Supplementary Data

Global fits of vector-mediated s-channel simplified models for scalar and fermionic dark matter with GAMBIT.

The files in this record contain supplementary data including the samples and plotting scripts used for the results in Chang. C et al. "Global fits of vector-mediated s-channel simplified models for scalar and fermionic dark matter with GAMBIT." Samples have been created using GAMBIT and figures can be reproduced with pippi.

This record contains:

  • 10 hdf5 files containing the samples produced for this article. The files are split up into relic abundance as an upperlimit, or capped. The files are named according to their model.
  • 3 pip files to create the fitures from the samples, using pippi.


  • Plotting scripts (*.pip) are designed to work with either the original version of pippi 2.1 or the forked unreleased version. The provided scripts do not reproduce all the figures in the paper exactly.
  • To save storage space, all samples have been compressed using tar. To inflate each dataset after downloading run tar -zxvf <samples>.hdf5.gz.
  • To facilitate uploading to Zenodo, several of the data files have been thinned to only include enough points to reproduce plots.