Pyramidium griffithianum Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. ser. 2, 1: 47. 1854.

Veselskya griffithiana (Boiss.) Opiz in Lotos 6: 257. 1856.

Type: “Hab. in regno Cabulico circâ Dair Haj, (W. Griffith. Coll. Nº 1549 et 553 Journal)”.

Holotypus: AFGHANISTAN: “553 Journal. half way to Dair Haj”, s.d., Griffith 1549 (K [K000693474]; iso-: G-BOIS [G00332578], K [K000693473]).

Notes. – The specimen of K with the journal and collection numbers on the label is the holotype.

The G-BOIS isotype is fragmentary and was taken from the holotype.The label of the holotype also has “Herb. Lemann, 1852” indicated whereas the G-BOIS isotype has “ Mr. Lemann 1851”.

In addition to Griffith 1549, the isotype K 000693473 has the number 1409 followed by “distr. cat.”.