny, consistent kitchen;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/menu 517;GL;web;restauracion;Facémolo aplicando a experiencia acumulada en tantas e tantas horas de cociña, xunto coas propias experiencias vitais que enriquecen sempre as mensaxes culinarias de Culler;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/es/a-carta 517;EN;web;restauracion;We do it by applying the experience gained in so many hours cooking along with our own life experiences, which always enrich the culinary messages of Culler;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/menu 518;GL;web;moda;Debido á nova normativa europea PSD2, é posible que sexa necesario que realices un paso de verificación cando pagues cunha tarxeta de crédito ou débito durante o proceso de compra;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-verification 518;EN;web;moda;Due to the new European regulation PSD2, you may be required to undergo an authentication process when paying by credit or debit card at checkout;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-verification 519;GL;web;moda;Existen varios métodos pero os máis comúns baséanse en verificar o pagamento a través da aplicación do teu banco no teu móbil ou cun código temporal dun só uso;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-verification 519;EN;web;moda;While there are several methods, the most common ones authenticate the payment through your bank's application on your mobile phone or using a temporary one-time code;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-verification 520;GL;web;moda;Para recibir a solicitude de verificación, é posible que primeiro necesites darte de alta no servizo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-verification 520;EN;web;moda;To receive the authentication request, you may need to register for the service first;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-verification 521;GL;web;moda;Ponte en contacto coa túa entidade bancaria para máis información;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-verification 521;EN;web;moda;Contact your bank for more information;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-verification 522;GL;web;moda;Se tes algún problema para completar unha transacción na nosa páxina web, ponte en contacto co noso servizo de Atención ao Cliente;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-verification 522;EN;web;moda;If you have any issues when completing a transaction on our website, please contact our customer service department;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-verification 523;GL;web;moda;Dende esta ligazón podes converter o teu tícket de compra nunha factura;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/solicitar-factura 523;EN;web;moda;You can convert your sales receipt into an invoice at this link;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/solicitar-factura 524;GL;web;moda;Enchendo os campos indicados no formulario, no prazo de 24 horas recibirá o seu tícket convertido en factura;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/solicitar-factura 524;EN;web;moda;Fill in the fields shown on the form and your receipt will be converted into an invoice within 24 hours;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/solicitar-factura 525;GL;web;moda;Selecciona a opción Pagar con Bizum no momento de finalizar a túa compra;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/bizum 525;EN;web;moda;Select the option Pay with Bizum when completing your purchase;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/bizum 526;GL;web;moda;Finaliza a compra na app do teu banco ou introduce a túa clave bizum;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/bizum 526;EN;web;moda;Complete the purchase in your bank app or enter your bizum password ;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/bizum 527;GL;web;moda;As devolucións en Massimo Dutti son sempre gratuítas e o prazo de devolución é de 30 días a partir da data de confirmación do envío;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/return-process 527;EN;web;moda;Returns at Massimo Dutti are alwaysfree of charge and the deadline for returns is 30 days from the shipping confirmation date;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/return-process 528;GL;web;moda;Massimo Dutti resérvase o dereito a rexeitar devolucións fóra de prazo, se as pezas non se encontran nas mesmas condicións que cando se enviaron ou se non cumpren as nosas condicións de devolución;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/return-process 528;EN;web;moda;Massimo Dutti reserves the right to refuse returns outside this deadline or if the garments are not in the same condition in which they were sent to you or if they do not comply with our return conditions;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/return-process 529;GL;web;moda;Poderiamos reter o reembolso ata que recibamos a mercadoría ou vostede proporcione proba de que a devolveu;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/return-process 529;EN;web;moda;We may withhold the refund until we have received the goods or you have provided proof of return;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/return-process 530;GL;web;moda;O documento de compra é fundamental para os pedidos feitos cun tícket regalo para que o reembolso non se procese usando a mesma forma de pagamento utilizada para a compra;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/return-process 530;EN;web;moda;The purchase document is crucial for orders made with a gift receipt so that the refund is not processed using the same payment method used for the purchase;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/return-process 531;GL;web;moda;Non se poden cambiar nin devolver, artigos de roupa interior nin traxes de baño sen adhesivos hixiénicos, pendentes con evidentes signos de manipulación, medias, calcetíns, artigos personalizados e perfumaría desprecintada;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/return-process 531;EN;web;moda;You cannot exchange or return undergarments or swimwear without the protective hygiene sticker, earrings with clear signs of use, tights, socks, customised items and unsealed perfume;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/return-process 532;GL;web;moda;As pezas deben estar en perfectas condicións ;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/return-process 532;EN;web;moda;The pieces must be in perfect condition;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/return-process 533;GL;web;moda;debe incluír o adhesivo de hixiene;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/return-process 533;EN;web;moda;must include the protective hygiene sticker;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/return-process 534;GL;web;moda;Sempre que o pedido se pagase na caixa dunha das nosas tendas, a devolución deberá realizarse sempre nunha tenda presentando o tícket da compra;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/return-process 534;EN;web;moda;If the order has been paid for at the till in one of our stores, the return must always be made in a store by presenting the purchase receipt;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/return-process 535;GL;web;moda;No caso de que desexe devolver artigos de pedidos distintos, é requisito fundamental solicitar a recollida para cada un deles e de acordo co número de caixas que desexa devolver;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/return-process 535;EN;web;moda;In the event that you wish to return items from different orders, you are required to request collection for each item and according to the number of boxes you wish to return;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/return-process 536;GL;web;moda;Massimo Dutti non se fai responsable de devolucións nun único envío de artigos comprados en diferentes pedidos ou devoltos coa solicitude de recollida dun pedido diferente;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/return-process 536;EN;web;moda;Massimo Dutti is not responsible for returns in a single shipment of items purchased in different orders or returned with the collection request of a different order.;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/return-process 537;GL;web;moda;En xeral, se necesita devolver un pedido online, recomendámoslle que o faga de forma rápida e sinxela indo a unha das nosas tendas no mesmo mercado onde se mercou;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/store-return 537;EN;web;moda;In general, if you need to return an online order, we recommend that you do so quickly and easily by going to one of our stores in the same market where it was purchased;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/store-return 538;GL;web;moda;Unha vez que estea na tenda, a persoa a cargo fará a devolución e entregaralle un documento de confirmación;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/store-return 538;EN;web;moda;Once you are in the store, the person in charge will make the return and give you a document confirming it;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/store-return 539;GL;web;moda;Recomendámoslle que conserve este documento. Unha vez completada a devolución, recibirá un correo de confirmación da devolución;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/store-return 539;EN;web;moda;We recommend that you keep this document. Upon completion of the return, you will also receive a return confirmation email.;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/store-return 540;GL;web;moda;Debe ter o recibo para calquera cambio ou devolución;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/store-return 540;EN;web;moda;You must have the receipt for any exchange or return;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/store-return 541;GL;web;moda;Co Eco-tícket xa non será necesario imprimir e enviar fisicamente o recibo de compra, excepto os pedidos con tícket regalo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/store-return 541;EN;web;moda;With the Eco-Receipt it will no longer be necessary to print and physically submit the purchase receipt, except for orders with a gift receipt ;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/store-return 542;GL;web;moda;No seu lugar, pode mostrar o Eco- tícket cun código QR do seu correo electrónico ou mediante a nosa app;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/store-return 542;EN;web;moda;Instead you can show the Eco-Receipt with a QR code from your email or through our APP;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/store-return 543;GL;web;moda;Tamén lle ofrecemos a opción de devolver o pedido nun punto de recollida ou nunha oficina de Correos;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 543;EN;web;moda;We also offer you the option to return your order to a post office/collection point;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 544;GL;web;moda;" Para isto, deberá iniciar sesión na súa conta e acceder á sección ""Os meus pedidos"". Aquí debe seleccionar o pedido que desexa devolver, facer clic en ""Desexa devolver o pedido?"" e seleccionar ""Punto de recollida/oficina de Correos"".";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 544;EN;web;moda; To do this, log in to your account  and in the “My Orders” section, select the order you want to return and click on “Do you want to return the Order?”, selecting “Post Office/Collection Point”.;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 545;GL;web;moda;A continuación, recibirá unha etiqueta por correo electrónico para pegar na parte exterior da caixa;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 545;EN;web;moda;Then you will receive a label by email that you must affix on the outside of the box;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 546;GL;web;moda;"Non é preciso incluír o recibo do pedido ao seleccionar os artigos que desexa devolver, só debe seleccionar os artigos en ""A miña conta"" cando solicite ""Devolución en punto de entrega""";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 546;EN;web;moda;"It is not necessary to include the order receipt by selecting the items you want to return; you need only select the items from “My Account” when you request the “Drop Point Return”";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 547;GL;web;moda;Por último, debe levar o paquete á oficina de Correos/punto de recollida máis próximo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 547;EN;web;moda;Finally, you must bring this package to your nearest post office/collection point;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 548;GL;web;moda;Esta opción non está actualmente dispoñible para pedidos desde Ceuta, Melilla ou as illas Canarias, nin para pedidos pagados en tenda;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 548;EN;web;moda;This option is not currently available for orders from Ceuta, Melilla or the Canary Islands, or for orders paid for in store;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 549;GL;web;moda;Massimo Dutti non se fai responsable da devolución de artigos comprados en distintos pedidos ou devoltos coa solicitude de recollida dun pedido diferente;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 549;EN;web;moda;Massimo Dutti is not responsible for returns of items purchased in different orders and/or returned with the request for collection of a different order;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 550;GL;web;moda;Se decide devolver o pedido dalgún xeito diferente aos que indicamos nós, consideramos que é a súa responsabilidade e que debería correr pola súa conta o custo da devolución da mercadoría;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 550;EN;web;moda;If you decide to return your order by any means other than those indicated by us, we consider that it is your responsibility and you must bear the direct cost of returning the goods;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 551;GL;web;moda;Xunto cos produtos, deberá incluír unha copia impresa do recibo electrónico que se achega no correo de confirmación do envío;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 551;EN;web;moda;In addition, together with the products, you must include a printed copy of the electronic receipt that comes attached to the Shipping Confirmation;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/dropoff-return 552;GL;web;moda;Se prefire efectuar a devolución dun artigo desde o seu domicilio, debe solicitar a recollida desde a súa conta;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/home-return 552;EN;web;moda;If you prefer to return an item from home, you must request a collection from your account;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/home-return 553;GL;web;moda;Non é necesario incluír o recibo do pedido marcando os artigos que desexa devolver;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/home-return 553;EN;web;moda;It is not necessary to include the order receipt by selecting the items you want to return;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/home-return 554;GL;web;moda; Despois deste paso, debe preparar os artigos na caixa orixinal do pedido;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/home-return 554;EN;web;moda;After this step, you must prepare the items in the original box of the order;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/home-return 555;GL;web;moda;Tras verificar todos os datos, enviaremos un mensaxeiro a recoller o seu paquete;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/home-return 555;EN;web;moda;After verifying all the details, we will send a courier to collect your package;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/home-return 556;GL;web;moda;No momento da recollida, o noso mensaxeiro identificará o seu pedido cunha etiqueta que nos permitirá facer o seguimento da súa devolución;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/home-return 556;EN;web;moda;At the time of collection, our courier will identify your order with a label allowing us to track your return;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/home-return 557;GL;web;moda;A opción de devolver un artigo desde o seu domicilio non está dispoñible para pedidos pagados en tenda no mesmo mercado de compra;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/home-return 557;EN;web;moda;The option of returning an item from your home is not available for an order paid for in store in the same purchase market;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/home-return 558;GL;web;moda;Para recibir o reembolso, deberá volver á tenda e entregar o recibo de compra;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/home-return 558;EN;web;moda;To get the refund, it is necessary that you return to the store and submit the purchase receipt;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/home-return 559;GL;web;moda;Se recibiu un pedido acompañado dun recibo sen prezo, o pedido foi un regalo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/giftcard-return 559;EN;web;moda;If you have received an order accompanied by a receipt with no price, the order was a gift;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/giftcard-return 560;GL;web;moda;O valor dos artigos devoltos reembolsarase mediante un tícket aboamento;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/giftcard-return 560;EN;web;moda;The value of the returned items will be refunded via a Voucher Receipt;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/giftcard-return 561;GL;web;moda;Se desexa que se devolva o importe utilizando o método de pagamento orixinal, debe presentar o recibo/factura orixinal na tenda ou incluílo na caixa;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/giftcard-return 561;EN;web;moda;If you want the amount to be returned using the original method of payment, you must present the original receipt/invoice in the store or include it in the box;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/giftcard-return 562;GL;web;moda;Pode descargalo desde a súa conta;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/giftcard-return 562;EN;web;moda;You can download this from your account;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/giftcard-return 563;GL;web;moda;Poderá cambiar un artigo comprado no noso sitio web só nunha das nosas tendas, nun prazo de 30 días a partir da data de confirmación de envío e no mesmo mercado onde fixo a compra;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/changes 563;EN;web;moda;You can exchange an item purchased on our website only in one of our stores, within 30 days from the date of the shipment confirmation and in the same market where you made the purchase;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/changes 564;GL;web;moda;Poderá realizar o cambio, sempre que a tenda teña stock, sexa polo mesmo artigo (mesmo número de referencia), por cor ou talle, estea en perfectas condicións.;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/changes 564;EN;web;moda;The exchange will be possible as long as it is for the same item (same reference number), by colour and/or size, it is in perfect condition, and the store has the item in stock;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/changes 565;GL;web;moda;O cambio poderase realizar sen ningún tipo de custo engadido, mesmo se o artigo que comprou ten agora un prezo diferente;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/changes 565;EN;web;moda;The exchange will be made at no extra cost, even if the item was a different price when you purchased it;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/changes 566;GL;web;moda;Se en circunstancias excepcionais recibiu un artigo defectuoso ou tarado, a solución máis rápida é ir a unha das nosas tendas no mesmo mercado onde comprou o artigo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/deficient-product 566;EN;web;moda;If, under rare circumstances, you have received a defective or faulty item, the quickest solution is to go to one of our stores in the same market where you purchased the item;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/deficient-product 567;GL;web;moda;Un encargado de tenda comprobará o estado da peza;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/returns/deficient-product 567;EN;web;moda;An attendant will check the condition of the garment;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/returns/deficient-product 568;GL;web;moda;Os prazos de entrega dependen do tipo de envío seleccionado. Ofrecemos os seguintes tipos de entrega;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 568;EN;web;moda;Delivery times depend on the type of delivery selected. We offer the following types of delivery;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 569;GL;web;moda;Estes prazos son orientativos, confirmarémoslle a data calculada de entrega no túnel de compra;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 569;EN;web;moda;These deadlines are approximate, we will confirm the estimated delivery date in the purchase process;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 570;GL;web;moda;Enténdese que os prazos de entrega comezan 24 horas laborables despois da data de compra;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 570;EN;web;moda;Delivery periods are understood to begin 24 working hours following the date of purchase;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 571;GL;web;moda;Os sábados, domingos e festivos están excluídos dos prazos de entrega;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 571;EN;web;moda;Weekend and public holidays are excluded from delivery periods;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 572;GL;web;moda;Respéctanse os festivos nacionais, rexionais e locais, así como os do mercado onde se sitúa o noso almacén/centro loxístico;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 572;EN;web;moda;National, regional and local holidays are respected, as well as those of the market where our warehouse/logistics centre is located;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 573;GL;web;moda;Durante os períodos de rebaixas ou promoción e as campañas especiais, as entregas poden ter demoras;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 573;EN;web;moda;During sales or promotion periods and special campaigns, deliveries could have a delay;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 574;GL;web;moda;Ademais, a entrega en tenda pode non estar dispoñible;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 574;EN;web;moda;In addition, store delivery may not be available;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 575;GL;web;moda;As posibles demoras na entrega poden ocorrer por varias razóns, como personalización de produtos, circunstancias imprevistas, forza maior e cando a área de entrega é unha área rural ou remota;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 575;EN;web;moda;Potential delays in delivery can occur for several reasons, such as the customisation of products, unforeseen circumstances, force majeure and when the delivery area is a rural or remote area;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 576;GL;web;moda;Se despois da data límite establecida non recibiu o seu paquete, póñase en contacto co noso Departamento de Atención ao Cliente;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 576;EN;web;moda;If, after the established deadline, you have not received your package, contact our Customer Service Department;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 577;GL;web;moda;Por razóns de seguridade, non garantimos os envíos en apartados de correos, hoteis, apartahoteis, residencias, apartamentos turísticos, axencias de transporte, plataformas loxísticas ou similares;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 577;EN;web;moda;For security reasons we do not guarantee delivery to Post Office Boxes, Hotels, Aparthotels, Residences, Tourist Apartments, Transportation Agencies, Logistic Platforms, or similar;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 578;GL;web;moda;Os artigos ofrecidos a través desta páxina web están unicamente dispoñibles para o seu envío a territorio español, diferenciando España Península e Illas Canarias como mercados distintos;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 578;EN;web;moda;The items offered through this website are only available for shipment to Spanish territory, with Peninsular Spain and the Canary Islands being classified as separate markets;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/delivery-type-end-time 579;GL;web;moda;Despois de que se autorice o pagamento, recibirá un correo electrónico co número de pedido;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/order-tracking 579;EN;web;moda;After the payment is authorised, you will receive an email with the order number;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/order-tracking 580;GL;web;moda;A partir dese momento, pode verificar o estado do pedido na sección “Os meus pedidos”;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/order-tracking 580;EN;web;moda;From this moment on, you can check the order status in the section “My Orders”;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/order-tracking 581;GL;web;moda;Unha vez enviado, recibirá un correo de confirmación de envío do almacén que incluirá unha ligazón de seguimento;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/order-tracking 581;EN;web;moda;Once shipped, you will receive a warehouse dispatch confirmation email that will include a tracking link;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/order-tracking 582;GL;web;moda;Con esta ligazón pode coñecer o estado e a localización do seu pedido en calquera momento;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/order-tracking 582;EN;web;moda;With this link you can know the status and location of your order at any time;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/order-tracking 583;GL;web;moda;A partir dese momento, dispón de 15 días para recollelo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/delivery/order-tracking 583;EN;web;moda;From this moment, you have 15 days to collect it;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/delivery/order-tracking 584;GL;web;moda;Aceptamos os seguintes métodos de pagamento;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 584;EN;web;moda;We accept the following payment methods;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 585;GL;web;moda;Os datos da tarxeta que proporcionou procesaranse con cifrado SSL;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 585;EN;web;moda;The card details you provided will be processed with SSL encryption;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 586;GL;web;moda; Para pagamentos con tarxetas de crédito e débito, debe introducir o CVV, un código impreso na tarxeta que serve como medida de seguridade durante as transaccións de comercio electrónico;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 586;EN;web;moda;For payments with credit and debit cards, you are required to enter the CVV, a code printed on the card that serves as a security measure during electronic commerce transactions;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 587;GL;web;moda;As tarxetas de crédito estarán suxeitas a autorizacións e controis por parte da súa entidade emisora, pero se esta entidade non autoriza o pagamento, non seremos responsables de ningún atraso ou imposibilidade de envío e non poderemos formalizar ningún contrato con vostede;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 587;EN;web;moda;Credit cards shall be subject to authorisations and checks by their issuing entity, but if this entity does not authorise the payment we shall not be held responsible for any delay or failure to deliver, and we shall not be able to formalise any contract with you;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 588;GL;web;moda;No caso de que se rexeite a súa tarxeta, podería ser polas seguintes razóns;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 588;EN;web;moda;In the event that your card is rejected, it could be for the following reasons;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 589;GL;web;moda;A tarxeta pode estar caducada;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 589;EN;web;moda;The card may have expired;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 590;GL;web;moda;Comprobe que a súa tarxeta non superase a data de caducidade;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 590;EN;web;moda;Check that your card has not surpassed the expiry date;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 591;GL;web;moda;Pode que a tarxeta alcanzase o seu límite de crédito;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 591;EN;web;moda;The card may have reached its credit limit;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 592;GL;web;moda;Comprobe co seu banco que a tarxeta non excedese o seu límite de crédito;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 592;EN;web;moda;Check with your bank that the card has not exceeded its credit limit;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 593;GL;web;moda;Os datos introducidos poden ser incorrectos;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 593;EN;web;moda;The details entered may be incorrect;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 594;GL;web;moda;Comprobe se completou correctamente todos os campos requiridos;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/payment-method 594;EN;web;moda;Check that you have filled in all the required fields correctly;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/payment-method 595;GL;web;moda;Ao pagar un pedido con tarxeta, o seu banco pode reter o importe do pedido;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 595;EN;web;moda;When paying for an order by card, your bank may withhold the order amount;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 596;GL;web;moda;Para compras realizadas cunha tarxeta de débito, desbloquearase automaticamente nun período estimado de 6 a 8 días;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 596;EN;web;moda;For purchases made with a debit card, it will be automatically unblocked in an estimated period of 6 to 8 days;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 597;GL;web;moda;Para compras realizadas cunha tarxeta de crédito, desbloquearase automaticamente nun período de ata 30 días, dependendo do banco;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 597;EN;web;moda;For purchases made with a credit card, it will be automatically unblocked in a period of up to 30 days depending on the bank;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 598;GL;web;moda;Isto é parte dun procedemento habitual dos bancos para garantir que o cargo sexa viable;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 598;EN;web;moda;This is part of a usual procedure by banks  to ensure the charge is viable;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 599;GL;web;moda;Por esta razón, reteñen o importe en cuestión desde que se recibe o pedido ata que Massimo Dutti realiza o cargo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 599;EN;web;moda;For this reason, they retain the amount in question from when the order is received until the charge is made by Massimo Dutti;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 600;GL;web;moda;Nalgúns casos, o desbloqueo da retención pode superpoñerse co cargo real do pedido;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 600;EN;web;moda;In some cases, the unblocking of the retention can overlap with the actual charging of the order;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 601;GL;web;moda;Este incidente non ten ningunha relación con Massimo Dutti e débese ás operacións existentes entre bancos e emisores de tarxetas;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 601;EN;web;moda;This incident is completely unrelated to Massimo Dutti and is due to the existing operations between banks and card issuers;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 602;GL;web;moda;Nestes casos, recomendámoslle que se poña en contacto co seu banco para acelerar a cancelación da autorización previa;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 602;EN;web;moda;In these cases, we recommend that you contact your bank to expedite the release of the pre-authorisation;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 603;GL;web;moda;Massimo Dutti cobra o pedido só unha vez e no momento en que sae do almacén;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 603;EN;web;moda;Massimo Dutti charges the order only once and at the moment it leaves the warehouse;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 604;GL;web;moda;Isto significa que se, por calquera motivo, non podemos enviarlle ningún dos artigos do seu pedido, non haberá ningún cargo na súa conta polo importe correspondente, excepto os pedidos pagados na tenda;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 604;EN;web;moda;This means that if, for any reason, we are unable to send any of the items in your order, there will be no charge to your account for the corresponding amount, except for orders paid for at the store;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/pre-authorization 605;GL;web;moda;Este método de pagamento selecciónase directamente durante o proceso de compra, ao realizar o pagamento, e ao elixir “transferencia bancaria”, non é necesario incluír información adicional;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/giftcard-payment 605;EN;web;moda;This payment method is selected directly during the purchase process, when making payment, and by choosing “bank transfer” there is no need to include additional information;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/giftcard-payment 606;GL;web;moda;Unha vez confirmada a compra, redirixirémolo ao sitio web de Sofort;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/giftcard-payment 606;EN;web;moda;Once the purchase has been confirmed, you will be redirected to the Sofort website;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/giftcard-payment 607;GL;web;moda;Cando confirme a transacción, recibirá a confirmación na plataforma Sofort;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/giftcard-payment 607;EN;web;moda;When you confirm the transaction, you will receive confirmation on the Sofort platform;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/giftcard-payment 608;GL;web;moda;Unha vez validado o pagamento, redirixirémolo á páxina de confirmación do pedido no noso sitio web;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/giftcard-payment 608;EN;web;moda;Once payment has been validated, you will be redirected back to the order confirmation page on our website;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/giftcard-payment 609;GL;web;moda;Para comezar a utilizar Wallet de Massimo Dutti, primeiro debe descargar a nosa app;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 609;EN;web;moda;To start using the Massimo Dutti Wallet, you must first download our APP;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 610;GL;web;moda;Unha vez instalada a app de Massimo Dutti, acceda á súa conta ou cree unha nova e seleccione a icona Wallet;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 610;EN;web;moda;Once you have installed the Massimo Dutti app, access your account or create a new one and select the Wallet icon;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 611;GL;web;moda;En wallet, pode ver todas as súas compras, tanto as realizadas online como en tenda;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 611;EN;web;moda;In wallet, you can view all your purchases, whether online or in-store;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 612;GL;web;moda;Con wallet pode gardar e editar as súas tarxetas de pago, deste xeito o proceso de compra é máis rápido e sinxelo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 612;EN;web;moda;Thanks to wallet, you can save and edit your payment cards so that the purchase process is faster and easier;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 613;GL;web;moda;Seleccione o método de pagamento dispoñible;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 613;EN;web;moda;Select the payment method available;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 614;GL;web;moda;Introduza a súa tarxeta de pagamento e seleccione coa que quere pagar;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 614;EN;web;moda;Enter your payment card and select the one you want to pay with;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 615;GL;web;moda;Unha vez seleccionada a tarxeta, xerarase automaticamente un código QR;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 615;EN;web;moda;Once the card is selected, a QR code will automatically be generated;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 616;GL;web;moda;Con este código pode pagar directamente na caixa;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 616;EN;web;moda;With this code you can pay directly at the till;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 617;GL;web;moda;A partir de agora, tamén pode escanear o tícket no seu dispositivo móbil;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 617;EN;web;moda;Starting now, you can also have your in-store purchase receipt scanned onto your mobile device;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/card/Wallet-content 618;GL;web;moda;"En ""A miña conta"", pode consultar os seus pedidos antigos e recentes, modificar os seus datos para os próximos pedidos, cambiar o seu contrasinal e descargar a nosa app";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 618;EN;web;moda;In “My Account” you can consult your current and previous orders, change your details for future orders, change your password and download our APP;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 619;GL;web;moda;Por razóns de seguridade, debe realizar vostede os cambios;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 619;EN;web;moda;For security reasons, you must make the changes yourself;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 620;GL;web;moda;Gardar distintos enderezos de facturación e envío para axilizar o proceso de compra;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 620;EN;web;moda;Store different delivery and invoicing addresses to speed up the purchasing process;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 621;GL;web;moda;Gardar os produtos da cesta da compra para máis tarde, aínda que isto non constitúe unha reserva;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 621;EN;web;moda;Save the contents of your shopping basket for later, even though it does not constitute a reservation;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 622;GL;web;moda;O prezo e a dispoñibilidade dos produtos gardados na cesta da compra están suxeitos a cambios. Indicarase sempre o prezo máis recente de cada produto;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 622;EN;web;moda;The price and availability of the products stored in the basket are subject to change, and the most recent price of each product will always appear;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 623;GL;web;moda;Ver facilmente a información dos seus pedidos recentes e o historial de pedidos;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 623;EN;web;moda;Easily see the information of your current order and order history;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 624;GL;web;moda;"Gardar os seus métodos de pagamento para axilizar o proceso con ""Compra rápida""";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 624;EN;web;moda;Save your payment methods to speed up the process with “Quick Purchase”;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-accounts 625;GL;web;moda;En “Os meus pedidos” atopará información sobre os seus pedidos recentes;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-orders 625;EN;web;moda;In “My Orders” you will find information on your recent orders;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-orders 626;GL;web;moda;Aquí pode consultar o estado do seu pedido actual en calquera momento;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-orders 626;EN;web;moda;Here you can check the status of your current order at any time;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-orders 627;GL;web;moda;Faga clic en “Siga o seu pedido” para ver máis detalles;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-orders 627;EN;web;moda;Click “Track your Order” to see more details;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-orders 628;GL;web;moda;Esta sección tamén inclúe a factura/documento de compra, devolucións e o Eco-tícket;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-orders 628;EN;web;moda;This section also includes the invoice/document for the purchase, returns and the Eco-receipt;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-orders 629;GL;web;moda;Nesta sección, pode consultar os métodos de pagamento gardados;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-paymentmethod 629;EN;web;moda;In this section you can view your saved payment methods;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-paymentmethod 630;GL;web;moda;"Se quere modificalos ou eliminalos, faga clic en ""Actualizar"" e poderá realizar as modificacións pertinentes";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-paymentmethod 630;EN;web;moda;If you want to modify or delete them, click on “Update” and you can make the necessary modifications;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-paymentmethod 631;GL;web;moda;"Así mesmo, nesta sección tamén pode darse de baixa no servizo ""Compra rápida""";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-paymentmethod 631;EN;web;moda;In addition, in this section you can also unsubscribe from the “Quick Purchase” service;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-paymentmethod 632;GL;web;moda;"En ""Os meus enderezos"", pode gardar enderezos de envío para as próximas compras";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-address 632;EN;web;moda;In “My Addresses” you can save delivery addresses for future purchases;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-address 633;GL;web;moda;"Se quere modificalos ou borralos, faga clic en ""Editar enderezo""";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-address 633;EN;web;moda;If you want to change or delete them, click “Edit your Address”;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-address 634;GL;web;moda;Lembre que debe modificar ou actualizar os enderezos antes de completar o seu pedido;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-address 634;EN;web;moda;Remember, you must change or update addresses before completing your order;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-address 635;GL;web;moda;Nesta sección, pode cambiar ou actualizar o contrasinal de acceso á súa conta;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-password 635;EN;web;moda;In this section you can change and/or update your account login password;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-password 636;GL;web;moda;Lembre que o contrasinal debe ter polo menos 8 caracteres e incluír letras, números e unha maiúscula;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-password 636;EN;web;moda;Remember that your password must contain at least 8 characters combining letters, numbers and a capital letter;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-password 637;GL;web;moda;Para mercar en MassimoDutti.com, ten a opción de crear unha conta seguindo estes pasos;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-register 637;EN;web;moda;To shop on MassimoDutti.com, you have the option of creating an account by following these steps;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-register 638;GL;web;moda;Na esquina superior dereita do sitio web, faga clic en “Rexistrarse” e logo en “Crear conta”;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-register 638;EN;web;moda;At the top right of the website, click “Register” and then “Create Account”;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-register 639;GL;web;moda;Encha os campos obrigatorios ou, se o prefire, pode iniciar sesión coa súa conta de Facebook;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-register 639;EN;web;moda;Fill in the required fields or, if you prefer, you can log in with your Facebook account;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-register 640;GL;web;moda;"No campo ""Contrasinal"" debe introducir un contrasinal que teña polo menos 8 caracteres e que combine letras, números e, polo menos, unha maiúscula";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-register 640;EN;web;moda;In the “Password” field you must enter a password with at least 8 characters, combining letters, numbers and at least one capital letter;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-register 641;GL;web;moda;"Para finalizar o proceso de rexistro, faga clic no botón de ""Crear conta""";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-register 641;EN;web;moda;To complete the registration process, click on the “Create Account” button;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-register 642;GL;web;moda;Pode darse de baixa indo á sección “Newsletter” na parte inferior do noso sitio web, introducindo o seu enderezo de correo electrónico e facendo clic en “Darse de baixa”;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-unsubscribe-nl 642;EN;web;moda;You can unsubscribe by going to the “Newsletter” section at the bottom of our website, entering your email address and confirming by clicking “Unsubscribe”;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-unsubscribe-nl 643;GL;web;moda;Tamén pode cancelar a súa subscrición utilizando a ligazón que atopará en cada newsletter que lle enviamos;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-unsubscribe-nl 643;EN;web;moda;You can also cancel your subscription using the link you will find on each Newsletter we send you;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-unsubscribe-nl 644;GL;web;moda;O proceso pode tardar entre 24/48 horas en facerse efectivo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-unsubscribe-nl 644;EN;web;moda;The process may take between 24/48 hours to become effective;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-unsubscribe-nl 645;GL;web;moda;Asegúrese de non marcar as mensaxes da newsletter como spam xa que é posible que non reciba outras mensaxes importantes de Massimo Dutti correctamente;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-unsubscribe-nl 645;EN;web;moda;Please ensure you do not mark Newsletter messages as spam as you may not receive other important messages from Massimo Dutti correctly;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-unsubscribe-nl 646;GL;web;moda;"Para facer un seguimento das devolucións, acceda á sección ""Os meus pedidos"" da súa conta";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-returns 646;EN;web;moda;To track your returns, go to the “My Orders” section of your account ;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-returns 647;GL;web;moda;"Se ten algunha dúbida, consulte o apartado ""Cambios e devolucións"" da sección ""Axuda""";baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/my-account/my-returns 647;EN;web;moda;For any doubts we advise you check the “Exchanges and Returns” section in “Help”;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/my-account/my-returns 648;GL;web;moda;O feito de engadir artigos á cesta da compra sen completar o proceso non constitúe unha reserva;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/my-basket 648;EN;web;moda;Adding items to the shopping basket without completing the purchasing process does not constitute a reservation;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/my-basket 649;GL;web;moda;O prezo e a dispoñibilidade dos produtos gardados na cesta están suxeitos a cambios;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/my-basket 649;EN;web;moda;The price and availability of the products stored in the basket are subject to changes;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/my-basket 650;GL;web;moda;Atopará o prezo máis recente de cada produto na cesta;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/my-basket 650;EN;web;moda;You'll find the most recent price of each product in the basket;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/my-basket 651;GL;web;moda;Unha vez engadidos á cesta da compra tódolos produtos que desexa mercar, o seguinte paso será tramitar o pedido como usuario rexistrado e realizar o pagamento;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/make-an-order 651;EN;web;moda;Once you have added all the items you want to buy to the basket, the next step will be to process the order as a registered user and make the payment;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/make-an-order 652;GL;web;moda;Para isto, deberá seguir os pasos do proceso de compra, completando ou verificando a información solicitada en cada paso;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/make-an-order 652;EN;web;moda;To do so, you must follow the steps of the purchasing process, filling out or verifying the information requested in each step;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/make-an-order 653;GL;web;moda;Ademais, durante o proceso de compra, poderá modificar os datos do seu pedido antes de realizar o seu pagamento;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/make-an-order 653;EN;web;moda;Additionally, during the purchasing process, you will be able to modify the details of your order before making your payment;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/make-an-order 654;GL;web;moda;Aquí pode engadir un tícket regalo e unha mensaxe personalizada;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/gift-order 654;EN;web;moda;Here you can add a gift receipt and a personalised message;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/gift-order 655;GL;web;moda;Lembrámoslle que, a pesar de que non temos papel de regalo, todos os nosos pedidos online entréganse nun paquete moi elegante e exclusivo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/gift-order 655;EN;web;moda;We remind you that, even though we do not have a gift wrap, all our online orders are delivered in a very elegant and exclusive package;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/gift-order 656;GL;web;moda;Non será posible solicitar un tícket regalo para un pedido pagado na caixa;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/gift-order 656;EN;web;moda;It will not be possible to request a gift receipt for an order paid for at the till;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/gift-order 657;GL;web;moda;"Con ""Compra rápida"" pode tramitar un pedido sen necesidade de introducir a información de envío, pagamento e facturación en cada compra";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/fast-checkout 657;EN;web;moda;With Quick Purchase you can process an order without the need to enter the shipping, billing and payment information for each purchase;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/fast-checkout 658;GL;web;moda;"Para activar esta opción, deberá introducir previamente a información de pagamento, seleccionar ""Gardar datos para próximas compras"" e aceptar as condicións de compra";baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/fast-checkout 658;EN;web;moda;You can select this option after entering the payment information, selecting “Save details for future purchases” and accepting the purchase conditions;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/fast-checkout 659;GL;web;moda;Pode gardar tódolos enderezos e tarxetas que desexe;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/fast-checkout 659;EN;web;moda;You can save the data of as many cards and addresses as you wish;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/fast-checkout 660;GL;web;moda;Se ten algunha pregunta durante o proceso de compra, póñase en contacto co noso Departamento de Atención ao Cliente para que o axude a completar o seu pedido;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/order-help 660;EN;web;moda;If you have any questions during the purchase process, contact our Customer Service Department to help you complete your order;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/order-help 661;GL;web;moda;Pouco despois de autorizar o pagamento, recibirá un correo electrónico co número de pedido;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/after-payment 661;EN;web;moda;Shortly after authorising the payment you will receive an email with the order number;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/after-payment 662;GL;web;moda; A partir dese momento, pode verificar o estado do pedido na sección “Os meus pedidos”;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/after-payment 662;EN;web;moda;From this moment on, you can check the order status in the section “My Orders”;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/after-payment 663;GL;web;moda;Todos os pedidos estarán suxeitos á dispoñibilidade dos produtos;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/after-payment 663;EN;web;moda; All orders will be subject to the availability of the products;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/after-payment 664;GL;web;moda;Cando haxa dificultades na subministración de produtos ou non haxa artigos en stock, enviaremos o resto dos artigos ou cancelarémolos no caso dun pedido cun só artigo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/after-payment 664;EN;web;moda;When there are difficulties in the supply of products or there are no items in stock, we will send the rest of the items or cancel them in the case of an order with a single item;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/after-payment 665;GL;web;moda;Reembolsarémoslle calquera importe que pagase;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/after-payment 665;EN;web;moda;We will reimburse you for any amount that you may have paid;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/after-payment 666;GL;web;moda;Se desexa cancelar un pedido que acaba de procesarse, inicie sesión na súa conta, seleccione “Os meus pedidos” e, a continuación, o pedido que desexa cancelar;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/cancel-order 666;EN;web;moda;If you want to cancel an order that has just been processed, log in to your account, select “My Orders” and then select the order you want to cancel;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/cancel-order 667;GL;web;moda;A función “cancelar pedido” estará activa mentres o pedido non se prepare aínda. Se non está activa, xa non poderá cancelalo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/cancel-order 667;EN;web;moda;The “cancel order” function will be active as long as the order has not yet been prepared. If it is not active, it can no longer be cancelled;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/cancel-order 668;GL;web;moda;Se cancela, non poderá dar marcha atrás, pero si facer un pedido novo;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/cancel-order 668;EN;web;moda;Cancellations cannot be undone, but you can place a new order;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/cancel-order 669;GL;web;moda;Non é posible modificar un pedido, a única modificación permitida é eliminar artigos cando o status do pedido o permita;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/cancel-order 669;EN;web;moda;You cannot modify an order. The only modification allowed is to delete items provided the order status allows it;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/cancel-order 670;GL;web;moda;Cando xa non poida cancelar ou modificar o pedido, unha vez que o reciba, poderá devolvelo ou cambialo co tícket de compra nunha das nosas tendas no mesmo mercado onde se comprou;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/cancel-order 670;EN;web;moda;If you can no longer cancel or modify the order, you can return it once it arrives or make the permitted exchanges at one of our stores in the same market with the purchase receipt;baixa;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/cancel-order 671;GL;web;moda;"Se precisa cambiar o enderezo de envío, suxerímoslle que se poña en contacto o antes posible co noso Departamento de Atención ao Cliente na sección de ""Contacto""";alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/modify-address 671;EN;web;moda;If you need to change the delivery address, we suggest you contact our Customer Service Department in the “Contact” section as soon as possible;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/modify-address 672;GL;web;moda;Informámoslle de que calquera modificación no enderezo unha vez enviado o pedido pode causar un atraso no envío de polo menos 48 horas;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/gl/help.html#/orders/modify-address 672;EN;web;moda;We wish to inform you that any change of address after sending the order can cause a delay in delivery of at least 48 hours ;alta;https://www.massimodutti.com/es/en/help.html#/orders/modify-address 673;GL;web;restauracion;Hai algo que é fundamental e é confiar na xente coa que se traballa porque Culler de Pau é, sobre todo, un equipo humano, que é quen o fai funcionar;baixa;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 673;EN;web;restauracion;Trusting the people we work with is crucial, since Culler de Pau is above all a team that makes it all work;baixa;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 674;GL;web;restauracion;O compromiso, a actitude e a seriedade á hora de afrontar o traballo son fundamentais para que flúa a alegría;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 674;EN;web;restauracion;The commitment, attitude and seriousness in tackling our work are essential for the flow of joy;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 675;GL;web;restauracion;O traballo compartido, a profundidade, o equilibrio e sobre todo as ganas de divertir e divertirse son fundamentais no noso día a día;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 675;EN;web;restauracion;Job sharing, depth, balance and especially the desire to entertain and have fun are fundamental in our day-to-day;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 676;GL;web;restauracion;O noso obxectivo é que a experiencia gastronómica vaia máis alá da mera degustación dun prato para converterse en todo un descubrimento;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 676;EN;web;restauracion;Our goal is that the gastronomic experience go beyond simple food tasting and becomes a real discovery;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 677;GL;web;restauracion;Queremos optimizar cada visita e amplificar a experiencia de degustar un prato e propiciar que o comensal poida aprehender todo o proceso gastronómico;baixa;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 677;EN;web;restauracion;We want to optimize each visit and amplify the tasting experience, encouraging diners to apprehend the whole culinary process;baixa;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 678;GL;web;restauracion;O comensal é parte activa do proceso gastronómico e como tal, queremos que se sinta parte do equipo pois é el quen a fai súa e nos traslada as súas emocións nun feed-back que completa a experiencia e nos enriquece mutuamente;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 678;EN;web;restauracion;Diners are an active part of the culinary process and as such, we want to make them feel part of the team, because they embrace the experience and transmit their emotions to us in a feedback that completes the experience and mutually enriches us.;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 679;GL;web;restauracion;Moitos foron e seguen conformando as miñas influencias, pero o meu primeiro gran referente é o meu pai;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 679;EN;web;restauracion;My influences are and have been many, but my first big referent is my father;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 680;GL;web;restauracion;A busca da excelencia é un dos piares que sustentan a nosa actividade diaria;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 680;EN;web;restauracion;The pursuit of excellence is one of the pillars of our daily activities;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 681;GL;web;restauracion;Oficio, compromiso e paixón, a partes iguais, definen a filosofía de Culler;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 681;EN;web;restauracion;Trade, commitment, and passion in equal parts, constitute the philosophy of Culler;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 682;GL;web;restauracion;Partindo destas premisas, practicamos unha cociña de proximidade, pero de forma natural, sen fundamentalismos;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 