Type: “Hab. in graminosis Persiae australis inter Kumaredj et Dalechi (Haussk.!)”.
Holotypus: IRAN: “In gramin. inter Kumaredj et Dalaki”, 1000'–3000' [300–910 m], IV.1868, Haussknecht s.n. (G-BOIS [G00332663]; iso-: JE [JE00000249], W [W0044940]).
= Brassica aucheri Boiss. in Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. ser. 2, 17: 88. 1842.
Notes. – The holotype is a collection folder of two sheets with identical labels and one in flower and the other in fruit. The first author erroneously annotated the sheet with fruiting plants in 1984 as holotype and the flowering one as isotype. However, they both represent one gathering that was too large to mount on one sheet.
The systematic position of this taxon has been controversial, and it is tentatively placed here in Brassica, though that generic assignment is tenuous at best. A summary of the taxonomic confusion is presented under Raphanus aucheri (see below).