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Published October 10, 2022 | Version v1
Poster Open

DeDNAed: Cluster decorated recognition elements on DNA origami for enhanced raman spectroscopic detection methods

  • 1. TU Chemnitz, Institute of Opto Electronic Systems; TU Chemnitz, Centre for Microtechnologies; TU Chemnitz, Research Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes
  • 2. TU Chemnitz, Institute of Opto Electronic Systems; TU Chemnitz, Centre for Microtechnologies; Fraunhofer ENAS; TU Chemnitz, Research Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes
  • 3. TU Chemnitz, Centre for Microtechnologies


In the EU-funded project DeDNAed, DNA Origami is used as a nano-breadboard to integrate a biological recognition
element in the center of an array of gold nanoparticles for surface enhanced raman spectroscopy. DNA Origami represents a new and simple method for self-assembly of 2D and 3D structures, offering a native resolution of approx 5.2 nm for the decoration with functional elements (nanoparticles, sensing elements, etc.)

Methods include immobilization of DNA Origami for characterization and formation of meta structures. Bond-resistant layers and bond-attractive structures for the Origami deposition were created using chemical vapor deposition and lithography. Wafers were plasma- and chemically activated to favor immobilization at bond-attractive sites.

This poster was presented by Mathis Janßen at the MAIN General Assembly from the Technische Universität Chemnitz on 10 October 2022.



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DeDNAed – Cluster decorated recognition elements on DNA origami for enhanced raman spectroscopic detection methods 964248
European Commission