682;EN;web;restauracion;On this basis, we practice a proximity, natural kitchen, without fundamentalisms;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 683;GL;web;restauracion;Con raíces, produtos do ámbito e influencias do mundo;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 683;EN;web;restauracion;With roots, products from the environment and influences of the world;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 684;GL;web;restauracion;Por iso, é unha proposta moi intuitiva, froito da reflexión e do coñecemento, pero que se nutre do que sentimos, da nosa bagaxe, influencias e gustos;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 684;EN;web;restauracion;Therefore, it is a very intuitive proposal, the result of reflection and knowledge, nurtured from what we feel, from our background, influences and tastes;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 685;GL;web;restauracion;Galicia é un paraíso para un cociñeiro;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 685;EN;web;restauracion;Galicia is a paradise for a cook;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 686;GL;web;restauracion;Por iso, busco unha cociña persoal pero que ten á tradición como soporte natural para seguir crecendo;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 686;EN;web;restauracion;So I look for a personal kitchen, having tradition as a natural support to keep on growing;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 687;GL;web;restauracion;A partir dela, achegamos algo máis pero nunca xogamos a ser modernos polo feito de selo;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 687;EN;web;restauracion;From it, we bring something else but never play at being modern for the simple fact of being modern.;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 688;GL;web;restauracion;O produto é a pedra angular que move calquera cociña, máis aínda na miña terra, onde se esixe que as receitas saiban exactamente aos ingredientes que as compoñen;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 688;EN;web;restauracion;The product is the cornerstone that moves any kitchen, even more so in my country, where recipes are required to be loyal to the ingredients that compose them;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 689;GL;web;restauracion;Por iso na nosa cociña son básicos os sabores;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 689;EN;web;restauracion;So in our kitchen flavours are basic;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 690;GL;web;restauracion;Partimos do ámbito para facer o que facemos;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 690;EN;web;restauracion;We start from the environment to do what we do;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 691;GL;web;restauracion;O mar non é só a miña referencia no espazo, lévoo nas veas, é a base da miña inspiración;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 691;EN;web;restauracion;The sea is not only my reference in this space: it’s in my veins. It is the basis of my inspiration;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 692;GL;web;restauracion;Todo o que me rodea é o principio do que parto para crear pratos con vida propia que sexan puro sentimento;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 692;EN;web;restauracion;Everything around me is the principle on which I start to create dishes with a life of their own that are pure feeling;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 693;GL;web;restauracion;Todos están integrados na experiencia de cociñar e de comer en Culler;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/o-equipo 693;EN;web;restauracion;All of them are integrated into the experience of cooking and eating in Culler;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-team 694;GL;web;restauracion;A singularidade dun restaurante a marca en boa medida o territorio e nel, os provedores son o nexo de unión a esas materias primas selectas provenientes da agricultura e a pesca sostibles;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/os-produtores 694;EN;web;restauracion;The uniqueness of a restaurant is largely marked by the territory and in it, the suppliers are the link to these selected raw materials from sustainable agriculture and fishing;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-producers 695;GL;web;restauracion;Porque reivindicamos a sostibilidade e a estacionalidade, as nosas mesas veñen marcadas polos produtos de tempada e de proximidade;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/os-produtores 695;EN;web;restauracion;We demand sustainability and seasonality, so that our tables are identified by seasonal and local products;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-producers 696;GL;web;restauracion;En Culler non falamos só de cociñar un ámbito, senón de recuperalo, nun diálogo constante cos produtores e a permanente interacción con eles.;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/os-produtores 696;EN;web;restauracion;In Culler we’re not just talking about cooking an environment, but to recover it, in a constant dialogue with producers and a permanent interaction with them;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-producers 697;GL;web;restauracion;Promovemos a experimentación con ingredientes para ampliar a capacidade do comensal de sorprenderse, de captar diferenzas;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/os-produtores 697;EN;web;restauracion;We promote experimentation with ingredients to expand diners’ capacity to be surprised, to capture differences;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-producers 698;GL;web;restauracion;para iso, consideramos fundamental e apoiamos este labor de investigación, indispensable para crear novas experiencias;baixa;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/os-produtores 698;EN;web;restauracion;To do that, we consider essential this important work research and support it in order to create new experiences;baixa;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-producers 699;GL;web;restauracion;Non nos gustan as cartas estáticas e a aparición de novos produtos é sempre un estímulo para modificalas, completalas con máis argumentos e perseguir máis sabores potenciados e elevados que non se borren da memoria;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/os-produtores 699;EN;web;restauracion;We don’t like static menus, and the emergence of new products is always a stimulus to modify them, supplement them with more arguments, and pursue more empowered and higher flavours that cannot be deleted from memory;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/the-producers 700;GL;web;restauracion;O chef Yayo Daporta e a maitre, Esther Daporta, xunto co noso equipo, traballamos para facerlles gozar dunha experiencia gastronómica agradable, o padal e o esprito.;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/equipo/ 700;EN;web;restauracion;The Chef Yayo Daporta and our Maitre, Esther Daporta, together with our team we work to make you enjoy a pleasant dining experience, the palate and spirit;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/ 701;GL;web;restauracion;A Yayo Daporta a súa afección culinaria vénlle dende moi novo, xa que na súa familia teñen una longa tradición no cultivo do marisco na ría de Arousa e é unha das máis importantes nese sector;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/equipo/ 701;EN;web;restauracion;Yayo Daporta’s culinary passion goes way back, as his family has a strong tradition in the cultivation of seafood in the Ria de Arousa and the family is one the most important in this sector;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/ 702;GL;web;restauracion;Logo de estudar na escola de hostalería de Santiago de Compostela, tivo a oportunidade de traballar en “Casa Solla” onde se espertou nel a curiosidade pola cociña de vangarda e chegoulle a verdadeira vocación;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/equipo/ 702;EN;web;restauracion;After studying at the hotel school in Santiago de Compostela he had the opportunity to work in ‘Casa Solla’, which aroused his curiosity for avant-garde cuisine and came true vocation;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/ 703;GL;web;restauracion;Logo de alí pasou por outros grandes restaurantes como “Alejandro” (Almería) e “El amparo” (Madrid) onde aprendeu a tratar os produtos cunha coidada perfección técnica;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/equipo/ 703;EN;web;restauracion;From there he went by other great restaurants like “Alejandro” (Almería) and “El Amparo” (Madrid), where he learned to treat products with refined technical perfection;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/ 704;GL;web;restauracion;Sumiller e xefa de sala no Restaurante Yayo Daporta dende 2005;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/equipo/ 704;EN;web;restauracion;Restaurant Sommelier at Yayo Daporta since 2005;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/ 705;GL;web;restauracion;Estudou no instituto galego do viño;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/equipo/ 705;EN;web;restauracion;She studied at the “Instituto Galego do Viño”;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/ 706;GL;web;restauracion;A súa curiosidade levouna a percorrer as mellores bodegas de España, e parte de Europa, probando e descubrindo novos caldos para poder ofrecer os seus clientes unha coidada selección na adega de Yayo;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/equipo/ 706;EN;web;restauracion;Her curiosity has led her to explore the best wineries in Spain and part of europe testing and discovering new wines to offer its customers the best selection in the cellar Yayo;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/ 707;GL;web;restauracion;Foi xurado en diversos premios vitivinícolas;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/equipo/ 707;EN;web;restauracion;She has been in the jury for various wine awards;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/ 708;GL;web;restauracion;O restaurante ”Yayo Daporta “ abreu as súas portas no 2005 nun histórico edificio da céntrica rúa Hospital;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/cocina/ 708;EN;web;restauracion;The Yayo Daporta restaurant opened in 2005 in a historic building in “Rua Hospital”;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/cocina/ 709;GL;web;restauracion;Definimos a nosa cociña como cociña galega actualizada;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/cocina/ 709;EN;web;restauracion;We define our kitchen as updated Galician cuisine;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/cocina/ 710;GL;web;restauracion;Partimos sempre dos mellores productos que están ó noso alcance, prestando una especial atención ós mariscos e ós peixes de tempada, ós que aplicamos as técnicas de cociña máis axeitadas sen perder de vista a tradición e acompañados dos viños do noso entorno;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/cocina/ 710;EN;web;restauracion;We always draw from the best achievable products in the market, paying special attention to seafood and seasonal fish, to which we apply the most appropriate cooking techniques without losing sight of tradition accompanied with the wines of our area;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/cocina/ 711;GL;web;restauracion;Queremos que a nosa cociña indentifique a nosa situación, a nosa orixe, Cambados, e así transmitirllo ós nosos clientes cos nosos pratos;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/cocina/ 711;EN;web;restauracion;We want our kitchen to identify our situation, our origin, Cambados, and then pass it on to our customer through the dishes;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/cocina/ 712;GL;web;restauracion;Na adega de Esther pódense atopar unha coidada selección de caldos de diferentes denominacións españolas, con especial atención ós viños galegos e internacionais;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/cocina/ 712;EN;web;restauracion;In the Esther cellar you can find a careful selection of Spanish wines from different areas in Spain as well as selected international ones, with special attention to the best Galician wineries;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/cocina/ 713;GL;web;restauracion;A adega está aberta ó público, pode acceder ó seu interior e escoller o seu viño e se xurden dúbidas Esther sempre está disposta a axudar;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/cocina/ 713;EN;web;restauracion;The cellar is open to the public, please enter and pick your wine. If you are looking for advise Esther is always happy to help;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/cocina/ 714;GL;web;restauracion;Queremos mostrar non só fotos da nosa carta, senón tamén do mundo en torno ó que xira a nosa cociña, os produtos, a paisaxe, o viño, os amigos;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/galeria/ 714;EN;web;restauracion;We want to show not only pictures of our menu, but also the world around which revolves our cuisine, products, landscape, wine, friends;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/galeria/ 715;GL;web;restauracion;O noso horario de apertura é de martes a sábado de 13:30 a 15:30 e de 21:00 a 23:00;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/reservas/ 715;EN;web;restauracion;Our opening times are from Tuesday to Saturday from 13:30 to 15:30 and 21:00 to 23:00,;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/reservas/ 716;GL;web;restauracion;Pechamos domingo pola noite e o luns todo o día excepto festivos;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/reservas/ 716;EN;web;restauracion;Closed Sunday evening and Monday whole day except on public holiday;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/reservas/ 717;GL;web;restauracion;Pode facer a súa reserva online ou chamando ó teléfono 986 52 60 62;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/reservas/ 717;EN;web;restauracion;You can book online or by calling at 986 52 60 62;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/reservas/ 718;GL;web;restauracion;As reservas online deberán de facerse cun mínimo de 48 horas de antelación;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/reservas/ 718;EN;web;restauracion;Online reservations must be made at least 48 hours in advance;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/reservas/ 719;GL;web;restauracion;Precisa mencionalo cando faga a reserva;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/reservas/ 719;EN;web;restauracion;Please notify during the reservation process;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/reservas/ 720;GL;web;restauracion;Yayo Daporta O restaurante está situado na Rúa Hospital, no centro de Cambados;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/contacto/ 720;EN;web;restauracion;Yayo DAPORTA The restaurant is located in Rua Hospital, Cambados center;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/contacto/ 721;GL;web;restauracion;O edificio de gran valor cultural coñecido como Pazo de Molto, foi construido polos señores do Bazán e Alonso Troncoso e Sotomayor no século XVI e foi completamente renovado en 1990 por Evaristo Daporta;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/contacto/ 721;EN;web;restauracion;The building of great cultural value known as Pazo de Molto, it was built by the lords of Bazán and Alonso Troncoso and Sotomayor in the sixteenth century and was completely renovated in 1990 by Evaristo Daporta;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/contacto/ 722;GL;web;restauracion;O restaurante está situado no primeiro andar, con entrada por unha rúa lateral;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/contacto/ 722;EN;web;restauracion;The restaurant is located on the first floor with entrance down a side street;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/contacto/ 723;GL;web;restauracion;A partir da A9 cara á saída 121 Sanxenxo dirección vía rápida do Salnés, e tome a saída Cambados;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/contacto/ 723;EN;web;restauracion;From the A9 towards exit 121 Sanxenxo with direction “vía rápida do Salnés”, and take the exit towards Cambados;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/contacto/ 724;GL;web;restauracion;"Ao chegar a Cambados, dirección centro, ""casco histórico"", ata Rúa Nova";alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/contacto/ 724;EN;web;restauracion;Arriving at Cambados, direction city center “casco histórico” to the Rua Nova;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/contacto/ 725;GL;web;restauracion;Dende O Grove, dirección Cambados, ó chegar á praza do mercado, tomar a Rúa Nova;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/gl/contacto/ 725;EN;web;restauracion;From O Grove, towards Cambados, arriving at the market square, take the Rua Nova;alta;http://yayodaporta.com/en/contacto/ 726;GL;web;restauracion;Buscas ideas de agasallo? Regala unha experiencia inesquecible;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/ 726;EN;web;restauracion;Looking for gift ideas? Give the gift of an unforgettable experience;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/ 727;GL;web;restauracion;En Hotel Louxo poñemos á túa disposición unha ampla gama de experiencias e produtos de benestar, saúde, gastronomía e escapadas para regalar a quen ti queiras dunha forma cómoda e sinxela;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/ 727;EN;web;restauracion;At Hotel Louxo we offer you a wide range of experiences along with wellness, health and gastronomy products and getaways to give to whoever you want in a comfortable and simple fashion;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/ 728;GL;web;restauracion;Regala momentos únicos, regala experiencias Louxo;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/ 728;EN;web;restauracion;Give unique moments, give Louxo experiences;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/ 729;GL;web;restauracion;Confortables, Acolledoras, Elegantes e con todo luxo de detalles, habitacións coas mellores vistas á Ría de Arousa e a Illa da Toxa deseñadas pensando no seu benestar;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/habitacions/ 729;EN;web;restauracion;Comfortable, cosy, elegant and with all the frills, rooms with the best views over the Arousa Estuary and La Toja Island, designed with your well-being in mind;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/rooms/ 730;GL;web;restauracion;Estancias inesquecibles nas que coleccionar grandes momentos, cun coidado deseño con materiais e acabados de exquisita calidade que contan coas mellores vistas da Illa da Toxa;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/habitacions/ 730;EN;web;restauracion;Unforgettable stays where you will enjoy great moments, with an elegant design that boasts high quality materials and finishes and the best views of La Toja Island;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/rooms/ 731;GL;web;restauracion;Confortables e acolledoras habitacións con Cama de matrimonio ou 2 Camas individuais recentemente reformadas;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/habitacions/ 731;EN;web;restauracion;Comfortable and cosy recently refurbished rooms with a double bed or 2 single beds;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/rooms/ 732;GL;web;restauracion;Modernas habitacións tipo Ático con elegantes tons brancos e neutros;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/habitacions/ 732;EN;web;restauracion;Modern penthouse rooms with elegant white and neutral tones;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/rooms/ 733;GL;web;restauracion;Habitacións acolledoras con cama de matrimonio ou 2 camas individuais, luminosas e cálidas;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/habitacions/ 733;EN;web;restauracion;Cosy, bright and warm rooms with a double bed or 2 single beds;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/rooms/ 734;GL;web;restauracion;Dous espazos diferenciados onde gozar de todo luxo de detalles mentres contempla as magníficas vistas sobre a Ría de Arousa e a Illa da Toja;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/habitacions/ 734;EN;web;restauracion;Two different spaces where you can enjoy all the frills while you admire magnificent views over the Arousa Estuary and the La Toja Island;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/rooms/ 735;GL;web;restauracion;As nosas Family están pensadas para aqueles que queiran gozar en familia ou acompañados dun grupo especial;baixa;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/habitacions/ 735;EN;web;restauracion;Our Family Suites are designed for families or special groups;baixa;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/rooms/ 736;GL;web;restauracion;Un espazo único onde poderá descubrir e gozar dos beneficios da auga mariña e a Talasoterapia, un dos tratamentos naturais con fins preventivos e curativos máis antigos de mundo;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 736;EN;web;restauracion;A unique space where you can discover and enjoy the benefits of Sea Water and Thalassotherapy, one of the oldest natural preventive and healing treatments in the world;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 737;GL;web;restauracion;No seu Centro Talaso ademais poderá relaxarse cos máis novas Masaxes e Rituais con milenarias técnicas , sorprendentes aromas e extraordinarias sensacións que nos transportan a diferentes culturas , unha viaxe sensorial para o coidado tanto do corpo como da mente;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 737;EN;web;restauracion;At the Thalasso Centre you can also relax with the latest Massages and Rituals using age-old techniques, surprising aromas and extraordinary sensations that will take you to different cultures, a sensory journey for the care of both body and mind;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 738;GL;web;restauracion;Os horarios do Talaso poden verse modificados por grupos ou eventos especiais;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 738;EN;web;restauracion;The opening hours of the Thalasso Centre may vary due to special groups or events;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 739;GL;web;restauracion;Método terapéutico que utiliza o medio mariño (auga de mar, barro, algas e outras substancias) e que axuda a combater o estrés do día a día, converténdoo nun momento de paz e relaxación;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 739;EN;web;restauracion;A therapeutic method using the marine environment (sea water, mud, sea weed and other substances), helping to combat day-to-day stress, converting it into a moment of peace and relaxation;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 740;GL;web;restauracion;Descubre masaxes con novas técnicas que revitalizan o teu corpo e estimulan os teus músculos, deixando unha agradable sensación de benestar, paz e harmonía;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 740;EN;web;restauracion;Discover massages with new techniques that revitalize your body and stimulate your muscles, leaving a pleasant feeling of well-being, peace and harmony;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 741;GL;web;restauracion;Unha experiencia inesquecible con Sothys. Un universo de sensualidade e emocións. A mesma paixón pola perfección e a busca de beleza global para mulleres e homes a través da súa alta eficiencia e momentos de benestar absoluto;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 741;EN;web;restauracion;An unforgettable experience with Sothys. A universe of sensuality and emotions. A passion for perfection, seeking global beauty for women and men through its high effectiveness and moments of total wellness;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 742;GL;web;restauracion;De inspiración xaponesa que consiste en Gommage, masaxe corporal e de pés nun ritual rexuvenecedor e nutritivo, unha invitación a viaxar a terras afastadas con aromas a flor de cereixa e arroz en po que deixa a pel completamente suave e perfumada;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 742;EN;web;restauracion;Japanese style massage that includes gommage and body and foot massage, in a rejuvenating and nourishing ritual, an invitation to travel to faraway lands with cherry blossom and rice powder aromas, leaving the skin completely soft and perfumed;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 743;GL;web;restauracion;Excepcional tratamento extraído de rituais orientais antigos, un xarope para preparar o corpo para o Gommage, masaxe enriquecida con ámbar e aceite de dátil, para nutrir a pel nun momento de relaxación pura;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 743;EN;web;restauracion;Exceptional treatment extracted from age-old oriental rituals, including a syrup to prepare the body for gommage and an enriched massage with amber and date oil, to nourish skin in a moment of pure relaxation;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 744;GL;web;restauracion;Unha cerimonia cos aromas máis doces que nos leva a Oriente, consiste en canela e xenxibre gommage, envoltura de chocolate e hidratación cunha textura única que nos axuda a nutrir a pel e proporcionar flexibilidade e confort;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 744;EN;web;restauracion;A ceremony of the sweetest aromas transporting you to the Orient, including cinnamon and ginger gommage and hydrating chocolate wrap with a unique texture that helps to nourish the skin, providing it with flexibility and comfort;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 745;GL;web;restauracion;É un mundo de sensualidade e emocións de refinamento extremo, sinónimo de excelencia e prestixio, así como de respecto á natureza e aos beneficios naturais das plantas e con verdadeira implicación no desenvolvemento sostible;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 745;EN;web;restauracion;A highly sophisticated world of sensuality and emotions, synonymous with excellence and prestige, along with respect for nature and the natural benefits of plants, without forgetting true commitment to sustainable development;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 746;GL;web;restauracion;Tratamento específico para peles sensibles naturalmente e peles temporalmente sensibilizadas;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 746;EN;web;restauracion;Specific treatment for skins that are sensitive by nature and for temporarily sensitive skin;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 747;GL;web;restauracion;Sothys reinventa o novo concepto de ácido hialurónico para rexenerar a pel e restaurar a súa hidratación dun xeito duradeiro, comprobar a súa eficacia dende a primeira sesión;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 747;EN;web;restauracion;Sothys reinvents the new concept of hyaluronic acid to regenerate skin and restore hydration in the long term. Its effectiveness can be seen from the very first session;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 748;GL;web;restauracion;Tratamento para obter pel visiblemente máis nova a través da eficacia de Sothys con este excepcional tratamento;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/talaso/# 748;EN;web;restauracion;Treatment to obtain visibly younger looking skin through the effectiveness of Sothys with this exceptional treatment;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/thalasso-centre/ 749;GL;web;restauracion;Unha experiencia para os sentidos non só pola súa variedade senón polas magníficas vistas do seu salón coa Ría de Arousa como pano de fondo;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/restauracion/# 749;EN;web;restauracion;An experience for the senses, not only thanks to the wide choice on offer, but also thanks to the stunning views from the dining room, with the Arousa Estuary as a backdrop;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/restaurants/ 750;GL;web;restauracion;Un almorzo Buffet Atlántico con produtos locais e saudables para desfrutar dun almorzo equilibrado e variado, o aporte necesario d enerxía para afrontar o día;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/restauracion/# 750;EN;web;restauracion;Buffet Atlántico uses local and healthy products for a balanced and varied breakfast, giving you the energy you need to make the very most out of your day;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/restaurants/ 751;GL;web;restauracion;E se o desexas, levámoste o almorzo á cama;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/restauracion/# 751;EN;web;restauracion;And if you wish, we’ll take you breakfast in bed;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/restaurants/ 752;GL;web;restauracion;Ocórreseche mellor forma de comezar o día?;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/restauracion/# 752;EN;web;restauracion;Can you think of a better way to start the day?;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/restaurants/ 753;GL;web;restauracion;Un espazo para gozar tanto o día como a noite. A pé da Ría de Arousa cunha magnífica terraza e zona cuberta;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/restauracion/# 753;EN;web;restauracion;A space to enjoy day and night at the foot of the Arousa Estuary with a magnificent terrace and indoor area;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/restaurants/ 754;GL;web;restauracion;Un espazo dinámico onde degustar cócteles creativos e Gin Tonics;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/gl/restauracion/# 754;EN;web;restauracion;A dynamic space where you can enjoy creative cocktails or a Gin and Tonic;alta;https://www.louxolatoja.com/en/restaurants/ 755;GL;web;moda;En Zara.com podes realizar unha compra como CONVIDADO ou como cliente REXISTRADO;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/a-tua-conta-zara-h3.html 755;EN;web;moda;On Zara.com you can complete your purchase either as a GUEST or a REGISTERED customer;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/your-zara-account-h3.html 756;GL;web;moda;Rexistrarse é moi sinxelo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/a-tua-conta-zara-h3.html 756;EN;web;moda;Registering is very easy;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/your-zara-account-h3.html 757;GL;web;moda;Só che solicitaremos a información imprescindible para axilizar o proceso de compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/a-tua-conta-zara-h3.html 757;EN;web;moda;We will only ask you for the information we need to speed up the purchase process;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/your-zara-account-h3.html 758;GL;web;moda;Dentro do formulario de rexistro encontrarás exemplos de formato que poderán axudarte á hora de introducir algúns datos como o número de teléfono;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/a-tua-conta-zara-h3.html 758;EN;web;moda;You will find format examples in the registration form to help you when you enter details such as your telephone number;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/your-zara-account-h3.html 759;GL;web;moda;Sempre terás á túa disposición a información do teu pedido entrando en a túa conta se es cliente rexistrado ou ben a través do link que che enviamos no email de confirmación, se es cliente invitado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/a-tua-conta-zara-h3.html 759;EN;web;moda;Your order information will always be available to you through the link your account if you are a registered client or through the link we send you in your confirmation email if you are a guest customer;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/your-zara-account-h3.html 760;GL;web;moda;Ademais, agora dispós tamén do teu ZARA QR;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/a-tua-conta-zara-h3.html 760;EN;web;moda;What’s more, now you’ve got your ZARA QR;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/your-zara-account-h3.html 761;GL;web;moda;Atoparalo accedendo á APP de Zara, rexistrándote como cliente e na sección «Compras»;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/a-tua-conta-zara-h3.html 761;EN;web;moda;You can find it by logging on to the Zara APP, registering as a customer and going to the “Purchases” section;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/your-zara-account-h3.html 762;GL;web;moda;A este ZARA QR poderás vincular todas as túas compras, tanto online coma de tenda física;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/a-tua-conta-zara-h3.html 762;EN;web;moda;You can link all your purchases to this ZARA QR, both online and from physical stores;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/your-zara-account-h3.html 763;GL;web;moda; Para poder realizar algún cambio ou devolución, abondará con que mostres este identificador para poder levalo a cabo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/a-tua-conta-zara-h3.html 763;EN;web;moda;To make any exchange or return, all you will need to do is show this identifier to carry out the process;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/your-zara-account-h3.html 764;GL;web;moda;Tras finalizar a túa compra, enviarémosche un email de confirmación co detalle desta;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/modificacions-de-pedido-h4.html 764;EN;web;moda;After completing your purchase we will send you a confirmation email with all the details;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/order-modifications-h4.html 765;GL;web;moda;Recordámosche que non será posible cancelar ou modificar o teu pedido se xa se encontra nun estado avanzado de preparación;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/modificacions-de-pedido-h4.html 765;EN;web;moda;Please remember that it will not be possible to cancel or amend your order if it is already in an advanced stage of preparation;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/order-modifications-h4.html 766;GL;web;moda;Desde a cesta da compra podes visualizar o contido da túa compra, solicitar un Tícket Regalo e modificar ou eliminar o número de unidades do teu pedido;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/cesta-da-compra-h5.html 766;EN;web;moda;You can see the contents of your purchase in your basket, request a gift receipt and change or delete the number of items in your order;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/shopping-basket-h5.html 767;GL;web;moda;Ademais, dende a APP tamén poderás marcar os artigos que che interesen para comprar máis tarde;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/cesta-da-compra-h5.html 767;EN;web;moda;What's more, you can also select items you like on the APP to purchase at a later time;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/shopping-basket-h5.html 768;GL;web;moda;Ten en conta que zara.com non pode garantir o stock dos artigos que teñas na cesta da compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/cesta-da-compra-h5.html 768;EN;web;moda;Please remember that zara.com does not guarantee that items you save in your basket will remain in stock;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/shopping-basket-h5.html 769;GL;web;moda;Por este motivo, se algún deles se esgota, informarémoste nese apartado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/cesta-da-compra-h5.html 769;EN;web;moda;Therefore, if one of them sells out, you will be able to see that information in that section;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/shopping-basket-h5.html 770;GL;web;moda;Na túa WISHLIST poderás gardar e ter sempre á man os artigos que máis che gusten;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/wishlist-h6.html 770;EN;web;moda;You can save your favourite items in your WISHLIST and always have them to hand;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/wishlist-h6.html 771;GL;web;moda;O seu funcionamento é moi sinxelo: cada vez que fagas clic no símbolo de WISHLIST, engadirás ese artigo á túa lista;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/wishlist-h6.html 771;EN;web;moda;It works very easily: each time you click on the WISHLIST symbol you add that item to your list;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/wishlist-h6.html 772;GL;web;moda;Desde a lista poderás eliminar os artigos cando queiras a través da opción editar;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/wishlist-h6.html 772;EN;web;moda;You can delete items from the list whenever you want, using the edit button;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/wishlist-h6.html 773;GL;web;moda;Para completar a compra, terás que facer clic sobre o produto e continuar cos pasos habituais;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/wishlist-h6.html 773;EN;web;moda; To complete your purchase, click on the product and follow the usual steps;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/wishlist-h6.html 774;GL;web;moda; As Tarxetas Regalo non poden engadirse;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/wishlist-h6.html 774;EN;web;moda;Gift cards cannot be added;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/wishlist-h6.html 775;GL;web;moda;Para garantir o correcto funcionamento da túa WISHLIST, a súa capacidade máxima será de 100 artigos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/wishlist-h6.html 775;EN;web;moda;To ensure that your WISHLIST works properly, its maximum capacity is 100 items;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/wishlist-h6.html 776;GL;web;moda;Recorda que só poderás gozar da WISHLIST se es cliente rexistrado e que a WISHLIST non garante o stock dos produtos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/wishlist-h6.html 776;EN;web;moda;Please remember that you can only enjoy use of our WISHLIST if you are a registered customer, and WISHLIST does not guarantee there will be stock;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/wishlist-h6.html 777;GL;web;moda;Todos os nosos artigos teñen os mesmos prezos nas tendas físicas e na web;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/cambios-de-prezo-h7.html 777;EN;web;moda;All our items are priced the same online and in store;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/price-changes-h7.html 778;GL;web;moda;Se existise calquera diferenza entre os prezos que figuran na web e os marcados nas etiquetas das pezas de roupa, o prezo correcto sería o mostrado no momento da compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/cambios-de-prezo-h7.html 778;EN;web;moda;If there is any difference between the prices shown on the website and those marked on the label on the clothes, the correct price will be the one shown when you purchase it;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/price-changes-h7.html 779;GL;web;moda;Por favor, ten en conta que non realizamos axustes de prezo en artigos cuxo importe orixinal se rebaixase;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/cambios-de-prezo-h7.html 779;EN;web;moda;Please keep in mind we do not adjust prices for items whose original prices may have been reduced;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/price-changes-h7.html 780;GL;web;moda;Subscríbete para estar ao día das últimas tendencias! Obterás máis información na sección Newsletter;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/newsletter-h8.html 780;EN;web;moda;Subscribe to keep up-to-date with the latest trends! For more information, see the section Newsletter;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/newsletter-h8.html 781;GL;web;moda;En Zara.com poderás encontrar novidades cada semana, igual que nas nosas tendas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-h10.html 781;EN;web;moda;On Zara.com you can find new products every week, just like in our stores;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/availability-h10.html 782;GL;web;moda;Este proceso non equivale a unha reserva;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-h10.html 782;EN;web;moda;This process does not reserve the item;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/availability-h10.html 783;GL;web;moda;Ademais, a través de Zara.com poderás acceder ao stock das nosas tendas grazas á opción “Ver dispoñibilidade en tenda”;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-h10.html 783;EN;web;moda;You may also view the stock on Zara.com using our “Check in-store availability” option;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/availability-h10.html 784;GL;web;moda;A través da opción de PREVENDA, dámosche a oportunidade de asegurarche a dispoñibilidade de artigos cun número limitado de unidades;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/prevenda-h49.html 784;EN;web;moda;Through the PRESALE option you can ensure availability of products with a limited number of items;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/presale-h49.html 785;GL;web;moda;Ao tratarse dunha compra anticipada, o pagamento lévase a cabo no momento da compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/prevenda-h49.html 785;EN;web;moda;As this is an advance purchase, payment is made at the time of purchase;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/presale-h49.html 786;GL;web;moda;Ten en conta que estes artigos teñen prazos de envío especiais;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/prevenda-h49.html 786;EN;web;moda;Please note that these items have special shipping periods;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/presale-h49.html 787;GL;web;moda;Se no teu pedido combinas artigos de prevenda con outros que non o son, só os de prevenda se verán afectados por un prazo de entrega distinto ao convencional;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/prevenda-h49.html 787;EN;web;moda;If your order includes both presale items and others which are not, only those presale ones will have a different delivery period to the usual one;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/presale-h49.html 788;GL;web;moda;Ten en conta que o prazo de devolución das compras que conteñan artigos de prevenda será de 30 días dende a data de envío da última parte do teu pedido;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/prevenda-h49.html 788;EN;web;moda;Bear in mind that the returns period for purchases containing presale items is 30 days from the shipping date of the last part of your order;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/presale-h49.html 789;GL;web;moda;En Zara podes encontrar unha ampla gama de pezas de materiais naturais, artificiais e sintéticos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/materiais-h13.html 789;EN;web;moda;At Zara you can find a wide range of garments in natural, artificial and synthetic materials;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/materials-h13.html 790;GL;web;moda;Tanto en Zara.com coma na propia peza terás información detallada sobre a composición de cada artigo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/materiais-h13.html 790;EN;web;moda;You can find detailed information on the composition of each item, both on zara.com and on each garment;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/materials-h13.html 791;GL;web;moda;A nosa política de benestar animal inclúe estándares éticos no uso de produtos de orixe animal conforme ás “Cinco Liberdades” do benestar animal para o trato ético e responsable dos animais;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/materiais-h13.html 791;EN;web;moda;Our Animal Welfare Policy includes ethical standards governing the use of animal products in line with the “Five Freedoms” of animal welfare for the ethical and responsible treatment of animals;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/materials-h13.html 792;GL;web;moda;Ademais, traballamos con programas de seguimento que nos axudan a garantir a calidade e seguridade das nosas pezas e a reducir o seu impacto ambiental;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/materiais-h13.html 792;EN;web;moda;What's more, we work with monitoring programmes that help us to guarantee the quality and safety of our garments and reduce their environmental impact;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/materials-h13.html 793;GL;web;moda;Na nosa web, na opción de MATERIAIS E COIDADOS de cada artigo, así como nas etiquetas das nosas pezas podes atopar información para un coidado óptimo das túas pezas;baixa;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 793;EN;web;moda;You can find information on how to care for your garments on our website in the MATERIALS AND CARE option of each item, as well as on the garment labels;baixa;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 794;GL;web;moda;Aquí tes algúns consellos extra segundo o material empregado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 794;EN;web;moda;Here is some additional advice for each type of fabric used;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 795;GL;web;moda;As pezas feitas con esta fibra, debido á súa higroscopicidade e morfoloxía, proporcionan un confort natural e un tacto agradable, facéndoo apropiado para pezas en contacto directo coa pel;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 795;EN;web;moda;Due to its hygroscopicity and morphology, items made from this fibre provide natural comfort and a pleasant feel, making it the ideal choice for garments that come into direct contact with the skin;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 796;GL;web;moda;Pode lavarse cos procedementos convencionais, sempre que a tintura e o acabado o admitan de acordo cos símbolos e indicacións que aparecen na etiqueta;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 796;EN;web;moda;It can be washed by conventional methods, provided that the colour and finish permit it, according to the symbols and instructions on the label;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 797;GL;web;moda;É unha fibra artificial de orixe celulósica;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 797;EN;web;moda;This is an artificial cellulose fibre;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 798;GL;web;moda;Ofrece unha combinación excepcional: suave, forte, fresco, absorbente e que xera pouco pilling;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 798;EN;web;moda;It offers an exceptional combination: smooth, strong, cool, absorbent, and barely any tendency to pill;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 799;GL;web;moda;Non se engurra doadamente, nin encolle e pódese pasar o ferro sen problemas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 799;EN;web;moda;It doesn't tend to crease or shrink, and can be easily ironed;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 800;GL;web;moda;Como fibra natural que é, ten un alto grao de absorción de humidade, que a fai flexible, e un gran poder illante e de protección contra o frío;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 800;EN;web;moda;As this is a natural fibre, it has a high degree of moisture absorption, it is flexible and has good insulating properties for protection against the cold;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 801;GL;web;moda;As pezas confeccionadas con la non se engurran doadamente, teñen un tacto suave, quente e son adecuadas para pezas de inverno e outono;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 801;EN;web;moda;Woollen items do not crease easily, they are soft to the touch, warm, and suitable for autumn and winter garments;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 802;GL;web;moda;Se desenvolve pilling, as boliñas poden desprenderse con facilidade;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 802;EN;web;moda;If pilling develops, the bobbles can be easily removed;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 803;GL;web;moda;Debe terse en conta que encollen por feltrado e deben lavarse a man, a baixas temperaturas ou en seco, seguindo sempre as instrucións de lavado da nosa etiqueta;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 803;EN;web;moda;Bear in mind that it shrinks by felting and should be washed by hand, at low temperatures, or dry cleaned, always following the washing instructions on our label;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 804;GL;web;moda;Trátase dunha fibra sintética moi resistente e versátil, con baixa absorción de humidade e que pode acumular electricidade estática;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 804;EN;web;moda;This is a very hard-wearing, versatile synthetic fibre, with low moisture absorption, that can accumulate static electricity;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 805;GL;web;moda;De doado coidado, non encolle ao lavarse, non se engurra e é de secado rápido, pero pode chegar a desenvolver pilling;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 805;EN;web;moda;Easy care, it does not shrink or crease when washed, and it dries rapidly, although it can develop pilling;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 806;GL;web;moda;Se isto sucede, poderá eliminarse cortando as fibras;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 806;EN;web;moda;If this happens, pills can be removed by cutting the fibres;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 807;GL;web;moda;Esta fibra natural ofrece unha confortable sensación de frescor, é resistente, pouco elástica e moi absorbente, e por iso é común velo nas nosas pezas de verán;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 807;EN;web;moda;This natural fibre provides a comfortable fresh feeling. It is strong, with little elasticity, and very absorbent, which is why it is common to see it in our summer garments;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 808;GL;web;moda;Adoitamos recomendar un lavado a man porque ten unha forte tendencia ao encollemento e ás engurras;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 808;EN;web;moda;We usually recommend washing it by hand, as it has a strong tendency to shrink and crease;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 809;GL;web;moda;Fibra natural cun tacto e brillo moi característicos. Boa absorción de humidade;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 809;EN;web;moda;Natural fibre with a very characteristic feel and sheen. Good moisture absorption;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 810;GL;web;moda;O seu lavado non admite temperaturas altas nin centrifugado, polo que non é aconsellable o secado en secadora;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 810;EN;web;moda;Cannot be washed at high temperatures, or spun, therefore it is not advisable to dry it in a tumble drier;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 811;GL;web;moda;Adoitamos recomendar un lavado en seco e para pasarlle o ferro, poñer sempre unha tea por enriba;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 811;EN;web;moda;We usually recommend dry cleaning, and when ironing, always place a cloth over it;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 812;GL;web;moda;Tanto as pezas de plumas naturais coma as de fibras sintéticas pódense lavar a máquina;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 812;EN;web;moda;Garments with both natural fibres and synthetic fibres can be washed by machine;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 813;GL;web;moda; Recomendamos darlle a volta á peza e pechar cremalleiras e peches adherentes;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 813;EN;web;moda;We recommend turning the item inside out and closing zips and hook and look straps;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 814;GL;web;moda;É moi importante o secado para evitar que as plumas se compacten;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 814;EN;web;moda;Drying is very important, to avoid the feathers clumping;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 815;GL;web;moda;Se a limpeza é superficial, recomendamos utilizar un trapo húmido;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 815;EN;web;moda;If the cleaning is superficial, we recommend using a damp cloth;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 816;GL;web;moda;Se se necesita facer unha limpeza profunda, recomendamos que sexa realizada por un especialista nestes materiais;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 816;EN;web;moda;If you need to do a deep clean, we recommend using a specialist in these materials;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 817;GL;web;moda;Polos procesos de tintura aplicados, algunhas das nosas pezas poden tender a destinguir máis que outras;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 817;EN;web;moda;Due to the dying processes used, some of our garments can fade more than others;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 818;GL;web;moda;Para poñerte en preaviso, acompañaremos estas pezas dunhas etiquetas informativas de WARNING;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 818;EN;web;moda;To advise you in advance of this, we mark the labels of these garments with a WARNING;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 819;GL;web;moda;Recomendámosche quitar os detalles desmontables da peza antes de lavala, sempre que sexa posible;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 819;EN;web;moda;We recommend removing any detachable detailing from the garment before washing it, whenever possible;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 820;GL;web;moda;Como consellos básicos para o bo mantemento do teu calzado e bolsos, recomendámosche gardalos sempre limpos nun espazo aireado e, a ser posible, con algún elemento que lles axude a conservar a forma;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 820;EN;web;moda;As basic advice for good maintenance of your footwear and bags, we recommend that you clean them before storing in a ventilated space and if possible, with something that helps them maintain their shape;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 821;GL;web;moda;Se o artigo é de pel, non o somerxas en auga para limpalo e se ten manchas difíciles, acude a un especialista;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 821;EN;web;moda;If the item is leather, do not submerge it in water to clean, and if it has stubborn stains, use a specialist;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 822;GL;web;moda;Ademais, desenvolvemos unha guía con recomendacións de coidado para axudarte a estender a vida das túas pezas e reducir o impacto ambiental nos procesos de coidados;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/recomendacions-de-coidados-h14.html 822;EN;web;moda;In addition, we have created a care guide to help you to extend the life of your garments and reduce the environmental impact of care processes;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/care-instructions-h14.html 823;GL;web;moda;Os nosos perfumes e os seus ingredientes non foron testados en animais para a avaliación do produto nin para outros fins;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/perfumes-candeas-e-cosmetica-h16.html 823;EN;web;moda;Our perfumes and their ingredients are not tested on animals to evaluate the product or for any other reason;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/perfumes-candles-and-cosmetics-h16.html 824;GL;web;moda;Son testados dermatoloxicamente: realízase un estudo de compatibilidade cutánea baixo control dermatolóxico;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/perfumes-candeas-e-cosmetica-h16.html 824;EN;web;moda;They are dermatologically tested: skin compatibility testing is done under dermatological control;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/perfumes-candles-and-cosmetics-h16.html 825;GL;web;moda;En todos os nosos produtos aparece a lista de ingredientes;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/perfumes-candeas-e-cosmetica-h16.html 825;EN;web;moda;Each of our products has a list of ingredients;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/perfumes-candles-and-cosmetics-h16.html 826;GL;web;moda;Pódese consultar no etiquetado de cada un deles;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/perfumes-candeas-e-cosmetica-h16.html 826;EN;web;moda;You can consult the label for each product;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/perfumes-candles-and-cosmetics-h16.html 827;GL;web;moda;Conservar nun sitio fresco e non exposto directamente á luz solar;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/perfumes-candeas-e-cosmetica-h16.html 827;EN;web;moda;Store in a cool place and do not expose directly to sunlight;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/perfumes-candles-and-cosmetics-h16.html 828;GL;web;moda;Manter o perfume en posición vertical, non horizontal;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/perfumes-candeas-e-cosmetica-h16.html 828;EN;web;moda;Store perfume upright, not on a horizontal position.;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/perfumes-candles-and-cosmetics-h16.html 829;GL;web;moda;As nosas barras de labios están elaboradas con ceras e aceites para obter unha textura cómoda e cremosa;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/perfumes-candeas-e-cosmetica-h16.html 829;EN;web;moda;Our lipsticks are made with waxes and oils to obtain a comfortable and creamy texture;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/perfumes-candles-and-cosmetics-h16.html 830;GL;web;moda;Ten en conta que, se se expoñen a cambios bruscos de temperatura, estes aceites poden aparecer en forma de pequenas gotas na superficie da barra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/perfumes-candeas-e-cosmetica-h16.html 830;EN;web;moda;Keep in mind that if exposed to sudden changes in temperature, these oils may appear as small droplets on the surface of the lipstick;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/perfumes-candles-and-cosmetics-h16.html 831;GL;web;moda;As barras recuperarán o seu aspecto orixinal, sen afectar á calidade do produto, cando a temperatura se estabilice;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/perfumes-candeas-e-cosmetica-h16.html 831;EN;web;moda;The lipstick will retain its original appearance, without affecting the product quality, when the temperature stabilises;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/perfumes-candles-and-cosmetics-h16.html 832;GL;web;moda;Algúns dos nosos artigos permiten bordar textos personalizados ou mesmo modificar a cor orixinal da peza;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-personalizados-h51.html 832;EN;web;moda;Some of our items allow for customised slogans to be embroidered on them, or even for the original colour of the garment to be changed;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/customised-items-h51.html 833;GL;web;moda;Para identificalos doadamente, no nome do artigo aparecerá a palabra personalizable;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-personalizados-h51.html 833;EN;web;moda;To make them easy to identify, the word ‘customisable’ will appear in the product name;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/customised-items-h51.html 834;GL;web;moda;Para os bordados, poderás elixir o texto, o estilo de letra, a parte da peza na que realizar o bordado e a cor do fío;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-personalizados-h51.html 834;EN;web;moda;As for embroidered slogans, you get to pick the slogan, the font, the part of the garment where you would like to place the embroidery and the thread colour;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/customised-items-h51.html 835;GL;web;moda;Se a palabra que nos indicas non estivese dispoñible, indicarémoscho durante o proceso de compra da peza ou mesmo unha vez que teñas finalizado o pedido;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-personalizados-h51.html 835;EN;web;moda;If the word you have selected is not available, we will notify you during the purchase process or once you have finished the order;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/customised-items-h51.html 836;GL;web;moda;Neste último caso, informarémoste da cancelación do pedido;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-personalizados-h51.html 836;EN;web;moda;In this last case, we will notify you the cancellation of the order.;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/customised-items-h51.html 837;GL;web;moda;Unha vez teñas completado o teu pedido, o texto non se poderá modificar;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-personalizados-h51.html 837;EN;web;moda;Once you have completed your order, the text cannot be modified;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/customised-items-h51.html 838;GL;web;moda;Dado que se trata de pezas personalizadas, non será posible realizar cambios ou devolucións destas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-personalizados-h51.html 838;EN;web;moda;Given that these garments are customised, it is not possible to exchange or return