Hydrology modules used in region 3 Surface water routing, Slow lake drainage (Channel Incision), Lake refreezing NOTE: Rapid drainage (hydrofracture) module was not used in region 3 Input data used for running the hydrology model. This data is for region 3 for the period 2016 till 2018. The data is from day number 1 till day number 1461 The data can be classified into 6 categories 1. Daily runoff 2. Daily snow depth 3. Daily snow density 4. Daily cloud cover 5. Daily air temperature 6. Daily wind velocity 7. Daily incoming shortwave radiation 8. Daily relative humidity The runoff_region3.tar.gz file has the daily runoff data at a spatial resolution of 100 m The sden_region3.tar.gz file has daily snow density data at a spatial resolution of 100 m The sdep_region3.tar.gz file has daily snow depth data at a spatial resolution of 100 m The CC_region3.tar.gz file has the cloud cover data at a spatial resolution of 100 m The T_region3.tar.gz file has daily air temperature data at a spatial resolution of 100 m The U_region3.tar.gz file has daily wind velocity data at a spatial resolution of 100 m The RH_region3.tar.gz file has the daily relative humidity data at a spatial resolution of 100 m The SWR_region3.tar.gz file has daily incoming shortwave data at a spatial resolution of 100 m The dem2.dat file contains the surface elevation or DEM of region 3 at a spatial resolution of 100 m The specifications of the daily runoff data is as follows: 1. The file format is day[day number].dat 2. day number corresponds to the number of the day in which the model is run. For example, January 1st of the year is the 1st day and December 31st is 365th day (or 366th day in the case of a leap year) 3. The spatial resolution of the data is 100 m 4. The unit is mm/day 5. This data was extracted from the MAR model outputs The specifications of the daily snow depth data is as follows: 1. The file format is sdep[day number].dat 2. day number corresponds to the number of the day in which the model is run. For example, January 1st of the year is the 1st day and December 31st is 365th day (or 366th day in the case of a leap year) 3. The spatial resolution of the data is 100 m 4. The unit is meters 5. This data was extracted from the MAR model outputs The specifications of the daily snow density data is as follows: 1. The file format is sden[day number].dat 2. day number corresponds to the number of the day in which the model is run. For example, January 1st of the year is the 1st day and December 31st is 365th day (or 366th day in the case of a leap year) 3. The spatial resolution of the data is 100 m 4. The unit is kg/m^3 5. This data was extracted from the MAR model outputs The specifications of the daily air temperature data is as follows: 1. The file format is T[day number].dat 2. day number corresponds to the number of the day in which the model is run. For example, January 1st of the year is the 1st day and December 31st is 365th day (or 366th day in the case of a leap year) 3. The spatial resolution of the data is 100 m 4. The unit is degree Centigrade 5. This data was estimated from MAR model outputs The specifications of the daily cloud cover data is as follows: 1. The file format is CC[day number].dat 2. day number corresponds to the number of the day in which the model is run. For example, January 1st of the year is the 1st day and December 31st is 365th day (or 366th day in the case of a leap year) 3. The spatial resolution of the data is 100 m 4. The data has no unit 5. This data was estimated from MAR model outputs The specifications of the daily incoming shortwave radiation is as follows: 1. The file format is SWR[day number].dat 2. day number corresponds to the number of the day in which the model is run. For example, January 1st of the year is the 1st day and December 31st is 365th day (or 366th day in the case of a leap year) 3. The spatial resolution of the data is 100 m 4. The unit is W/m^2 5. This data was estimated from MAR model outputs The specifications of the daily relative humidity data is as follows: 1. The file format is RH[day number].dat 2. day number corresponds to the number of the day in which the model is run. For example, January 1st of the year is the 1st day and December 31st is 365th day (or 366th day in the case of a leap year) 3. The spatial resolution of the data is 100 m 4. The data has no unit 5. This data was estimated from MAR model outputs The specifications of the daily wind velocity data is as follows: 1. The file format is U[day number].dat 2. day number corresponds to the number of the day in which the model is run. For example, January 1st of the year is the 1st day and December 31st is 365th day (or 366th day in the case of a leap year) 3. The spatial resolution of the data is 100 m 4. The unit is m/s 5. This data was estimated from MAR model outputs The unit of surface elevation data is meters