Type: “Hab. in rupestribus calcareis montium Avroman et Schahu Kurdistaniae Persicae (Haussk.!)”.
Holotypus: IRAN: “In rupestr. calc. m. Avroman & Schahu”, VII.1867, Haussknecht 107 (G-BOIS [G00330702]; iso-: JE [JE00007936, JE00007937, JE00007938], K [K000484200, K000484201]).
= Aethionema fimbriatum Boiss. in Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser. 2, 17: 193. 1842.
Notes. – The holotype is a collection folder of three sheets: sheet 1 of 3 is barcoded and has a handwritten label by Haussknecht as given above in the quotation phrase, plus a printed label indicating “Haussknecht It. Orient. Montes Avroman et Schahu. Jul.-1867”. Sheet 2 of 3 has a label with printed information as in sheet 1. Sheet 3 of 3 has a packet with the collection number 107 and Boissier’s handwriting that reads “Avroman et Schahu”.
The K duplicates do not have the collection number, but their printed label is the same as that of the holotype.