them;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/customised-items-h51.html 839;GL;web;moda;Ademais as compras de artigos con cor personalizada non se poderán cancelar;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-personalizados-h51.html 839;EN;web;moda;Moreover, it is not possible to cancel purchases of items in a customised colour;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/customised-items-h51.html 840;GL;web;moda;En Zara preocupámonos por garantir a máxima calidade dos nosos artigos e comprometémonos a facer visibles aqueles que por algún motivo tivesen que ser retirados da venda;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-retirados-h17.html 840;EN;web;moda;At Zara we aim to guarantee maximum quality in our products, and we are committed to being transparent about any items that might have had to be withdrawn from sale for any reason;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/withdrawn-items-h17.html 841;GL;web;moda;Nestes momentos non hai ningunha retirada de artigos en curso;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-retirados-h17.html 841;EN;web;moda;There are currently no items being withdrawn;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/withdrawn-items-h17.html 842;GL;web;moda;Para saber máis información sobre retiradas anteriores, contacta co noso departamento de Atención ao Cliente;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-retirados-h17.html 842;EN;web;moda;For further information about previous withdrawals, please contact our Customer Service Department;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/withdrawn-items-h17.html 843;GL;web;moda;Colección de barras de beizos, labiais líquidos, pos solares, esmaltes de longa duración e brochas, con fórmulas da máxima calidade, non testadas en animais, deseñadas pola maquilladora británica Diane Kendal;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/zara-beauty-h66.html 843;EN;web;moda;Collection of lipstick, lip gloss, bronzing powder, long-lasting polish and powder brushes, featuring top-quality, cruelty-free formulas designed by British make-up artist Diane Kendal;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/zara-beauty-h66.html 844;GL;web;moda;Ofrece unha paleta de máis de 130 cores que se mesturan en formatos con acabados mates, metalizados, brillos ou perladas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/zara-beauty-h66.html 844;EN;web;moda;It offers a palette of over 130 colours mixed in formats with matt, metallic, glossy and pearly finishes;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/zara-beauty-h66.html 845;GL;web;moda;Gran parte da colección ofrece un packaging con envases recargables que favorece a súa reutilización;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/zara-beauty-h66.html 845;EN;web;moda;A large part of the collection comes in refillable packaging making it easier to reuse;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/zara-beauty-h66.html 846;GL;web;moda;Colección apta para veganos, agás Ultimate Matter Lipstick e Clash out Palette;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/zara-beauty-h66.html 846;EN;web;moda;Collection suitable for vegans, except Ultimate Matter Lipstick and Clash Out Palette;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/zara-beauty-h66.html 847;GL;web;moda;Dispoñemos de dúas modalidades: E-Tarxeta, tarxeta virtual que compartiremos por correo electrónico ao enderezo que nos indiques, ou ben, poderás compartila ti mesmo dende as túas apps de mensaxería favoritas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 847;EN;web;moda;There are two types available: The E-Card, a virtual card sent by us to the email address you indicate, or, if you prefer, sent by you using your favourite messaging apps;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 848;GL;web;moda;E Tarxeta Regalo Física que é enviada por transportista;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 848;EN;web;moda;And the Physical Gift Card delivered by a courier;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 849;GL;web;moda;Información útil sobre a Tarxeta Regalo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 849;EN;web;moda;Useful information about the Gift Card;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 850;GL;web;moda;Soamente é válida para o país/rexión no que a compraches;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 850;EN;web;moda;It is only valid for the country/region in which you purchased it;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 851;GL;web;moda;É un documento ao portador;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 851;EN;web;moda;It is a bearer document.;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 852;GL;web;moda;Zara non substituirá a Tarxeta en caso de roubo, perda, extravío ou deterioración;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 852;EN;web;moda;Zara will not replace the card if it is stolen, lost, misplaced or damaged;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 853;GL;web;moda;Ten un período de validez determinado segundo país/rexión;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 853;EN;web;moda;The validity period depends on the country/region;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 854;GL;web;moda;Poderás ver esta información no momento que elixas a túa Tarxeta;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 854;EN;web;moda;You will be able to see this information when you choose your card;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 855;GL;web;moda;O prazo para devolvela é o mesmo que para calquera outro artigo sempre e cando a Tarxeta non fose usada;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 855;EN;web;moda;The time scale for returning it is the same as for any other item, providing that the card has not been used;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 856;GL;web;moda;O reembolso farase ao método de pagamento orixinal utilizado para a compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 856;EN;web;moda;Refunds will be made using the original payment method used for the purchase;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 857;GL;web;moda;Se a devolución se fai vía Zara.com non é necesario enviarnos a Tarxeta fisicamente;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/comprar-tarxeta-regalo-h19.html 857;EN;web;moda;If the return is made through Zara.com you do not need to send the physical card;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchase-gift-card-h19.html 858;GL;web;moda;Antes de usar a túa tarxeta é importante que saibas que;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/pagar-con-tarxeta-regalo-h20.html 858;EN;web;moda;Before using your card it is important that you know;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/pay-with-gift-card-h20.html 859;GL;web;moda;A Tarxeta Regalo Física comprada en tenda e a E-Tarxeta xa veñen activadas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/pagar-con-tarxeta-regalo-h20.html 859;EN;web;moda;Physical Gift Cards bought in store and E-Cards are already activated;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/pay-with-gift-card-h20.html 860;GL;web;moda;A Tarxeta Regalo física comprada online debe ser activada antes do seu uso;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/pagar-con-tarxeta-regalo-h20.html 860;EN;web;moda;Physical Gift Cards bought online need to be activated before use;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/pay-with-gift-card-h20.html 861;GL;web;moda;En ambos casos solicitarémosche os catro últimos díxitos do teléfono móbil do destinatario, proporcionado polo comprador durante o proceso de compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/pagar-con-tarxeta-regalo-h20.html 861;EN;web;moda;In both cases, we will request the four last digits of the mobile telephone number of the recipient provided by the buyer during the purchase process;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/pay-with-gift-card-h20.html 862;GL;web;moda;Se queres usar a túa E-Tarxeta Regalo para pagar nunha tenda, podes imprimila ou mostrala no teu dispositivo móbil;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/pagar-con-tarxeta-regalo-h20.html 862;EN;web;moda;If you want to use your E-Gift Card to pay in store, you can print it or show it on your mobile device;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/pay-with-gift-card-h20.html 863;GL;web;moda;Se a túa compra excede o saldo da túa Tarxeta Regalo, poderás combinala con calquera outro método de pagamento dispoñible no teu país/rexión;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/pagar-con-tarxeta-regalo-h20.html 863;EN;web;moda;If your purchase exceeds the amount on your Gift Card, you can combine it with any other payment method available in your country/region;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/pay-with-gift-card-h20.html 864;GL;web;moda;As devolucións de compras que pagases con tarxeta regalo, reembolsaranse á mesma Tarxeta Regalo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/devolucions-con-tarxeta-regalo-h21.html 864;EN;web;moda;Returns of items purchased with a Gift Card will be refunded to the same Gift Card;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/gift-card-returns-h21.html 865;GL;web;moda;Se a devolución é dunha compra online, recibirás unha copia virtual desa tarxeta, co saldo actualizado, xunto co email de confirmación da devolución;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/devolucions-con-tarxeta-regalo-h21.html 865;EN;web;moda;If the return is of an online purchase you will receive a virtual copy of the card, with the updated balance on it, together with the email confirming the refund;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/gift-card-returns-h21.html 866;GL;web;moda;Se fixeches a túa compra en tenda física e non dispós da Tarxeta Regalo no momento da devolución, o reembolso efectuarase nunha Tarxeta Aboamento;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/devolucions-con-tarxeta-regalo-h21.html 866;EN;web;moda;If you made your purchase in a physical store and you are unable to present the Gift Card at the time of your return, the amount will be refunded as a Credit Voucher;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/gift-card-returns-h21.html 867;GL;web;moda;Esta tarxeta poderá utilizarse online ou en calquera tenda do grupo Inditex;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/devolucions-con-tarxeta-regalo-h21.html 867;EN;web;moda;This card can be used online or in any Inditex Group store;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/gift-card-returns-h21.html 868;GL;web;moda;Se no momento da compra usaches máis dun método de pagamento e fas unha devolución parcial do teu pedido, o reembolso irá prioritariamente ao método de pagamento alternativo á Tarxeta Regalo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/devolucions-con-tarxeta-regalo-h21.html 868;EN;web;moda;If you used more than one payment method for a purchase and you request a partial return of the order, the refund will usually be repaid to the other payment method rather than the Gift Card;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/gift-card-returns-h21.html 869;GL;web;moda;Información útil sobre o Tícket Regalo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/compras-con-ticket-regalo-h23.html 869;EN;web;moda;Useful information about the gift receipt;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchases-with-gift-receipt-h23.html 870;GL;web;moda;A principal característica é que o Tícket Regalo non inclúe o prezo dos artigos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/compras-con-ticket-regalo-h23.html 870;EN;web;moda;The main feature of a gift receipt is that it does not include the item price;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchases-with-gift-receipt-h23.html 871;GL;web;moda;Cando selecciones a opción Tícket Regalo, poderás personalizar a túa compra cunha breve mensaxe que incluiremos no teu pedido;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/compras-con-ticket-regalo-h23.html 871;EN;web;moda;When you select the Gift Receipt option, you will be able to personalise your purchase with a short message that we will include with your order;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/purchases-with-gift-receipt-h23.html 872;GL;web;moda;Se presentas o Tícket Regalo na túa devolución en tenda, o reembolso farase a un Tícket Aboamento;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/devolucions-con-ticket-regalo-h24.html 872;EN;web;moda;If you show the gift receipt when returning an item to the store, the refund will be made on a Credit Voucher;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/returns-with-gift-receipt-h24.html 873;GL;web;moda;se a devolución se solicita a través da web de Zara.com (versión ordenador) enviarémosche por email unha Tarxeta Aboamento;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/devolucions-con-ticket-regalo-h24.html 873;EN;web;moda;If you are making the return on the zara.com website (PC version), we will send you a Credit Voucher by email;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/returns-with-gift-receipt-h24.html 874;GL;web;moda;Para recibir o reembolso no método de pagamento orixinal, é necesario presentar a factura da compra que podes encontrar na túa conta de cliente;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/devolucions-con-ticket-regalo-h24.html 874;EN;web;moda;To receive the refund through the original payment method, you will need to show your purchase receipt, which you can find in your customer account;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/returns-with-gift-receipt-h24.html 875;GL;web;moda;Ou accedendo ao enlace do email de confirmación de pedido para as compras realizadas como convidado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/devolucions-con-ticket-regalo-h24.html 875;EN;web;moda;Or by accessing the link in the order confirmation email for any purchases you made as a guest;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/returns-with-gift-receipt-h24.html 876;GL;web;moda;As opcións de envío poden variar en función do enderezo de entrega, a hora da túa compra e a dispoñibilidade dos artigos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 876;EN;web;moda;The shipping options may vary depending on the delivery address, what time you make your purchase and item availability;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 877;GL;web;moda;No momento de procesar a túa compra, mostrarémosche os métodos de envío dispoñibles, o custo e a data de entrega do teu pedido;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 877;EN;web;moda;At the time of processing your purchase, we will show you the available shipping methods, the cost and the delivery date of your order;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 878;GL;web;moda;Na tenda que elixas en 2-3 días laborables;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 878;EN;web;moda;In the store of your choice within 2-3 working days;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 879;GL;web;moda;Recorda que a persoa que acode a recoller o pedido só necesita presentar o código QR do tícket electrónico sempre e cando sexa o comprador;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 879;EN;web;moda;Remember that the person who comes to collect the order need only show the e-receipt with the QR code, as long as they are the buyer;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 880;GL;web;moda;Se alguén acode no teu lugar, tamén deberá prensentar o seu documento de identificación;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 880;EN;web;moda;If someone else goes on your behalf, this person needs to present their own ID;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 881;GL;web;moda;O prazo considerado de entrega oscilará entre 2-3 días laborables, dependendo do enderezo de entrega;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 881;EN;web;moda;The estimated delivery time will be between 2-3 working days, depending on the delivery address;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 882;GL;web;moda;Entrega no mesmo día en Madrid para todos os pedidos realizados de luns a venres antes das 14h;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 882;EN;web;moda;Same day delivery within Madrid for all orders placed between Monday and Friday before 14:00;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 883;GL;web;moda;No punto de entrega que elixas en 2-3 días laborables;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 883;EN;web;moda;At the drop point of your choice within 2-3 working days;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 884;GL;web;moda;Mostrarémosche os puntos de entrega dispoñibles no momento da compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 884;EN;web;moda;We will show you the available drop points at the time of purchase;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 885;GL;web;moda;Recorda que para recoller o teu pedido é necesario que presentes un documento identificativo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 885;EN;web;moda;Remember to collect your order you will need to present your ID document;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 886;GL;web;moda;Se a persoa que acode a recoller o pedido é distinta á que o comprou, necesitará presentar unha autorización escrita e unha copia do DNI do comprador;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 886;EN;web;moda;A written authorization and a photocopy of the buyer's ID document will need to be submitted at the drop point if the order is being collected on behalf of the buyer;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 887;GL;web;moda;Para os pedidos preparados en distintos centros de distribución, ofrecerémosche dúas opcións;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 887;EN;web;moda;For orders prepared in different distribution centres, we will offer you two options;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 888;GL;web;moda;Os prazos indicados anteriormente veranse ampliados para Baleares, Ceuta, Melilla e zonas remotas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 888;EN;web;moda;The delivery times shown above will be lengthened for the Balearic Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and remote areas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 889;GL;web;moda;Ten en conta que as entregas se realizan só en días laborables;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 889;EN;web;moda;Bear in mind that deliveries are only made on working days;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 890;GL;web;moda;Recibirás actualizacións do estado do teu pedido por email;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 890;EN;web;moda;You will receive email updates on the status of your order;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 891;GL;web;moda;"Tamén podes acceder a esta información no apartado ""a miña conta""";alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 891;EN;web;moda;"You can also access this information in the section ""My Account""";alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 892;GL;web;moda; Se non estás rexistrado, preme sobre o enlace de “Información de pedido” do correo de confirmación para facer o seguimento;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/metodos-de-envio-e-custo-h32.html 892;EN;web;moda;If you are not registered, click on the “Order information” link in the confirmation email to track your order;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 893;GL;web;moda;Desde zara.com intentamos chegar a todos os recantos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 893;EN;web;moda;We try to reach all corners of the earth from Zara.com;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/restrictions-h34.html 894;GL;web;moda;Se o teu enderezo de entrega ten algunha restrición no envío, veralo no momento da compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/delivery-methods-and-costs-h32.html 894;EN;web;moda;If there are any delivery restrictions on your address, you will see them at the time of purchase;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/restrictions-h34.html 895;GL;web;moda;É posible que o teu pedido sexa expedido desde distintos centros loxísticos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/pedidos-partidos-h35.html 895;EN;web;moda;It is possible that your order be dispatched from different logistics centres;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/split-orders-h35.html 896;GL;web;moda;Se iso acontece, avisarémoste por email para indicarche os artigos que recibirás en cada envío;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/pedidos-partidos-h35.html 896;EN;web;moda;If this happens, we'll let you know by email which items you will receive in each shipment;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/split-orders-h35.html 897;GL;web;moda;Se desexas realizar a devolución dun artigo comprado en Zara.com, dispós de 30 días dende a data de envío do teu pedido para facelo de forma gratuíta;baixa;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 897;EN;web;moda;You have 30 days from the shipping date of your order to return your purchase from Zara.com free of charge;baixa;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 898;GL;web;moda;Os artigos deben conservar todas as etiquetas e estar en perfecto estado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 898;EN;web;moda;The items must have all their labels and be in perfect condition;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 899;GL;web;moda;Recomendámosche revisar as seguintes ligazóns para devolucións feitas con tícket regalo ou tarxeta regalo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 899;EN;web;moda;We recommend checking the following links for returns by gift receipt and/or gift card;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 900;GL;web;moda;Podes encontrar máis información acerca da Política de Cambios e Devolucións ou do dereito de desestimación nas nosas Condicións de compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 900;EN;web;moda;You can find further information on the Exchange and Refunds Policy and the right to waiver in our Purchase Conditions;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 901;GL;web;moda;Lembra que, en caso de realizar unha devolución a domicilio ou en punto de entrega, tes que completar a solicitude de devolución;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 901;EN;web;moda;Remember that if you are returning a product from home or at a drop point, you must first complete the return request form;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 902;GL;web;moda;Non é necesario incluír o tícket imprimido;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 902;EN;web;moda;It is not necessary to include a printed receipt;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 903;GL;web;moda;Recordámosche que estas opcións están unicamente dispoñibles para compras online;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 903;EN;web;moda;We’d like to remind you that these options are only available for online purchases;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 904;GL;web;moda; Non son válidas para artigos que se mercasen nas nosas tendas físicas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 904;EN;web;moda;They are not valid for items purchased in our physical stores;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 905;GL;web;moda;Se desexas modificar ou cancelar a túa solicitude de devolución, por favor, contacta connosco para que poidamos xestionalo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 905;EN;web;moda;If you wish to modify or cancel your return request, please contact us so that we can process it;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 906;GL;web;moda;Se decides non retornar algún artigo marcado na solicitude non terás que facer ningunha xestión, xa que só se fará o reembolso dos artigos recibidos nas nosas instalacións;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 906;EN;web;moda;If you decide not to return an item indicated in the request, you do not have to carry out any procedure, since you will only be given a refund for items received at our facilities;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 907;GL;web;moda;Recordámosche que podes devolver varios artigos de diferentes pedidos nun mesmo envío;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 907;EN;web;moda;We wish to remind you that you can return several items from different orders in a single shipment;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 908;GL;web;moda;Para iso, selecciona todos os artigos que desexas devolver independentemente do pedido ao que pertenzan, e continúa o proceso de solicitude de devolución ata o final;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 908;EN;web;moda;To do so, select all the items you wish to return, regardless of the order they belong to, and continue with the return request process until completion;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 909;GL;web;moda;Lembra que durante o proceso de solicitude de devolución deberás indicar o número de caixas que utilizarás para introducir e entregar os artigos que desexas devolver;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 909;EN;web;moda;Remember that during the return request process, you must indicate the number of boxes you will use to package and ship the items you wish to return;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 910;GL;web;moda;Para devolucións en punto de entrega, enviaremos ao teu correo electrónico tantas etiquetas de devolución como caixas vaias enviar;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 910;EN;web;moda;For Drop Point returns, you will receive the same number of return labels as boxes you are set to return;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 911;GL;web;moda;En caso de non recibir a etiqueta, podes acceder a ela dende o apartado de devolucións da túa conta;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 911;EN;web;moda;If you do not receive the label, you can find it in the returns section of your account;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 912;GL;web;moda;Se xa non dispós da embalaxe orixinal, poderás devolver o teu pedido en calquera outra, sempre e cando estea ben precintada para evitar o extravío dos artigos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 912;EN;web;moda;If you no longer have the original packaging, you can return your order using any other packaging, as long as it is sealed correctly to avoid losing the items;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 913;GL;web;moda;Non terás que escribir ningún enderezo de envío no teu paquete;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 913;EN;web;moda;You don’t have to write a shipping address on your package;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 914;GL;web;moda;Lembra que sempre tes que entregar os artigos que queiras devolver no prazo de 30 días, antes de que expire o prazo de devolución;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 914;EN;web;moda;Remember that you must always send the items you wish to return within 30 days, before the return period expires;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 915;GL;web;moda;No caso de que solicitases unha recollida e non se efectuase, por favor, contacta connosco para que poidamos xestionar un novo intento;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 915;EN;web;moda;If you have requested a return and it has not been processed correctly, please contact us so that we can help you try again;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 916;GL;web;moda;A devolución realizarase unha vez que recibamos os artigos nas nosas instalacións;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 916;EN;web;moda;The refund will be processed as soon as we receive the items at our facilities;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 917;GL;web;moda;Recibirás o reembolso na mesma forma de pagamento que utilizases na túa compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 917;EN;web;moda;You’ll receive the refund in the same payment method used for your purchase;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 918;GL;web;moda;O importe pode tardar en mostrarse na túa conta ata 14 días, dependendo da túa entidade bancaria;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-devolver-h37.html 918;EN;web;moda;The amount may take up to 14 days to appear in your account, depending on the bank;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-return-h37.html 919;GL;web;moda;Dispós de 30 días desde a data de envío para realizar un cambio da túa compra de Zara.com de xeito gratuíto;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 919;EN;web;moda;You have 30 days from the shipping date to exchange your purchase from Zara.com free of charge;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 920;GL;web;moda;Os artigos deben conservar todas as etiquetas e estar en perfecto estado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 920;EN;web;moda;The items must have all their labels and be in perfect condition;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 921;GL;web;moda;Podes cambiar o talle ou a cor dos teus artigos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 921;EN;web;moda;You can change the size or colour of your items;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 922;GL;web;moda; Achégate a unha tenda Zara que teña a mesma sección á que pertence o artigo co tícket de compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 922;EN;web;moda;Visit a Zara store that has the same section the item belongs to and present the item alongside the purchase receipt;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 923;GL;web;moda;Podes levalo no teu móbil, impreso ou mostrar o teu ZARA QR, que atoparás accedendo á sección «Compras» na APP de Zara;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 923;EN;web;moda;You can keep it on your mobile phone, print it out or show your ZARA QR, which you will find by going to the “Purchases” section of the ZARA app;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 924;GL;web;moda;Se prefires un cambio por outra peza diferente xestionarase unha devolución e unha nova compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 924;EN;web;moda;If you prefer to exchange it for another item, you must ask for a return and make a new purchase;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 925;GL;web;moda;Lembra que para realizar un cambio en tenda non é preciso realizar unha solicitude na web/APP;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 925;EN;web;moda;Remember that you do not need to make a request via the website/APP for in-store exchanges;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 926;GL;web;moda;Podes cambiar o talle dos teus artigos accedendo ao detalle do teu pedido;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 926;EN;web;moda;You can change the size of your items by accessing the order details;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 927;GL;web;moda;Só tes que seleccionar os artigos que queres cambiar e o talle que che gustaría recibir;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 927;EN;web;moda;Just select the items to exchange and the size you would like to receive;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 928;GL;web;moda;Os artigos elixidos enviaranse nun novo pedido e terás que devolver aqueles que non queiras;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 928;EN;web;moda;The selected items will be sent in a new order, and you will have to return the items you no longer want;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 929;GL;web;moda;Para iso, ofrecémosche varias opcións que podes consultar no apartado Como devolver;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 929;EN;web;moda;To do so, we offer you several options that you can consult in the section How to make a return;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 930;GL;web;moda;O prazo para devolver a mercadoría é de 14 días desde a solicitude do cambio;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 930;EN;web;moda;The original items must be returned within 14 days of the exchange request;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 931;GL;web;moda;Se transcorrido o prazo non recibimos os artigos implicados no proceso de cambio, cobrarase o importe dos novos artigos no método de pagamento orixinal;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 931;EN;web;moda;If the deadline has passed and we have not received the items to be exchanged, the price of the new items will be charged to the original payment method;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 932;GL;web;moda;Podes encontrar máis información acerca da Política de Cambios e Devolucións ou do dereito de desestimación nas nosas Condicións de compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/como-cambiar-h38.html 932;EN;web;moda;You can find further information on the Exchange and Refunds Policy and the right to waiver in our Purchase Conditions;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/how-to-exchange-h38.html 933;GL;web;moda;Algúns dos nosos artigos, polas súas características especiais, teñen que cumprir as seguintes condicións para poder ser devoltos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condicions-especiais-h39.html 933;EN;web;moda;Due to their special features, some of our items have to fulfil certain criteria to be returned;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/special-conditions-h39.html 934;GL;web;moda;poderanse cambiar ou devolver sempre que se atopen nas mesmas condicións de compra e conserven a bolsa ou adhesivo protector cos que chos enviamos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condicions-especiais-h39.html 934;EN;web;moda;can be returned or exchanged as long as they are in the same condition as when they were purchased and still have the bag or protective sticker with which they were sent;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/special-conditions-h39.html 935;GL;web;moda;non se poderán cambiar ou devolver artigos de roupa interior;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condicions-especiais-h39.html 935;EN;web;moda;underwear cannot be returned or exchanged;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/special-conditions-h39.html 936;GL;web;moda;non se poderán cambiar ou devolver artigos de roupa interior agás calcetíns, medias, tops, bodies e camisetas interiores que conserven a embalaxe orixinal;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condicions-especiais-h39.html 936;EN;web;moda;Underwear items cannot be returned or exchanged, except for socks, tights, tops, bodysuits and vests kept in their original packaging;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/special-conditions-h39.html 937;GL;web;moda;poderanse cambiar ou devolver sempre que se atopen nas mesmas condicións de compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condicions-especiais-h39.html 937;EN;web;moda;can be returned or exchanged as long as they are in the same condition as when they were purchased;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/special-conditions-h39.html 938;GL;web;moda;Os artigos que inclúan bolsa, deberán devolverse con ela;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condicions-especiais-h39.html 938;EN;web;moda;Items that include a bag must be returned with it;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/special-conditions-h39.html 939;GL;web;moda; terán que devolverse coa súa bolsa ou cartón orixinal intacto;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condicions-especiais-h39.html 939;EN;web;moda;must be returned with the bag or the original cardboard packaging intact;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/special-conditions-h39.html 940;GL;web;moda; deberán ser devoltas no mesmo envoltorio orixinal, precintado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condicions-especiais-h39.html 940;EN;web;moda;must be returned in the original sealed packaging;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/special-conditions-h39.html 941;GL;web;moda;os artigos que forman parte dun pack non poderán devolverse por separado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condicions-especiais-h39.html 941;EN;web;moda;items forming part of a pack cannot be returned separately;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/special-conditions-h39.html 942;GL;web;moda;É recomendable que os artigos sexan devoltos nas súas caixas orixinais, deseñadas especialmente para manter a calidade do produto;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condicions-especiais-h39.html 942;EN;web;moda;We encourage you to return the items in their original boxes, which are especially designed to maintain product quality;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/special-conditions-h39.html 943;GL;web;moda;O reembolso realizarase na mesma forma de pagamento que utilizases para a túa compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/reembolso-h40.html 943;EN;web;moda;The refund will be made via the same payment method used to make the purchase;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/refund-h40.html 944;GL;web;moda;Recibirás a confirmación da devolución por email unha vez que esta fose realizada;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/reembolso-h40.html 944;EN;web;moda;You will receive email confirmation of the return once it has been completed;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/refund-h40.html 945;GL;web;moda;Se pasan máis de 14 días e non tes o reembolso na túa conta, por favor, utiliza esta confirmación para presentala na túa entidade bancaria e que así te poidan axudar a axilizar o proceso;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/reembolso-h40.html 945;EN;web;moda;If you have not received a refund in your account after more than 14 days, please show the confirmation to your bank so that they can help you and speed up the process;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/refund-h40.html 946;GL;web;moda;Poñemos á túa disposición un Localizador de tendas onde poderás consultar o enderezo, o teléfono e as seccións (Muller, Home, neno) das nosas tendas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/informacion-xeral-h42.html 946;EN;web;moda;We have provided a Store locator, where you can consult our stores' addresses, telephone numbers and sections (Woman, Man, Kids);alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/general-information-h42.html 947;GL;web;moda;Se tes calquera outra dúbida ou suxestión, por favor ponte en contacto connosco a través de calquera das canles de atención ao cliente e estaremos encantados de axudarte;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/informacion-xeral-h42.html 947;EN;web;moda;If you have any queries or suggestions, please contact us through any of the Customer Service channels, and we will be pleased to help you;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/general-information-h42.html 948;GL;web;moda;Se o artigo que che interesa non está dispoñible na tenda pero si na web, pregunta ao noso persoal e axudarémoste a compralo a través dos nosos IPOD;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-en-tenda-h43.html 948;EN;web;moda;If the item you are interested in is not available in store but it is on the website, ask our staff and we will help you to buy it using our iPods;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/in-store-availability-h43.html 949;GL;web;moda; Poderás recibilo na propia tenda ou a domicilio. Para máis información, diríxete á sección de IPOD ;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-en-tenda-h43.html 949;EN;web;moda;You can collect it in the store or choose home delivery. For more information, go to the iPod section;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/in-store-availability-h43.html 950;GL;web;moda;Se non encontras o artigo que buscas nin en tenda, nin no web, ponte en contacto connosco e trataremos de axudarte a localizalo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-en-tenda-h43.html 950;EN;web;moda;If the item you are looking for is not available either in store or on the website, please contact us and we will help you try to find it;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/in-store-availability-h43.html 951;GL;web;moda;A busca será máis áxil se dispós da referencia;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-en-tenda-h43.html 951;EN;web;moda;It will be easier to search if you have the reference number;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/in-store-availability-h43.html 952;GL;web;moda;Recorda que sempre que o artigo estea dispoñible na web, terás a opción de localizalo na tenda do teu interese a través da opción Ver dispoñibilidade en tenda;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-en-tenda-h43.html 952;EN;web;moda;Please remember that, assuming the item is available on the website, you will be able to find it in the store of your choice by using the option Check in-store availability;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/in-store-availability-h43.html 953;GL;web;moda;Por favor, ten en conta que o stock sempre é orientativo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-en-tenda-h43.html 953;EN;web;moda;Please bear in mind that stock figures are always for guidance;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/in-store-availability-h43.html 954;GL;web;moda; Durante a época de rebaixas, esta información non está dispoñible;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-en-tenda-h43.html 954;EN;web;moda;This information is not available during sales;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/in-store-availability-h43.html 955;GL;web;moda;Non se realizan reservas de artigos en tenda;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/disponibilidade-en-tenda-h43.html 955;EN;web;moda;We do not accept reservations for in-store items;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/in-store-availability-h43.html 956;GL;web;moda;Se realizaches unha compra online ou nunha das nosas tendas e dispós do tícket, poderás solicitar unha factura electrónica;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/solicitar-factura-h46.html 956;EN;web;moda;If you have purchased something online or at one of our stores, and you have the receipt, you can request an electronic invoice;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/request-invoice-h46.html 957;GL;web;moda;Para iso, por favor, enche os campos do formulario dispoñible en zara.com e enviarémosche unha copia da factura por correo electrónico;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/solicitar-factura-h46.html 957;EN;web;moda;To do so, please fill out the form found on zara.com, and we will send you a copy of the invoice by email;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/request-invoice-h46.html 958;GL;web;moda;Ten en conta que esta factura invalida o tícket de compra orixinal;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/solicitar-factura-h46.html 958;EN;web;moda;Please bear in mind that this invoice will invalidate the original receipt;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/request-invoice-h46.html 959;GL;web;moda;Algunhas das nosas tendas contan con dispositivos móbiles IPODS que poden ser utilizados para comprar artigos online que non están dispoñibles na propia tenda;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/ipod-tenda-h47.html 959;EN;web;moda;Some of our stores have mobile iPod devices that can be used to purchase items online that are not available in the shop itself;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/store-ipod-h47.html 960;GL;web;moda;Pide máis información ao noso persoal e asesorarante sobre esta modalidade de compra;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/ipod-tenda-h47.html 960;EN;web;moda;Request more information from our staff and they will help you use this method of purchasing;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/store-ipod-h47.html 961;GL;web;moda;Podes utilizar calquera dos métodos de envío dispoñibles para o teu país/ rexión, incluíndo o envío á propia tenda na que te encontras;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/ipod-tenda-h47.html 961;EN;web;moda;You can use any of the delivery methods available for your country/region, including delivery to the store you are in;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/store-ipod-h47.html 962;GL;web;moda;Podes completar o pagamento a través do propio dispositivo móbil ou ben na caixa da tenda;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/ipod-tenda-h47.html 962;EN;web;moda;You can complete the payment through the same mobile device or at the desk in store;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/store-ipod-h47.html 963;GL;web;moda; Se pagaches na caixa da tenda, poderás devolver a mercadoría nesa mesma ou calquera outra tenda de Zara do mesmo país/rexión;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/ipod-tenda-h47.html 963;EN;web;moda;If you paid at the desk in store, you can return your items to that same store or any other Zara store in the same country/region;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/store-ipod-h47.html 964;GL;web;moda;Se pagaches online, terás a opción de devolver en tenda ou con calquera outra opción de devolución dispoñible para as compras online do teu país/rexión;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/ipod-tenda-h47.html 964;EN;web;moda;If you paid online, you will have the option of returning it to the store or via any other return option available for online purchases in your country/region;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/store-ipod-h47.html 965;GL;web;moda;Para calquera consulta sobre as nosas ofertas de emprego, recomendámosche que accedas á web: www.inditexcareers.com;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/emprego-empresa-h48.html 965;EN;web;moda;For any query about our employment offers, we recommend you access the website: www.inditexcareers.com;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/jobs-company-h48.html 966;GL;web;moda;Para provedores, consulta a páxina www.inditex.com ou ponte en contacto coa oficina do teu interese;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/emprego-empresa-h48.html 966;EN;web;moda;Suppliers, please consult page www.inditex.com or contact the relevant office;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/jobs-company-h48.html 967;GL;web;moda;Encontrarás información sobre as nosas oficinas dentro do apartado Empresa en Zara.com;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/emprego-empresa-h48.html 967;EN;web;moda;You will find information about our offices in the Company section on zara.com;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/jobs-company-h48.html 968;GL;web;moda;Como parte do noso compromiso social e ambiental, queremos axudarche a alongar a vida útil das túas pezas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h60.html 968;EN;web;moda;As part of our social and environmental commitment, we want to help you extend the useful life of your garments;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/general-information-h60.html 969;GL;web;moda;Para iso, desenvolvemos un programa de recollida de roupa usada;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h60.html 969;EN;web;moda;To this end, we have developed a used clothing collection program;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/general-information-h60.html 970;GL;web;moda;En colaboración con organizacións sen ánimo de lucro locais, recuperamos as pezas que xa non se utilizan e dámoslles unha segunda vida;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h60.html 970;EN;web;moda;In collaboration with local non-profit organisations, we recover garments that are no longer used and give them a second life;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/general-information-h60.html 971;GL;web;moda;Actualmente este servizo está dispoñible nas nosas tendas, e estamos a traballar para achegalo aos clientes da nosa tenda online mediante a recollida a domicilio ou en puntos de entrega próximos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h60.html 971;EN;web;moda;We currently offer this service in our stores, and we are working to bring it to our online store customers through home collection services or nearby drop points;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/general-information-h60.html 972;GL;web;moda;Se tes calquera dúbida ou suxestión, por favor ponte en contacto connosco a través de calquera das canles de atención ao cliente e estaremos encantados de axudarte;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h60.html 972;EN;web;moda;If you have any queries or suggestions, please contact us through any of the Customer Service channels. We will be delighted to help you;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/general-information-h60.html 973;GL;web;moda;Temos colectores de recollida de roupa nas nosas tendas onde podes depositar o paquete coas pezas que queiras doar;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/entrega-en-tenda-h61.html 973;EN;web;moda;We have clothes collection containers in our stores where you can leave the package containing any garments you wish to donate;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/store-delivery-h61.html 974;GL;web;moda;Lembra que a túa doazón debe ir nun paquete ben pechado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/entrega-en-tenda-h61.html 974;EN;web;moda;Remember that your donation must be placed inside a properly sealed package;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/store-delivery-h61.html 975;GL;web;moda;Calquera dúbida, podes preguntar ao noso persoal de tenda;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/entrega-en-tenda-h61.html 975;EN;web;moda;For any questions, please ask our store staff;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/store-delivery-h61.html 976;GL;web;moda;Para achegar o programa de recollida de roupa aos clientes da nosa tenda online, actualmente en España (salvo as Illas Canarias) dispoñemos do servizo de recollida de doazóns de roupa a domicilio;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/entrega-online-h62.html 976;EN;web;moda;In an effort to bring the clothing collection programme closer to our online store customers, we currently have a clothing donation home collection service in Spain (not including the Canary Islands);alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/online-delivery-h62.html 977;GL;web;moda;Ao final do proceso de compra poderás solicitar a recollida dunha doazón de roupa e o transportista, aproveitando as súas rutas de entrega, recollerá o paquete coas pezas que queiras doar no mesmo enderezo de entrega do pedido;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/entrega-online-h62.html 977;EN;web;moda;At the end of the purchase process you can request collection of a clothes donation, and the courier, taking advantage of their delivery routes, will collect the package with the clothes you wish to donate at the same delivery address as the order;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/online-delivery-h62.html 978;GL;web;moda;Recorda que as pezas deben ir nun paquete ben pechado. Podes consultar máis información no apartado de “condicións de empaquetado”;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/entrega-online-h62.html 978;EN;web;moda;Remember that the garments must be placed inside a properly sealed package. You can find more information in the “packaging conditions” section;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/online-delivery-h62.html 979;GL;web;moda;As pezas que queiras doar deben gardarse dentro dun paquete ben pechado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condici%C3%B3ns-empaquetado-h63.html 979;EN;web;moda;Any garments you wish to donate must be placed inside a properly sealed package;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/packaging-conditions-h63.html 980;GL;web;moda;No caso de entregar a túa doazón de roupa nunha das nosas tendas, o paquete debe depositarse dentro dos colectores habilitados para a recollida de doazóns;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/condici%C3%B3ns-empaquetado-h63.html 980;EN;web;moda;If you are submitting your clothes donation at one of our stores, the package must be deposited in the containers made available for collecting donations;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/packaging-conditions-h63.html 981;GL;web;moda;Non é necesario, podes depositar calquera tipo de peza ou téxtil que queiras reciclar;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-doaz%C3%B3n-h64.html 981;EN;web;moda;It is not necessary. You can donate any kind of clothing or fabrics you wish to recycle;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/donating-items-h64.html 982;GL;web;moda;Si, podes incluír calquera tipo de peza, roupa de casa, calzado, complementos e, mesmo, bixutería;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-doaz%C3%B3n-h64.html 982;EN;web;moda;Yes, you may include any kind of clothing, household linen, footwear, accessories and even jewellery;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/donating-items-h64.html 983;GL;web;moda;As pezas recollidas clasifícanse antes de reutilizarse ou reciclarse;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-doaz%C3%B3n-h64.html 983;EN;web;moda;The garments collected will be sorted before being reused or recycled;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/donating-items-h64.html 984;GL;web;moda;As pezas que son 100 % algodón, la ou poliéster poderán reciclarse en novos tecidos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-doaz%C3%B3n-h64.html 984;EN;web;moda;All garments which are 100% cotton, wool or polyester can be recycled into new fabrics;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/donating-items-h64.html 985;GL;web;moda;O resto de pezas converteranse en materiais para a construción ou a automoción;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-doaz%C3%B3n-h64.html 985;EN;web;moda;The rest of the clothing will be turned into materials for the construction and automotive sectors;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/donating-items-h64.html 986;GL;web;moda;As pezas que non poidan ser reutilizadas ou recicladas por motivos de hixiene, seguridade e saúde ou calidade dos materiais seguen un rigoroso procedemento de xestión de residuos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/artigos-doaz%C3%B3n-h64.html 986;EN;web;moda;Garments that cannot be reused or recycled for reasons of hygiene, health and safety, or quality of the materials undergo a rigorous waste management procedure;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/donating-items-h64.html 987;GL;web;moda;Coa intención de simplificar todas as xestións relacionadas coas túas compras, ofrecémosche a opción de obter o teu ZARA QR;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/zara-qr-informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h68.html 987;EN;web;moda;In an effort to simplify all aspects of your purchase experience, we're offering you the option of obtaining your ZARA QR;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/zara-qr-general-information-h68.html 988;GL;web;moda;Atoparalo accedendo á APP de Zara, rexistrándote como cliente e na sección «Compras»;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/zara-qr-informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h68.html 988;EN;web;moda;You can find it by logging on to the Zara APP, registering as a customer and going to the “Purchases” section;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/zara-qr-general-information-h68.html 989;GL;web;moda; A este ZARA QR poderás vincular todas as túas compras, tanto online coma de tenda física;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/zara-qr-informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h68.html 989;EN;web;moda;You can link all your purchases to this ZARA QR, both online and from physical stores;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/zara-qr-general-information-h68.html 990;GL;web;moda;Para poder realizar algún cambio ou devolución, abondará con que mostres este identificador para poder levalo a cabo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/zara-qr-informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h68.html 990;EN;web;moda;To make any exchange or return, all you will need to do is show this identifier to carry out the process;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/zara-qr-general-information-h68.html 991;GL;web;moda;Todos os pedidos online que realices como cliente rexistrado se vincularán automaticamente ao teu ZARA QR;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/zara-qr-informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h68.html 991;EN;web;moda;All online orders that you place as a registered customer will be automatically linked to your ZARA QR;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/zara-qr-general-information-h68.html 992;GL;web;moda;Para as compras de tenda física, poderás identificarte co teu ZARA QR en caixa e solicitar o eTicket para vincular a compra á túa conta;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/help/zara-qr-informaci%C3%B3n-xeral-h68.html 992;EN;web;moda;For all purchases in physical stores, you can identify yourself with your ZARA QR at the till and request the e-Receipt to link your purchase to your account;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/help/zara-qr-general-information-h68.html 993;GL;web;moda;Zara é unha das principais empresas de moda internacional;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-empresa-corp1391.html?v1=11112 993;EN;web;moda;Zara is one of the largest international fashion companies;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-company-corp1391.html?v1=11112 994;GL;web;moda;Pertence a Inditex, un dos maiores grupos de distribución do mundo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-empresa-corp1391.html?v1=11112 994;EN;web;moda;It belongs to Inditex, one of the world’s largest distribution groups;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-company-corp1391.html?v1=11112 995;GL;web;moda;O cliente é o centro do noso particular modelo de negocio, que integra deseño, fabricación, distribución e venda, a través dunha ampla rede de tendas propia;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-empresa-corp1391.html?v1=11112 995;EN;web;moda;The customer is at the heart of our unique business model, which includes design, production, distribution and sales through our extensive retail network;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-company-corp1391.html?v1=11112 996;GL;web;restauracion;Pechamos as noites de Domingo a Xoves e os Martes e Mércores todo o día, excepto Xullo e Agosto que pechamos só os Martes;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/#reservas 996;EN;web;restauracion;We are closed in the evening from Sunday to Thursday and all day on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, except for July and August when we are closed only on Tuesdays;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/#reservations 997;GL;web;restauracion;Dada a extensa duración dos  Menús Descuberta e Marexada, debido a súa lonxitude, só se servirán ata as 14:00 e 14:15 horas respectivamente, en horario do mediodía e ata as 21:00 e 21:15  horas respectivamente en horario de cea;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/#reservas 997;EN;web;restauracion;Given the long duration of the Menus Descuberta and Marexada, due to their length, they will only be served until 2:00 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. respectively, at noon and until 9:00 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. respectively at dinner time;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/#reservations 998;GL;web;restauracion;A súa reserva non será efectiva se non recibe confirmación da mesma a través de Mail ou SMS;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/#reservas 998;EN;web;restauracion;Your reservation will not be effective if you do not receive the confirmation of it through Mail or SMS;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/#reservations 999;GL;web;restauracion;Agradécese un código formal de vestimenta;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/#reservas 999;EN;web;restauracion;A formal dress code is appreciated;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/#reservations 1000;GL;web;restauracion;Non é necesario que os señores leven