Category,Code,Description,Example Quote,Notes workInfo,jobTypeOrRole,"What do they do in their company on a day to day basis?","I work on a team that manages our public assets. So, our public-facing website. We have a team of editors and analysts that write content. So we just make sure they have the tools they need to publish all of that.",Inital Code ,industry,"What industry or economic sector do they work in (or have worked in)? e.g., finance, big tech, medical, government contracts, etc","I primarily went into investment banking first. So I've been doing that, and then later on, became venture capital",Inital Code ,companySize,"How big the company is","We are 500 and some plus",Inital Code ,culture,"What are the non job-specific aspects of their work place like? e.g., how do they get along with their co-workers","I mentioned that we meet a few times a year and when we meet we have “team bonding” exercises and activities like that. Our company treats us pretty well and we do a lot of fun things together as a company and as our own separate teams when we do have those chances to meet together. We have very good relationships. Or, at least I do with my team and the rest of my coworkers.",Inital Code ,wfh,"Is it remote or hybrid or inperson?","I guess hybrid, predominantly remote. But occasionally I'll go see somebody onsite or in an office.",Inital Code ,experience,"How long have they been working in software? Both professional and scholastic","I've been working for six years. Stuff with specifically a focus on software would probably be, I guess, three.", ,,,,Inital Code define,define,"Their definition of a mind-altering/psychoactive substance","I would classify psychoactive as anything that's crossing blood-brain barrier. So caffeine is psychoactive, and alcohol is psychoactive.",Inital Code ,,,,, drugTypes,prescriptionStimulants,"Quote includes or is about prescription stimulants: (Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Modafanil)","That's why I was so impressed by his story about Adderall because he told me that he has ADHD. So that's why he can access to Adderall before. And when he tried it, he understood that he can work for eight hours without being tired. And yeah, I was amazed and I decided to try it as well. I talked to my psychiatrist, and yeah, I got a prescription for Adderall.",Inital Code ,recStimulants,"Quote includes or is about recreational stimulants: (cocaine, meth, etc)","Granted coke's a little bit more addictive in that case, but it's chasing that feeling of cocaine. But to a certain degree, in certain things of how much are people trying to take a step back and realizing, or at least for, you know, dopaminergic agents of I'm doing this so I can work more, so I can have more output, so I can level up more.",Inital Code ,caffeine,"Quote includes or is about caffine: (coffee, tea, energy drinks)","Caffeine, of course, I don't think that that's the secret that people drink coffee a lot.", ,cannabis,"Quote includes or is about cannabis: (marijuana, cbd, weed)","I have had times where it's like you smoke weed and then you're like, “okay, I'm thinking of this problem in a different way,” and it actually can be helpful occasionally. But overall, I'd say it's negative.",Inital Code ,alcohol,"Quote includes or is about alcohol: (beer, wine)","Yeah, like if you drink a lot of alcohol when you're writing, something you might think, 'Oh, this is great,' but like when you actually go and edit it, it's like, 'Okay, this sucks here.",Inital Code ,tobacco,"Quote includes or is about tobacco","For tobacco, probably more of an addiction thing. Whether or not I was doing software work, I was using it.", ,benzos,"Quote includes or is about benzodiazepines","Benzodiazepines make you less anxious. So in a more social setting, they would be helpful if you are group programming. If you're giving some sort of presentation about your code, I would use it in those sorts of situations because it takes away a lot of that social anxiety, a lot of that anxiety in general. And I don't know if you've ever – you've probably heard of people taking those sorts of substances for public speaking. It kinda works the same way. Big meetings, you're explaining code, you're doing that sort of thing. It kinda helps with those things, but not so much when it comes down to programming and doing analysis and debugging and all those sorts of things.", ,SSRIs,"Any reuptake inhibitor, commonly antidepressants or antianxiety medications. Examples: Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro, Wellbutrin, etc. Prevents preemptive reuptake of neurotransmitters like serotonin or dopamine by keeping nerve channels open","the SSRIs, I just use 24/7. But in general, it definitely does help me be able to work. So I mean, I have pretty bad anxiety and depression and it definitely gets my brain to a point where I can engage with work and where I feel less anxiety. Yeah, I think that's true of SSRIs and also Wellbutrin. And I was hoping that the stimulants would help with focus because focus has always been really difficult for me. It ended up being the case that Wellbutrin was better than those.", ,psychedelics,"Quote includes or is about psychedelics","I was curious once, but I did not do productive work on acid. But I was curious of what it would be opening? Yeah, I was very high and I thought it would be very interesting to see what all the colors, everything underlined, are different.",Inital Code ,opiates,"Quote includes or is about opioids","So I mentioned I had done opiates, but I don't know if you're familiar with kratom, which is a plant-based – I don't know if it's a true opiate, but it has very much opiate-like effects. So I had used that at work and that would usually last a few hours and give that like opiate-type buzz.", ,psychedelics_microdosing,"Quote includes or is about psychedelics, specifically in the context of micodosing","So microdosing acid is kinda like the opposite of Adderall. So if you have like a complicated system and you kind of, or like a difficult problem, like an actually difficult problem, it's very helpful to allow you to see it from a different perspective. I don't often microdose acid because most problems that you encounter in your job are not that difficult. In terms of just pure difficulty, it's more like you just have to think about it, or reason about it. So yeah, I don't usually use acid and in this context, but very occasionally, yes, microdosing if you're in like a big pickle or whatever, and you're just trying to figure stuff out, it can help.",Inital Code ,nootropics,"drugs, supplements, and other substances that are claimed to improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, attention, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals","Also, I have Russian Neotropics for concentration and creativity.", ,antianxiety,"Beta-blockers or other meds used for anti-anxiety means that aren't SSRIs","For beta-blocker I – I forgot the medicine. Yeah. I forgot, but it was a low dose for beta-blocker. Very low dose. Minimum dose I had to take.", ,,,, ,other,"Anything used by only one person or not relevant enough to put in the code book","This might be on the border of psychoactive, but stuff that makes me drowsy like any like allergy meds. I wouldn't take Benadryl if I need it if I know, I need to focus better.", ,all,"when talking about all psychoactive substances in general, not just the ones they use - common during hypotheticals or when talking about coworkers",, ,,,,Inital Code interesting,goodQuote,"Something that you think might be a good quote for phase 2 or when writing up results",,Inital Code ,offTopicButCool,"Something you find interesting but is not about psychoactive substances and software",,Inital Code ,onTopicAndCool,"Something you find interesting that is about psychoactive drugs and software",,Inital Code ,,,, other,foundFrom,"Where did they find this study, tag subreddit if available",,