Published February 20, 2023 | Version v1
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MOBIS: a service to create integrative citizen science apps


The service MOBIS (Mobile Observation Integration Service) service will offer a nice, user-friendly interface to get valuable data from smartphone sensors and images. For example: you can take air-pollution readings using iSPEX (a smartphone add-on to ‘see’ aerosols in the sky’) and a ‘normal’ picture of lichens using the same app. This means that this innovative service will allow citizen scientists to customize their own project by collecting and combining all sorts of useful information from photographs or from low-cost sensors linked to a mobile website or a native app platform, depending on the needs/wishes of the scientific and citizen community.

More information:

Service developed by DDQ in the Cos4Cloud framework. 

Infographic's designer: Lucas Wainer. 


MOBIS_Cos4Cloud infographic.pdf

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COS4CLOUD – Co-designed Citizen Observatories Services for the EOS-Cloud 863463
European Commission