americana, pero se agradecemos pantalón longo e calzado pechado;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/#reservas 1000;EN;web;restauracion;It is not necessary for men to wear a jacket, but we do appreciate long pants and closed shoes;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/#reservations 1001;GL;web;restauracion;Dende o 25 de xaneiro ata o 4 de marzo, o noso restaurante estará pechado por vacacións;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/gl/#reservas 1001;EN;web;restauracion;From January 25 to March 4, our restaurant will be closed for holidays;alta;https://www.cullerdepau.com/en/#reservations 1002;GL;web;moda;Temos como obxectivo lograr que polo menos un 50 % do total dos nosos artigos comercializados en 2022 estean fabricados segundo os estándares Join Life;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1002;EN;web;moda;We aim to have at least 50% of all our items commercialised in 2022 manufactured according to the Join Life standards;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1003;GL;web;moda;Estamos a traballar para garantir que a enerxía que consumimos en todas as nosas instalacións (oficinas centrais, centros loxísticos e tendas) proveña de fontes renovables;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1003;EN;web;moda;We are working to ensure that the energy we consume in all of our facilities (central offices, logistics centres and stores) comes from renewable sources;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1004;GL;web;moda;As fibras que se obteñen a partir da polpa de certas árbores produciranse seguindo esixentes estándares medioambientais e apoiando a iniciativa da Fundación Changing Markets para promover a fabricación responsable de viscosa e modal;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1004;EN;web;moda;Fibres obtained from the core of certain trees will be manufactured in accordance with strict environmental standards, supporting the Changing Markets Foundation initiative to promote responsible viscose and modal production;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1005;GL;web;moda;Todo o noso algodón terá unha orixe máis sostible: algodón orgánico, incluído o de Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA), Better Cotton (BCI) ou algodón reciclado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1005;EN;web;moda;All of our cotton will come from more sustainable origins: organic cotton, including cotton from the Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA), Better Cotton (BCI) and recycled cotton;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1006;GL;web;moda;Estamos a traballar no proxecto Green to Pack, un programa global que pretende redeseñar todas as nosas embalaxes para que sexan máis sostibles reducindo a cantidade de materias primas e unificando os materiais para facilitar a reutilización e a reciclaxe;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1006;EN;web;moda;We are working with the Green to Pack project, a global programme that aims to redesign all our packaging to make it more sustainable by reducing the quantity of raw materials we use and consolidating the materials to facilitate reuse and recycling;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1007;GL;web;moda;Como parte do programa Green to Pack, estamos a redeseñar todas as nosas embalaxes, sistemas de etiquetado e protección das nosas pezas para garantir que en 2023 non cheguen plásticos dun só uso aos nosos clientes;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1007;EN;web;moda;As part of the Green to Pack programme, we are redesigning all of our packaging, labelling systems and security tags on our garments to guarantee that by 2023, our customers will not be given any single-use plastics;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1008;GL;web;moda;Estamos a traballar para garantir que en 2023 todos os residuos xerados nas nosas oficinas centrais, centros loxísticos e tendas sexan reutilizados ou reciclados;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1008;EN;web;moda;We’re working to ensure that, in 2023, all waste generated at our headquarters, logistics centres and stores will be reused or recycled;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1009;GL;web;moda;Desenvolvemos proxectos de innovación para facer un uso máis responsable da auga que se utiliza nos procesos húmidos necesarios para fabricar as nosas pezas;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1009;EN;web;moda;We are developing innovative projects to make more responsible use of the water used in the wet processes needed to manufacture our garments;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1010;GL;web;moda;Tamén traballamos para reducir e mellorar a xestión da auga nos procesos de obtención de fibra, como por exemplo nos cultivos de fibras naturais como o algodón ou o liño;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1010;EN;web;moda;We are also working to reduce and improve water management in processes for obtaining fibres, for example in the cultivation of natural fibres like cotton and linen;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1011;GL;web;moda;Todo o noso liño terá unha orixe máis sostible: liño orgánico ou liño reciclado;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1011;EN;web;moda;All our linen will have a more sustainable origin: organic linen or recycled linen;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1012;GL;web;moda;Todo o noso poliéster será reciclado ou máis sostible en 2025, reducindo o consumo de nova materia prima virxe;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1012;EN;web;moda;All our polyester will be recycled or more sustainable in 2025, reducing the use of new virgin raw materials;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1013;GL;web;moda;O noso compromiso é alcanzar a neutralidade climática en 2040;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1013;EN;web;moda;Our commitment is to achieve climate neutrality by 2040;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1014;GL;web;moda; Isto significa ter emisións cero de GEI ou que as que se emitan á atmosfera se compensarán, mediante unha transición cara ás enerxías renovables e un uso máis ecoeficiente dos recursos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1014;EN;web;moda;This means having zero GHG emissions or offsetting those emitted into the atmosphere by means of a transition to renewable energy and a more eco-efficient use of resources;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/z-join-life-mkt1399.html?v1=1471214 1015;GL;web;moda;Promover que todas as mulleres da cadea de subministración gocen de óptimas condicións e oportunidades, á vez que se fomenta a igualdade de xénero dunha forma transversal e creando un ámbito de traballo diverso, seguro e inclusivo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/sustentabilidade-provedores-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1015;EN;web;moda;Advocating for all the women within the supply chain to enjoy the best conditions and opportunities, while promoting gender equality in a cross-cutting manner, and creating a diverse, safe and inclusive work environment;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/sustainability-suppliers-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1016;GL;web;moda;Facilitar que os traballadores da cadea de subministración reciban un salario digno;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/sustentabilidade-provedores-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1016;EN;web;moda;Enabling workers in the supply chain to receive a living wage;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/sustainability-suppliers-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1017;GL;web;moda;Garantir que os traballadores da cadea de subministración estean protexidos ante riscos para a súa seguridade, saúde e benestar ocupacional;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/sustentabilidade-provedores-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1017;EN;web;moda;Ensuring that workers in the supply chain are protected from risks to their occupational health, safety and well-being;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/sustainability-suppliers-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1018;GL;web;moda;Asegurar que os dereitos dos refuxiados e os migrantes son respectados e que nas fábricas se proporciona un ámbito de traballo decente no que se apoia a cohesión;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/sustentabilidade-provedores-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1018;EN;web;moda;Ensuring that the rights of refugees and migrants are respected and that factories provide a decent working environment that supports cohesion;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/sustainability-suppliers-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1019;GL;web;moda;Posibilitar o benestar dos traballadores na cadea de subministración;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/sustentabilidade-provedores-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1019;EN;web;moda;Enabling the well-being of workers in the supply chain;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/sustainability-suppliers-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1020;GL;web;moda;Mellorar os Dereitos Humanos e laborais dos traballadores da cadea de subministración de materias primas a través de intervencións proactivas a nivel de ámbito laboral, comunidade e industria;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/sustentabilidade-provedores-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1020;EN;web;moda;Improving the human and labour rights of workers in the raw materials supply chain through proactive interventions at the workplace, community and industry levels;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/sustainability-suppliers-mkt1456.html?v1=1471215 1021;GL;web;moda;O algodón orgánico ou Ecologically Grown Cotton cultívase utilizando fertilizantes e pesticidas naturais e no seu cultivo non se utilizan sementes modificadas xeneticamente, o que axuda a conservar a biodiversidade das sementes e a fertilidade do solo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1021;EN;web;moda;Organic cotton or Ecologically Grown Cotton is grown using natural fertilisers and pesticides. Furthermore, no genetically modified seeds are used in its growth which helps preserve the seeds’ biodiversity and the soil’s fertility;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1022;GL;web;moda;O uso destas técnicas de cultivo naturais é máis respectuoso coa auga, reduce as emisións e permítelles aos agricultores o uso de métodos como a rotación de cultivos de algodón con outros cultivos que sirvan para alimentación como as laranxas, os tomates ou a cúrcuma, entre outros;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1022;EN;web;moda;The use of these natural growth techniques is more respectful of water, reduces emissions, and allows farmers to use methods such as rotating cotton crops with other crops that serve as food crops such as oranges, tomatoes, or turmeric, among others;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1023;GL;web;moda;Ademais, como parte da nosa estratexia de sostibilidade, traballamos en varios proxectos para o desenvolvemento do algodón orgánico;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1023;EN;web;moda;In addition, as part of our sustainability strategy, we are working on various organic cotton development projects;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1024;GL;web;moda;En colaboración con outras organizacións do sector, somos un dos socios fundadores de Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA);alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1024;EN;web;moda;In collaboration with other organisations in the industry, we are one of the founding partners of the Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA);alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1025;GL;web;moda; Esta iniciativa apoia os produtores de algodón orgánico para garantir que o sector do algodón orgánico creza de xeito sostible e beneficie a todos, dende o agricultor ata o consumidor;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1025;EN;web;moda;This initiative supports organic cotton farmers to ensure the cotton industry grows in a sustainable manner that benefits everyone, from the farmer to the consumer;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1026;GL;web;moda;Só utilizamos algodón orgánico certificado por organizacións que realizan o seguimento do algodón, dende a materia prima ata o produto final;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1026;EN;web;moda;We only use organic cotton certified by organisations which monitor the cotton from raw material to the final product;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1027;GL;web;moda;Actualmente traballamos cos estándares de Organic Content Standard (OCS) e Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS);alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1027;EN;web;moda;We are currently working with the Organic Content Standard (OCS) and the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS);alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1028;GL;web;moda;O algodón Better Cotton é un tipo de algodón máis sostible impulsado por Better Cotton (BC), unha organización que se encarga de formar os agricultores nos principios do traballo digno, no uso eficiente da auga e no coidado da terra e dos hábitats naturais;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1028;EN;web;moda;Better Cotton is a more sustainable type of cotton promoted by the Better Cotton (BC), an organisation that works to train farmers in the principles of decent work, efficient use of water, and care for the land and natural habitats;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1029;GL;web;moda;Este tipo de algodón obtense en campos que se encontran en proceso de transición cara a cultivos orgánicos ou ecolóxicos;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1029;EN;web;moda;This type of cotton is obtained from fields that are in the process of transitioning to organic or ecological cultivation;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1030;GL;web;moda;Prodúcese seguindo as mesmas técnicas de cultivo natural que se empregan na agricultura ecolóxica, como o uso de fertilizantes e pesticidas naturais e sen usar sementes modificadas xeneticamente;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1030;EN;web;moda;It is produced using the same natural cultivation techniques employed in organic farming, such as the use of natural fertilisers and pesticides and without the use of genetically modified seeds;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1031;GL;web;moda;Non obstante, como os campos se encontran nunha etapa de transición, o solo precisa un tempo para eliminar os produtos químicos previamente empregados;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1031;EN;web;moda;However, as the fields are in a transitional stage, the soil needs time to eliminate the chemicals that were previously used;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1032;GL;web;moda;Por iso, este algodón non conta coa certificación de cultivo orgánico ou ecolóxico;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1032;EN;web;moda;Therefore, this cotton is not certified as organic or ecologically grown cotton;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1033;GL;web;moda;Para fomentar o desenvolvemento do sector do algodón orgánico é importante apoiar os agricultores para que realicen esta transición nos seus cultivos cara a técnicas máis respectuosas coa biodiversidade e fertilidade do solo;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1033;EN;web;moda;To encourage the development of the organic cotton industry, it is important to support farmers in making this transition towards farming techniques that are more respectful of biodiversity and soil fertility;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1034;GL;web;moda;O liño orgánico ou Ecologically Grown Linen está cultivado de forma natural utilizando fertilizantes e pesticidas naturais e evitando o uso de sementes modificadas xeneticamente;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1034;EN;web;moda;Organic linen or Ecologically Grown Linen is produced naturally using natural fertilisers and pesticides and avoiding the use of genetically modified seeds;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1035;GL;web;moda;Estes procesos teñen un menor impacto sobre o ambiente e a biodiversidade;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1035;EN;web;moda;These processes have less impact on the environment and biodiversity;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1036;GL;web;moda;Este liño máis sostible cultívase sen irrigación artificial e sen sementes modificadas xeneticamente;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1036;EN;web;moda;This more sustainable linen is grown without artificial irrigation or genetically modified seeds;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1037;GL;web;moda;O seu cultivo reduce o uso de fertilizantes e evita o uso de defoliantes, axudándonos a coidar da terra e dos recursos de auga doce;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/gl/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1037;EN;web;moda;Growing this type of fibre reduces the use of fertilisers and prevents the use of defoliants, helping us to take care of the land and any freshwater resources;alta;https://www.zara.com/es/en/join-life-materiales-mkt4898.html?v1=2043930 1038;GL;web;alimentacion;Aínda que xa rematases a túa compra online, podes engadir ou eliminar produtos, cambiar as cantidades e mesmo, modificar a hora de entrega que reservaras;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1038;EN;web;alimentacion;Even if you've completed your online purchase you can still add or remove products, change the amounts or even change the delivery time you've booked;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1039;GL;web;alimentacion;Só tes que entrar no apartado “Os meus pedidos” da túa conta e acceder á sección “pedidos pendentes de entrega”;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1039;EN;web;alimentacion;"Just enter the ""My orders"" section of your account and access the ""orders pending delivery"" section";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1040;GL;web;alimentacion;Alí poderás modificar o contido, poderás modificar os datos de entrega ou mesmo anulalo se xa non o desexas recibir;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1040;EN;web;alimentacion;Here you can change the content, change the delivery data or even cancel the order if you no longer wish to receive it;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1041;GL;web;alimentacion;Aínda que, como sabes, tamén poderás facer as devolucións que queiras cando recibas o teu pedido, simplemente entregándolle ao repartidor o produto que non queiras;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1041;EN;web;alimentacion;Although as you already know, you can also return any products you don't want when you receive your order, by simply giving them back to the deliverer;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1042;GL;web;alimentacion;Comunícanos por email a devolución e aboarémosche o importe no mesmo método de pagamento empregado para a compra;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1042;EN;web;alimentacion;Send us an email confirming the return and we’ll reimburse the amount using the same payment method you used for your purchase;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1043;GL;web;alimentacion;En EROSKI online adaptámonos a ti e ao teu tempo;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1043;EN;web;alimentacion;EROSKI online adapts to you and to your time;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1044;GL;web;alimentacion;Todos os produtos que engadises ao carro, sempre que esteas identificado, quedarán rexistrados e aparecerán novamente cargados no carro cando volvas identificarte, esteas ou non no mesmo ordenador;baixa;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1044;EN;web;alimentacion;If you have entered your user name and password, all the products you have added to your cart will be stored and will appear in your shopping cart again the next time you enter your name and password, from any computer;baixa;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1045;GL;web;alimentacion;En EROSKI online non existe un importe mínimo de compra pero, por seguridade, temos unha limitación máxima por pedido de 600 €;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1045;EN;web;alimentacion;At EROSKI online there is no minimum purchase obligation, but for security reasons, we have a maximum limit of €600 per order;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1046;GL;web;alimentacion;Excepcionalmente, podemos ampliar esta cantidade se te pos en contacto co noso Servizo de Atención ao Cliente e nos das os teus datos;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1046;EN;web;alimentacion;We may exceptionally increase this amount if you contact our Customer Helpline and tell us your details;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1047;GL;web;alimentacion;Para que poidamos entregar o teu pedido tes que facilitarnos polo menos un enderezo.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1047;EN;web;alimentacion;You have to supply at least one address so that we can deliver your order;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1048;GL;web;alimentacion;Pero, ademais de ese, poderás engadir á túa conta ata 3 enderezos de entrega máis e elixir en cada compra onde queres que che sirvamos o pedido.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1048;EN;web;alimentacion;But apart from that address you can also add up to 3 more delivery address to your account and choose where you want us to deliver your order each time you shop;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1049;GL;web;alimentacion;"Poderás atopar toda a información relacionada cos teus enderezos no apartado ""Os meus datos"" da túa conta.";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1049;EN;web;alimentacion;You can find all the information on addresses in the “My data” section of your account;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1050;GL;web;alimentacion;O enderezo que proporcionas cando te rexistras queda gardado coma enderezo principal e, se desexas engadir un novo, só tes que cubrir as casas correspondentes.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1050;EN;web;alimentacion;The address you supply when you register will be saved as your main address, but if you wish to add a new one, just fill in the corresponding boxes;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1051;GL;web;alimentacion;Como verás, podes incluso engadir comentarios sobre como chegar ao enderezo se consideras que pode ser difícil para nós atoparte.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1051;EN;web;alimentacion;As you will see, you can even add comments on how to get to your address if you think it might be complicated for us to find you;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1052;GL;web;alimentacion;Isto será de gran axuda para o repartidor e tamén asegura que recibas o teu pedido a tempo.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1052;EN;web;alimentacion;That will be a great help to the deliverer and will also ensure you receive your order on time;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1053;GL;web;alimentacion;"No apartado ""Os meus pedidos online"" poderás revisar todos os pedidos que fixeches no último ano.";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1053;EN;web;alimentacion;"In the ""My orders"" section you can check all the orders you've made over the last year";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1054;GL;web;alimentacion;Ademais, poderás volcar o contido dalgunha destas compras no teu carro ou converter o pedido nunha listaxe habitual.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1054;EN;web;alimentacion;You can also load the content of one of these purchases into your shopping cart or turn the order into a habitual list;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1055;GL;web;alimentacion;"Para facer a túa compra máis doada e rápida, creamos o apartado ""As miñas listaxes"".";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1055;EN;web;alimentacion;"We've created the ""My lists"" section to make your shopping quicker and easier";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1056;GL;web;alimentacion;Podes crear unha listaxe cos teus produtos favoritos ou converter un pedido que fixeches en listaxe habitual.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1056;EN;web;alimentacion;You can create a list with your favourite products, or turn an order you've made into a habitual list;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1057;GL;web;alimentacion;Podes crear todas as listaxes que precises, poñerlles nome (listaxe de mamá, listaxe casa de verán, listaxe Nadal) e engadilas ao teu carro cun só clic. ;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1057;EN;web;alimentacion;You can create all the lists you need, name them (Mum's list, holiday home list, Christmas list) and add them to your shopping cart with just a click;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1058;GL;web;alimentacion;Unha das razóns para facer a compra online é porque é práctico e aforras tempo.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1058;EN;web;alimentacion;One of the reasons for shopping online is because it's convenient and saves time;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1059;GL;web;alimentacion;"Creamos o apartado ""Os meus produtos comprados en tenda e online"" dentro da sección ""Compra fácil"" onde podes atopar todos os produtos que compraches online en EROSKI nos últimos seis meses.";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1059;EN;web;alimentacion;"We’ve created the ""My products purchased at the shop and online"" section, in the “QUICK PURCHASE” section, where you’ll find all the products you’ve bought online at EROSKI over the last six months";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1060;GL;web;alimentacion;"Só tes que entrar no apartado ""Pedidos online"" e modificar os datos de entrega.";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1060;EN;web;alimentacion;"Just access the ""Online orders"" section and change your delivery data";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1061;GL;web;alimentacion;Para que podas comprobar que fixeches o cambio correctamente, cada vez que fagas un cambio no teu pedido chegarache un email cun resumo dos novos datos e co precio final.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1061;EN;web;alimentacion;So that you can check you've changed it correctly, each time you make a change to your order you'll receive an e-mail with a summary of the new data and the final price;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1062;GL;web;alimentacion;"No apartado ""Os meus pedidos"" poderás ver claramente todos os datos dos teus pedidos pendentes de entrega, incluída a data e hora de entrega que reservaches.";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1062;EN;web;alimentacion;"In the ""My orders"" section you can clearly see all the data for your purchases pending delivery, and it includes the delivery date and time you've booked";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1063;GL;web;alimentacion;Outra opción é revisar o email de confirmación do pedido que che enviamos con cada compra.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1063;EN;web;alimentacion;Another option is to check the order confirmation e-mail we send you on each purchase;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1064;GL;web;alimentacion;"Se non lembras o teu contrasinal, fai clic no enlace de ""Esqueciches o teu contrasinal?"" que aparece debaixo do cadro de texto do contrasinal.";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1064;EN;web;alimentacion;If you can't remember your password, click on the Forgotten your password? link beside the password entry box;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1065;GL;web;alimentacion;Pedirémosche que indiques o teu email e cha enviaremos.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1065;EN;web;alimentacion;We'll ask you to enter your e-mail address and we'll send it to you;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1066;GL;web;alimentacion;Por motivos de seguridade, enviarémosche un contrasinal novo que poderás cambiar cando queiras.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1066;EN;web;alimentacion;For security purposes we'll send you a new password, which you can change whenever you wish;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1067;GL;web;alimentacion;"Lembra que podes cambiar o teu contrasinal cando queiras no apartado ""Os meus datos"".";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1067;EN;web;alimentacion;"Remember you can change your password whenever you want in the ""My data"" section";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1068;GL;web;alimentacion;Si, podes cambialo cando queiras.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1068;EN;web;alimentacion;Yes, you can change it whenever you want;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1069;GL;web;alimentacion;"Só tes que entrar no apartado ""Os meus datos"", onde atoparás toda a información que proporcionaches no momento do rexistro, e podes cambialo alí.";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1069;EN;web;alimentacion;"Just access the ""My data"" section. You’ll find all the information you provided when you registered, and you can change it there";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1070;GL;web;alimentacion;Seguir a nosa Newsletter é unha boa maneira de manterse informado sobre todo o que che interesa de EROSKI online.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1070;EN;web;alimentacion;Our newsletter is a good way to keep up to date with everything that interests you in EROSKI online;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1071;GL;web;alimentacion;"Para subscribirte hai dúas opcións: marcando a opción de subscribirte á Newsletter no formulario que cubres ao rexistrarse ou, se xa estás rexistrado, no apartado ""Os meus datos"" dentro de O meu Eroski.";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1071;EN;web;alimentacion;"There are two ways to subscribe: either check the newsletter subscription option on the form you fill in to register, or, if you’ve already registered, in the ""My data"" section in My Eroski";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1072;GL;web;alimentacion;Contámosche cales son os produtos de tempada, ensinámosche novas ideas para preparar unhas receitas deliciosas e serás o primeiro en enterarte das nosas promocións, descontos exclusivos, sorpresas e máis.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1072;EN;web;alimentacion;We tell you which products are in season, we show you new ideas for cooking delicious recipes and you'll be the first to know about our promotions, exclusive discounts, surprises and more;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1073;GL;web;alimentacion;"Se queres darte de baixa por algunha razón, só tes que desmarcar a casa marcada no apartado ""Os meus datos"" dentro de ""O meu Eroski"" e deixaremos de enviarcha.";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1073;EN;web;alimentacion;"If you wish to unregister for any reason, just uncheck the checked box in the ""My data"" section of My Eroski and we’ll stop sending you it";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1074;GL;web;alimentacion;Podes solicitar unha factura dos teus pedidos e enviarémoscha por email en formato pdf nun prazo máximo de 24-48 horas.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1074;EN;web;alimentacion;You can request an invoice for your orders and we'll e-mail you one in pdf format within a maximum of 24-48 hours;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1075;GL;web;alimentacion;Podes solicitar a factura por separado de cada pedido que realizaches ou, se o prefires, podes solicitar unha única factura que inclúa todos os pedidos feitos no mes, que che enviaremos o día 15 do seguinte mes.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1075;EN;web;alimentacion;You can request separate invoices for each order you've made, or, if you prefer, you can request one single invoice for all the orders you've made during the month, which we'll send you on the 15th of the following month;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1076;GL;web;alimentacion;"Para facelo, entra na área ""Os meus pedidos"" e elixe un dos dous formatos de factura. Se tes algunha dúbida, contacta co noso servicio de Atención ó cliente no seguinte email.";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1076;EN;web;alimentacion;"To do that, enter the ""My orders"" area and select one of the two invoice types. If you have any questions, contact our Customer Service Department at the following e-mail address";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1077;GL;web;alimentacion;Ademais, lembra que se non queres unha factura, o albará que che entrega o repartidor xunto co pedido tamén serve coma xustificante de compra.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1077;EN;web;alimentacion;And remember that if you don't want an invoice, the delivery note the deliverer will hand you together with your order is also proof of purchase;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1078;GL;web;alimentacion;A tarxeta de crédito de EROSKI é unha tarxeta Visa que ofrece unha chea de vantaxes cando mercas en EROSKI.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1078;EN;web;alimentacion;The EROSKI credit card is a Visa card that provides a host of advantages when you shop at EROSKI;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1079;GL;web;alimentacion;Pódeste beneficiar da promoción de GASTOS DE ENVÍO GRATUÍTOS para compras superiores a 140€ no supermercado online.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1079;EN;web;alimentacion;You can benefit from the “FREE DELIVERY” promotion when you spend more than €140 on your shopping in our online supermarket;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1080;GL;web;alimentacion;"O único que tes que facer é introducir os datos da túa tarxeta EROSKI club no formulario de rexistro a primeira vez e/ou no apartado de ""Os meus datos"".";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1080;EN;web;alimentacion;"All you have to do is enter your EROSKI Club Card details on the registration form the first time and/or in the ""My details"" section";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1081;GL;web;alimentacion;Aumentarás o teu saldo cada vez que fagas unha compra.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1081;EN;web;alimentacion;You'll add to your balance every time you shop;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1082;GL;web;alimentacion;Os puntos que gañas ao mercar en EROSKI online engádense á túa conta EROSKI club aproximadamente unha semana despois da compra.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1082;EN;web;alimentacion;The points you earn when you shop at EROSKI online go into your EROSKI Club account approximately a week after your purchase;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1083;GL;web;alimentacion;Se se trata dunha promoción, os puntos engadiranse á túa conta unha vez finalizado o período de promoción.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1083;EN;web;alimentacion;In the case of promotions, the points go into your account when the promotion period ends;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1084;GL;web;alimentacion;"Outra das vantaxes de asociar o número da túa tarxeta EROSKI club ao teu usuario de compra online é que todos os produtos que mercaches en EROSKI nos últimos 3 meses aparecerán na sección ""Os meus favoritos"".";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1084;EN;web;alimentacion;"Another advantage of adding your EROSKI Club card number to your online registration data is that all the products you've bought at EROSKI in the last 3 months will appear in the ""My favourites"" section";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1085;GL;web;alimentacion;Se aínda non tes a túa tarxeta EROSKI club, podes solicitala aquí de balde.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1085;EN;web;alimentacion;If you haven't got your EROSKI Club Card yet, you can order it free here;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1086;GL;web;alimentacion;Límite de 5000 puntos por semana e establecemento.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/meu-conta/ 1086;EN;web;alimentacion;Limit of 5000 points per week and outlet;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/my-account/ 1087;GL;web;alimentacion;É un servizo gratuíto e exclusivo do supermercado online. Fai a compra online e recóllea no supermercado máis próximo.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1087;EN;web;alimentacion;It’s an exclusive free service available for the online supermarket. Make your purchase online and pick it up and your nearest supermarket;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1088;GL;web;alimentacion;Puntos de entrega Click & Collect;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1088;EN;web;alimentacion;Click&collect delivery points;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1089;GL;web;alimentacion;É tan doado e sinxelo coma sempre.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1089;EN;web;alimentacion;It’s as simple and easy as always;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1090;GL;web;alimentacion;Selecciona o servizo Click&Collect, elixe a hora á que queres recoller o teu pedido e pasa polo punto exclusivo de recollida do supermercado.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1090;EN;web;alimentacion;Select the Click&collect service, choose the time you want to pick up your order and pass by the exclusive pick-up point at your supermarket;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1091;GL;web;alimentacion;Nós nos encargamos de todo.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1091;EN;web;alimentacion;We take charge of everything;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1092;GL;web;alimentacion;Podes facer e recoller os teus pedidos no mesmo día, en tan só 2 horas.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1092;EN;web;alimentacion;You can place and pick up your orders on the same day, in as little as 2 hours;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1093;GL;web;alimentacion;Ti decides. Podes recoller o teu pedido de luns a sábado e planificar as túas compras coa reserva de franxas horarias ata con 21 días de antelación.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1093;EN;web;alimentacion;You decide. You can pick up your order Monday through Saturday, and plan your purchases, reserving time slots up to 21 days ahead of time;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1094;GL;web;alimentacion;Consulta os horarios de cada tenda na web.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1094;EN;web;alimentacion;Consult the hours for each store on the website;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1095;GL;web;alimentacion;Vive unha experiencia diferente, sen colas e sen esperas, e recolle o teu pedido en tan só 5 minutos.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1095;EN;web;alimentacion;Enjoy a different experience, with no lines or waiting,and collect your order in just 5 minutes;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1096;GL;web;alimentacion;Preparamos a túa compra con mimo, seleccionando os mellores produtos frescos do día, manténdoos refrixerados e conxelados ata a túa chegada.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1096;EN;web;alimentacion;We very carefully prepare your order,selecting the best fresh products of the day, keeping them refrigerated or frozen until you arrive;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1097;GL;web;alimentacion;Descubre a revolución da compra online, sen importe mínimo de compra.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1097;EN;web;alimentacion;Discover the revolution of online shopping, with no minimum purchase;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1098;GL;web;alimentacion;Benefíciate de todas as vantaxes que xa tes: gaña Puntos Travel, paga coa túa tarxeta EROSKI Red e/ou troca os teus cupóns de desconto.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&collect/ 1098;EN;web;alimentacion;Benefit from all the advantages you already have: earn Travel Points,pay with your EROSKI Red card and/or redeem your discount coupons;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&collect/ 1099;GL;web;alimentacion;É un novo servizo gratuíto para pedidos superiores a 30€, exclusivo para o supermercado online.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&drive/ 1099;EN;web;alimentacion;It is a new free service for orders greater than €30, exclusively for the online supermarket;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&drive/ 1100;GL;web;alimentacion;Fai a compra online e recolle o teu pedido no coche no punto Click&drive máis próximo.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&drive/ 1100;EN;web;alimentacion;Make your purchase online and pick up your order by car at your nearest Click&drive;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&drive/ 1101;GL;web;alimentacion;Selecciona o servizo Click&drive, elixe a hora á que queres recoller o teu pedido e pasa polo punto exclusivo de recollida co coche. Nós cho metemos no maleteiro.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&drive/ 1101;EN;web;alimentacion;Select the Click&drive service, choose the time when you would like to pick up your order and pass by the exclusive collection point in your car. We'll put it in the boot for you;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&drive/ 1102;GL;web;alimentacion;Podes facer e recoller os teus pedidos no mesmo día, en tan só 4 horas.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&drive/ 1102;EN;web;alimentacion;You can place and pick up your order on the same day, in as little as 4 hours;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&drive/ 1103;GL;web;alimentacion;Vive unha experiencia diferente, sen colas e sen esperas, en tan só 5 minutos e sen baixar do coche. Nós metemos o teu pedido no maleteiro.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&drive/ 1103;EN;web;alimentacion;Enjoy a different experience, without lines or waiting,in just 5 minutes and without leaving the comfort of your car. We’ll place your order in the boot for you;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&drive/ 1104;GL;web;alimentacion;Descubre a revolución da compra online, sen importe mínimo de compra, que combina todas as garantías e compromisos do supermercado online cos prezos e a gama de produtos do hipermercado.;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/click&drive/ 1104;EN;web;alimentacion;Discover the online shopping revolution, with no minimum purchase, that combines all the guarantees and commitments of your online supermarket with the prices and product range of the Hypermarket;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/click&drive/ 1105;GL;web;alimentacion;É un novo servizo de recollida gratuíto exclusivo do súper online;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1105;EN;web;alimentacion;It is a new free collection service exclusive to the online supermarket;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1106;GL;web;alimentacion;Fai a compra online e recolle o pedido nos armarios intelixentes máis próximos;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1106;EN;web;alimentacion;Shop online and pick up your order at your nearest smart lockers;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1107;GL;web;alimentacion;É tan doado e sinxelo coma sempre;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1107;EN;web;alimentacion;It's as easy and simple as ever;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1108;GL;web;alimentacion;Selecciona o servizo recollida en armarios, elixe a hora á que queres recoller o teu pedido e pasa a recollelo en 5 minutos polo Hipermercado de Arrasate;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1108;EN;web;alimentacion;Select the collection from lockers service, choose the time you want to pick up your order and collect it in 5 minutes at the Arrasate Hypermarket;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1109;GL;web;alimentacion;Os armarios están situados no aparcadoiro do Hipermercado, entre as dúas entradas á galería comercial, debaixo do cartel de EROSKI;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1109;EN;web;alimentacion;The lockers are located in the Hypermarket car park, between the two entrances to the shopping arcade, underneath the EROSKI sign;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1110;GL;web;alimentacion;Vive unha experiencia diferente, sen colas e sen esperas;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1110;EN;web;alimentacion;Enjoy a different experience, without queues and without delays;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1111;GL;web;alimentacion;En tan só 5 minutos poderás retirar o pedido dos armarios intelixentes introducindo o número de pedido que figura no correo electrónico de confirmación de pedido e na mensaxe SMS que che mandaremos o día da recollida do teu pedido;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1111;EN;web;alimentacion;In just 5 minutes you will be able to pick up your order from the smart lockers by entering the order number that appears on the order confirmation email and on the sms that we will send you on the day you pick up your order;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1112;GL;web;alimentacion;Preparamos a túa compra con agarimo, seleccionamos os mellores produtos frescos do día e mantémolos refrixerados e conxelados nos armarios intelixentes ata a túa chegada;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1112;EN;web;alimentacion;We prepare your order with care, selecting the best fresh products of the day and keeping them refrigerated and frozen in the smart lockers until your arrival;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1113;GL;web;alimentacion;Cambia a túa forma de comprar. Podes facer e recoller pedidos o mesmo día* e mesmo pasar a recollelos en tan só 4 horas;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1113;EN;web;alimentacion;Change the way you shop. You can place and pick up your order the same day*, collecting it in as little as 4 hours;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1114;GL;web;alimentacion;Ti decides, podes recoller o teu pedido de luns a sábado e planificar as túas compras coa reserva de franxas horarias ata con 21 días de antelación;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1114;EN;web;alimentacion;You decide, you can pick up your order from Monday to Saturday and plan your purchases by booking a time slot up to 21 days in advance;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1115;GL;web;alimentacion;Descubre a revolución da compra online, sen importe mínimo de compra, que combina todas as garantías e compromisos do teu súper online cos prezos e gama do Hipermercado;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/armarios/ 1115;EN;web;alimentacion;Discover the revolution in online shopping, with no minimum order value, which combines all the guarantees and promises of your online supermarket with the prices and range of the Hypermarket;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/lockers/ 1116;GL;web;alimentacion;O custo depende do día e a franxa horaria á que queres que che sirvamos, sendo o importe mínimo 3,95 €;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1116;EN;web;alimentacion;The cost depends on the day and time slot you choose for your order delivery. The minimum cost is €3.95;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1117;GL;web;alimentacion;Pero lembra que a entrega da túa compra online é GRATIS se o teu pedido supera os 140 € e o pagas cunha tarxeta de crédito EROSKI;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1117;EN;web;alimentacion;Please remember that the delivery of your online purchase is FREE OF CHARGE if your order exceeds €140 and you pay with an EROSKI credit card;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1118;GL;web;alimentacion;Enviamos pedidos practicamente a todos os lugares nos que dispoñemos de tenda física;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1118;EN;web;alimentacion;We send orders to practically anywhere we have an actual shop;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1119;GL;web;alimentacion;Para saber se actualmente servimos pedidos no teu domicilio habitual ou noutro domicilio, consulta o teu código postal na páxina principal da web;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1119;EN;web;alimentacion;To find out if we currently deliver orders to your home address or to another address, consult your postcode on the website home page;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1120;GL;web;alimentacion;No País Vasco e Navarra ofrecemos cobertura na totalidade de códigos postais;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1120;EN;web;alimentacion;In the Basque Country and Navarre, we offer full coverage to all postcodes;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1121;GL;web;alimentacion;Lembra que o repartidor precisará dunha autorización por parte do cliente para acceder a zonas con vixilancia persoal ou electrónica;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1121;EN;web;alimentacion;Remember that our delivery staff will require customer authorisation for access to area with personal or electronic surveillance;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1122;GL;web;alimentacion;O noso servizo de reparto é de luns a sábados (agás festivos) dividido en franxas de 2 horas;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1122;EN;web;alimentacion;Our delivery service is from Mondays to Saturdays (except public holidays), divided into 2-hour time slots;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1123;GL;web;alimentacion;Incluíndo tamén franxas de 4 e 8 horas sendo estas aínda máis económicas;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1123;EN;web;alimentacion;It also includes 4 and 8 hour time slots that are even more affordable;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1124;GL;web;alimentacion;Para axudarte a organizarte mellor, podes realizar o teu pedido ata con 3 semanas de antelación;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1124;EN;web;alimentacion;To help you organise your time better, you can place your order up to 3 weeks in advance;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1125;GL;web;alimentacion;Iso si, nós prepararémolo no momento da entrega para que os teus produtos sexan os máis frescos;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1125;EN;web;alimentacion;We will prepare it just before we deliver it of course, so that all the products will be perfectly fresh on arrival;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1126;GL;web;alimentacion;Entregamos a domicilio o mesmo día da realización do pedido en Bilbao, San-Sebastián, Vitoria y Pamplona;baixa;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1126;EN;web;alimentacion;You can receive an order on the same day you place it in Bilbao, San-Sebastián, Vitoria and Pamplona;baixa;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1127;GL;web;alimentacion;"Para o resto de zonas, polo momento, non é posible realizar un pedido e recibilo o mesmo día; debes realizar a túa compra, como mínimo, 1 día antes da data de entrega";baixa;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1127;EN;web;alimentacion;On the other hand, at the moment, you can’t place an order and receive it on the same day. You must place your purchase at least 1 day before the delivery date;baixa;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1128;GL;web;alimentacion;En todo caso recomendámosche que fagas o teu pedido con varios días de antelación para dispor de máis franxas horarias de entrega;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1128;EN;web;alimentacion;In any case, we recommend you place your order several days in advance so that you have a greater choice of delivery times;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1129;GL;web;alimentacion;Podes realizar o pedido ata con tres semanas de antelación, así se marchas de vacacións, por exemplo, podes deixar feita a compra para a volta;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1129;EN;web;alimentacion;You can place your order up to three weeks in advance, so if you’re going on holiday, for example, you can have your purchase ready when you get back;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1130;GL;web;alimentacion;Aínda que intentamos que non aconteza, ás veces unha entrega pode chegar tarde debido a circunstancias que están fóra do noso control;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1130;EN;web;alimentacion;We do out best for it not to happen, but sometimes a delivery may arrive late due to circumstances beyond our control;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1131;GL;web;alimentacion;Se prevemos que vamos chegar fóra de hora, avisarémoste chamándote ao teu teléfono de contacto;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1131;EN;web;alimentacion;If we anticipate a delivery is going to be late, we will let you know by phoning your contact number;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1132;GL;web;alimentacion;Se non recibes a nosa chamada e o pedido non te chegou na franxa reservada, ponte en contacto co noso Servizo de Atención ao Cliente;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1132;EN;web;alimentacion;If you don't receive a call from us and the delivery doesn't arrive within the times you booked, contact our Customer Helpline;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1133;GL;web;alimentacion;Destinará cinco minutos como máximo aos trámites necesarios para o acceso a esta área;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1133;EN;web;alimentacion;They will allow a maximum of five minutes for the procedures necessary for access to this area;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1134;GL;web;alimentacion;Se xa non estás a tempo de cambiar a túa franxa horaria e non vas estar á hora que tiñas reservada, chama ao noso Servizo de Atención ao Cliente e avísanos para poder cambiar os teus datos de entrega;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1134;EN;web;alimentacion;If it's too late for you to change your delivery time and you're not going to be in at the time you've booked, just call our Customer Helpline and tell us so we can change your delivery data;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1135;GL;web;alimentacion;De todas formas, se no momento da entrega non hai ninguén na túa casa, o repartidor levarase o pedido de volta;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1135;EN;web;alimentacion;In any case, if there is no-one home at the time of delivery, your order will be returned to the shop;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1136;GL;web;alimentacion;Nese caso, ponte en contacto co noso Servizo de Atención ao Cliente e infórmanos do problema;baixa;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1136;EN;web;alimentacion;If this happens, contact our Customer Helpline and inform us of the problem;baixa;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1137;GL;web;alimentacion;Como sabes, podes ter ata 3 enderezos diferentes rexistrados na túa conta e modificalos sempre que queiras no apartado “Os meus datos” dentro de “O meu Eroski”;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1137;EN;web;alimentacion;"As you know, you can have up to 3 different addresses registered in your account and you can change them whenever you wish in the ""My data"" section in My Eroski";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1138;GL;web;alimentacion;Cando fagas o teu pedido darémosche a posibilidade de elixir un ou outro enderezo e a compra entregarase á persoa titular da tarxeta que se empregou para pagar;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1138;EN;web;alimentacion;When you make your order you can choose which of the addresses you want it to be sent to and the purchase will be delivered to the payment card holder there;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1139;GL;web;alimentacion;No caso no que non podas recoller o teu pedido, si pode facelo outra persoa por ti sempre que quen asine o albará de entrega sexa un adulto maior de 18 anos e que teña a túa autorización;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1139;EN;web;alimentacion;If you can't be in when your delivery is made, someone else can receive it instead of you, providing the person who signs the delivery note is at least 18 years of age and you have authorised them to do so;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1140;GL;web;alimentacion;O pedido será entregado á persoa, maior de idade, que ao momento da entrega se atope no domicilio indicado;baixa;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1140;EN;web;alimentacion;The order will be delivered to your shipping address to any person of legal age;baixa;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1141;GL;web;alimentacion;O/a cliente/a autoriza expresamente a EROSKI online a realizar a entrega do pedido ao seu favor;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1141;EN;web;alimentacion;The customer expressly authorises this delivery from EROSKI online;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1142;GL;web;alimentacion;O receptor do pedido deberá asinar o albará de entrega correspondente, consignando o seu nome e DNI ou similar, así como amosarllo ao persoal encargado de reparto;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1142;EN;web;alimentacion;The person receiving the order must sign the corresponding delivery note with their name, and National ID number or other similar identification number, and show this to our delivery staff;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1143;GL;web;alimentacion;Ademais da entrega a domicilio temos á túa disposición o servizo de recollida co coche “Click&drive” ou recollida en tenda “Click & Collect”;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/envio/ 1143;EN;web;alimentacion;As well as home delivery we offer the “Click&drive” car pick-up service and “Click&collect” store pick-up service;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/delivery/ 1144;GL;web;alimentacion;Comunicamos todas as ofertas dispoñibles nos newsletter que enviamos aos nosos clientes por e-mail;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1144;EN;web;alimentacion;All the available offers are featured in our newsletter, which we e-mail to our customers;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1145;GL;web;alimentacion;Non perdas a oportunidade e subscríbete xa para estar ao día das nosas promocións exclusivas;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1145;EN;web;alimentacion;Don't miss your chance: subscribe to find out about our exclusive promotions;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1146;GL;web;alimentacion;Tamén as podes consultar no perfil de EROSKI en Facebook e Twitter;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1146;EN;web;alimentacion;You can also check them out in EROSKI's Facebook and Twitter profile;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1147;GL;web;alimentacion;Se se trata dun desconto por código ou cupón, terás que cambialo introducindo o número no seu apartado correspondente durante o proceso de pagamento;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1147;EN;web;alimentacion;If the discount has a code or coupon, you'll need to redeem it by entering the number in the corresponding section during the payment process;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1148;GL;web;alimentacion;Para outro tipo de promocións que non precisan código, o desconto ou o agasallo aplicarase directamente, sempre que cumprises as condicións da promoción, e veralas directamente aplicadas no carro da compra e no importe total a pagar;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1148;EN;web;alimentacion;For other types of promotions that don't require a code, the discount or gift will be applied directly, providing you fulfil the promotion conditions. You'll see how they're applied directly to your shopping cart and the total amount to be paid;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1149;GL;web;alimentacion;Se introduces un código non válido, aparecerá unha mensaxe advertíndote do erro;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1149;EN;web;alimentacion;If you enter an invalid code, an error message will appear indicating the error;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1150;GL;web;alimentacion;Comproba que cumpres as condicións para o cambio, que non haxa ningún erro tipográfico;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1150;EN;web;alimentacion;Check that you meet the conditions to redeem it and that there are no typos;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1151;GL;web;alimentacion;Por exemplo, posibles alteracións de maiúsculas/minúsculas ou unha confusión entre o número 0 e a letra O;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1151;EN;web;alimentacion;For example, any possible differences in upper/lowercase letters or replacing the number 0 with the letter O;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1152;GL;web;alimentacion;E se aínda así non sabes que pode estar fallando, ponte en contacto co noso Servizo de Atención ao Cliente;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1152;EN;web;alimentacion;And if you still do not know what the problem is, please contact our Customer Helpline;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1153;GL;web;alimentacion;"Entra no apartado de ""Os meus pedidos"" e preme na opción ""modificar pedido""";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1153;EN;web;alimentacion;"Enter the ""My orders"" section and click on the option ""Change order""";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1154;GL;web;alimentacion;Así, accederás á pantalla de pagamento e deberás introducir o código promocional;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1154;EN;web;alimentacion;This will take you to the payment screen where you will have to enter the promotional code;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1155;GL;web;alimentacion;Se tes algún outro problema envía un e-mail ao noso Servizo de Atención ao Cliente indicando o número de pedido e o código do teu cupón e nós confirmarémosche se é posible ou non a súa aplicación;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1155;EN;web;alimentacion;If you have any other problem, send an email to our Customer Service Department, indicating the order number and your coupon code and we will confirm whether it is possible to apply it or not;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1156;GL;web;alimentacion;As ofertas aplicadas aos produtos do teu pedido son as indicadas na páxina web no momento de realizar a túa compra, independentemente da data de entrega do teu pedido e das ofertas ou promocións existentes no momento da entrega;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1156;EN;web;alimentacion;The offers applied to the products in your order are those indicated on the web page when completing your purchase, regardless of the date your order is delivered and the offers or promotions available at the time of delivery;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1157;GL;web;alimentacion;Agás os produtos frescos aos que se lles aplica a oferta e o prezo en vigor do día da entrega;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1157;EN;web;alimentacion;This does not apply to fresh products, to which the offer and the current price on the day of delivery are applied;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1158;GL;web;alimentacion;Os produtos en oferta están claramente sinalados nos seus respectivos lineais;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1158;EN;web;alimentacion;Products with special offers are clearly indicated on their respective display lines;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1159;GL;web;alimentacion;"Para que che resulte aínda máis doado coñecer as ofertas vixentes, consulta o apartado de ""Ofertas"", onde as atoparás todas agrupadas";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1159;EN;web;alimentacion;"To make it even easier for you to know the current offers, see the ""Offers” section where you will find them altogether";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1160;GL;web;alimentacion;En todo momento ao longo do proceso de compra, podes ver as ofertas que se aplican no carro da compra;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1160;EN;web;alimentacion;You can view the offers applied to your shopping cart whenever you wish as you shop;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1161;GL;web;alimentacion;Ademais, en función dos produtos que vas introducindo no carro, informámosche das ofertas que che poden interesar e/ou faltar;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/promocions/ 1161;EN;web;alimentacion;Also, depending on the products you add to your cart, we'll inform you of any offers you might be interested in or might need;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/promotions/ 1162;GL;web;alimentacion;No momento no que finalizas a túa compra todo un equipo de profesionais ponse en marcha para ofrecerche sempre o mellor servizo;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1162;EN;web;alimentacion;As soon as you complete your purchase, a whole team of professionals gets to work to offer you always the very best service;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1163;GL;web;alimentacion;Aínda que xa rematases a túa compra online, podes engadir ou eliminar produtos, cambiar as cantidades e mesmo, modificar a hora de entrega que reservaras;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1163;EN;web;alimentacion;Even if you've completed your online purchase you can still add or remove products, change the amounts or even change the delivery time you've booked;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1164;GL;web;alimentacion;Só tes que entrar no apartado “Os meus pedidos” da túa conta e acceder á sección “pedidos pendentes de entrega”;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1164;EN;web;alimentacion;"Just enter the ""My orders"" section of your account and access the ""orders pending delivery"" section";alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1165;GL;web;alimentacion;Alí poderás modificar o contido, poderás modificar os datos de entrega ou mesmo anulalo se xa non o desexas recibir;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1165;EN;web;alimentacion;Here you can change the content, change the delivery data or even cancel the order if you no longer wish to receive it;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1166;GL;web;alimentacion;Aínda que, como sabes, tamén poderás facer as devolucións que queiras cando recibas o teu pedido, simplemente entregándolle ao repartidor o produto que non queiras;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1166;EN;web;alimentacion;Although as you already know, you can also return any products you don't want when you receive your order, by simply giving them back to the deliverer;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1167;GL;web;alimentacion;Comunícanos por email a devolución e aboarémosche o importe no mesmo método de pagamento empregado para a compra;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1167;EN;web;alimentacion;Send us an email confirming the return and we’ll reimburse the amount using the same payment method you used for your purchase;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1168;GL;web;alimentacion;En EROSKI online adaptámonos a ti e ao teu tempo;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1168;EN;web;alimentacion;EROSKI online adapts to you and to your time;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1169;GL;web;alimentacion;Todos os produtos que engadises ao carro, sempre que esteas identificado, quedarán rexistrados e aparecerán novamente cargados no carro cando volvas identificarte, esteas ou non no mesmo ordenador;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/gl/supermercado/como-comprar/ 1169;EN;web;alimentacion;If you have entered your user name and password, all the products you have added to your cart will be stored and will appear in your shopping cart again the next time you enter your name and password, from any computer;alta;https://supermercado.eroski.es/en/supermarket/how-to-shop/ 1170;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear arranca no ano 1991 con clara vocación internacional e coa intención de vestir a xuventude comprometida coa súa contorna, que vive en comunidade e se relaciona entre si;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1170;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear started up in 1991 with a clear international mission and with the intention of dressing young people who are engaged with their environment, who live in the community and relate to each other;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1171;GL;web;moda; Unha xuventude que viste de forma relaxada, fuxindo dos estereotipos e que quere sentirse ben co que leva;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1171;EN;web;moda;Young people who have a casual dress sense, who shun stereotypes and who want to feel good in whatever they are wearing;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1172;GL;web;moda;Para satisfacer as súas necesidades, Pull&Bear recolle as últimas tendencias internacionais, mesturándoas coas influencias que marca a rúa e os mellores clubs de moda;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1172;EN;web;moda;To meet their needs, Pull&Bear takes the latest international trends, mixing them with the influences that are seen on the street and in the most fashionable clubs;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1173;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear evoluciona de forma paralela ao seu cliente, sempre atento ás novas tecnoloxías, aos movementos sociais e ás últimas tendencias artísticas ou musicais;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1173;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear evolves at the same pace as its customer, always watching out for new technologies, social movements and the latest artistic or musical trends;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1174;GL;web;moda;Todo iso se ve reflectido non só nos seus deseños, senón tamén nas tendas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1174;EN;web;moda;All of this can be seen reflected not only in its designs but also in stores;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1175;GL;web;moda;Inspirada na mítica cidade californiana de Palm Springs, a renovación da oferta é constante;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1175;EN;web;moda;Inspired by the legendary Californian city of Palm Springs, the product lines are constantly being updated;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1176;GL;web;moda;Dúas veces por semana todas as tendas do mundo reciben nova mercadoría;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1176;EN;web;moda;All stores worldwide receive new merchandise twice a week;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1177;GL;web;moda;Nace a cadea de tendas de moda Pull&Bear, froito dunha estratexia de segmentación de mercados iniciada polo Grupo Inditex;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1177;EN;web;moda;The Pull&Bear chain of fashion stores was born, a result of a market segmentation strategy initiated by the Inditex Group;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1178;GL;web;moda;É neste momento cando o home demanda unha moda de estilo básico influenciada polas tendencias internacionais;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1178;EN;web;moda;This was the moment when people were demanding a basic fashion style influenced by international trends;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1179;GL;web;moda;A idea que impulsa a Pull&Bear é achegar a moda á xente;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1179;EN;web;moda;The underlying idea of Pull&Bear was to bring fashion to the people;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1180;GL;web;moda;A capacidade de entender o concepto de moda global, xunto a unha agresiva política de prezos, facilita a súa expansión internacional a partir de 1992, abrindo as primeiras tendas en Portugal;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1180;EN;web;moda;The ability to understand the concept of global fashion, along with an aggressive price policy, facilitated its international expansion from 1992 onwards, with the opening of their first stores in Portugal;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1181;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear chega a Grecia e Malta, onde se afianza rapidamente en ambos os mercados;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1181;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear arrived to Greece and Malta, and quickly gained strong position on both markets;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1182;GL;web;moda;Primeiras aperturas en Israel;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1182;EN;web;moda;First store openings in Israel;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1183;GL;web;moda;Arranca a primeira colección para muller;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1183;EN;web;moda;The first collection for women sees the light of the day;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1184;GL;web;moda;Así mesmo, á liña de Pull&Bear únese a de Xdye, que ofrece pezas de roupa máis deportivas e tecnolóxicas e que se vincula desde o principio ás iconas coas que conviven os mozos do século XXI;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1184;EN;web;moda;Xdye is also added to the Pull&Bear line, offering sportier and more technological garments, from the very beginning linked to the icons of 21st century youth;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1185;GL;web;moda;Este mesmo ano créase a primeira páxina web e ábrense as primeiras tendas en Chipre;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1185;EN;web;moda;That same year, the first website is created and the first stores open in Cyprus;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1186;GL;web;moda;As novas liñas de produto fomentan a creación de tendas onde a música, a tecnoloxía, os videoxogos e as imaxes de vídeo se mesturan coa roupa para ofrecerlles aos clientes un auténtico estilo de vida;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1186;EN;web;moda;New product lines boosted the creation of stores where music, technology, videogames and video images are mixed with clothes to offer customers an authentic life style;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1187;GL;web;moda;Abre as súas portas a primeira tenda de Pull&Bear en Kuwait;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1187;EN;web;moda;The first Pull&Bear store was opened in Kuwait;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1188;GL;web;moda;Incorpórase ás tendas unha nova liña de roupa, Sickonineteen, tamén dirixida a un público novo;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1188;EN;web;moda;The new clothes line, Sickonineteen, is added to stores, also directed at a young market;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1189;GL;web;moda;Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Irlanda e Venezuela son os novos mercados de Pull&Bear este mesmo ano;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1189;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear enters the United Arab Emirate, Irish and Venezuelan markets that same year;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1190;GL;web;moda;Inaugúranse tendas en México, Xordania, Bahrain, Qatar e Líbano;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1190;EN;web;moda;First stores open in Mexico, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar and Lebanon;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1191;GL;web;moda;Primeiras tendas en Andorra e Eslovaquia;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1191;EN;web;moda;First stores open in Andorra and Slovakuia;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1192;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear chega a Romanía e Rusia;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1192;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear arrives in Romania and Russia;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1193;GL;web;moda;Empezan as primeiras tendas en Francia, Italia, Turquía e República Checa;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1193;EN;web;moda;The first stores open in France, Italy, Turkey and the Czech Republic;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1194;GL;web;moda;Entrada nos mercados de Indonesia, Montenegro, Reino Unido e Exipto;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1194;EN;web;moda;They enter the Indonesian, Montenegro, UK and Egyptian markets;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1195;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear comeza a publicar o seu catálogo exclusivamente a través da súa web, para evitar o consumo de papel e reducir así o seu impacto ambiental;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1195;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear begins publishing their catalogue exclusively on their website to prevent paper consumption, thus reducing their environmental impact;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1196;GL;web;moda;O proxecto complétase coa axuda á reforestación da Reserva da Biosfera Sierra Gorda en México, comprometéndose simultaneamente co cambio climático e a pobreza das comunidades locais;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1196;EN;web;moda;The project is complemented by helping the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve reforestation in Mexico, simultaneously getting engaged in the issues concerning climate change and the poverty existing in local communities;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1197;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear comeza a operar en Países Baixos, Marrocos e Corea;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1197;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear begins to operate in Holland, Morocco and Korea;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1198;GL;web;moda;O 6 de setembro ponse en marcha por primeira vez a tenda en liña;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1198;EN;web;moda;The online store goes live for the first time on 6 September;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1199;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear celebra o seu vinte aniversario cunha colección de edición limitada para nenos, Pull&Bear for Kids;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1199;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear celebrates its 20th anniversary with a limited edition collection for children, Pull&Bear for Kids;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1200;GL;web;moda;Neste ano tamén se lanzou unha liña Premium masculina, Pull&Bear Heritage, orientada a un público máis adulto que foi medrando coa marca;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1200;EN;web;moda;The year also sees the launch of the Premium line for men, Pull&Bear Heritage, targeting its adult customers that have grown up with the brand;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1201;GL;web;moda;Primeiras aperturas de tendas en Austria, Armenia, Acerbaixán, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Colombia, Ecuador, Xeorxia, Honduras, Macedonia, República Dominicana e Tailandia;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1201;EN;web;moda;First openings of stores in Austria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Colombia, Ecuador, Georgia, Honduras, Macedonia, Dominican Republic and Thailand;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1202;GL;web;moda;En Suíza, Suecia, Mónaco, Luxemburgo e Dinamarca Pull&Bear opera exclusivamente a través da Internet;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1202;EN;web;moda;In Switzerland, Sweden, Monaco, Luxemburg and Denmark, Pull&Bear operates exclusively online;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1203;GL;web;moda;Primeiras tendas en Alemaña, Costa Rica, Panamá e Taiwán;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1203;EN;web;moda;First openings of stores in Germany, Costa Rica, Panama and Taiwan;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1204;GL;web;moda;Inaugúrase a tenda online en Romanía. Ponse á venda unha primeira colección de denim proveniente de algodón orgánico;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1204;EN;web;moda;The online store in Romania is launched. The first organic cotton denim collection is launched;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1205;GL;web;moda;A tenda online de Pull&Bear amplía a súa presenza a 12 novos mercados europeos e xa está presente nun total de 33 en todo o mundo;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1205;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear's online store expands its presence in 12 new European markets and is now present in a total of 33 markets worldwide;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1206;GL;web;moda;A marca convértese na principal patrocinadora da Pull&Bear Pantín Classic Galicia Pro, unha importante competición de surf, e desenvolve un proxecto medioambiental que involucra a recollida e reciclaxe de residuos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1206;EN;web;moda;The brand becomes the main sponsor of Pull&Bear Pantin Classic Galicia Pro, a major surfing competition, and develops an environmental project involving waste collection and recycling;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1207;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear lanza a súa primeira colección cápsula Join Life, que é a etiqueta que utiliza o Grupo Inditex para identificar as prendas creadas coas mellores materias primas e procesos sostibles;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1207;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear launches its first Join Life capsule collection –this is the label used by the Inditex Group to identify garments created using the best sustainable raw materials and processes;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1208;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear convértese en partner do Primavera Sound, un festival musical internacionalmente recoñecido;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1208;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear has partnered with Primavera Sound, a world-renowned music festival;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1209;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear leva á rúa as últimas tendencias internacionais en forma de pezas de roupa fáciles, cómodas e desenfadadas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1209;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear brings the latest international trends to the street in the form of easy, comfortable and casual clothes;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1210;GL;web;moda;As coleccións de Pull&Bear están pensadas para vestir homes e mulleres novos de mentalidade, tendo en conta que a idade xa non é unha barreira á hora de elixir o noso vestiario;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1210;EN;web;moda;The Pull&Bear collections are conceived with the idea of dressing men and women with a young mindset, taking into account that age is not an obstacle when choosing our wardrobe;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1211;GL;web;moda;Tanto para os rapaces como para as rapazas, Pull&Bear ten dúas liñas completamente diferenciadas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1211;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear has two completely different lines for both guys and girls;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1212;GL;web;moda;"Por un lado, os ""teenagers"" atoparán nas súas tendas as liñas máis desenfadadas en forma de suadoiros, camisetas, texanos, bermudas, zapatillas e gorras, e co algodón como tecido principal";alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1212;EN;web;moda;On one hand, teenagers will find the more casual lines in stores in the form of sweatshirts, t-shirts, jeans, Bermuda shorts, plimsolls and hats, where cotton is the main fabric;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1213;GL;web;moda;A segunda liña está dirixida a rapaces e rapazas algo máis adultos que foron crecendo coa marca;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1213;EN;web;moda;The second line is directed at more adult male and female consumers who have grown up with the brand;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1214;GL;web;moda;Para eles, Pull&Bear crea pezas de roupa inspiradas nas últimas tendencias internacionais para usar tanto de día como de noite, e tanto para levar ao traballo como para usar no seu tempo de ocio;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1214;EN;web;moda;For them Pull&Bear creates garments that are inspired by the latest international trends for both daytime and evening wear, and that can be worn at work and during leisure time;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1215;GL;web;moda;Esta liña adapta as ditas tendencias ás necesidades dos clientes de Pull&Bear, relaxándoas e converténdoas en pezas de roupa fáciles de levar;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1215;EN;web;moda;This line adapts these trends to the needs of Pull&Bear customers, making them more relaxed and turning them into easy-to-wear garments;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1216;GL;web;moda;A colección téxtil vese reforzada polas liñas de calzado, complementos, bixutería, fragrancias, auriculares, longskates e lentes de sol;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1216;EN;web;moda;The textile collection is backed up by the footwear, accessory, jewellery, fragrance, headphones, longskates and sunglasses lines;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1217;GL;web;moda;Inditex é un dos principais distribuidores de moda do mundo, que conta con oito formatos comerciais e cunha rede de máis de 7.400 tendas en 96 mercados;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1217;EN;web;moda;Inditex is one of the main fashion distributors worldwide, which has eight commercial brands with a network of more than 7,400 stores in 96 markets;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1218;GL;web;moda;O Grupo Inditex reúne máis dun centenar de sociedades vinculadas coas diferentes actividades que conforman o negocio do deseño, fabricación e distribución téxtil;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1218;EN;web;moda;The Inditex Group brings together more than one hundred companies linked to a variety of activities that make up the design, production and textile distribution business;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1219;GL;web;moda;O cliente é o centro de noso particular modelo de negocio, baseado na innovación e a flexibilidade;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1219;EN;web;moda;The customer is the focal point of our particular business model, which is based on innovation and flexibility;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1220;GL;web;moda;A nosa forma de entender a moda –creatividade e deseño de calidade e unha resposta áxil ás demandas do mercado– permitiron unha rápida expansión internacional e unha excelente acollida social dos oito formatos comerciais;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1220;EN;web;moda;Our way of understanding fashion –creativity and quality design and an agile response to the market demands– has permitted a rapid international expansion and an excellent reception by the public of all eight brands;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1221;GL;web;moda;Se queres máis información, podes consultar a web corporativa do grupo;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1221;EN;web;moda;For further information, go to the corporate group website;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1222;GL;web;moda;O interior das tendas está deseñado para darlle a máxima relevancia á exposición da moda;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1222;EN;web;moda;The store interior is designed to attach maximum importance to the fashion display;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1223;GL;web;moda;A distribución dos espazos, o mobiliario, a iluminación, a música, os visuais e todos os materiais están estratexicamente elixidos para ofrecerlle a máxima liberdade ao cliente na súa elección;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1223;EN;web;moda;Space layout, furniture, lighting, music, visuals and all materials are carefully selected to offer the customer maximum freedom in his or her choice;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1224;GL;web;moda;As tendas, como as coleccións, están vivas. Un equipo interno de interioristas introduce novidades constantemente para adaptarse ás esixencias dos clientes e para crear tendas dinámicas e únicas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1224;EN;web;moda;The stores, just like the collections, are full of life. An internal team of interior designers are constantly introducing new designs to adapt to customer demands and to create dynamic and unique stores;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1225;GL;web;moda;A flexibilidade é clave. Por iso, cada proxecto trátase de xeito individual para adaptalo ás necesidades de cada espazo;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1225;EN;web;moda;Flexibility is key. For this end, each project is treated individually in order to adapt to the needs of each space;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1226;GL;web;moda;A nova tenda leva a un novo nivel o concepto californiano que se inspira na emblemática atmosfera de Palm Springs e outros escenarios da Costa Oeste estadounidense;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1226;EN;web;moda;The new store takes to a new level the California concept, which draws inspiration from the iconic atmosphere of Palm Springs and other scenarios from the American West Coast;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1227;GL;web;moda;Ademais de este tipo de tenda de marca rexistrada, introducíronse algunhas novidades para unha maior visibilidade do produto e unha experiencia de compra máis útil e pracenteira;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1227;EN;web;moda;On top of this trademark store style, some new features have been implemented for a higher product visibility and a more useful and pleasant shopping experience;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1228;GL;web;moda;Polo xeral, a decoración é máis sinxela e o mobiliario máis baixo, o que permite unha visión máis ampla do espazo;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1228;EN;web;moda;By and large, the decoration has been simplified and the furniture is now lower, which provides for a wider view of the space;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1229;GL;web;moda;A tenda recibe aos visitantes cunha sensación máis acolledora, creada pola combinación de tres tipos de acabado: texturas brancas, madeira e metal galvanizado;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1229;EN;web;moda;The store welcomes visitors with a warmer feel, created by the mix of three different types of finishing –white textures, wood and galvanized metal;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1230;GL;web;moda;A iluminación é outra das novidades clave, tanto no interior, onde se centra nas prendas, coma no exterior, onde as pantallas LED se suman ás luces interiores para xerar unha enerxía especial;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1230;EN;web;moda;Lighting is another key feature, both inside –where it focus on the garments– and outside, where big LED screens add up with inside lights to cast a special energy;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1231;GL;web;moda;A sostibilidade é esencial;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1231;EN;web;moda;Sustainability is paramount;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1232;GL;web;moda;Toda a madeira utilizada provén de producións forestais certificadas que garanten a identificación da madeira.;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1232;EN;web;moda;All the wood used comes from certified forest productions guaranteeing traceable timber;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1233;GL;web;moda;A tenda tamén dá un gran salto na integración do comercio electrónico co punto de venda físico;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1233;EN;web;moda;The store also takes a big leap ahead in terms of integrating e-commerce with the physical point of sale;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1234;GL;web;moda;A variedade de servizos online é máis visible en tenda, onde se mostran mensaxes que trazan unha actividade máis afín entre a tenda online e a física: dúas áreas que están cada vez máis interconectadas como parte dunha experiencia de compra única;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1234;EN;web;moda;The range of online services is more visible in store, with messages drawing a more aligned activity between the online store and the brick-and-mortar-one –two areas that get more and more intertwined as components of a unique shopping experience;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1235;GL;web;moda;Buscamos continuamente xente con ganas de aprender e que crea no que fai, xente con actitude;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1235;EN;web;moda;We are always looking for people who love to learn and who believe in what they are doing, who have the right attitude;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1236;GL;web;moda;A cultura corporativa de Pull&Bear baséase no traballo en equipo, a comunicación aberta e un alto nivel de esixencia;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1236;EN;web;moda;The Pull&Bear corporate culture is based on team work, open communication and high standards;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1237;GL;web;moda;Estes principios son a base do compromiso persoal cunha tarefa que está enfocada á satisfacción dos nosos clientes;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1237;EN;web;moda;These principles are the basis of our personal commitment with the task of focusing on our clients' satisfaction;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1238;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear ofrécelles aos seus empregados un ámbito dinámico e internacional onde se valoran as ideas e se aposta pola promoción interna;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1238;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear offers their employees a dynamic and international environment where their ideas are valued and internal promotion is a reality;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1239;GL;web;moda;Unha gran parte do equipo directivo comezou nas tendas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1239;EN;web;moda;A great percentage of the management team began working in the stores;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1240;GL;web;moda;Ademais, cremos na estabilidade no emprego e na formación continua;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1240;EN;web;moda;We also believe in employee stability and continuous training;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1241;GL;web;moda;Se estás interesado en traballar connosco, a que esperas?;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1241;EN;web;moda;Interested in working with us? What are you waiting for?;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1242;GL;web;moda;Se desexas coñecer todas as ofertas que temos dispoñibles tanto en servizos centrais coma nas tendas, ou simplemente queres deixarnos o teu currículo, entra na páxina web de Inditex;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1242;EN;web;moda;If you wish to find out about all our job offers both in central services and in stores, or if you would simply like to send us your curriculum vitae go to the Inditex website;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1243;GL;web;moda;Dende o ano 1995, Pull&Bear baseou a súa expansión internacional nunha combinación de tendas propias e franquías;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1243;EN;web;moda;Since 1995, Pull&Bear has based its international expansion on a combination of corporate and franchise stores;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1244;GL;web;moda;Cada MASTER FRANQUÍA de Pull&Bear dispón dunha área xeográfica en exclusiva para desenvolver tendas da súa propiedade;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1244;EN;web;moda;Each Pull&Bear MASTER FRANCHISE avails of an exclusive geographic area in which to develop its own stores;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1245;GL;web;moda;O perfil habitual dun MASTER FRANQUÍA é o dunha compañía con experiencia en distribución retallista, preferentemente de moda, e con capacidade financeira e de xestión abonda para lograr un óptimo desenvolvemento de tendas Pull&Bear na súa área operada en franquía;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1245;EN;web;moda;The typical profile of a MASTER FRANCHISE is a company with experience in retail distribution, preferably in fashion, with sufficient financial and management capacity to achieve the optimum development of Pull&Bear stores in the franchise area;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1246;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear basea o seu éxito internacional no mantemento da súa personalidade en cada mercado no que ten presenza;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1246;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear bases its international success on maintaining its personality in all the markets where it is present;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1247;GL;web;moda;Por iso, todos os aspectos relativos á súa imaxe han de ser coherentes coas directrices da cadea: situación e superficie das tendas, a súa decoración, o persoal de cara ao público e o merchandising;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1247;EN;web;moda;For this end, all aspects related to its image must be consistent with the chain directives: store location and area, its decoration, personnel dealing with the public and merchandising;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1248;GL;web;moda;As tendas Pull&Bear deben estar situadas nas rúas principais ou centros comerciais de núcleos urbanos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1248;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear stores must be located in the main streets or shopping centres in urban centres;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1249;GL;web;moda;Os estándares dos puntos de venda son: 750 metros cadrados, con 18 metros de fachada e 4,5 de altura libre;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1249;EN;web;moda;The standards of points of sale are about 750 metres squared, with a 18-metre facade and a 4.5-metres overhead height;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1250;GL;web;moda;Pull&Bear subministrará ao franquiciado todos os elementos necesarios para a apertura de cada tenda e durante a vida do negocio asistirá ao franquiciado coas persoas e o knowhow necesarios para garantir a boa evolución da ou das tendas do país;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1250;EN;web;moda;Pull&Bear will provide the franchisee with all the necessary elements for the opening of each store, and during the life of the business will assist the franchisee with the people and knowhow necessary to guaranty the good evolution of the store or stores in the market;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1251;GL;web;moda;Cada temporada, Pull&Bear España efectuará un envío inicial de mercadoría ou recibirá a visita do persoal da franquía encargado de realizar a selección de artigos para o seu mercado;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1251;EN;web;moda;Each season, Pull&Bear Spain will make an initial dispatch of merchandise or someone from the franchise will come to select articles for its market;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1252;GL;web;moda;O investimento mobiliario e inmobiliario, administración, finanzas, persoal, aspectos legais... serán xestionados polo propio franqueado;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1252;EN;web;moda;The furnishing and real estate investment, administration, finances, personnel, legal aspects, etc. will be managed by the franchisee itself;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1253;GL;web;moda;As condicións económicas, prezos de venda, prezos de custo e royalties analízanse para cada caso en concreto, dependendo das peculiaridades de cada país;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1253;EN;web;moda;The financial conditions, sale prices, cost prices and royalties are analysed for each specific case, depending on the specific aspects of each market;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1254;GL;web;moda;Desde 2016, Pull&Bear conta cunha nova sede central en Narón, que cumpre estándares ambientais máis esixentes;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1254;EN;web;moda;Since 2016, Pull&Bear has a new headquarters office in Narón which complies with the most demanding environmental standards;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1255;GL;web;moda;A obra acadou a Certificación LEED ouro, unha certificación de recoñecemento internacional en sostibilidade de edificios e construcións;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1255;EN;web;moda;The site has earned the Leed Gold certification, an internationally recognized accreditation for sustainable buildings;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1256;GL;web;moda;O deseño do edificio permite un aforro enerxético dun 18 % en comparación cun edificio convencional;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1256;EN;web;moda;The building design allows for 18% energy savings when compared to a conventional construction;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1257;GL;web;moda;Cunha estrutura exterior adaptada á súa orientación e unha estratexia de control solar mediante grandes pranchas exteriores, aprovéitase ao máximo a luz natural para contribuír aos esforzos de eficiencia enerxética;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1257;EN;web;moda;The outer structure is adapted to its position, while a strategy of sunlight control makes the most of natural light by using big solar panels, thereby contributing to the global effort of energy efficiency;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1258;GL;web;moda;En suma, trátase dunha nova oficina concibida para minimizar o seu impacto sobre o ámbito natural e para maximizar a calidade ambiental dos traballadores;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1258;EN;web;moda;Overall, this new office is conceived to minimize its environmental impact while maximizing the atmosphere quality for the benefit of the staff;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1259;GL;web;moda;O establecemento comercializa produtos de campañas anteriores a prezos reducidos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1259;EN;web;moda;This point of sale offers garments from previous seasons at reduced prices;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1260;GL;web;moda;Está xestionado, en réxime de franquía especial, por varias persoas con diferentes tipos de discapacidade, tanto física coma intelectual;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1260;EN;web;moda;It works as a special franchise and all the staff members are people with different types of disabilities, either physical or intellectual;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1261;GL;web;moda;O proxecto de Pull&Bear ‘for&from’ contou con Brooklyn Beckham como padriño de excepción;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1261;EN;web;moda;The opening of this ‘for&from’ store had Brooklyn Beckham as the special brand ambassador;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1262;GL;web;moda;O programa ‘for&from’ converteuse nunha referencia para a integración sociolaboral de persoas con discapacidade, en colaboración con entidades sociais especializadas en accións de inclusión;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1262;EN;web;moda;The 'for&from' program has become a reference for the social-labour integration of disabled people, working together with NGOs specializing in inclusive actions;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1263;GL;web;moda;O proxecto naceu en 2002 cunha pequena tenda de Massimo Dutti en Palafolls e, actualmente, consta dunha rede de once establecementos cun cadro de persoal total de 90 persoas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/page/company.html#company_01_01 1263;EN;web;moda;The project started off in 2002 with a Massimo Dutti store in Palafolls and has now extended to a network of 11 points of sales employing 90 people overall;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/page/company.html#company_01_01 1264;GL;web;moda;Podes facer a devolución dun ou varios artigos ata 30 días despois da data de entrega do teu pedido;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1264;EN;web;moda;You can return one or more items up to 30 days after the delivery date of your order;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1265;GL;web;moda;Os artigos deberán estar en perfecto estado e conservar todas as etiquetas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1265;EN;web;moda;Items must be in perfect condition and still have all labels;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1266;GL;web;moda;As devolucións dos teus pedidos son gratuítas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1266;EN;web;moda;You can return your orders free of charge;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1267;GL;web;moda;Se devolves a totalidade dun pedido ao longo dos 14 días posteriores á compra reembolsarémosche os gastos de envío equivalentes a un pedido estándar;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1267;EN;web;moda;If you return an order in full within 14 days of purchase, we will refund you the shipping costs equivalent to a standard order;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1268;GL;web;moda;Se realizaches a túa compra cunha conta de Pull&Bear, accede aos teus pedidos e solicita a devolución;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1268;EN;web;moda;If you have made your purchase with a Pull&Bear account, access your orders and request a return;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1269;GL;web;moda;"Se realizaches a túa compra sen rexistrarte, introduce o email e o teléfono cos que fixeches a compra e que encontrarás no correo de confirmación de pedido; a continuación, recibirás un código no teu teléfono";alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1269;EN;web;moda;If you have made your purchase without registering, enter the email and telephone number you used to make the purchase, which you will find in the order confirmation email, and you will then receive a code on your phone;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1270;GL;web;moda; Introdúceo para acceder aos teus pedidos e solicitar a devolución;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1270;EN;web;moda;Enter it to access your orders and request a return;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1271;GL;web;moda;Información útil sobre devolucións de compras feitas con Tícket Regalo e como se realizará o reembolso en cada caso;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1271;EN;web;moda;Useful information concerning returns of purchases made with a Gift Receipt and how the refund will be made in each case;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1272;GL;web;moda;Podes realizar a devolución na túa tenda Pull&Bear máis próxima presentando o TÍCKET REGALO ou premendo a continuación para xestionar a devolución online;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1272;EN;web;moda;You can return the item to your nearest Pull&Bear store by presenting your GIFT RECEIPT or by clicking below to return the item online;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1273;GL;web;moda;Se ti ou a persoa que realizou a compra queredes recibir o importe da devolución no mesmo método de pagamento co que se fixo a compra, estas son as opcións dispoñibles;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1273;EN;web;moda;If you or the person who made the purchase would like to receive the refund via the same payment method used to make the purchase, these are the options available to you;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1274;GL;web;moda;Necesitarás o tícket de compra que está incluído no email de expedición do pedido que recibirá a persoa que realizou a compra na nosa web;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1274;EN;web;moda;You will need the purchase receipt that is included in the order dispatch email that the person who made the purchase on our website will have received;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1275;GL;web;moda;Devolución en calquera oficina de Correos: Solicita a devolución cos mesmos datos que se usaron para realizar o pedido e faremos un reembolso na conta da persoa que realizou a compra dentro dos prazos establecidos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1275;EN;web;moda;Returns at any post office: Request the return with the same details that were used to place the order and we will make the refund to the account of the person who made the purchase within the established deadlines;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1276;GL;web;moda;Para a devolución en tenda física non necesitas facer ningunha solicitude de devolución na web/APP;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1276;EN;web;moda;For in-store returns, you do not need to submit a return request on the website/app;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1277;GL;web;moda;Só deberás ir á tenda cos artigos que queres devolver e presentar o teu tícket de compra na caixa;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1277;EN;web;moda;All you have to do is go to the store with the items you want to return and present your receipt at the till;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1278;GL;web;moda;Para consultar o estado e horario das nosas tendas, fai clic aquí;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1278;EN;web;moda;To check the status and opening hours of our stores, click here;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1279;GL;web;moda;O teu tícket de compra está incluído no email de expedición do pedido;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1279;EN;web;moda;Your purchase receipt is included in the order dispatch email;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1280;GL;web;moda;Se fixeches unha compra como usuario rexistrado porque tes conta en pullandbear.com, tamén poderás descargar o teu tícket dende “a Miña Conta”;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1280;EN;web;moda;"If you have made a purchase as a registered user, because you have a pullandbear.com account, you will also be able to download your receipt from ""My Account""";alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1281;GL;web;moda;Inicia sesión co teu usuario e contrasinal;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1281;EN;web;moda;Log in with your username and password;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1282;GL;web;moda;O reembolso da túa devolución realizarase na mesma forma de pagamento que utilizases para a túa compra;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1282;EN;web;moda;The refund for your return will be made via the same payment method you used for your purchase;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1283;GL;web;moda;Tras aprobar a devolución recibirás un email de confirmación indicándoche que o importe se aboará na túa conta nuns días;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1283;EN;web;moda;After the return is approved you will receive a confirmation email indicating that the amount will be reimbursed to your account within a few days;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1284;GL;web;moda;Se nun máximo de 14 días, despois de recibir a confirmación de devolución pola nosa banda, aínda non tes o reembolso na túa conta, por favor, contacta coa túa entidade bancaria;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1284;EN;web;moda;If you still do not receive your refund within 14 days of receiving confirmation of your return from us, please contact your bank or credit card company;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1285;GL;web;moda;Os cambios e devolucións das túas compras online son gratuítos. Dispós de 30 días dende a data de entrega do teu pedido para realizar un cambio da túa compra de Pullandbear.com;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1285;EN;web;moda;Exchanges and returns of your online purchases are free of charge. You have 30 days from the delivery date of your order to exchange your Pullandbear.com purchase;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1286;GL;web;moda;Só podes cambiar o talle ou a cor dos teus artigos nas nosas tendas Pull&Bear e sempre que dispoñamos de stock en tenda;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1286;EN;web;moda;You can only change the size or colour of your items in our Pull&Bear stores and as long as we have stock available in store;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1287;GL;web;moda;Deberás presentar o tícket de compra;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1287;EN;web;moda;You will need to present the receipt;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1288;GL;web;moda;Se queres cambiar un dos artigos da túa compra por outro artigo distinto non poderás facelo nun mesmo proceso;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1288;EN;web;moda;If you wish to exchange one of the items from your purchase for another different item, you will not be able to do so in the same transaction;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1289;GL;web;moda;Realiza a devolución dos artigos que che gustaría cambiar e recibirás o reembolso;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1289;EN;web;moda;Return the items you would like to exchange and you will receive the refund;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1290;GL;web;moda;Consulta aquí como facer o proceso de devolución;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1290;EN;web;moda;Check how to return items here;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1291;GL;web;moda;Realiza unha nova compra cos novos artigos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1291;EN;web;moda;Make a new purchase with the new items;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1292;GL;web;moda;Recorda que para facer calquera cambio ou devolución os artigos a cambiar deben estar en perfecto estado e conservar todas as etiquetas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones 1292;EN;web;moda;Remember that to make any exchange or return, the items to be exchanged must be in perfect condition and have all their labels;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones 1293;GL;web;moda;Se fixeches o teu pedido cunha conta de Pull&Bear, en “as miñas compras” poderás revisar o estado dos teus pedidos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#seguimiento-pedidos 1293;EN;web;moda;"If you have placed your order using a Pull&Bear account, you will be able to check the status of your orders in ""my purchases""";alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#seguimiento-pedidos 1294;GL;web;moda;Se o realizaches sen rexistro, podes consultalo a través do correo de confirmación da compra ou facer clic aquí;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#seguimiento-pedidos 1294;EN;web;moda;If you have made your purchase as a guest, you can check it through the purchase confirmation email or by clicking here;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#seguimiento-pedidos 1295;GL;web;moda;Durante o período de rebaixas e promocións os prazos de envío poden aumentar e algúns métodos de envío poden non estar dispoñibles;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#seguimiento-pedidos 1295;EN;web;moda;During the sale and promotions period, delivery periods may increase and some delivery methods might not be available;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#seguimiento-pedidos 1296;GL;web;moda;Recibirás un SMS cando o pedido estea en tenda. Este permanecerá alí 15 días;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1296;EN;web;moda;You will receive an SMS when the order is in the store. It will remain there for 15 days;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1297;GL;web;moda;Para a recollida, pode ir o titular ou outra persoa ensinando un documento identificativo;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1297;EN;web;moda;The holder or another person can collect it by showing an identification document;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1298;GL;web;moda;Poden variar en función do teu enderezo, a hora da compra e a dispoñibilidade dos artigos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1298;EN;web;moda;May vary depending on your address, time of purchase and availability of items;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1299;GL;web;moda;Na nosa APP, activa Click & Collect desde a túa cesta e recolle o teu pedido en menos de 4 horas na túa tenda máis próxima;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1299;EN;web;moda;In our APP, activate Click & Collect from your basket and collect your order in less than 4 hours in your nearest store;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1300;GL;web;moda;Enviarémosche un e-mail de confirmación cando saia dos nosos almacéns e outro co número de seguimento e a empresa de transporte;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1300;EN;web;moda;We will send you a confirmation email when it leaves our warehouse and another one with the tracking number and the transport company;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1301;GL;web;moda;Este punto de recollida pode ser calquera comercio local da túa cidade;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1301;EN;web;moda;This collection point can be any local store in your city;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1302;GL;web;moda;Mostrarémosche os puntos de entrega dispoñibles no momento da compra;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1302;EN;web;moda;We will show you the available drop points at the time of purchase;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1303;GL;web;moda;Introducindo o teu código postal poderás visualizar os máis próximos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1303;EN;web;moda;By entering your postcode you will be able to see the nearest ones;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1304;GL;web;moda;Recibiralo o mesmo día antes das 22:00 se realizas a compra antes das 14:00 horas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1304;EN;web;moda;You will receive it the same day before 22:00 if you make your purchase before 14:00;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1305;GL;web;moda;Servizo exclusivo para entregas na cidade de Madrid;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1305;EN;web;moda;Exclusive service for deliveries in the city of Madrid;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1306;GL;web;moda;Entrega ao día seguinte se compras de luns a xoves antes das 16:00h;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1306;EN;web;moda;Next day delivery if you buy from Monday to Thursday before 16:00;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#metodos-envio 1307;GL;web;moda;As opcións de envío e os prazos de entrega poden variar en función do teu enderezo, a hora da compra e a dispoñibilidade dos artigos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#cuanto-tarda-mi-pedido 1307;EN;web;moda;Delivery options and times may vary depending on your address, time of purchase and availability of items;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#cuanto-tarda-mi-pedido 1308;GL;web;moda;No momento de realizar o pago, mostrarémosche os métodos de envío dispoñibles, o custo e a data de entrega do teu pedido;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#cuanto-tarda-mi-pedido 1308;EN;web;moda;At checkout, we will show you the available delivery methods, cost and delivery date for your order;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#cuanto-tarda-mi-pedido 1309;GL;web;moda;Ademais, ten en conta que durante o período de rebaixas e promocións os prazos de envío poden aumentar e algúns métodos de envíos poden non estar dispoñibles;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#cuanto-tarda-mi-pedido 1309;EN;web;moda;In addition, please note that during sales and promotions, delivery times may increase and some delivery methods may not be available;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#cuanto-tarda-mi-pedido 1310;GL;web;moda;Un pedido dividido é un único pedido que poderás recibir en diferentes envíos, xa que algúns dos nosos artigos saen de diferentes almacéns;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1310;EN;web;moda;A split order is a single order that you may receive in different deliveries, as some of our items are shipped from different warehouses;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1311;GL;web;moda;Neste caso, verás na túa conta un aviso como o seguinte;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1311;EN;web;moda;In this case, you will see a notice like the following in your account;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1312;GL;web;moda;O pedido dividiuse en varios envíos, que poderías recibir por separado para que che cheguen o antes posible;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1312;EN;web;moda;Your order has been split into several deliveries, which you may receive separately, so that they are delivered to you as promptly as possible;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1313;GL;web;moda;É probable que os envíos cheguen en días distintos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1313;EN;web;moda;Deliveries are likely to arrive on different days;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1314;GL;web;moda;Chegarache a información por email de cada envío por separado para que poidas saber cando recibirás cada un;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1314;EN;web;moda;You will receive the information by email for each delivery separately, so that you know when you will receive each one;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1315;GL;web;moda;Chegarache información por email cando o último envío do pedido estea dispoñible para recollelo;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1315;EN;web;moda;You will receive information by email when the last delivery of the order is available for collection;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#envios#pedidos-divididos 1316;GL;web;moda;Marca cal é o artigo ou artigos a devolver e o número de caixas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1316;EN;web;moda;Mark the item(s) to be returned and the number of boxes;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1317;GL;web;moda;Envolve os artigos de forma segura. Se conservas o paquete orixinal podes reutilizalo, senón busca outro que poidas utilizar;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1317;EN;web;moda;"Wrap the items securely. If you have kept the original packing, you can reuse it; if not, please find another one you can use";alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1318;GL;web;moda;Unha vez finalices o proceso, recibirás un email cun código de barras que deberás mostrar na túa oficina de Correos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1318;EN;web;moda;Once you have completed the process, you will receive an email with a barcode, which you will need to show at your local Correos branch;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1319;GL;web;moda;Non é necesario que imprimas nada, só che pedirán que o amoses dende o móbil;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1319;EN;web;moda;"You do not need to print anything; you will only be asked to display it on your mobile phone";alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1320;GL;web;moda;Podes solicitar a devolución dende o enlace que encontrarás no email de seguimento de pedido, ou facendo clic en INICIAR DEVOLUCIÓN;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1320;EN;web;moda;You can request a refund from the link you will find in the order tracking email, or by clicking on INITIATE RETURN;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1321;GL;web;moda;Recorda que tes que depositar os artigos a devolver en calquera oficina de Correos coa antelación suficiente para que recibamos a túa devolución no prazo de 30 días dende a data en que recibiches o teu pedido;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1321;EN;web;moda;Please remember that you must deposit the items to be returned at any post office with sufficient time in advance for us to receive your return within 30 days from the date you received your order;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#devoluciones#devolucion-en-oficina-correos 1322;GL;web;moda;Porque sabemos o difícil que é acertar co talle, cor, prenda... agora poñémosche máis doado comprar os teus regalos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1322;EN;web;moda;Because we understand how hard it is to get the right size, colour, garment, etc., now we make it easier for you to buy your gifts;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1323;GL;web;moda;Chegaralle ao destinatario nun exclusivo packaging de Pull&Bear co método de envío que elixas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1323;EN;web;moda;It will be delivered to the recipient in exclusive Pull&Bear packaging with the delivery method of your choice;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1324;GL;web;moda;Enviarase por e-mail ao destinatario o día e á hora que ti decidas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1324;EN;web;moda;It will be sent by email to the recipient on the day and at the time of your choice;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1325;GL;web;moda;En ambos os dous casos, as tarxetas regalo pódense utilizar tanto en tendas online coma en tendas físicas de calquera das marcas do Grupo Inditex en España;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1325;EN;web;moda;In both cases, gift cards can be used both on the online stores and in the physical stores for any of the Inditex Group brands in Spain;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1326;GL;web;moda;Tamén podes comprar unha Tarxeta Regalo Física en calquera das nosas tendas;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1326;EN;web;moda;You can also buy a physical Gift Card in any of our stores;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1327;GL;web;moda;O importe mínimo polo que podes adquirir unha tarxeta regalo é de 5 € e o máximo é de 500€;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1327;EN;web;moda;The minimum amount for which you can purchase a gift card is €5 and the maximum is €500;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1328;GL;web;moda;A cantidade final sempre ha de ser un múltiplo de 5€;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1328;EN;web;moda;The final amount must always be a multiple of €5;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1329;GL;web;moda;Non, non teñen unha data límite de uso;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1329;EN;web;moda;No, they do not have a use-by date;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#comprar-una-tarjeta-regalo 1330;GL;web;moda;Si, a tarxeta regalo, tanto física coma virtual, é un método de pagamento dispoñible nas nosas tendas e en PullandBear.com;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#pagar-con-tarjeta-regalo 1330;EN;web;moda;Yes, gift cards, both physical cards and egift cards, are a payment method available in our stores and on PullandBear.com;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#pagar-con-tarjeta-regalo 1331;GL;web;moda;Se a túa tarxeta regalo foi comprada online, non esquezas que debes activala antes de utilizala;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#pagar-con-tarjeta-regalo 1331;EN;web;moda;If your gift card has been purchased online, don't forget to activate it before using it;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#pagar-con-tarjeta-regalo 1332;GL;web;moda;Se a túa tarxeta regalo foi comprada online, podes activala antes de realizar a túa primeira compra premendo no seguinte botón;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#pagar-con-tarjeta-regalo 1332;EN;web;moda;If your gift card has been purchased online, you can activate it before making your first purchase by clicking on the button below;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#pagar-con-tarjeta-regalo 1333;GL;web;moda;Se a túa tarxeta regalo foi adquirida nunha das nosas tendas, non é necesario que a actives;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#pagar-con-tarjeta-regalo 1333;EN;web;moda;If your gift card has been purchased in one of our stores, you do not need to activate it;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#pagar-con-tarjeta-regalo 1334;GL;web;moda;Si, aceptarase a devolución da Tarxeta que non fose usada unicamente no establecemento onde se adquiriu;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1334;EN;web;moda;Yes, the unused Card will be accepted for return only at the establishment where it was purchased;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1335;GL;web;moda;Tarxeta física, no prazo de 30 días naturais desde a data da compra para a Tarxeta adquirida en tenda física e desde a data de recepción para a Tarxeta adquirida na web;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1335;EN;web;moda;The physical Card, within 30 calendar days from the date of purchase for Cards purchased in physical stores, and from the date of receipt for Cards purchased on the website;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1336;GL;web;moda;A Tarxeta virtual, no prazo de 30 días naturais desde a data de envío da Tarxeta ao destinatario desta;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1336;EN;web;moda;Egift cards, within 30 calendar days from the date on which the card is sent to the cardholder;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1337;GL;web;moda;O importe pagado reembolsarase na mesma forma de pagamento efectuada para a compra;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1337;EN;web;moda;The amount paid will be refunded via the same payment method used for the purchase;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1338;GL;web;moda;Para iso é imprescindible a presentación do tícket de compra;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1338;EN;web;moda;For this purpose, you must present the purchase receipt;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1339;GL;web;moda;Non se admitirán devolucións de tarxetas adquiridas noutro mercado ou doutras marcas do Grupo Inditex;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1339;EN;web;moda;No returns will be accepted for cards acquired in another country or from other Inditex Group brands;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#devolver-una-tarjeta-regalo 1340;GL;web;moda;Podes consultar o saldo da túa tarxeta regalo sempre que queiras a través de PullandBear.com;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#consultar-saldo 1340;EN;web;moda;You can check the balance for your gift card whenever you want on PullandBear.com;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#consultar-saldo 1341;GL;web;moda;Se compraches a tarxeta nunha tenda física non a tes que activar;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#activar-tarjeta-regalo 1341;EN;web;moda;If you bought the card in a physical store, you don’t need to activate it;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#activar-tarjeta-regalo 1342;GL;web;moda;No momento da compra actívase automaticamente e xa está lista para usar;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#activar-tarjeta-regalo 1342;EN;web;moda;At the time of purchase, it’s automatically activated and ready to be used;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#activar-tarjeta-regalo 1343;GL;web;moda;Se a tarxeta regalo se comprou na web de Pull&Bear, si que é necesario activar a tarxeta antes de utilizala para facer compras;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#activar-tarjeta-regalo 1343;EN;web;moda;If the gift card was purchased on the Pull&Bear website, you must activate the card before using it to make purchases;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#activar-tarjeta-regalo 1344;GL;web;moda;Podes activala desde o seguinte botón;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#activar-tarjeta-regalo 1344;EN;web;moda;You can activate it by clicking on the following button;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#activar-tarjeta-regalo 1345;GL;web;moda;Recorda que o código de activación se corresponde cos 4 últimos díxitos do móbil que indicou o comprador como número de teléfono do destinatario durante a compra;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#activar-tarjeta-regalo 1345;EN;web;moda;Remember that the activation code corresponds to the last 4 digits of the mobile phone number that the buyer indicated as the recipient's phone number when making the purchase;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#activar-tarjeta-regalo 1346;GL;web;moda;O saldo da Tarxeta non poderá reembolsarse nin cambiarse por diñeiro;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1346;EN;web;moda;Any outstanding balance of the Card shall not be refunded or exchanged for cash;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1347;GL;web;moda;No seu caso, o reembolso do importe dos produtos adquiridos coa Tarxeta que sexan devoltos efectuarase mediante un incremento do saldo dispoñible na Tarxeta;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1347;EN;web;moda;Where appropriate, refund for products purchased with the Card which are returned shall be made by crediting the price of the returned product back onto the remaining balance of the Card;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1348;GL;web;moda;Así e todo, se a tarxeta xa non ten validez no momento da devolución dos produtos, o reembolso deste importe efectuarase mediante a entrega dunha Tarxeta abonamento, cuxas condicións de uso son;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1348;EN;web;moda;However, where the Card no longer exists upon return of the products, the price of such product shall be credited to a Voucher Card, whose conditions are;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1349;GL;web;moda;A tarxeta abonamento será válida para compras nos Establecementos;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1349;EN;web;moda;The voucher card is valid to purchase products at the Stores;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1350;GL;web;moda;O seu saldo non poderá reembolsarse nin cambiarse por diñeiro;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1350;EN;web;moda;Its balance shall not be refunded or exchanged for cash;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1351;GL;web;moda;Non se substituirá a tarxeta en caso de roubo, perda ou deterioración;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1351;EN;web;moda;The Card shall not be replaced in case of theft, loss or damage thereof.;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1352;GL;web;moda;A forma de reembolso é unha condición esencial, polo que se considera expresamente aceptada coa adquisición ou o uso da Tarxeta;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1352;EN;web;moda;Refund methods are an essential term, and as such, they are deemed to be expressly accepted upon purchasing and/or using the Card;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1353;GL;web;moda;A Tarxeta é un documento ao portador;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1353;EN;web;moda;The Card is a bearer document;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1354;GL;web;moda;A responsabilidade do seu uso e custodia corresponde exclusivamente ao seu posuidor;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1354;EN;web;moda;Its holder shall be solely responsible for the use and custody of the Card;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1355;GL;web;moda;Non se substituirá en caso de roubo, perda ou deterioro, aínda que o Emisor da Tarxeta resérvase o dereito a substituíla no caso de cambio de formato desta;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1355;EN;web;moda;The Card shall not be replaced in case of theft, loss or damage thereof. However, the issuer may replace the Card in case of change of format of the Card;baixa;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1356;GL;web;moda;A Tarxeta non poderá utilizarse para fins publicitarios ou de promoción, agás autorización previa e por escrito do Emisor;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/gl/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1356;EN;web;moda;The Card shall not be used for the purposes of advertising or promoting products unless prior written consent is given by the issuer;alta;https://www.pullandbear.com/es/en/faqs.html#tarjeta-regalo#condiciones-especiales 1357;GL;web;moda;Selecciona o tipo de produto;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1357;EN;web;moda;Choose the product type;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1358;GL;web;moda;Bota unha ollada aos produtos que che interesan e fai clic sobre a foto para ampliala e ver cada detalle, talles dispoñibles, composición, código de referencia e prezo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1358;EN;web;moda;View the products you are interested in and click on the photograph to zoom in and see every detail, available sizes, composition, reference code and price;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1359;GL;web;moda;Selecciona unha peza de roupa e engádea á cesta;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1359;EN;web;moda;Select an item of clothing and add it to your basket;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1360;GL;web;moda;A continuación, podes elixir seguir comprando ou procesar o teu pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1360;EN;web;moda;You can then choose to continue shopping or to process your order;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1361;GL;web;moda;Se queres seguir comprando, repite o proceso;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1361;EN;web;moda;If you would like to continue shopping, repeat the process;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1362;GL;web;moda;Pero se queres tramitar pedido, podes acceder á túa conta (en caso de estar xa rexistrado), crear unha conta nova ou simplemente realizar a compra como convidado;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1362;EN;web;moda;But if you would like to process your order, you can access your account (if you’ve already registered), create a new account or simply make your purchase as a guest;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1363;GL;web;moda;Unha vez introducidos os teus datos, comproba que son correctos e fai clic en confirmar;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1363;EN;web;moda;Once you have entered your details, check that they are correct and click on confirm;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1364;GL;web;moda;Elixe se desexas recibir o teu pedido nos puntos de entrega, ou por entrega estándar ou urxente, e comproba que os enderezos de envío e facturación son correctos;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1364;EN;web;moda;Choose whether you want to receive your order via drop points, standard or express delivery and check that the shipping and billing addresses are correct;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1365;GL;web;moda;Selecciona unha forma de pagamento;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1365;EN;web;moda;Select a payment method;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1366;GL;web;moda;Confirma o pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1366;EN;web;moda;Confirm the order;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1367;GL;web;moda;Recibirás un correo electrónico coa confirmación do teu pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1367;EN;web;moda;You will receive an email confirming your order;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1368;GL;web;moda;Os idiomas dispoñibles de OYSHO.com dependerán do país onde se estea a navegar e encontraralos na marxe inferior da nosa web;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1368;EN;web;moda;The languages available for OYSHO.COM depend on the country's web page you are browsing. You will find them on the bottom of our web page;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1369;GL;web;moda;Si, pero se hai algunha diferenza entre os prezos online e das etiquetas das pezas de roupa, o prezo correcto será sempre o mostrado no momento da compra;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1369;EN;web;moda;Yes, but if there is any difference between prices online and on garment labels, the correct price will always be the one shown at the time of purchase;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1370;GL;web;moda;Se un artigo está esgotado, imos tratar de substituílo tan pronto como sexa posible;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1370;EN;web;moda;If an article is sold out we will try to replace it as soon as possible;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1371;GL;web;moda;No caso de que non haxa stock, retirarémolo do sitio web;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1371;EN;web;moda;In the event that there is no stock, we will withdraw it from the website;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1372;GL;web;moda;Si, excepto para os produtos feitos á man, onde pode haber unha lixeira diferenza no acabado;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1372;EN;web;moda;Yes, except for handmade products where there may be a slight difference in the finish;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1373;GL;web;moda;Si, só tes que acceder á newsletter, introducir os teus datos e recibirás información sobre as noticias, os lookbooks e os eventos de OYSHO;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1373;EN;web;moda;Yes, simply access the newsletter, introduce your details and you will receive information on OYSHO news, lookbook and events;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1374;GL;web;moda;Na sección “Newsletter” podes cancelar a túa subscrición doadamente;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1374;EN;web;moda;In the newsletter section you can easily cancel your subscription;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1375;GL;web;moda;Completa os datos e selecciona enviar;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1375;EN;web;moda;Complete the details and select send;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1376;GL;web;moda;Se esqueciches o teu contrasinal, podes recuperalo na sección rexístrate;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1376;EN;web;moda;If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it in the register section;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1377;GL;web;moda;Recibirás un email para cambiar o teu contrasinal;baixa;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1377;EN;web;moda;You’ll receive an email with instructions on how to change your password;baixa;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1378;GL;web;moda;Unha vez feito o teu pedido, recibirás un correo electrónico de confirmación;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1378;EN;web;moda;Once you have placed your order you will receive a confirmation email;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1379;GL;web;moda;Se non o recibiches, ponte en contacto co noso departamento de Atención ao Cliente;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1379;EN;web;moda;In the event that you do not receive it, contact our Customer Service department;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1380;GL;web;moda;Encontrarás o teléfono e o horario de atención no apartado Contacto;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1380;EN;web;moda;You will find our contact number and operational hours in the contact section;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1381;GL;web;moda;Accede ao apartado pedidos realizados da túa conta e poderás ver o estado do teu pedido en tempo real;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1381;EN;web;moda;Access the section on ORDERS PLACED in your account and you will see the status of your order in real time;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1382;GL;web;moda;Se realizaches o pedido como invitado, suxerímosche que consultes as notificacións de estado de pedido que che enviamos por correo electrónico;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1382;EN;web;moda;If order was placed as a guest, please review your mailbox to be informed of your order status;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1383;GL;web;moda;Si, sempre e cando o teu pedido non fose enviado ou estea a punto de estalo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1383;EN;web;moda;Yes, as long as your order has not been shipped nor is about to be shipped;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1384;GL;web;moda;Contacta co noso servizo de atención ao cliente para tratar de modificar o teu pedido antes de que sexa enviado ao seu lugar de destino;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1384;EN;web;moda;If you need to change or modify your order before it’s been shipped to its destination, contact our Customer Service Department;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1385;GL;web;moda;Encontrarás o teléfono e o horario de servizo no apartado Contacto da nosa páxina web;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1385;EN;web;moda;You can find the telephone number and the working timetable in the “Contact” section on our website;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1386;GL;web;moda;"Podes cancelar o teu pedido accedendo á túa conta no apartado pedidos realizados e facendo clic no botón ""cancelar pedido""";alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1386;EN;web;moda;"You can cancel your order from inside of your account, under ORDERS PLACED section by clicking on the ""cancel order"" button";alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1387;GL;web;moda;Se realizaches a compra como convidado, deberás facer clic na ligazón que aparece no correo electrónico de confirmación de compra e rexistrarte ou acceder a unha conta xa creada;baixa;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1387;EN;web;moda;If your order was placed as a guest, you must click on the link showed on the order confirmation email and log in/ sign up to proceed;baixa;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1388;GL;web;moda;"Ten en conta que o botón ""cancelar pedido"" aparecerá sempre e cando o teu pedido non fose enviado ou estea a punto de estalo";alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1388;EN;web;moda;"Please note that ""cancel order"" button is only showed as long as the order hasn't been shipped or isn't ready to be shipped";alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1389;GL;web;moda;OYSHO.com só vende artigos en perfecto estado, porén, se tes unha peza defectuosa, ponte en contacto co noso Departamento de Atención ao Cliente;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1389;EN;web;moda;OYSHO.COM only sells items in perfect conditions but if you have a faulty garment contact our Customer Service department;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1390;GL;web;moda;Se en calquera momento, por erro, recibes un artigo que non pediches, ponte en contacto co noso persoal de servizo ao cliente, quen resolverá a situación tan pronto como sexa posible;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1390;EN;web;moda;If at any time, by mistake, you receive an article that you have not ordered contact our Customer Service department, who will resolve the situation as soon as possible;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1391;GL;web;moda;Os nosos reloxos están garantidos por un período de dous anos a partir da data de compra;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1391;EN;web;moda;Our watches have a two year warranty period from the date of their purchase;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1392;GL;web;moda;A garantía é limitada, o que supón que hai certos compoñentes que non quedan cubertos;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1392;EN;web;moda;It is a limited warranty, therefore certain parts are not covered;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1393;GL;web;moda;Para máis información, recomendámosche ler o folleto incluído coa compra do teu reloxo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1393;EN;web;moda;For more information, please read the leaflet included in your watch purchase;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1394;GL;web;moda;Acude a unha das nosas tendas de Oysho co teu tícket de compra e a garantía selada correctamente e dende alí, se cumpre as condicións, cambiarase por unha unidade nova;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1394;EN;web;moda;Visit one of our Oysho stores with your purchase receipt and the warranty stamped correctly, and if it fulfils the necessary conditions it will be changed for a new one;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1395;GL;web;moda;Non, os reloxos pódense mollar pero non somerxer;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1395;EN;web;moda;No, our watches can get wet but cannot be submerged in water;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1396;GL;web;moda;Aceptamos as seguintes formas de pagamento: Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, American Express, Affinity Card, tarxeta regalo de Oysho, PayPal, Bizum e transferencia bancaria;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1396;EN;web;moda;We accept the following payment methods: Visa, Visa Electron, Mastercard, American Express, Affinity Card, Oysho's Gift Card, Paypal, Bizum and wire transfer;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1397;GL;web;moda;Para realizar o pagamento con Bizum introduce o número de teléfono e a clave asociada ao servizo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1397;EN;web;moda;To make the payment with Bizum, enter the telephone number and key associated with the service;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1398;GL;web;moda;Se aínda non dispós da clave Bizum podes solicitala na app do teu banco;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1398;EN;web;moda;If you still don’t have the Bizum key, you can request it on your banking app;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1399;GL;web;moda;Recibirás un código de confirmación por sms que deberás introducir antes de finalizar o pagamento;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1399;EN;web;moda;"You’ll receive a confirmation code by sms; enter this before finalising the payment";alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1400;GL;web;moda;En caso de que a túa entidade bancaria non dispoña de clave, serás redirixido á app do teu banco para autorizar a compra;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1400;EN;web;moda;If your bank doesn’t have the key, you will be redirected to your banking app to authorise the purchase;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1401;GL;web;moda;A posibilidade de usar este servizo estará suxeita á dispoñibilidade de cada entidade bancaria;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1401;EN;web;moda;The option to use this service is subject to each bank’s availability;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1402;GL;web;moda;A túa tarxeta pode ser rexeitada por unha das seguintes razóns;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1402;EN;web;moda;Your card may be rejected for one of the following reasons;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1403;GL;web;moda;Talvez os datos foron introducidos incorrectamente. Comproba que os datos foron introducidos correctamente en todos os campos;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1403;EN;web;moda;Maybe the details were entered incorrectly. Check that the details have been entered correctly for all fields;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1404;GL;web;moda;A tarxeta puido caducar. Comproba que a tarxeta non caducou;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1404;EN;web;moda;The card may have expired. Check that your card has not expired;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1405;GL;web;moda;A tarxeta puido chegar ao seu límite;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1405;EN;web;moda;The card may have reached its limit;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1406;GL;web;moda;Consulta co teu banco se a tarxeta excedeu o importe permitido para as compras;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1406;EN;web;moda;Check with your bank that your card has not exceeded the amount allowed for purchases;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1407;GL;web;moda;Só tes que seleccionar a opción “Empresa” en datos persoais e completar os datos financeiros solicitados;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1407;EN;web;moda;Simply select the COMPANY option under personal details and complete the financial details requested;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1408;GL;web;moda;Si, os datos transmítense de forma encriptada SSL;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1408;EN;web;moda;Yes, the data is transmitted via SSL encryption;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1409;GL;web;moda;Para o pagamento con tarxetas de crédito e débito requírese introducir un código imprimido na tarxeta que se utiliza como medida de seguridade nas transaccións de comercio electrónico;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1409;EN;web;moda;For payments with credit and debit cards, you are required to enter a code printed on the card that serves as a security measure during electronic commerce transactions;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1410;GL;web;moda;O país de entrega sempre ten que coincidir co país de compra;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1410;EN;web;moda;The country of delivery must always coincide with the country of purchase;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1411;GL;web;moda;Os prazos de entrega dependen do tipo de envío seleccionado;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1411;EN;web;moda;Delivery times depend on the type of delivery selected;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1412;GL;web;moda;Durante o período de rebaixas e promocións os tempos de envío poden aumentar;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1412;EN;web;moda;During Sales Period and Special offers, delivery times may increase;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1413;GL;web;moda;Accede ao apartado pedidos realizados da túa conta e poderás ver o estado do teu pedido en tempo real;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1413;EN;web;moda;Go to the “orders placed” section in your account and you’ll be able to see the status of your order in real time;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1414;GL;web;moda;Se realizaches o pedido como invitado, suxerímosche que consultes as notificacións de estado de pedido que che enviamos por correo electrónico;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1414;EN;web;moda;If you placed your order as a guest, we recommend you check the status of your order via the notifications we send to your email address;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1415;GL;web;moda;En caso de elixir a entrega en tenda, comunicarémosche a chegada do paquete a través dun correo electrónico e/ou un SMS;baixa;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1415;EN;web;moda;If you have selected store delivery we will notify you of delivery via email and/or sms;baixa;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1416;GL;web;moda;terás 15 días para recollelo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1416;EN;web;moda;you will have 15 days to collect it;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1417;GL;web;moda;Para recoller o teu pedido en tenda, é necesario que leves o DNI (ou Pasaporte) e o número de pedido á tenda que seleccionaches;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1417;EN;web;moda;To collect your order on our store it’s necessary that you take your ID Card (Passport) and your order number at the store that you have selected;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1418;GL;web;moda;Si, a condición de que cumpras as condicións xerais que figuran a continuación;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1418;EN;web;moda;Yes, provided you comply with the terms and conditions given below;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1419;GL;web;moda;A maioría dos nosos produtos están clasificados como de uso persoal e íntimo, o que significa que non se aceptarán devolucións se abriches a embalaxe de protección;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1419;EN;web;moda;Most of our products are classified as being for personal and intimate use and wear, which means that no returns will be accepted if the protective packaging has been opened;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1420;GL;web;moda;Do mesmo xeito, non aceptamos devolucións de pezas usadas;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1420;EN;web;moda;Likewise, we do not accept returns for garments that have been worn;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1421;GL;web;moda;O xeito máis sinxelo de devolver un artigo é unha das nosas tendas OYSHO (sempre que sexa do mesmo país desde o que se realizou a compra);alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1421;EN;web;moda;The easiest way to return an item is at one of our OYSHO stores (as long as it’s in the same country you made the purchase);alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1422;GL;web;moda;As pezas teñen que estar en perfecto estado e co seu correspondente tícket;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1422;EN;web;moda;The items must be in perfect condition with their corresponding receipt;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1423;GL;web;moda;Lembrámosche que é imprescindíbel amosar o tícket electrónico para calquera xestión. Podes presentalo na pantalla do teu dispositivo móbil ou imprimilo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1423;EN;web;moda;Please remember that you must show the e-receipt for any process. You can show it on the screen of your mobile device or print it;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1424;GL;web;moda;Atoparás o teu tícket electrónico nas comunicacións do teu pedido ou na túa conta cliente, premendo no pedido para devolver e seleccionando a opción «Devolución en tenda»;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1424;EN;web;moda;You will find your e-receipt in your order notifications or in your customer account, by clicking on the order to return and selecting the option “in-store return”;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1425;GL;web;moda;Porén, tamén podes facer a devolución por Drop Off;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1425;EN;web;moda;However, you can also return items at a Drop Off point;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1426;GL;web;moda;opción non dispoñíbel na actualidade para pedidos de Ceuta e Melilla;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1426;EN;web;moda;option not currently available for Ceuta and Melilla orders;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1427;GL;web;moda;Para iso, accede á sección «A miña conta» e marca os artigos para devolver e as cantidades;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1427;EN;web;moda;To do this, go to the “My account” section and select the items to be returned and the quantities;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1428;GL;web;moda;Se realizaches a túa compra como convidado, podes acceder a esta información desde a ligazón incluída no teu correo electrónico de confirmación de pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1428;EN;web;moda;If you have purchased as a guest, you can access this information from the link included in your order confirmation email;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1429;GL;web;moda;Recibirás por correo electrónico a etiqueta de devolución que poderás imprimir e pegar no paquete pechado, ou mostrar a través do teu dispositivo móbil no punto de recollida;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1429;EN;web;moda;You’ll receive the returns label by email so you can print it out and attach to the sealed package, or show on your mobile device at the drop-off point;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1430;GL;web;moda;Para realizar o envío, dispós dunha rede moi ampla de puntos de recollida que podes consultar aquí;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1430;EN;web;moda;To send the item, there’s a very large network of drop-off points you can see here;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1431;GL;web;moda;Lembra que dispós dun mes tras a confirmación de envío do teu pedido para facer a devolución;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1431;EN;web;moda;Remember, you have one month to return items after the shipping confirmation for your order was sent;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1432;GL;web;moda;O reintegro realizarase a través do mesmo método de pagamento empregado no teu pedido, e o prazo de aboamento dependerá da túa entidade bancaria;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1432;EN;web;moda;The refund will be made through the same method used to pay for your order, and the payment time will depend on your bank;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1433;GL;web;moda;O prazo para calquera devolución é de un mes desde a data de envío;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1433;EN;web;moda;The return deadline is one month from the date of shipment;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1434;GL;web;moda;"Para devolucións de tarxetas regalo física compradas online ou e-tarxetas regalo, por favor diríxete ás condicións, na sección ""e-Tarxeta regalo""";alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1434;EN;web;moda;For returns concerning Physical Gift Cards purchased online or E-gift Cards, please refer to the conditions, available on the “e-Gift Card” section;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1435;GL;web;moda;As devolucións en OYSHO.com son sempre de forma gratuíta;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1435;EN;web;moda;OYSHO.com returns are always free of charge;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1436;GL;web;moda;Unha vez aprobado o reembolso, recibirás o pagamento no mesmo método que fixeches a túa compra;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1436;EN;web;moda;Once your refund is approved you will receive payment via the same method as you made your purchase;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1437;GL;web;moda;Tras aprobar o reembolso (os artigos deben estar en perfecto estado e levar as etiquetas), recibirás un correo electrónico de confirmación que indicará que o importe se aboará na túa conta en poucos días;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1437;EN;web;moda;After approving the refund (the articles must be in perfect condition and be labelled) you will receive a confirmation email telling you that the amount will be paid into your account in a few days;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1438;GL;web;moda;Lembra que o reembolso á tarxeta de crédito depende sempre do banco;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1438;EN;web;moda;Remember that the refund to a credit card always depends on the bank;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1439;GL;web;moda;Os produtos comprados en OYSHO.com pódense cambiar por outro talle ou outra cor en calquera das nosas tendas OYSHO, sempre que estean en perfecto estado e teñamos o stock dispoñible;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1439;EN;web;moda;Items bought from OYSHO.com may be changed for another size or colour in any of our OYSHO stores provided that they are in perfect condition and that we have the stock available;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1440;GL;web;moda;Si, sempre que sexa no mesmo país onde se realizou a compra e teña a mesma sección á que pertence a peza;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1440;EN;web;moda;Yes, provided that it is in the same country where the purchase was made and that it has the same section to which the garment belongs;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1441;GL;web;moda;O modo tenda é unha nova funcionalidade que atoparás na app de Oysho, que che permitirá realizar compras a través do teu móbil e recollelas en tenda en 1 hora;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1441;EN;web;moda;"Store mode is a new feature that you’ll find on the Oysho app; it allows you to shop from your mobile and collect in-store in 1 hour";alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1442;GL;web;moda;Descarga a app de OYSHO;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1442;EN;web;moda;Download the Oysho app;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1443;GL;web;moda;Accede ao teu perfil e entra en Modo Tenda;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1443;EN;web;moda;Log into your profile and enter Store Mode;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1444;GL;web;moda;Selecciona a tenda que prefiras e descubre as coleccións dispoñíbeis;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1444;EN;web;moda;Select your favourite store and discover the available collections;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1445;GL;web;moda;Finaliza a túa compra e en unha hora poderás recoller o teu pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1445;EN;web;moda;Check out your shopping and you’ll be able to collect your order in one hour;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1446;GL;web;moda;Se seleccionaches algún artigo que non está dispoñíbel en tenda, poderás atopalo na túa cesta sempre que teñas o Modo Tenda seleccionado;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1446;EN;web;moda;If you’ve selected an item which isn’t available in-store, you’ll be able to find it in your basket as long as you select Store Mode;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1447;GL;web;moda;Unha vez desactives o Modo Tenda, os artigos estarán na túa listaxe de gardados por se decides finalizar o teu pedido en liña máis tarde;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1447;EN;web;moda;After you’ve deactivated Store Mode, the items will be in your saved list in case you decide to finish your online order later;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1448;GL;web;moda;Ás veces emitimos códigos promocionais para o beneficio dos nosos clientes, ben a través da nosa Newsletter ou mediante diferentes campañas de márketing promovidas por OYSHO.COM;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1448;EN;web;moda;We sometimes issue promotional codes for the benefit of our customers either through our Newsletter or by means of different marketing campaigns promoted by OYSHO.COM;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1449;GL;web;moda;Cada código estará suxeito a condicións específicas de uso;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1449;EN;web;moda;Each code will be subject to specific conditions of use;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1450;GL;web;moda;As condicións xerais de uso dos códigos promocionais son as que se indican a continuación, agás que se especifique o contrario;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1450;EN;web;moda;The general terms of use for the promotional codes are those indicated below, unless otherwise specified;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1451;GL;web;moda;Os códigos non se poden utilizar en combinación con outras ofertas, descontos e promocións;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1451;EN;web;moda;The codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers, discounts and promotions;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1452;GL;web;moda;Non se poden utilizar para comprar tarxetas regalo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1452;EN;web;moda;They cannot be used to buy gift cards;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1453;GL;web;moda;Só son válidos para uso persoal e non poden ser transferidos a outros usuarios;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1453;EN;web;moda;They are only valid for personal use, and cannot be transferred to other users;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1454;GL;web;moda;Non son válidos en ningún dos nosos establecementos;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1454;EN;web;moda;They are not valid in any of our establishments;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1455;GL;web;moda;Co fin de obter o desconto, debes introducir o código promocional no campo que pon *CÓDIGO PROMOCIONAL* cando esteas a completar o teu pedido no noso sitio www.oysho.com, usando SEMPRE letras maiúsculas e sen espazos;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1455;EN;web;moda;In order to obtain the discount, you must enter the promotional code in the field marked *PROMOTIONAL CODE* on completing your order on our website www.oysho.com ALWAYS using capital letters and without spaces;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1456;GL;web;moda;O Tícket Regalo permíteche enviar un pedido como regalo á persoa que desexes sen que apareza o importe na factura e nas etiquetas das pezas elixidas;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1456;EN;web;moda;A Gift Receipt allows you to send an order as a gift to whomever you’d like, without the price appearing on the receipt or on the labels of the chosen items;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1457;GL;web;moda;Ademais, é posible engadir unha mensaxe personalizada no pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1457;EN;web;moda;Plus, you can also add a personal message to the order;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1458;GL;web;moda;Iso si, a persoa que o recibe pode realizar cambios ou devolucións dos produtos regalados só en tenda física;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1458;EN;web;moda;However, the person receiving the gift may only return or exchange the gifted item(s) in a physical store;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1459;GL;web;moda;O importe dos artigos devoltos reembólsase nun tícket aboamento;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1459;EN;web;moda;The amount of the returned items will be refunded in the form of a Store Voucher;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1460;GL;web;moda;Se queres realizar un pedido como regalo, só terás que facer clic na opción Quérelo para regalar? que aparece ao procesar o pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1460;EN;web;moda;If you want to send an order as a gift, simply click on the option Is it a gift? that appears when processing your order;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1461;GL;web;moda;Esta opción non está dispoñible se estás a mercar unha Tarxeta Regalo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1461;EN;web;moda;This option is not available if you purchase a Gift Card;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1462;GL;web;moda;Cando selecciones a opción Tícket Regalo, poderás introducir unha breve mensaxe que imprimiremos e incluiremos no teu pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1462;EN;web;moda;When selecting the option of a Gift Receipt, you’ll be able to type a short message that we’ll print out and include in your order;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1463;GL;web;moda;Ao realizar a compra, suxerímosche incluír o teléfono da persoa que recibirá o regalo para que poida facer seguimento do pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1463;EN;web;moda;When completing your purchase, we recommend that you include the telephone number of the recipient of the gift so that he or she can track the order;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1464;GL;web;moda;Non aconsellamos que introduzas o seu correo electrónico, xa que neste caso tamén recibiría as notificacións habituais cos prezos indicados;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1464;EN;web;moda;We don’t recommend entering the recipient's email as, in this case, he or she will also receive the standard notifications where prices are indicated;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1465;GL;web;moda;Se o prefires, podes introducir os teus datos e serás ti quen reciba a información sobre o estado do pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1465;EN;web;moda;If you prefer, you can enter your own details so that you are the person receiving all information relevant to the order's status;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1466;GL;web;moda;Para calquera cambio ou devolución, o prazo é dun mes a partir da data que aparece no mesmo Tícket regalo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1466;EN;web;moda;For returns, you have 1 month from the date that appears on the same Gift Receipt;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1467;GL;web;moda;O destinatario pode devolver o pedido acudindo a calquera das nosas tendas OYSHO do mesmo país no cal se realizou a compra;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1467;EN;web;moda;The recipient may return any item in the order by visiting any of our physical OYSHO stores, in the same country where the purchase was made;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1468;GL;web;moda;O importe reembolsarase a través dun Tícket de aboamento que o persoal de tenda facilitará ao realizar a devolución;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1468;EN;web;moda;The refund will be made to a Store Voucher that the sales assistant will hand over once the return has been completed;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1469;GL;web;moda;No propio Tícket Aboamento aparece un código de barras e unha numeración de 16 díxitos cun CVV;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1469;EN;web;moda;On the same Store Voucher there is a barcode and 16 digits number as well as a CVV code;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1470;GL;web;moda;Este tícket equivale ao importe devolto e pódelo utilizar tanto para compras en liña como en tenda;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1470;EN;web;moda;This voucher is equivalent to the amount returned and it may be used for both online and in-store purchases;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1471;GL;web;moda;Para iso só deberás utilizar o tícket orixinal, a factura ou o código QR en lugar do Tícket Regalo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1471;EN;web;moda;To do so you’ll simply need to return using the original receipt, invoice or QR code, instead of the Gift Receipt;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1472;GL;web;moda;Poderás localizar todos os documentos na túa conta de OYSHO.COM e podes ou ben imprimilos ou mostralos no teu dispositivo móbil;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1472;EN;web;moda;You’ll find all documents in your OYSHO.COM account, and you can either print them out or show them from the screen of your mobile device;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1473;GL;web;moda;Selecciona a modalidade de pagamento que dispoñas;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1473;EN;web;moda;Select your payment method;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1474;GL;web;moda;Introduce a túa tarxeta de pagamento e selecciona coa que queres pagar;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1474;EN;web;moda;Enter your payment card and select the one you want to pay with;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1475;GL;web;moda;Unha vez seleccionada a tarxeta xerarase automaticamente un código QR co que se poderá pagar directamente en caixa;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1475;EN;web;moda;After the card has been selected, a QR code will be generated automatically which can be used to pay directly at the till;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1476;GL;web;moda;En WALLET poderás ter todos os teus pedidos resumidos e organizados para consultalos sempre, tanto os feitos en tenda como online;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1476;EN;web;moda;WALLET summarises and organises all your orders placed online or in store so you can check them whenever you want;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1477;GL;web;moda;Facer seguimento do estado do teu pedido;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1477;EN;web;moda;Track the status of your order;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1478;GL;web;moda;Descargar a factura do pedido para calquera xestión de cambio ou devolución en punto de venda;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1478;EN;web;moda;Download the order invoice to carry out any exchanges or returns at the point of sale;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1479;GL;web;moda;Poderás mostrar o teu tícket / factura e desde tenda escanealo;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1479;EN;web;moda;You can show your receipt/invoice and scan it in-store;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1480;GL;web;moda;Cando remate o proceso de escanado, aparecerá na pantalla que se procedeu con éxito;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1480;EN;web;moda;When the scanning process has finished, a message will appear on the screen that it has been completed successfully;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1481;GL;web;moda;En Oysho cremos nos proxectos sostíbeis;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1481;EN;web;moda;At Oysho we believe in sustainable projects;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1482;GL;web;moda;O e-tícket é a nosa aposta por minimizar o impacto no medio e reducir o consumo de papel;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1482;EN;web;moda;The e-receipt is a commitment to minimise environmental impact and reduce paper consumption;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1483;GL;web;moda;Na app inclúese o teu ID de cliente, un código QR que che permitirá recibir no teu teléfono todos os tíckets das túas compras realizadas en tenda;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1483;EN;web;moda;On the App, you can find your customer ID, a QR code that lets you get all your in-store purchase receipts on your phone;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1484;GL;web;moda;Se desexas proceder a un cambio ou unha devolución, poderás seleccionar o tícket que queres devolver e ensinalo na pantalla do teu móbil, igual que facemos coas devolucións das compras en liña;baixa;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1484;EN;web;moda;If you wish to make an exchange or return, you can simply select the relevant receipt and show it on your phone screen, the same as when you return online purchases;baixa;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1485;GL;web;moda;Asegúrate sempre de recibir o e-tícket antes de saír da tenda;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1485;EN;web;moda;Always make sure you've received the e-receipt before you leave the store;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1486;GL;web;moda;Se non o recibes no momento da compra, as nosas compañeiras de tenda poderán axudarte;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1486;EN;web;moda;If you don't get it at the time of purchase, our store colleagues will be able to help you;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1487;GL;web;moda;Se non dispós do e-tícket, ponte en contacto co noso servizo de Atención ao Cliente a través de calquera das canles dispoñíbeis na nosa páxina web;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1487;EN;web;moda;If you don't have the e-receipt, get in touch with our Customer Services through any of the channels available on our website;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1488;GL;web;moda;A partir de agora recibirás tan só o tícket dixital en todos os teus pedidos en liña;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1488;EN;web;moda;From now on you will only receive an e-receipt with all your online orders;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1489;GL;web;moda;O e-tícket adxuntarase no correo de confirmación de expedición en formato PDF;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1489;EN;web;moda;The e-receipt will be attached in PDF format in the shipping confirmation email;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1490;GL;web;moda;Mostra o código QR do teu pedido en liña desde o teu dispositivo móbil;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1490;EN;web;moda;Simply show the QR code for the order being returned from your mobile;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1491;GL;web;moda;Esta función non está dispoñible para pedidos feitos en liña con pagamento en tenda;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/att-client.html 1491;EN;web;moda;This option is not available for online orders that were paid for in store;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/att-client.html 1492;GL;web;moda;A e-Tarxeta envíase por correo electrónico á persoa que nos indiques no día e hora que elixas;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/gift-card-virtual.html 1492;EN;web;moda;The e-Gift Card is sent by email to whomever you tell us on the day and time you choose;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/gift-card-virtual.html 1493;GL;web;moda;O prazo de devolución é de 30 días naturais desde a data de envío da Tarxeta ao destinatario da mesma;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/gift-card-virtual.html 1493;EN;web;moda;The return period is 30 calendar days from the date the Card is sent to the recipient;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/gift-card-virtual.html 1494;GL;web;moda;O importe será reembolsado no mesmo método de pago;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/gift-card-virtual.html 1494;EN;web;moda;The amount will be refunded onto the same method of payment;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/gift-card-virtual.html 1495;GL;web;moda;En Oysho renovamos coleccións tan rápido como cambian as tendencias de moda;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/company.html 1495;EN;web;moda;At Oysho we renew collections as fast as the fashion trends change;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/company.html 1496;GL;web;moda;Cada día crecemos co fin de estar máis preto dos nosos clientes, polo que as novas oportunidades profesionais van sempre en aumento;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/company.html 1496;EN;web;moda;Every day we grow in order to be closer to our customers, so new professional opportunities are always arising;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/company.html 1497;GL;web;moda;Vén traballar connosco!;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/gl/company.html 1497;EN;web;moda;Come and work with us!;alta;https://www.oysho.com/es/en/company.html 1498;GL;web;moda;Suave, agradable e moi delicada, a caxemira é probablemente unha das nosas las máis prezadas;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/caxemira-c1020210545.html 1498;EN;web;moda;Soft, pleasant and very delicate, cashmere is probably one of our most precious wools;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/cashmere-c1020210545.html 1499;GL;web;moda;O máis recomendable para o seu coidado é o lavado á man e cun deterxente especial para tecidos delicados, aínda que tamén admite lavado á máquina a baixa temperatura;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/caxemira-c1020210545.html 1499;EN;web;moda;For the best care, we recommend washing delicate fabrics by hand and with a special detergent, although machine washing at a low temperature is also possible;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/cashmere-c1020210545.html 1500;GL;web;moda;Para o secado é importante colocar sempre a la en horizontal para evitar que estire co seu peso mollado;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/caxemira-c1020210545.html 1500;EN;web;moda;When drying, it is important to always place the wool horizontally to avoid it stretching with its wet weight;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/cashmere-c1020210545.html 1501;GL;web;moda;Consulta sempre as instrucións de coidado que acompañan ao produto, aí indícanse as especificacións individuais en canto a uso;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/caxemira-c1020210545.html 1501;EN;web;moda;"Always consult the care instructions that come with the product; the individual specifications for use are indicated there";alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/cashmere-c1020210545.html 1502;GL;web;moda;A madeira é un material que está en continuo proceso de cambio, a súa cor, acabado e aparencia poden ir variando co paso dos anos;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1502;EN;web;moda;"Wood is a material that is in a continuous process of change; its colour, finish and appearance can vary over the years";alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1503;GL;web;moda;Para evitar que isto estrague o teu moble favorito, evita colocar obxectos sempre no mesmo lugar sobre unha superficie de madeira: a luz do sol pode aclarar a madeira e acaba deixando marcas;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1503;EN;web;moda;"To prevent this from damaging your favourite piece of furniture, always avoid placing objects in the same place on a wooden surface; sunlight can brighten the wood and leave marks";alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1504;GL;web;moda;Para a limpeza da madeira, recoméndase usar un pano húmido e secar inmediatamente evitando que quede auga na superficie;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1504;EN;web;moda;When cleaning the wood, we recommend using a damp cloth and drying immediately to avoid leaving remaining water on the surface;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1505;GL;web;moda;En caso de ter que limpar manchas máis fortes, pódese usar un pouco de xabón específico, sempre evitando fregar para non danar a madeira, e aclarar cun pano húmido;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1505;EN;web;moda;"In the case of having to clean stronger stains, you can use a little bit of wood cleaner; always avoiding rubbing so as not to damage the wood, and rinse with a damp cloth";alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1506;GL;web;moda;Os utensilios de madeira son ideais para cociñar, polo que o coidado destes é clave para o seu mantemento;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1506;EN;web;moda;Wooden utensils are ideal for cooking, so taking care of these is key to their maintenance;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1507;GL;web;moda;Recomendable lavar sempre á man, cun xabón suave e auga morna;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1507;EN;web;moda;We recommend always washing by hand, with a soft soap and warm water;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1508;GL;web;moda;Enxaugalos abundantemente e deixar secar sempre en vertical;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1508;EN;web;moda;Rinse thoroughly and always dry vertically;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1509;GL;web;moda;A madeira é un material poroso, polo que un bo secado é crucial para evitar que quede o cheiro a comida;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1509;EN;web;moda;Wood is a porous material, so drying properly is crucial to prevent the smell of food lingering;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1510;GL;web;moda;É recomendable tratar estes utensilios cun aceite vexetal;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1510;EN;web;moda;We recommend treating these utensils with vegetable oil;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1511;GL;web;moda;Para eliminar cheiros non desexados, fregar a madeira con limón e sal;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1511;EN;web;moda;To remove unwanted odours, rub the wood with lemon and salt;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1512;GL;web;moda;Consulta sempre as instrucións de coidado que acompañan ao produto, aí indícanse as especificacións individuais en canto a uso, cor etc;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/madeira-c1020210552.html 1512;EN;web;moda;"Always consult the care instructions that come with the product; the individual specifications for use, colour, etc. are indicated there";alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/wood-c1020210552.html 1513;GL;web;moda;O liño é un tecido natural que vai cambiando de aspecto e textura co paso do tempo;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/li%C3%B1o-c1020210554.html 1513;EN;web;moda;Linen is a natural fabric that changes in appearance and texture over time;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/linen-c1020210554.html 1514;GL;web;moda;Cos lavados, as súas fibras vólvense máis suaves, polo que a súa aparencia e tacto varían;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/li%C3%B1o-c1020210554.html 1514;EN;web;moda;With washing, the fibres become softer, thus changing its appearance and touch;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/linen-c1020210554.html 1515;GL;web;moda;Recoméndase lavar á máquina, a baixa temperatura e cun deterxente suave;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/li%C3%B1o-c1020210554.html 1515;EN;web;moda;We recommend machine washing at a low temperature and with a mild detergent;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/linen-c1020210554.html 1516;GL;web;moda;De facer un lavado á man, o aclarado debe ser con auga morna;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/li%C3%B1o-c1020210554.html 1516;EN;web;moda;If washing by hand, rinse with warm water;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/linen-c1020210554.html 1517;GL;web;moda;Para manter a estética natural do liño, o ideal é deixalo secar ao aire libre, aínda que para obter unha textura máis suave se pode realizar un secado á máquina, sempre a baixa temperatura e nun programa curto;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/li%C3%B1o-c1020210554.html 1517;EN;web;moda;To maintain the natural aesthetics of linen, it is ideal to leave it to dry outdoors, although to obtain a softer texture you can machine dry, always at a low temperature and using a short programme;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/linen-c1020210554.html 1518;GL;web;moda;O liño engúrrase con facilidade: esa engurra é unha das súas características máis prezadas, polo que podes usalo directamente sen pasar o ferro ou optar por unha pasada suave;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/li%C3%B1o-c1020210554.html 1518;EN;web;moda;Linen wrinkles easily, with wrinkling being one of its most precious characteristics, so you can use it without ironing or opt for light ironing;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/linen-c1020210554.html 1519;GL;web;moda;A gran resistencia do aceiro inoxidable fai que, se se coida, poida durar case eternamente;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/aceiro-c1020210546.html 1519;EN;web;moda;The high resistance of stainless steel means that if it is taken care of properly, it can almost last forever;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/steel-c1020210546.html 1520;GL;web;moda;É moi importante manter unha rutina de limpeza dos teus obxectos de aceiro inoxidable mesmo se non os usas regularmente, isto axuda a que o material manteña as súas propiedades;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/aceiro-c1020210546.html 1520;EN;web;moda;It is very important to routinely clean your stainless steel objects, even if you do not use them regularly, as it helps the material maintain its properties;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/steel-c1020210546.html 1521;GL;web;moda;Non todos os produtos son compatibles co lavado á máquina, consulta sempre o manual de uso e utiliza no seu lugar auga morna e un xabón suave ou específico para este tipo de aceiro;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/aceiro-c1020210546.html 1521;EN;web;moda;"Not all products are compatible with machine washing; always consult the user manual, and instead use lukewarm water and a mild and/or specific soap for this type of steel";alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/steel-c1020210546.html 1522;GL;web;moda;Ao lavalo, recorda non utilizar fibras daniñas e non fregar con forza para evitar raiar o aceiro e danar así a súa superficie;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/aceiro-c1020210546.html 1522;EN;web;moda;When washing, remember not to use harmful fibres and do not rub hard to avoid scratching the steel and damaging its surface.;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/steel-c1020210546.html 1523;GL;web;moda;Se as pezas poden lavarse á máquina, antes de introducilas, é conveniente enxaugalas con auga, sobre todo se se serviu viño nelas;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/cristaler%C3%ADa-c1020210547.html 1523;EN;web;moda;If the parts can be machine-washed, we recommend rinsing them with water before putting them in, especially if they have been used for wine;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/glassware-c1020210547.html 1524;GL;web;moda;Ao colocalas na lavalouza, é moi importante poñer atención á altura das pezas e ter coidado ao colocalas para que non choquen entre si e rompan durante o lavado;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/cristaler%C3%ADa-c1020210547.html 1524;EN;web;moda;When placing them in the dishwasher, it is very important to pay attention to the height of the pieces, taking care when putting them in so that they do not hit each other and break during washing;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/glassware-c1020210547.html 1525;GL;web;moda;Presta especial atención á dosificación de deterxente e abrillantador, estes produtos en exceso poden deixar restos que afecten a estética da cristalería e o sabor das bebidas que sirvas nelas;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/cristaler%C3%ADa-c1020210547.html 1525;EN;web;moda;"Pay special attention to the amount of detergent and brightener used; using these products in excess can leave traces that affect the aesthetics of the glassware and the taste of the drinks you serve in them";alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/glassware-c1020210547.html 1526;GL;web;moda;Para evitar as manchas de cal no cristal, podes engadir sal á lavalouza;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/cristaler%C3%ADa-c1020210547.html 1526;EN;web;moda;To avoid lime stains on the glass, you can add salt to the dishwasher;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/glassware-c1020210547.html 1527;GL;web;moda;Se as pezas son moi delicadas, ou están decoradas ou pintadas con tons metalizados;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/cristaler%C3%ADa-c1020210547.html 1527;EN;web;moda;If the items are very delicate, or if they are decorated or painted with metallic details;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/glassware-c1020210547.html 1528;GL;web;moda;Enxaugalas abundantemente despois con auga morna;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/cristaler%C3%ADa-c1020210547.html 1528;EN;web;moda;Rinse them thoroughly with warm water;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/glassware-c1020210547.html 1529;GL;web;moda;Un bo secado tras o lavado é fundamental, xa for este á man ou á máquina, polo que é recomendable colocar as pezas para secar boca abaixo sobre un pano;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/cristaler%C3%ADa-c1020210547.html 1529;EN;web;moda;Proper drying after washing is essential, whether by hand or by machine, so we recommend putting the items face down on a cloth to dry;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/glassware-c1020210547.html 1530;GL;web;moda;Se queres darlles brillo extra, antes de gardalas pásalles un pano suave e seco que non solte peluxe;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/cristaler%C3%ADa-c1020210547.html 1530;EN;web;moda;If you want to give them an extra shine before storing them, rub them with a soft and dry lint-free cloth;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/glassware-c1020210547.html 1531;GL;web;moda;O mantemento do algodón é relativamente sinxelo;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/algod%C3%B3n-c1020210548.html 1531;EN;web;moda;Cotton maintenance is relatively straightforward;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/cotton-c1020210548.html 1532;GL;web;moda;É un tecido resistente e de doado lavado, pero é conveniente seguir algunhas pautas para conservar todas as súas propiedades;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/algod%C3%B3n-c1020210548.html 1532;EN;web;moda;It is a resistant fabric and easy to wash, but we recommend following some guidelines to maintain all its properties;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/cotton-c1020210548.html 1533;GL;web;moda;É recomendable un lavado á máquina a temperatura moderada, xa que o algodón é unha fibra natural e pode encoller a altas temperaturas;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/algod%C3%B3n-c1020210548.html 1533;EN;web;moda;We recommend machine washing at a moderate temperature as cotton is a natural fibre and can shrink at high temperatures;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/cotton-c1020210548.html 1534;GL;web;moda;Recorda estirar ben as pezas antes de secar, para evitar engurras innecesarias, e intenta colgar sempre o algodón por unha zona que non sexa moi visible para que non queden marcas non desexadas;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/algod%C3%B3n-c1020210548.html 1534;EN;web;moda;Remember to smooth out the items well before drying to avoid unnecessary wrinkles, and always try to hang the cotton in an area that is not very visible to avoid unwanted marks;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/cotton-c1020210548.html 1535;GL;web;moda;Pódese usar secadora, pero recoméndase o secado ao aire libre;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/algod%C3%B3n-c1020210548.html 1535;EN;web;moda;A tumble dryer can be used, while drying outdoors is recommended;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/cotton-c1020210548.html 1536;GL;web;moda;É importante ter en conta a gramaxe do tecido para poder decidir que tipo de lavado é o máis apropiado;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/algod%C3%B3n-c1020210548.html 1536;EN;web;moda;It is important to take into account the weight of the fabric in order to decide which type of washing is the most appropriate;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/cotton-c1020210548.html 1537;GL;web;moda;Para que unha candea dure o maior tempo posible, recomendámosche seguir algúns pasos que che axudarán tamén a gozar dela con seguridade;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/candeas-c1020210549.html 1537;EN;web;moda;For a candle to last as long as possible, we recommend you follow some steps that will also help you to enjoy it safely;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/candles-c1020210549.html 1538;GL;web;moda;É importante que a candea a manteñamos sempre en posición vertical mentres estea acendida, para que a cera se queime de xeito uniforme;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/candeas-c1020210549.html 1538;EN;web;moda;It is important to always keep the candle upright while it is lit so the wax burns uniformly;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/candles-c1020210549.html 1539;GL;web;moda;Ademais, debes deixar a mecha cortada a 6 mm sobre a cera para que o queimado sexa óptimo, e sempre deixar a cera libre de residuos;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/candeas-c1020210549.html 1539;EN;web;moda;You must also leave the wick cut to 6mm on the wax for the optimal burn, and always leave the wax free of residue;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/candles-c1020210549.html 1540;GL;web;moda;É conveniente tamén evitar o uso da candea máis de 4 horas ininterrompidas e recorda apagala sempre cun apagacandeas;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/candeas-c1020210549.html 1540;EN;web;moda; It is also advisable to avoid using the candle for more than 4 consecutive hours and remember to always extinguish it with a candle extinguisher;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/candles-c1020210549.html 1541;GL;web;moda;Unha vez que se estea apagada, deixa que a cera se arrefríe antes de volver utilizala;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/candeas-c1020210549.html 1541;EN;web;moda;When the candle is extinguished, let the wax cool off before you light it again;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/candles-c1020210549.html 1542;GL;web;moda;Por último, nunca deixes que a candea se consuma ata o final, apágaa antes de que a mecha chegue á base;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/candeas-c1020210549.html 1542;EN;web;moda;"Finally, never let the candle burn to the end; extinguish it before the wick reaches the base";alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/candles-c1020210549.html 1543;GL;web;moda;Para asegurar a capacidade de absorción e a esponxosidade das toallas, é recomendable lavalas con auga fría antes do primeiro uso;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/toallas-c1020210550.html 1543;EN;web;moda;To ensure the absorption capacity and sponginess of the towels, we recommend washing them with cold water before the first use;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/towels-c1020210550.html 1544;GL;web;moda;Nos posteriores lavados á máquina, é preferible usar pouca cantidade de deterxente e que este non sexa moi agresivo, para protexer as fibras e que non afecte a calidade da toalla;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/toallas-c1020210550.html 1544;EN;web;moda; In the subsequent machine washes, it is preferable to use a small amount of mild detergent to protect the fibres and to not affect the quality of the towel;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/towels-c1020210550.html 1545;GL;web;moda;Unha vez lavadas, e antes de secalas, é conveniente sacudilas ben para separar o rizo e que queden de novo esponxosas;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/toallas-c1020210550.html 1545;EN;web;moda;Once washed and before drying, we recommend shaking well to separate the fibres and make the towel spongy again;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/towels-c1020210550.html 1546;GL;web;moda;Recorda gardalas cando estean totalmente secas para evitar que a humidade provoque mal olor ou podrezan as fibras;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/toallas-c1020210550.html 1546;EN;web;moda;Remember to store them when they are completely dry to prevent moisture from making them smell bad or from rotting the fibres;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/towels-c1020210550.html 1547;GL;web;moda;Unha alfombra pode durar toda a vida se sabes como coidala;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/alfombras-c1020210551.html 1547;EN;web;moda;A rug can last a lifetime if you know how to take care of it well;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/rugs-c1020210551.html 1548;GL;web;moda;É recomendable aspirala con regularidade para eliminar o po e as pequenas sucidades que poidan quedar entre o tecido: podes axudarte dun sacudidor de alfombras para iso;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/alfombras-c1020210551.html 1548;EN;web;moda;"We recommend vacuuming regularly to remove dust and small pieces of dirt that may stick in the fabric; you can also use a rug beater for this";alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/rugs-c1020210551.html 1549;GL;web;moda;Encontrarás, na nosa colección, alfombras aptas para lavar á máquina;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/alfombras-c1020210551.html 1549;EN;web;moda;You will find rugs suitable for machine washing in our collection;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/rugs-c1020210551.html 1550;GL;web;moda;Case todas as nosas vaixelas admiten o lavado á máquina;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1550;EN;web;moda;Almost all of our crockery is machine-washable;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1551;GL;web;moda;É importante regular a temperatura da lavalouza e o tipo de programa de lavado;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1551;EN;web;moda;It is important to regulate the temperature of the dishwasher and the type of washing programme;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1552;GL;web;moda;Á hora de colocar as pezas na bandexa, debes prestar atención para que non choquen entre elas e se danen;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1552;EN;web;moda;When placing the items on the rack, you must be careful that they do not hit each other and get damaged;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1553;GL;web;moda;Para evitar que se perda o brillo natural dalgúns materiais, como a porcelana, por exemplo, é preferible utilizar pouca cantidade de deterxente e que este non teña compoñentes cítricos;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1553;EN;web;moda;In order to avoid diminishing the natural shine of some materials such as porcelain, for example, we recommend using a small amount of detergent that has no citrus components;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1554;GL;web;moda;Ao rematar o lavado, abre coidadosamente a porta e deixa que a calor se evapore lentamente, para evitar a condensación;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1554;EN;web;moda;After washing, carefully open the door and allow the heat to evaporate slowly to avoid condensation;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1555;GL;web;moda;As túas pezas máis delicadas, para evitar sorpresas, é mellor lavalas á man;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1555;EN;web;moda;For your most delicate items, to avoid any surprises, it is better to wash them by hand;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1556;GL;web;moda;Recorda facelo sempre con moito coidado para evitar que rompan ou se danen;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1556;EN;web;moda;Remember to always do it very carefully to avoid breakage or damage;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1557;GL;web;moda;O deterxente debe ser suave para non estragar as decoracións da vaixela e podes utilizar un cepillo suave ou unha esponxa suave de lavado;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1557;EN;web;moda;You should use a mild detergent so as not to damage the decorations of the dishes, and you can use a soft brush or soft sponge for washing;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1558;GL;web;moda;Escorre ben cada peza tras aclarala e déixaa secar ao aire ou axudándote dun pano suave e antipeluxes;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1558;EN;web;moda;Drain each piece well after rinsing it and let it air dry, or use a soft, lint-free cloth;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1559;GL;web;moda;Para almacenar a túa vaixela, podes colocar follas de papel seda entre peza e peza, protexerala de rascadelas e do po;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1559;EN;web;moda;To store your crockery, you can place sheets of tissue paper between items, protecting them from scratches and dust;alta;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1560;GL;web;moda;Encontrarala impecable para o seu uso a próxima vez;baixa;https://www.zarahome.com/es/gl/+info/coidados/vaixela-c1020210544.html 1560;EN;web;moda;And it will be perfect for your next use;baixa;https://www.zarahome.com/es/en/+info/care/tableware-c1020210544.html 1561;GL;web;alimentación;Nueva Pescanova é unha multinacional líder no sector da comercialización dos produtos do mar;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/ 1561;EN;web;alimentación;Nueva Pescanova is a leading multinational company in the sector of seafood commercialization;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/ 1562;GL;web;alimentación;Somos das poucas empresas presentes en toda a cadea de valor: pescamos, cultivamos, transformamos e comercializamos máis de 70 especies de peixes e mariscos en 80 países de todo o mundo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/ 1562;EN;web;alimentación;We are one of the few companies that integrate all the activities of the value chain: we fish, farm, process and commercialize more than 70 species of fish and shellfish in 80 countries all over the world;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/ 1563;GL;web;alimentación;Conta cunha extensa traxectoria de máis de 30 anos en asesoramento corporativo, fusións e adquisicións, financiamento de débeda alternativa, mercados de capitais e valoracións ;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1563;EN;web;alimentación;He brings more than 30 years of extensive experience in corporate advisory, mergers and acquisitions, alternative debt financing, capital markets and valuations;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1564;GL;web;alimentación;Desenvolveu a súa carreira profesional en España, Alemaña e Reino Unido en Deutsche Bank, Barclays Capital, Citigroup, Repsol e Bekafinance;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1564;EN;web;alimentación;He has spent his career in Spain, Germany and the UK at Deutsche Bank, Barclays Capital, Citigroup, Repsol and Bekafinance;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1565;GL;web;alimentación;Coma membro do Comité Executivo, dará parte a Ignacio González, CEO da compañía.;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1565;EN;web;alimentación;As part of the Executive Committee he will report to Ignacio González, CEO of the company;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1566;GL;web;alimentación;O Grupo Nueva Pescanova designou a Carlos López Jall coma Director Xeral de Finanzas e Administración, quen formará parte do Comité Executivo e responderá directamente ante o CEO da compañía, Ignacio González.;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1566;EN;web;alimentación;The Nueva Pescanova Group has appointed Carlos López Jall as Group VP Finance and Administration, who will be part of the Executive Committee and report directly to the CEO of the company, Ignacio González;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1567;GL;web;alimentación;López Jall conta cunha traxectoria de máis de 30 anos na área financeira, especialmente nos ámbitos de asesoramento corporativo, fusións e adquisicións, financiamento de débeda alternativa, mercados de capitais e valoracións.;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1567;EN;web;alimentación;López Jall has over 30 years of experience in the financial area, especially in the fields of corporate advisory, mergers and acquisitions, alternative debt financing, capital markets and valuations;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1568;GL;web;alimentación;Ata a súa incorporación ao Grupo Nueva Pescanova desempeñaba o posto de Senior Advisor en Beka Finance;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1568;EN;web;alimentación;Before joining the Nueva Pescanova Group, he held the position of Senior Advisor at BEKA Finance;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1569;GL;web;alimentación;Estou entusiasmado por iniciar esta nova etapa nunha das compañías líderes de produtos do mar do mundo.;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1569;EN;web;alimentación;I am thrilled to begin this new journey in one of the world’s leading seafood companies;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1570;GL;web;alimentación;Acompañarei e contribuirei ao crecemento do negocio, usando a miña experiencia para asumir novos retos que me permitan achegar valor ao Grupo.;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1570;EN;web;alimentación;I will accompany and contribute to the growth of the business, using my experience to take on new challenges that will allow me to add value to the Group;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1571;GL;web;alimentación;É un honor para nós dar a benvida a Carlos ao equipo para liderar a nosa xestión financeira.;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1571;EN;web;alimentación;We are proud to welcome Carlos to our team to lead our financial management;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1572;GL;web;alimentación;O seu perfil altamente especializado en finanzas corporativas vainos permitir seguir crecendo e acadar novas metas;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1572;EN;web;alimentación;His highly specialised profile in corporate finance will allow us to continue to grow and achieve new goals;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1573;GL;web;alimentación;Carlos López é licenciado en Administración de Empresas e Finanzas por CUNEF Universidad e participou en programas de finanzas e inversión en Harvard University e New York University;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/14/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-incorpora-a-carlos-lopez-jall-como-director-general-de-finanzas-y-administracion/ 1573;EN;web;alimentación;Carlos López Jall holds a degree in Business Administration and Finance from CUNEF University and has attended finance and investment programmes at Harvard University and New York University;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/14/the-nueva-pescanova-group-has-appointed-carlos-lopez-jall-as-group-vp-finance-and-administration/ 1574;GL;web;alimentación;A compañía comprométese a promover a igualdade de xénero no traballo e nas comunidades onde opera;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/08/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-se-adhiere-a-los-principios-para-el-empoderamiento-de-las-mujeres-weps-de-la-onu/ 1574;EN;web;alimentación;The company is committed to promoting gender equality in the workplace and in the communities where it operates;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/09/the-nueva-pescanova-group-adheres-to-the-un-womens-empowerment-principles-weps/ 1575;GL;web;alimentación;Conta con máis de 50 accións de RSC destinadas ao ODS 5 sobre igualdade de xénero.;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/08/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-se-adhiere-a-los-principios-para-el-empoderamiento-de-las-mujeres-weps-de-la-onu/ 1575;EN;web;alimentación;It carries out more than 50 CSR actions aimed at SDG 5 on Gender Equality;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/09/the-nueva-pescanova-group-adheres-to-the-un-womens-empowerment-principles-weps/ 1576;GL;web;alimentación;Na actualidade, a compañía contribúe ao Obxectivo de Desenvolvemento Sostible (ODS) número 5 con máis de 50 accións de RSC destinadas á consecución deste obxectivo nas diferentes comunidades nas que está presente.¡;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/08/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-se-adhiere-a-los-principios-para-el-empoderamiento-de-las-mujeres-weps-de-la-onu/ 1576;EN;web;alimentación;Currently, the company contributes to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 5 with more than 50 CSR actions aimed at achieving this goal in the different communities in which it is present;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/09/the-nueva-pescanova-group-adheres-to-the-un-womens-empowerment-principles-weps/ 1577;GL;web;alimentación;En palabras de Ignacio González, CEO do Grupo Nueva Pescanova;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/08/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-se-adhiere-a-los-principios-para-el-empoderamiento-de-las-mujeres-weps-de-la-onu/ 1577;EN;web;alimentación;In the words of Ignacio González, CEO of the Nueva Pescanova Group;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/09/the-nueva-pescanova-group-adheres-to-the-un-womens-empowerment-principles-weps/ 1578;GL;web;alimentación;Os nosos esforzos céntranse en poñer en marcha proxectos para garantir a igualdade de oportunidades;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/08/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-se-adhiere-a-los-principios-para-el-empoderamiento-de-las-mujeres-weps-de-la-onu/ 1578;EN;web;alimentación;Our efforts are focused on implementing projects to guarantee equal opportunities;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/09/the-nueva-pescanova-group-adheres-to-the-un-womens-empowerment-principles-weps/ 1579;GL;web;alimentación;Somos unha compañía moi ampla e diversa: contamos cun equipo de 10.000 profesionais, polo que o noso reto é que a igualdade e a diversidade sexa a mesma nos 19 países e 4 continentes nos que operamos;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/2022/03/08/el-grupo-nueva-pescanova-se-adhiere-a-los-principios-para-el-empoderamiento-de-las-mujeres-weps-de-la-onu/ 1579;EN;web;alimentación;We are a very large and diverse company: we have a team of 10,000 professionals, and so our challenge is to ensure that there is equality and diversity in the 19 countries and 4 continents in which we operate;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/2022/03/09/the-nueva-pescanova-group-adheres-to-the-un-womens-empowerment-principles-weps/ 1580;GL;web;alimentación;O Grupo Nueva Pescanova é unha multinacional española especializada na pesca, cultivo, elaboración e comercialización de produtos do mar, que naceu para revolucionar a industria pesqueira e levar a frescura do mar á mesa do consumidor;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/ 1580;EN;web;alimentación;The Nueva Pescanova Group is a leading multinational company specialized in the fishing, farming, processing and commercialization of seafood products that was created to revolutionize the fishing industry and bring the freshness of the sea to the customer’s table;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/ 1581;GL;web;alimentación;Con máis de 10 000 empregados en catro continentes, é unha das poucas multinacionais de produtos do mar que integran todas as actividades da cadea de valor, desde a orixe ata a súa venda;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/ 1581;EN;web;alimentación;With more than 10,000 employees in four continents, it is one of the few multinational seafood companies that integrate all the activities of the value chain, from source to sale;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/ 1582;GL;web;alimentación;O compromiso coa sociedade é o sinal de identidade da nosa compañía;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/ 1582;EN;web;alimentación;Social commitment is the hallmark of our company;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/ 1583;GL;web;alimentación;É por iso que apostamos pola responsabilidade corporativa, as boas prácticas en materia de calidade e medio ambiente e a constante innovación;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/ 1583;EN;web;alimentación;That is why we rely on Corporate Responsibility, good practices in terms of Quality and the Environment and constant innovation;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/ 1584;GL;web;alimentación;Traballamos para ser a mellor compañía de alimentación do mercado, levando a frescura do mar á mesa do consumidor;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/o-noso-adn/ 1584;EN;web;alimentación;Together we work to be the best food company in the market by bringing the freshness of the sea to the consumer’s table;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-dna/ 1585;GL;web;alimentación;Apostamos pola nosa marca e pola innovación, pescando, cultivando, elaborando e seleccionando o mellor produto alá onde estea;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/o-noso-adn/ 1585;EN;web;alimentación;We rely on our brand and innovation to ?sh, farm, select and process the best product wherever it may be;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-dna/ 1586;GL;web;alimentación;Cremos que a nosa principal responsabilidade é a sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais e das nosas comunidades de socios, forxando e mantendo a súa fidelidade ao actuar de forma ética e ao crear valor;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/o-noso-adn/ 1586;EN;web;alimentación;We believe our ?rst responsibility is the sustainability of natural resources and of our partner communities, whose trust we build and maintain by acting ethically and creating value;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-dna/ 1587;GL;web;alimentación;"Pescando, cultivando, transformando e dándolles valor engadido aos produtos do mar en 17 fábricas; e vendendo os nosos produtos refrixerados e conxelados en máis de 80 países de todo o mundo a través das nosas oficinas comerciais";alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/nova-pescanova-no-mundo/ 1587;EN;web;alimentación;"Fishing, farming, processing and adding extra value to seafood products in 17 factories; and selling our chilled and frozen products in more than 80 countries all over the world through our business offices";alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/nueva-pescanova-in-the-world/ 1588;GL;web;alimentación;O Consello de Administración é o máximo órgano de decisión do Grupo Nueva Pescanova;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/consejo-de-administracion/ 1588;EN;web;alimentación;The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body of the Nueva Pescanova Group;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/board-of-directors/ 1589;GL;web;alimentación;Incorporación do novo CEO e creación do Consello;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1589;EN;web;alimentación;Creation of the Board of Directors and recruitment of the new CEO of the company;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1590;GL;web;alimentación;Posta en marcha do Plan Estratéxico 2016-2020;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1590;EN;web;alimentación;Implementation of the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1591;GL;web;alimentación;Aprobación do código ético da compañía;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1591;EN;web;alimentación;Approval of the Ethical Code of the company;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1592;GL;web;alimentación;Ampliación de capital;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1592;EN;web;alimentación;Capital increase;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1593;GL;web;alimentación;Inversión de 42,5 millóns de euros na construción de novos barcos para Namibia e Mozambique;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1593;EN;web;alimentación;42.5-million-euro investment for the construction of new vessels for Namibia and Mozambique;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1594;GL;web;alimentación;Aprobación do proxecto para a construción do Pescanova Biomarine Center;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1594;EN;web;alimentación;Approval of the project to build the Pescanova Biomarine Center;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1595;GL;web;alimentación;Posta en marcha do proxecto LegoNova e implantación de SAP cun presuposto de 9 millóns de euros;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1595;EN;web;alimentación;Implementation of the LegoNova project and SAP with a budget of 9 million euros;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1596;GL;web;alimentación;Lanzamento de novos packs e produtos;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1596;EN;web;alimentación;Launching of new packs and products;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1597;GL;web;alimentación;Ampliación de capital do 15% ao 45% na compañía Abad Overseas con tres plantas procesadoras de lagostino no sureste de India;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1597;EN;web;alimentación;Capital increase from 15% to 45% in the Abad Overseas company with three shrimp processing plants in southeast India;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1598;GL;web;alimentación;Compra da sociedade Unickfish en Sudáfrica de venta de retail;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1598;EN;web;alimentación;Purchase of the Unickfish company in South Africa for retail sales;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1599;GL;web;alimentación;Relanzamento da icona Rodolfo Langostino cunha nova gama de lagostinos conxelados e refrixerados;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1599;EN;web;alimentación;Relaunch of the icon Rodolfo Langostino with a new range of frozen and refrigerated prawns;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1600;GL;web;alimentación;Entrega do primeiro dos buques da nova frota: o Lalandii 1, destinado á pesca de pescada en Namibia;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1600;EN;web;alimentación;Delivery of the first vessel of the new fleet, the Lalandii 1, intended for hake fishing in Namibia;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1601;GL;web;alimentación;Peche, por primeira vez na historia, do ciclo de reprodución do polbo en acuicultura por investigadores do Grupo Nueva Pescanova;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1601;EN;web;alimentación;Closure, for the first time in history, of the octopus reproduction cycle in aquaculture by researchers from the Nueva Pescanova Group;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1602;GL;web;alimentación;Inicio da transición enerxética nas fábricas do Grupo coa instalación da primeira planta solar fotovoltaica en Namibia;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1602;EN;web;alimentación;Energy transition begins in the Group’s factories with the installation of the first solar photovoltaic plant in Namibia;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1603;GL;web;alimentación;Estrea do documental “La Ciudad que Nació del Mar”, que lle dá visibilidade ao labor de RSC da compañía a través do exemplo de desenvolvemento da cidade de Lüderitz (Namibia);alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1603;EN;web;alimentación;Premiere of the documentary “The City Born from the Sea”, which gives visibility to the company’s CSR work through the development example of the city of Lüderitz (Namibia);alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1604;GL;web;alimentación;A compañía é recoñecida como a primeira empresa pesqueira do mundo pola súa contribución aos ODS;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1604;EN;web;alimentación;The company is recognized as the world’s leading fishing company for its contribution to SDGs;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1605;GL;web;alimentación;ABANCA convértese no accionista maioritario do Grupo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1605;EN;web;alimentación;ABANCA becomes the Group’s majority shareholder;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1606;GL;web;alimentación;Renovación do Consello de Administración e nomeamento de José María Benavent como presidente executivo;baixa;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1606;EN;web;alimentación;The Board of Directors is renewed and José María Benavent is appointed executive chairman;baixa;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1607;GL;web;alimentación;Adhesión aos Principios para un Océano Sostible da ONU;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1607;EN;web;alimentación;Adherence to the UN Principles for a Sustainable Ocean;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1608;GL;web;alimentación;Firma da Declaración de Líderes Empresariais para a Cooperación Global das Nacións Unidas;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1608;EN;web;alimentación;Signing of the UN Business Leaders’ Declaration for Global Cooperation;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1609;GL;web;alimentación;O Grupo aproba unha capitalización de deuda por valor de 542,2 millóns de euros, desfacéndose da deuda herdada;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1609;EN;web;alimentación;The Group approves a debt capitalisation of €542.2 million, extinguishing inherited debt;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1610;GL;web;alimentación;Peche dun acordo con Microsoft para avanzar en materia de acuicultura 4.0;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1610;EN;web;alimentación;Closing of an agreement with Microsoft to advance aquaculture 4.0;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1611;GL;web;alimentación;Presentación de PeZcado Capital, o primeiro restaurante virtual do Grupo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1611;EN;web;alimentación;Presentation of PeZcado Capital, the Group’s first virtual restaurant;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1612;GL;web;alimentación;Colaboración con Repsol para incorporar un novo sistema de xestión enerxética en acuicultura;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1612;EN;web;alimentación;Collaboration with Repsol to incorporate a new energy management system in aquaculture;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1613;GL;web;alimentación;Pescanova naceu en 1960 en Vigo para dar resposta á pregunta: poderíase capturar o peixe e transportalo desde puntos afastados sen que se deteriore nos longos meses de travesía?;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1613;EN;web;alimentación;Pescanova was created in 1960 in Vigo in the search of an answer to the following question: could fish be caught and transported from distant locations without being damaged in the long months of travel?;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1614;GL;web;alimentación;Constrúe en 1961 o “Lemos”, o PRIMEIRO BUQUE CONXELADOR DO MUNDO, que empeza a sucar mares revolucionando a industria pesqueira a nivel mundial;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1614;EN;web;alimentación;In 1961 it built the “Lemos”, the WORLD’S FIRST FREEZER VESSEL, which started sailing the oceans and revolutionizing the global fishing industry;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1615;GL;web;alimentación;En 1963 constrúense dous rampleiros: o “Vimianzo” e o “Villalba”, os primeiros buques de España que no canto de pescar por un costado o fan por popa. Unha nova revolución que aumenta a capacidade pesqueira de Pescanova;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1615;EN;web;alimentación;In 1963 two stern trawlers were built, the “Vimianzo” and the “Villalba”, the first Spanish vessels that fished over the stern, rather than over the side. A new revolution that increased Pescanova’s fishing capacity;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1616;GL;web;alimentación;A finais dos anos 60, Pescanova xa tiña 100 barcos pescando en diversos lugares do mundo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1616;EN;web;alimentación;By the end of the 60s, Pescanova already had one hundred vessels fishing all over the world;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1617;GL;web;alimentación;Pescanova desenvolveu a principal rede loxística de conxelados en España con 60 camións frigoríficos e 100 isotérmicos, que permitiron distribuír os produtos por toda España;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1617;EN;web;alimentación;Pescanova developed the largest logistics network of frozen products in Spain with 60 refrigerated trucks and 100 isothermal trucks, which allowed the distribution of the products all over Spain;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1618;GL;web;alimentación;Anos de expansión internacional, nos que se introduce en diferentes rexións, investindo e creando nelas compañías que axudan ao desenvolvemento das súas comunidades locais;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1618;EN;web;alimentación;Years of international growth, during which it entered various markets, investing and creating in them companies that fostered the development of local communities;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1619;GL;web;alimentación;Pescanova convértese no maior armador de occidente, situando a Galicia e a España á cabeza da industria pesqueira do mundo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1619;EN;web;alimentación;Pescanova became the largest shipowner in the western countries, placing Galicia and Spain at the top of the global fishing industry;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1620;GL;web;alimentación;Nace a icona da compañía e icona publicitaria, Rodolfo Lagostino;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1620;EN;web;alimentación;The logo and trademark of the company, Rodolfo Langostino, was created;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1621;GL;web;alimentación;Acceso a novas augas, estendendo a actividade pesqueira mediante a fundación de empresas en Chile, Arxentina, Australia etc;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1621;EN;web;alimentación;Access to new waters, expanding the fishing activity through the creation of companies in Chile, Argentina, Australia, etc;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1622;GL;web;alimentación;Participación activa na creación dun marco xurídico para a industria pesqueira en España coa fórmula das empresas mixtas;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1622;EN;web;alimentación;Active involvement in the creation of a legal framework for the fishing industry in Spain with the mixed company formula;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1623;GL;web;alimentación;Os nosos produtos empezan a conquistar mercado en Francia e Portugal, onde se crean filiais;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1623;EN;web;alimentación;Our products started conquering the French and Portuguese markets, where subsidiaries where created;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1624;GL;web;alimentación;Construción de dúas fábricas para o procesamento de peixe e produtos preparados e precociñados en Pontevedra e A Coruña;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1624;EN;web;alimentación;Two factories were built for the processing of fish and prepared and pre-cooked food products in Pontevedra and A Coruña;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1625;GL;web;alimentación;Forte aposta pola acuicultura cos cultivos de salmón en Chile, de lagostino no sur e de rodaballo no norte de España;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1625;EN;web;alimentación;Strong commitment to aquaculture with salmon farming in Chile, shrimp farming in the south and turbot farming in the north of Spain;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1626;GL;web;alimentación;Creación de NovaNam Ltd. en Namibia, maior fábrica de procesado de pescada en África e mellor exemplo de apoio e desenvolvemento ás comunidades locais;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1626;EN;web;alimentación;Creation of NovaNam Ltd. in Namibia, the largest hake processing factory in Africa and the best example of support and development of local communities;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1627;GL;web;alimentación;Pescanova comeza a súa andaina en Italia e EUA;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1627;EN;web;alimentación;Pescanova starts operating in Italy and the US;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1628;GL;web;alimentación;A icona publicitaria Capitán Pescanova irrompe nos fogares como prescritor da marca;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1628;EN;web;alimentación;The advertising icon Capitán Pescanova entered homes as the face of the brand;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1629;GL;web;alimentación;Potenciación da acuicultura co desenvolvemento e procesado de lagostino vannamei en Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala e Ecuador, mediante a compra de diversas sociedades de cría de peixe;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1629;EN;web;alimentación;Strengthening of aquaculture with the development and processing of vannamei shrimp in Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Ecuador through the acquisition of various fish farming companies;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1630;GL;web;alimentación;Consolidación do modelo de integración vertical da compañía: pescamos, cultivamos, transformamos e comercializamos;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compania/a-nosa-historia/ 1630;EN;web;alimentación;Consolidation of the company’s vertical integration model: we fish, farm, process and commercialize;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/company/our-history/ 1631;GL;web;alimentación;O Grupo Nueva Pescanova é unha multinacional española especializada na captura, cultivo, produción e comercialización de produtos do mar, que naceu para revolucionar a industria pesqueira e levar a frescura do mar á mesa do consumidor;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/ 1631;EN;web;alimentación;The Nueva Pescanova Group is a leading multinational company specialized in the fishing, farming, processing and commercialization of seafood products that was created to revolutionize the fishing industry and bring the freshness of the sea to the customer’s table;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/ 1632;GL;web;alimentación;Desde 1961 sucamos os mares en busca dos mellores caladoiros do mundo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1632;EN;web;alimentación;We have been sailing around the world in search of the best fishing grounds since 1961;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1633;GL;web;alimentación; Fomos pioneiros coa construción do primeiro buque en incorporar a tecnoloxía de conxelación a bordo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1633;EN;web;alimentación;We were pioneers in the construction of the first vessel with on-board freezing technology;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1634;GL;web;alimentación;Seguíronlle outros, que no seu momento foron os maiores barcos conxeladores do mundo, e pioneiros no procesado de peixe en alta mar;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1634;EN;web;alimentación;Other vessels followed, which at the time where the largest freezer vessels in the world and the first to process fish offshore;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1635;GL;web;alimentación;Actualmente, a nosa frota está composta por máis de 60 buques, tanto conxeladores como fresqueiros, que pescan nos principais caladoiros do hemisferio sur, capturando e seleccionando as mellores especies mariñas;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1635;EN;web;alimentación;Our fleet is currently made up of more than 60 vessels, both freezer vessels and wet-fish trawlers, operating in the main fishing grounds of the southern hemisphere, fishing and selecting the best marine species;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1636;GL;web;alimentación;O noso claro compromiso coa Innovación e a mellora constante en todos os nosos focos de actividade motivou a renovación de parte da frota coa construción de novos buques para Namibia e Mozambique;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1636;EN;web;alimentación;Our clear commitment to Innovation and to the constant improvement of all our activities has led to the renovation of part of our fleet with the construction of new vessels for Namibia and Mozambique;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1637;GL;web;alimentación;Posúe unha das maiores frotas do Grupo e entre os produtos que pesca atópase o gambón arxentino, a pota e a pescada negra, tamén coñecida como toothfish;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1637;EN;web;alimentación;It has one of the largest fleets of the Group and it fishes, among others, Argentinean red shrimp, illex squid and black hake (also known as toothfish);alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1638;GL;web;alimentación;Comezou as súas operacións hai 30 anos, con base en Puerto Deseado, provincia de Santa Cruz, na Patagonia arxentina, onde conta cunha planta de proceso e un frigorífico;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1638;EN;web;alimentación;It started operating 30 years ago, being based in Puerto Deseado (province of Santa Cruz, Argentine Patagonia) where it has processing and refrigerating facilities;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1639;GL;web;alimentación; Conta ademais cunha frota composta por 16 buques, dos cales doce son tangoneas, dous poteiros, un arrastreiro e un palangreiro;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1639;EN;web;alimentación;In addition, it has a fleet made up of 16 vessels, twelve of which are beam trawlers, two squid fishing vessels, one trawler and one longline vessel;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1640;GL;web;alimentación;Situada en Benguela (Angola), é unha das pesqueiras do Grupo no continente africano e está especializada na captura de gamba vermella, gamba branca e cangrexo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1640;EN;web;alimentación;Based in Benguela (Angola), it is one of the Group’s fishing companies in the African continent and it is specialized in the capture of red shrimp, deep-water rose shrimp and crab;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1641;GL;web;alimentación;Os seus barcos fresqueiros descargan nos peiraos namibios fundamentalmente pescada, aínda que tamén se procesa e comercializa o ‘bycatch’, integrado na súa maioría por rape, palometa ou rosada;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1641;EN;web;alimentación;Its wet-fish trawlers bring mostly hake to Namibian docks, although its bycatch is also processed and commercialized, consisting largely of monkfish, panfret or kingklip;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1642;GL;web;alimentación;" Conta con dúas fábricas en Namibia, unha en Walvis Bay e outra en Lüderitz; esta última é o maior centro de procesado de pescada de toda África";alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1642;EN;web;alimentación;It has two factories in Namibia, one in Walvis Bay and another one in Lüderitz, the latter being the largest hake processing center in Africa;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1643;GL;web;alimentación;Situada en Beira (Mozambique), posúe a maior frota pesqueira do Grupo, sumando 30 barcos;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1643;EN;web;alimentación;Based in Beira (Mozambique), it has the largest fishing fleet of the Group, with 30 vessels;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1644;GL;web;alimentación;Iniciou a súa actividade en 1980 e está especializada na pesca de diversas especies de lagostino, fundamentalmente jumbo, tigre, banana e Brown;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/pescamos/ 1644;EN;web;alimentación;It started operating in 1980 and is specialized in the capture of various prawn species, mainly jumbo, tiger, banana and Brown prawn;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-fish/ 1645;GL;web;alimentación;Conscientes de que os recursos do mar son limitados e que para preservalos para o gozo das futuras xeracións deben gozar dunha especial protección por parte de todos os sectores implicados, o Grupo Nueva Pescanova traballa no campo da acuicultura;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1645;EN;web;alimentación;The Nueva Pescanova Group works in Aquaculture because we are aware that marine resources are limited and that in order for future generations to be able to enjoy them they must be especially protected by all the sectors involved;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1646;GL;web;alimentación;Dispoñemos dunha superficie de aproximadamente 7.000 hectáreas (equivalente a cerca de 10.000 campos de fútbol) dedicadas ao cultivo de diferentes especies;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1646;EN;web;alimentación;We have a production area of around 7,000 hectares (equivalent to 10,000 soccer fields) dedicated to the farming of different species;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1647;GL;web;alimentación;O Pescanova Biomarine Center é o noso centro de I+D+i en acuicultura. Aquí contamos cun equipo de investigadores que traballa orientado ao estudo da xenética, nutrición, saúde e benestar animal;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1647;EN;web;alimentación;The Pescanova Biomarine Center is our aquaculture R&D&I centre. This center is staffed by a team of researchers working on the study of genetics, nutrition, health and animal welfare;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1648;GL;web;alimentación;Entre outros, no Pescanova Biomarine Center enfocámonos no desenvolvemento de novas especies de cultivo como o polbo e a mellora de especies como o rodaballo ou o lagostino vannamei;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1648;EN;web;alimentación;At the Pescanova Biomarine Center we focus on the development of new farming species such as octopus and on the improvement of species such as turbot or vannamei prawns, among others;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1649;GL;web;alimentación;O Grupo Nueva Pescanova é un dos maiores produtores mundiais de lagostino vannamei con 60.000 toneladas anuais. A nosa produción concéntrase en América Latina;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1649;EN;web;alimentación;The Nueva Pescanova Group is one of the world’s largest producers of Vannamei Shrimp, processing 60.000 tonnes every year. Our production is based in Latin America;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1650;GL;web;alimentación;Unha das nosas características máis representativas é que integramos todas as actividades da cadea de valor deste produto, desde a produción de larvas selectas ata a cocción dos produtos terminados que se poden atopar nos supermercados;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1650;EN;web;alimentación;One of our most distinctive characteristics is that we integrate all the activities of the value chain of this product, from the production of selected larvae to the cooking of the products that we sell in the supermarkets;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1651;GL;web;alimentación;Grazas a esta integración temos absoluta rastrexabilidade e garantía de calidade de cada un dos produtos elaborados;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1651;EN;web;alimentación;This integration ensures the complete traceability and guarantee of the quality of all of our products;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1652;GL;web;alimentación;Levamos anos analizando miles de animais, seleccionando os mellores reprodutores que se dedicarán á produción de larvas;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1652;EN;web;alimentación;For years now, we have been analyzing thousands of animals, selecting the best broodstock that will be dedicated to the production of larvae;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1653;GL;web;alimentación;O proceso continúa coa “sementeira” das larvas e o seu engorde en condicións ambientalmente sustentables ata a súa “colleita” e procesamento nas nosas propias plantas;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1653;EN;web;alimentación;The process continues with the “planting” of the larvae and their fattening in environmentally sustainable conditions until they are “harvested” and processed in our own plants;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1654;GL;web;alimentación;Tanto o cultivo como as plantas contan coas máis esixentes certificacións que acreditan a bondade das prácticas empregadas;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1654;EN;web;alimentación;Both the farm and the plants have the most rigorous certifications that recognize the adequacy of the techniques used;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1655;GL;web;alimentación;No caso do cultivo, préstase especial atención á sustentabilidade e ás condicións de seguridade e laborais de todas as persoas que interveñen no proceso;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1655;EN;web;alimentación; In the case of farming, special attention is given to sustainability and the security and working conditions of all the people involved in the process;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1656;GL;web;alimentación;No caso das plantas, os requisitos de hixiene e seguridade alimentaria son a nosa principal preocupación, xunto coas mellores condicións de traballo dos nosos traballadores;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1656;EN;web;alimentación;With regard to the plants, hygiene and food security standards are our main concern, along with ensuring the best working conditions for the employees;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1657;GL;web;alimentación;Está especializada no cultivo e procesamento de lagostino vannamei;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1657;EN;web;alimentación;It is specialized in the farming and processing of Vannamei Shrimp;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1658;GL;web;alimentación;É unha empresa dedicada fundamentalmente ao procesado de produtos de alto valor engadido baseados en lagostino na súa planta de Champerico, departamento de Retalhuleu;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1658;EN;web;alimentación;It is a company dedicated mainly to the processing of shrimp-based high added value products at its plant in Champerico, department of Retalhuleu;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1659;GL;web;alimentación;Novaguatemala ten dúas leiras dedicadas ao cultivo intensivo de lagostino vannamei que suman unha extensión de 141 hectáreas;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1659;EN;web;alimentación;Novaguatemala have two farms dedicated to intensive Vannamei Shrimp farming with a total extension of 141 hectares;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1660;GL;web;alimentación;A súa especialidade é a elaboración de produtos complexos como lagostinos pelados, empanados, espetadas ou ebi sushi;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1660;EN;web;alimentación;It is specialised in producing complex products, such as peeled shrimps, breaded fish, brochettes and ebi sushi;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1661;GL;web;alimentación;A fábrica de Promarisco, situada nas beiras do río Guayas, conta con capacidade para procesar un total de 90.000 toneladas desta especie;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1661;EN;web;alimentación;Promarisco’s factory, located on the shores of the river Guayas, has the capacity to process a total of 90,000 tonnes of this species;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1662;GL;web;alimentación;Grupo Nueva Pescanova é un dos principais produtores de rodaballo do mundo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1662;EN;web;alimentación;Nueva Pescanova Group is one of the biggest turbot producers in the world;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1663;GL;web;alimentación;A nosa empresa Insuíña, en España, está especializada na cría, engorde e procesado de rodaballo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1663;EN;web;alimentación;Our company Insuiña, in Spain, is specialized in the breeding, fattening and processing of turbot;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1664;GL;web;alimentación;Para iso localizou as súas instalacións en Galicia, lugar orixinario desta especie e onde se atopan as mellores augas e condicións ambientais para a súa produción;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1664;EN;web;alimentación;That is why it is located in Galicia, the place where this species originated and that has the best waters and environmental conditions for its production;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1665;GL;web;alimentación;É o lugar onde obtemos as crías de rodaballo, que se crían durante uns meses para logo levalos ás instalacións de Insuíña-Xove (Lugo-España) para o seu engorde ata que cheguen á idade adulta;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1665;EN;web;alimentación;It is the place where the fingerlings are obtained, which are bred for a few months before they are taken to the facilities of Insuiña-Xove (Lugo, Spain) where they are fattened up until reaching the adult stage;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1666;GL;web;alimentación;Situada en Lugo (España), as súas instalacións están compostas por 900 tanques para o engorde de rodaballo e teñen unha superficie de produción total de 63.000 metros cadrados;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1666;EN;web;alimentación;Located in Lugo (Spain), its facilities are made up of 900 turbot fattening tanks and have a total production area of 63,000 m2;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1667;GL;web;alimentación; A capacidade de produción desta planta alcanza as 2.800 toneladas anuais;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1667;EN;web;alimentación;The annual production capacity of this plant reaches 2,800 tonnes;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1668;GL;web;alimentación;Desde alí mesmo saen, coa máxima frescura, os peixes procesados ese mesmo día cara a todos os mercados onde comercializamos este produto;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/cultivamos/ 1668;EN;web;alimentación;The processed fish leave the facilities on the same day to arrive with the maximum freshness to the markets where they are sold;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-farm/ 1669;GL;web;alimentación;O Grupo Nueva Pescanova elabora os seus produtos en 17 plantas de transformación repartidas en dez países de África, Asia, América e Europa;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/comercializamos/ 1669;EN;web;alimentación;The Nueva Pescanova Group processes its products in 17 processing plants distributed over ten countries in Africa, Asia, America and Europe;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-sell/ 1670;GL;web;alimentación;As fábricas do Grupo Nueva Pescanova integran as máis avanzadas tecnoloxías, cos procesos de mellora continua, a calidade e a innovación como aspectos clave no desenvolvemento da nosa estratexia industrial;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/comercializamos/ 1670;EN;web;alimentación;The Nueva Pescanova Group factories use state-of-the-art technology, keeping continuous improvement processes, quality and innovation as key points for the development of our industrial strategy;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-sell/ 1671;GL;web;alimentación;Levamos máis de 60 anos achegando os mellores produtos do mar a millóns de fogares de todo o mundo, facendo da innovación, a frescura e a calidade os sinais de identidade da marca Pescanova;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/comercializamos/ 1671;EN;web;alimentación;For over 60 years, we have been bringing the best seafood products to millions of households all around the world, making innovation, freshness and quality the hallmark of the Pescanova brand;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-sell/ 1672;GL;web;alimentación;Hoxe, os nosos produtos están presentes en 80 países de 5 continentes;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/comercializamos/ 1672;EN;web;alimentación;Today, our products are present in 80 countries of 5 continents;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-sell/ 1673;GL;web;alimentación;Fomos os primeiros en introducir os produtos do mar conxelados no mercado español e noutros moitos países;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/comercializamos/ 1673;EN;web;alimentación;We were the first to introduce frozen seafood products to Spanish markets and many other countries;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-sell/ 1674;GL;web;alimentación;Desde entón, sempre tentamos adiantarnos ás novas tendencias de consumo, con produtos frescos e listos para tomar, pratos fáciles de preparar e que se adaptan aos últimos hábitos de consumo, como os momentos de “aperitivo no fogar”, sen renunciar á saúde e ao sabor;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/que-facemos/comercializamos/ 1674;EN;web;alimentación;Since then, we have endeavored to anticipate consumer trends with fresh, ready-to-eat products and easy-to-prepare meals adapted to current consumption habits, such as “snacking at home” moments, without sacrificing health or taste;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/what-we-do/we-sell/ 1675;GL;web;alimentación;En Grupo Nueva Pescanova estamos comprometidos coa sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais e das comunidades nas que estamos presentes, actuando de forma ética, mantendo a súa confianza e creando valor;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1675;EN;web;alimentación;The Nueva Pescanova Group is committed to the sustainability of natural resources and the communities where we operate, acting in an ethical manner, preserving their trust and creating value;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1676;GL;web;alimentación;O respecto polo Planeta e as Comunidades nas que estamos presentes, polas Persoas que integran o Grupo Nueva Pescanova e o compromiso cos mercados a través dos nosos Produtos son os piares que conforman a nosa estratexia de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1676;EN;web;alimentación;Our Corporate Social Responsibility strategy consists of the respect for the Environment and the Communities where we operate, for the People that integrate the Nueva Pescanova Group and for the commitment to the markets through our Products;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1677;GL;web;alimentación;Como membros participantes do Pacto Mundial da ONU a través da súa Rede Española, facemos parte dos seus principios na estratexia, cultura e accións diarias do noso Grupo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1677;EN;web;alimentación;As participant members of the UN Global Compact through its Spanish Network, we adopted its principles into our strategy, culture, and daily actions of our Group;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1678;GL;web;alimentación;Tamén participamos en proxectos cooperativos que contribúen aos Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sostible (ODS) da Axenda 2030 das Nacións Unidas;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1678;EN;web;alimentación;We also get involved in cooperation projects that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1679;GL;web;alimentación;A xestión sustentable dos recursos naturais e o respecto aos ecosistemas e ao medio ambiente, co fin de asegurar a súa dispoñibilidade e calidade para as xeracións futuras, garante o éxito operacional e o futuro do noso Grupo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1679;EN;web;alimentación;The sustainable management of natural resources and the respect for the ecosystems and the environment, in order to ensure its availability and quality for future generations, guarantees the operational success and the future of our Group;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1680;GL;web;alimentación;O respecto á diversidade, a seguridade, o crecemento profesional e o orgullo de sentirse parte do Grupo son bases para o noso éxito e o mantemento de relacións de confianza con provedores, clientes, consumidores e comunidades;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1680;EN;web;alimentación;The respect for diversity, safety, professional growth and the pride of feeling part of the group are the foundation of our success along with the trust relationships with suppliers, clients, customers and communities.;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1681;GL;web;alimentación;Facilitando o acceso aos mercados de produtos do mar, nutritivos, saudables, saborosos e innovadores, elaborados de maneira responsable;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1681;EN;web;alimentación;Facilitating the access of nutritious, healthy, tasty, innovative and responsibly produced seafood products to the markets;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1682;GL;web;alimentación;Conscientes do valor dos produtos do mar, esforzámonos para o desenvolvemento de comunidades máis prósperas xerando riqueza, oportunidades de traballo e formación alí onde estamos presentes;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1682;EN;web;alimentación;We acknowledge the value of seafood products and we strive for the development of more prosper communities by generating wealth and job and training opportunities wherever we operate;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1683;GL;web;alimentación;No Grupo Nueva Pescanova comprometémonos a velar por un comportamento ético, íntegro, responsable e transparente, tanto da compañía como de todos os nosos profesionais no desenvolvemento da súa actividade diaria;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1683;EN;web;alimentación;The Nueva Pescanova Group is committed to ensuring the ethical, honest, responsible and transparent behavior of the company and all of our professionals in the course of their daily activities;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1684;GL;web;alimentación;Para iso dotámonos dun Sistema Normativo de Goberno Corporativo e Cumprimento, integrado polo noso código ético, polas Normas de goberno dos órganos sociais e doutros comités internos, as políticas corporativas, as políticas e as normas internas;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1684;EN;web;alimentación;For that reason, we have established a Regulatory System for Corporate Governance and Compliance, made up of our Ethical Code, the Governance Rules of the Corporate Bodies and other Internal Committees, the Corporate Policies, the Policies and the Internal Standards;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1685;GL;web;alimentación;Na cúspide deste sistema normativo está o noso código ético: o conxunto de principios de actuación e normas de conduta encamiñados a garantir que o noso comportamento corporativo e profesional está aliñado coa devandita cultura de cumprimento;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1685;EN;web;alimentación;At the top of our Regulatory System is Our Code of Ethics: A set of operating principles and behavior standards aimed at ensuring that our corporate and professional behavior is in accordance with said culture of compliance;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1686;GL;web;alimentación;A cultura da calidade e da excelencia alimentaria forman parte da razón de ser do Grupo Nueva Pescanova;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1686;EN;web;alimentación;The culture of quality and food excellence is in the foundation of the Nueva Pescanova Group;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1687;GL;web;alimentación;O control de toda a cadea de valor dos produtos do mar, desde a orixe ata a venda, permítenos garantir o máximo control e rastrexabilidade sobre o produto;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1687;EN;web;alimentación;The monitoring of the value chain of seafood products, from source to sale, allows us to guarantee the maximum control and traceability of our product;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1688;GL;web;alimentación;A nosa política de calidade e inocuidade alimentaria afecta a todos os procesos e áreas da compañía cun único obxectivo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1688;EN;web;alimentación;Our quality and food security policy governs all processes and areas of the company with a sole purpose;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1689;GL;web;alimentación;levar á mesa de millóns de fogares os mellores produtos do mar, independentemente do seu lugar de captura ou cultivo, mantendo a súa frescura e garantindo todas as súas calidades para unha alimentación rica e saudable;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1689;EN;web;alimentación;to bring the best seafood products to millions of households, regardless of where they were fished or farmed, preserving their freshness and guaranteeing all their qualities for a tasty and healthy diet;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1690;GL;web;alimentación;Pescanova nace dunha innovación: a tecnoloxía de conxelación a bordo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1690;EN;web;alimentación;Pescanova was created from an innovation: the on-board freezing technology;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1691;GL;web;alimentación;Desde entón, non pasou un só día en que non pensásemos en como mellorar todos os nosos procesos, facéndoos máis competitivos e sustentables e, sobre todo, desenvolvendo novas tecnoloxías, métodos de produción e produtos;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1691;EN;web;alimentación;Since then, not a day goes by without thinking about how we can improve all our processes, making them more competitive and sustainable and, more importantly, developing new technologies, production methods and products;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1692;GL;web;alimentación;En 1961 e extrapolando conceptos en materia de conservación do frío da industria cárnica, Pescanova inventou a tecnoloxía de conxelación a bordo, utilizada por primeira vez no buque “Lemos”;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1692;EN;web;alimentación;Borrowing concepts from the meat industry in terms of cold preservation, Pescanova invented in 1961 the on-board freezing technology, used for the first time on the vessel “Lemos”;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1693;GL;web;alimentación;Foi o primeiro barco conxelador transoceánico do mundo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1693;EN;web;alimentación;It was the world’s first transoceanic freezer vessel;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1694;GL;web;alimentación;Unha revolución tecnolóxica que permitiu a partir de entón pescar nos ricos e distantes caladoiros do hemisferio sur, ultraconxelando a captura a bordo para a súa correcta conservación, dando un xiro de 180 graos á industria pesqueira mundial;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1694;EN;web;alimentación;A technological revolution that made it possible to start fishing in the rich and remote fishing grounds of the Southern Hemisphere, deep-freezing the catch on board for its correct preservation and thus radically changing the global fishing industry;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1695;GL;web;alimentación;En 1963 construímos o primeiro buque rampeiro da industria naval española capaz de pescar por popa no canto de por un costado, o “Villalba”, o que foi un grande avance para aumentar a capacidade pesqueira;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1695;EN;web;alimentación;In 1963 we built the first stern trawler of the Spanish shipbuilding industry, able to fish over the stern rather than over the side, the “Villalba”, which was a major step forward to increase our fishing capacity;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1696;GL;web;alimentación;A esta innovación seguíronlle outras moitas, que situaron á frota de Pescanova á vangarda da industria pesqueira mundial;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1696;EN;web;alimentación;Many other innovations followed, placing Pescanova's fleet at the forefront of the global fishing industry;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1697;GL;web;alimentación;Conta cun espazo de 4.000 m2 dotado da última tecnoloxía para a investigación acuícola e un museo adicado ao mar aberto ao público;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1697;EN;web;alimentación;It has a space of 4,000 m2 and is equipped with state-of-the-art technology for aquaculture research and a museum dedicated to the sea accessible to the public;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1698;GL;web;alimentación;Aquí un grupo de investigadores traballa enfocado no estudo da xenética, nutrición, saúde e benestar animal;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1698;EN;web;alimentación;This is where a group of researchers work on the study of genetics, nutrition, health and animal welfare;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1699;GL;web;alimentación;Este equipo non só mellorará o cultivo de especies como o rodaballo ou o lagostino vannamei, senón que avanzará en técnicas que permitan levar a acuicultura a novas especies;baixa;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1699;EN;web;alimentación;This team aims not only to improve the farming of species such as turbot and vannamei shrimps, but also to develop techniques that will enable to farm new species;baixa;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1700;GL;web;alimentación;De feito, no 2019 lograron un fito mundial ao pechar, por primeira vez na historia, o ciclo de reprodución do polbo en acuicultura, conseguindo que non só os exemplares nados aquí cheguen á súa idade adulta senón que poidan reproducirse fóra do seu hábitat natural;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1700;EN;web;alimentación;As a matter of fact, in 2019 the team achieved a world milestone by completing, for the first time in history, the octopus reproduction cycle in aquaculture, ensuring that not only the specimens born in this facility reached adulthood, but also that they could reproduce outside their natural habitat;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1701;GL;web;alimentación;Fomos pioneiros en introducir o peixe ultraconxelado en varios países, creando unha nova categoría que rapidamente formou parte dos hábitos de consumo de millóns de consumidores;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1701;EN;web;alimentación;We pioneered the introduction of deep-frozen fish in several countries, creating a new category that quickly became part of the consumption habits of millions of consumers;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1702;GL;web;alimentación; A innovación está no noso ADN dende as nosas orixes e, por isto, traballamos enfocados en dar resposta ás necesidades dos nosos consumidores a través de solucións innovadoras, saudables e nutritivas que lles proporcionen un valor engadido;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1702;EN;web;alimentación;Innovation has been part of our DNA since our origins and, for this reason, we work focused on responding to the needs of our consumers through innovative, healthy and nutritious solutions that provide them with added value;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1703;GL;web;alimentación;Queremos ser a mellor compañía de alimentación levando a frescura do mar á mesa do consumidor e temos unha gran vantaxe;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1703;EN;web;alimentación;We want to be the best food company bringing the freshness of the sea to the consumer’s table and we have a huge asset;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1704;GL;web;alimentación;podemos ofrecer todas as garantías de calidade, seguridade e sostibilidade ao estar presentes en toda a cadea de valor, dende a pesca ou cultivo ata que o produto chega aos seus fogares;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/compromiso/responsabilidade-social-corporativa/innovacion/ 1704;EN;web;alimentación;we can offer all the guarantees of quality, safety and sustainability since we cover the entire value chain, including fishing and farming until the product reaches the consumer’s home;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/engagement/corporate-social-responsibility/innovation/ 1705;GL;web;alimentación;No Grupo Nueva Pescanova somos conscientes de que o noso persoal é o principal activo da nosa compañía;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1705;EN;web;alimentación;In the Nueva Pescanova Group we acknowledge that our people are the main asset of our company;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1706;GL;web;alimentación;Con máis de 10 000 traballadores en catro continentes, apostamos firmemente polo traballo en equipo e por unha xestión do talento flexible, para así potenciar as carreiras internacionais e fomentar o desenvolvemento persoal.;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1706;EN;web;alimentación;With over 10,000 employees distributed over four continents, we are committed to teamwork and flexible talent management, so we can promote international careers and foster personal development;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1707;GL;web;alimentación;Traballar en Nueva Pescanova é aprender no posto de traballo, ser áxil e adaptarse á contorna cambiante do mercado internacional dos produtos do mar;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1707;EN;web;alimentación;Working in Nueva Pescanova means learning at the workplace, being flexible and adapting to the changing conditions of the global seafood market;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1708;GL;web;alimentación;Cremos na xestión por obxectivos e buscamos sempre o mellor dos nosos equipos, cremos na meritocracia e recompensamos a todos os nosos traballadores en función dos seus resultados;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1708;EN;web;alimentación;We believe in management by objectives and always look for the best in our teams, we believe in meritocracy and we reward our employees based on their performance;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1709;GL;web;alimentación;Apostamos por unha relación a longo prazo co noso equipo, e iso tradúcese en darlle prioridade ao desenvolvemento e á promoción interna para garantir o desenvolvemento do talento ao longo da súa vida profesional no Grupo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1709;EN;web;alimentación;We are committed to maintaining long-term relationships with our teams and that is why we prioritize internal development and promotion in order to ensure they continue to develop their skills throughout their professional career in the Group;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1710;GL;web;alimentación;A aprendizaxe é unha viaxe que dura toda unha vida no Grupo Nueva Pescanova;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1710;EN;web;alimentación;Learning is a lifelong journey in the Nueva Pescanova Group;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1711;GL;web;alimentación;Dotamos as nosas persoas do nivel adecuado de formación, non só nos coñecementos técnicos, senón tamén nas habilidades profesionais necesarias para cumprir cos obxectivos do Grupo;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1711;EN;web;alimentación;We provide our people with the adequate level of training, not only in technical skills but also in the professional skills necessary to meet the objectives of the Group;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1712;GL;web;alimentación;Para iso, a formación adquire un protagonismo principal, como elemento clave da mellora continua dos nosos empregados;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1712;EN;web;alimentación;As a result, training plays a leading role and is a major tool for the ongoing improvement of our employees;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1713;GL;web;alimentación;Queremos atraer o mellor talento;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1713;EN;web;alimentación;We want to attract top talent;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1714;GL;web;alimentación;Por iso esforzámonos por ofrecerlles aos nosos profesionais oportunidades laborais e de desenvolvemento que lles permitan crecer e progresar na súa carreira;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1714;EN;web;alimentación;That is why we strive to provide our professionals with employment and development opportunities that allow them to grow and progress in their careers;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1715;GL;web;alimentación;Se non ves ningunha oferta que encaixe co teu perfil pero cres que as túas aptitudes e habilidades profesionais encaixan co noso proxecto e queres encarar un novo reto profesional;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1715;EN;web;alimentación;If you do not see any offers that match your profile but you think that your talents and professional skills fit with our project and you would like to face a new professional challenge;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1716;GL;web;alimentación;Será incorporado á nosa base de datos;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1716;EN;web;alimentación;It will be added to our database;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1717;GL;web;alimentación;Os nosos ficheiros están suxeitos á Lei de protección de datos e son tratados baixo as premisas que marca a lexislación española respecto diso;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1717;EN;web;alimentación;Our files are subject to the Data Protection Law and are processed in accordance with the relevant Spanish legislation;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1718;GL;web;alimentación;No Grupo Nueva Pescanova estamos encantados de darche a benvida á nosa tripulación;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1718;EN;web;alimentación;The Nueva Pescanova Group is happy to welcome you on board;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1719;GL;web;alimentación; Nunha organización global como a nosa sempre hai oportunidades para multitude de perfís profesionais;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1719;EN;web;alimentación;In an international company like ours there are always opportunities for people of very different professional profiles;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1720;GL;web;alimentación;Antes de que sexas parte da nosa organización, queremos estar seguros de que ti es a persoa correcta e que igualmente nós somos a empresa máis adecuada para ti;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1720;EN;web;alimentación;Before you become part of our company, we want to make sure that you are the right person and also that we are the right company for you;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1721;GL;web;alimentación;Por iso, seguimos sempre o mesmo proceso de selección;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1721;EN;web;alimentación;For that reason, we always follow the same selection process;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1722;GL;web;alimentación;O noso proceso de aplicación é realmente sinxelo, publicamos as nosas vacantes na seguinte ligazón;alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/persoas/ 1722;EN;web;alimentación;"Our application process is really simple; we post our vacancies in the following link";alta;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/people/ 1723;GL;web;alimentación;Se necesitas realizar calquera consulta ou suxestión, podes facelo cubrindo este cuestionario;baixa;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/gl/contacto/ 1723;EN;web;alimentación;If you have any queries or suggestions, you can send them to us by filling in this form;baixa;https://www.nuevapescanova.com/en/contact/ 1724;GL;web;alimentación;A irrupción de Jesús Lence no sector lácteo produciuse, como a el mesmo lle gustaba contar, por «unha casualidade do leite»;baixa;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1724;EN;web;empresa;Jesús Lence‘s launch into the dairy sector came about, as he liked to say, due to “a huge coincidence”;baixa;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1725;GL;web;empresa; Tras verse a piques da ruína na súa primeira aventura empresarial, o noso fundador aceptou tres camións cisterna para transportar leite como pagamento dun cliente;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1725;EN;web;empresa;After being on the verge of bankruptcy in his first business venture, our founder accepted three milk transport tankers as payment from a customer;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1726;GL;web;empresa;Así foi como o que semellaba o final pasou a ser o principio do seu maior triunfo empresarial e o punto de partida do gran grupo que Lence constitúe hoxe en día;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1726;EN;web;empresa;This is how what seemed like the end became the beginning of his greatest business success and the starting point of the major group that Lence is today;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1727;GL;web;empresa;O seu éxito non foi froito da casualidade, senón de vivir os seus valores: coraxe para ser un mesmo, persistencia para acadar as metas, iniciativa para facer que as cousas sucedan e colaboración, porque xuntos chegamos máis lonxe;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1727;EN;web;empresa;His success did not come about by chance, but by living by his values: courage to be oneself, persistence to achieve goals, initiative to make things happen and collaboration, because together we go further;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1728;GL;web;empresa;As nosas actividades son esenciais para impulsar a economía galega: preocupámonos pola creación de emprego de calidade e proporcionamos bens e servizos fundamentais para a poboación;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1728;EN;web;empresa;Our activities are essential to boost the Galician economy, we care about creating quality employment and we provide essential goods and services to the population;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1729;GL;web;empresa;Nacemos en Galicia, as nosas empresas desenvolven a súa actividade nesta terra e mantemos a ilusión de facer crecer tanto o noso equipo como os logros da nosa compañía;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1729;EN;web;empresa;We were born in Galicia and our companies develop their activity in this land, but we maintain the desire to ensure the growth of both our team and the achievements of our company;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1730;GL;web;empresa;Unha das nosas principais áreas de actividade é a elaboración de produtos la?cteos para a industria da alimentacio?n;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1730;EN;web;empresa;One of our main areas of activity is the production of dairy products for the food industry;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1731;GL;web;empresa;Comercializamos ingredientes la?cteos da máis alta calidade a través de 5 marcas propias diferentes ;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1731;EN;web;empresa;We market dairy products of the highest quality through 5 different own brands;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1732;GL;web;empresa;Todo o que facemos persegue o mesmo obxectivo: obter a máxima cualificación;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1732;EN;web;empresa;Everything we do has the same objective: to obtain the highest rating;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1733;GL;web;empresa;Os nosos proxectos, os nosos procesos e os nosos produtos só se conciben baixo o prisma da máxima calidade;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1733;EN;web;empresa;Our projects, our processes and our products are only conceived under the perspective of the highest quality;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1734;GL;web;empresa;O noso leite procede de granxas galegas certificadas por Aenor en benestar animal;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1734;EN;web;empresa;Our milk comes from Galician farms that are Aenor certified in animal welfare;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1735;GL;web;empresa;Só envasamos leite de Galicia 100 %;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1735;EN;web;empresa;We only bottle 100% Galician milk;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1736;GL;web;empresa;O noso leite é sometido a estritos controis de calidade a través de entidades independentes como o Laboratorio Interprofesional Galego de Análise do Leite;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1736;EN;web;empresa;Our milk is subjected to strict quality controls through independent bodies such as the Laboratorio Interprofesional Galego de Análise do Leite;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1737;GL;web;empresa;Análises exhaustivas e rigorosas avalían os seus niveis de calidade físicoquímica, estabilidade e ausencia de antibiótico para garantir as propiedades naturais e calidade óptima do produto;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=gl 1737;EN;web;empresa;Exhaustive and rigorous analyses evaluate its levels of physical-chemical quality, stability and the absence of antibiotics to guarantee the product’s natural properties and optimum quality;alta;https://lence.gal/?lang=en 1738;GL;web;empresa;Queremos ser fonte de inspiracio?n para que cada persoa, consumidora ou empregada do grupo, sexa fiel a si? mesma e loite incansablemente por acadar os seus soños;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1738;EN;web;empresa;We want to be a source of inspiration so that everyone, consumers and group employees, can be true to themselves and fight tirelessly to achieve their dreams;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1739;GL;web;empresa;En Lence non nos guiamos por convencionalismos;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1739;EN;web;empresa;At Lence we do not follow conventions;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1740;GL;web;empresa;Temos unha forma única de facer as cousas, está no noso ADN;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1740;EN;web;empresa;We have a unique way of doing things, it’s in our DNA;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1741;GL;web;empresa;Ser fiel a un mesmo, crer nos nosos principios e traballar conforme a eles levounos ata onde estamos e será o que garanta o éxito da nosa corporación no futuro;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1741;EN;web;empresa;Being true to oneself, believing in our principles and working according to them brought us to where we are and will be what guarantees the success of our corporation in the future;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1742;GL;web;empresa;Tan importante como ter un obxectivo é demostrar tenacidade día a día para acadalo;baixa;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1742;EN;web;empresa;Having the daily tenacity required to achieve a goal is as important as setting it;baixa;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1743;GL;web;empresa;Para nós a constancia non se negocia, vai implícita en todo o que facemos;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1743;EN;web;empresa;For us consistency is non-negotiable, it is implicit in everything we do;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1744;GL;web;empresa;"En Lence tomamos a dianteira; non esperamos a que outros decidan por nós ou a que as cousas acontezan por si mesmas";alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1744;EN;web;empresa;At Lence we take the lead, we don’t wait for others to decide for us or for things to happen on their own;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1745;GL;web;empresa;Para nós ese dinamismo é a materia prima que nos fai avanzar;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1745;EN;web;empresa;For us, this dynamism is the raw material that makes us progress;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1746;GL;web;empresa;Todos temos moito que achegar, pero, sobre todo, é a suma de poñer en común o noso traballo o que nos fai prosperar;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1746;EN;web;empresa;We all have a lot to contribute, but what really makes us prosper is pooling all our work together;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1747;GL;web;empresa;Todos construímos xuntos o noso éxito;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1747;EN;web;empresa;We all build our success together;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1748;GL;web;empresa; As estrelas, se non saben xogar en equipo, non encaixan coa filosofía de Lence;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1748;EN;web;empresa;If star players don’t know how to play as a team, they don’t fit in with Lence’s philosophy;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1749;GL;web;empresa;A cooperación positiva arrequenta todo o que facemos e axúdanos a chegar a lugares aos que sós endexamais poderiamos imaxinar chegar;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1749;EN;web;empresa;Positive cooperation enriches everything we do and helps us reach places we could never have imagined reaching on our own;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1750;GL;web;empresa;Énchenos de orgullo dicir que Lence se configura como un grande equipo no que cada un de nós xoga un papel fundamental;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1750;EN;web;empresa;We are proud to say that Lence is formed by a great team in which each of us plays a key role;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1751;GL;web;empresa;No noso día a día compartimos máis que relacións laborais e necesitámonos os uns aos outros para poder funcionar a pleno rendemento;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1751;EN;web;empresa;In our daily lives we share more than labour relations and we need each other to be able to operate at full capacity;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1752;GL;web;empresa;Por iso, esforzámonos en contribuír a facerlles máis fácil e agradable a vida aos nosos compañeiros;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1752;EN;web;empresa;That is why we strive to contribute to making life easier and more pleasant for our colleagues;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1753;GL;web;empresa;Todos merecemos ter unha vida plena e éxito no noso traballo para lograr a satisfacción persoal e cumprir os nosos soños;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1753;EN;web;empresa;We all deserve to have a full life and success in our work to achieve personal satisfaction and make our dreams come true;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1754;GL;web;empresa;A nosa forma de traballar oriéntase a acadar este obxectivo e estamos absolutamente convencidos de que é o mellor camiño para conseguilo;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1754;EN;web;empresa;Our way of working focuses on achieving this goal and we are totally convinced that this is the best way to achieve it;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1755;GL;web;empresa;Todo o que facemos persegue o mesmo obxectivo: obter a máxima cualificación;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1755;EN;web;empresa;Everything we do has the same objective: to obtain the highest rating;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1756;GL;web;empresa;Non só nos preocupamos pola óptima calidade dos produtos que comercializamos, senón tamén polo impacto que provocan no medio ambiente;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1756;EN;web;empresa;Not only do we care about the optimum quality of the products we sell, but also about the impact they have on the environment;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1757;GL;web;empresa;Os envases dos nosos produtos lácteos elabóranse con materia prima renovable procedente de bosques xestionados de maneira responsable e outras fontes controladas;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1757;EN;web;empresa;The packaging of our dairy products is made from renewable raw materials from responsibly managed forests and other controlled sources;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1758;GL;web;empresa;Son briks totalmente reciclables e de forma rectangular que permite aforrar espazo durante o transporte e o almacenamento, reducindo aínda máis o impacto ambiental;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1758;EN;web;empresa;These are fully recyclable cartons with a rectangular space-saving shape for transport and storage, further reducing the environmental impact;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1759;GL;web;empresa;A solución coa menor pegada de carbono CO2 do mercado desenvolvida con Enerxía Eléctrica Renovable 100 %;alta;https://lence.gal/valores/?lang=gl 1759;EN;web;empresa;The solution with the lowest carbon footprint on the market developed with 100% Renewable Electric Energy;alta;https://lence.gal/values/?lang=en 1760;GL;web;empresa;Aínda que a alimentación é a área que concentra a maior parte dos nosos esforzos, tamén desenvolvemos a nosa actividade noutros sectores coma o hostaleiro, transporte, gasolineiras e estacións de servizo;alta;https://lence.gal/actividades/?lang=gl 1760;EN;web;empresa;Although food is the area on which we focus most of our efforts, we also develop our activity in other sectors such as the hospitality industry, transport, or petrol stations and service stations;alta;https://lence.gal/activities/?lang=en 1761;GL;web;empresa;Atendemos ás necesidades dos nosos clientes cunha xestión áxil e flexible, onde a toma de decisións é directa, e mantemos unha estrutura sinxela que nos permite unha comunicación moi fluída;alta;https://lence.gal/actividades/?lang=gl 1761;EN;web;empresa;We cover our customers’ needs with agile, flexible management, in which the decision making is direct, and we maintain a simple structure that enable highly fluid communication;alta;https://lence.gal/activities/?lang=en 1762;GL;web;empresa;O Grupo Lence concentra a maioría das súas actividades no sector da alimentación, na produción de leite e produtos lácteos de distribución nacional e internacional;alta;https://lence.gal/actividades/?lang=gl 1762;EN;web;empresa;The Lence Group focuses most of its activities on the food sector, in the production of milk and dairy products for national and international distribution;alta;https://lence.gal/activities/?lang=en 1763;GL;web;empresa;Os nosos principais clientes son grandes almacéns e cadeas de supermercados;alta;https://lence.gal/actividades/?lang=gl 1763;EN;web;empresa;Our main customers are department stores and supermarket chains;alta;https://lence.gal/activities/?lang=en 1764;GL;web;empresa;A empresa Transleche do grupo Lence encárgase da recollida diaria en orixe dos máis de 300 millóns de litros de leite comercializados cada ano;alta;https://lence.gal/actividades/?lang=gl 1764;EN;web;empresa;The Lence group company Transleche is responsible for the daily milk collection at source of the more than 300 million litres sold each year;alta;https://lence.gal/activities/?lang=en 1765;GL;web;empresa;A rede de transporte abrangue 80 vehículos para a recollida e distribución do produto final;alta;https://lence.gal/actividades/?lang=gl 1765;EN;web;empresa;The transport network comprises 80 vehicles for the collection and distribution of the end product;alta;https://lence.gal/activities/?lang=en 1766;GL;web;empresa;O Grupo Lence é propietario dunha cadea de gasolineiras e estacións de servizo nas provincias da Coruña e Lugo;alta;https://lence.gal/actividades/?lang=gl 1766;EN;web;empresa;The Lence Group owns a chain of petrol stations and service stations in the provinces of A Coruña and Lugo;alta;https://lence.gal/activities/?lang=en 1767;GL;web;empresa;O Grupo Lence está presente nos sectores hoteleiro e hostalería con numerosos establecementos de restauración, ademais do Hotel e o Apartahotel Forum Ceao, situados a 5 minutos da capital lucense, Patrimonio da Humanidade;alta;https://lence.gal/actividades/?lang=gl 1767;EN;web;empresa;The Lence Group is present in the hospitality sector with numerous catering establishments, in addition to the Hotel and Apartahotel Forum Ceao, located 5 minutes from the provincial capital of Lugo, a World Heritage Site;alta;https://lence.gal/activities/?lang=en 1768;GL;web;empresa;A diversificación do Grupo Lence inclúe o sector inmobiliario a través da empresa Complejo San Cristóbal, que ten como principal área de negocio o investimento e alugueiro de inmobles;alta;https://lence.gal/actividades/?lang=gl 1768;EN;web;empresa;The diversification of the Lence Group includes the real estate sector through the company Complejo San Cristóbal, whose main business area is rental property and investment;alta;https://lence.gal/activities/?lang=en 1769;GL;web;empresa;O grupo Lence está conformado por familias;alta;https://lence.gal/compromiso-con-galicia/?lang=gl 1769;EN;web;empresa;The Lence group is made up of families;alta;https://lence.gal/commitment-to-galicia/?lang=en 1770;GL;web;empresa;A pesar de que Galicia é a rexión líder en produción de leite no territorio español, Lence é a única empresa láctea galega entre as 10 maiores empresas da industria;alta;https://lence.gal/compromiso-con-galicia/?lang=gl 1770;EN;web;empresa;Despite Galicia being the leading milk-producing region in Spain, Lence is the only Galician dairy company among the 10 largest companies in the sector;alta;https://lence.gal/commitment-to-galicia/?lang=en 1771;GL;web;empresa;Lence merca e produce en Galicia consonte unha das nosas principais razóns de ser: devolverlle á terra parte do que recibimos dela;alta;https://lence.gal/compromiso-con-galicia/?lang=gl 1771;EN;web;empresa;Lence buys and produces in Galicia in line with one of our main raisons d’être: giving back to the land part of what we receive from it;alta;https://lence.gal/commitment-to-galicia/?lang=en 1772;GL;web;empresa;Sentimos unha gran responsabilidade co rural galego e somos conscientes de que a nosa actividade garante a continuidade dun gran número de ganderías familiares en Galicia;alta;https://lence.gal/compromiso-con-galicia/?lang=gl 1772;EN;web;empresa;We feel a great responsibility towards the Galician countryside, in our awareness that our activity guarantees the continuity of a large number of family livestock farms in Galicia;alta;https://lence.gal/commitment-to-galicia/?lang=en 1773;GL;web;empresa;O apoio a entidades locais está no noso ADN dende os inicios do Grupo Lence;alta;https://lence.gal/compromiso-con-galicia/?lang=gl 1773;EN;web;empresa;Support for local entities has been in our DNA since the beginning of the Lence Group;alta;https://lence.gal/commitment-to-galicia/?lang=en 1774;GL;web;empresa;Ao longo dos anos, vimos colaborado con entidades deportivas, clubs, asociacións veciñais e culturais para que poidan seguir levando a cabo o seu labor dinamizador no ámbito local;alta;https://lence.gal/compromiso-con-galicia/?lang=gl 1774;EN;web;empresa;Over the years, we have collaborated with sports entities, clubs, neighbourhood and cultural associations, so that they can continue to carry out their dynamic work at the local level;alta;https://lence.gal/commitment-to-galicia/?lang=en 1775;GL;web;empresa;Dende o patrocinio dun dos deportes máis tradicionais de Galicia, como é o remo, centrado no club de remo Ares, ao renovado apoio ao baloncesto, da man do CB Leche Río Breogán, o Leyma Basquet Coruña e o Ensino de Lugo;alta;https://lence.gal/compromiso-con-galicia/?lang=gl 1775;EN;web;empresa;From the sponsorship of one of the most traditional sports in Galicia, rowing, with the Ares rowing club, to the renewed support for basketball, alongside CB Leche Río Breogán, Leyma Basquet Coruña and Ensino de Lugo;alta;https://lence.gal/commitment-to-galicia/?lang=en 1776;GL;web;empresa;Son só algúns exemplos do noso compromiso coa sociedade galega, que tamén nos leva a colaborar de forma continuada cos Bancos de Alimentos da Coruña e Lugo, Cruz Vermella e outras asociacións sen ánimo de lucro que traballan con persoas e familias en risco de exclusión social en Galicia;alta;https://lence.gal/compromiso-con-galicia/?lang=gl 1776;EN;web;empresa;These are just some examples of our commitment to Galician society, which also leads us to collaborate on an ongoing basis with the Food Banks of A Coruña and Lugo, the Red Cross and other non-profit associations that work with people and families at risk of social exclusion in Galicia;alta;https://lence.gal/commitment-to-galicia/?lang=en 1777;GL;web;empresa;Para calquera dúbida ou consulta, cubra o seguinte formulario e contestarémoslle tan axiña como nos sexa posible;alta;https://lence.gal/contacto/?lang=gl 1777;EN;web;empresa;If you have any doubts or questions, please fill in the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible;alta;https://lence.gal/contact/?lang=en