Xanthias inornatus (Rathbun 1898)

(Fig. 41C, D)

Actaea inornata Rathbun, 1898: 583 [Type locality: 6º59’30”S, 34º47’00”W, off Cabedelo, Paraíba, Brazil, 36.5 m].

Size of largest female: cl 12 mm, cw 15.5 mm.

Comparative material examined. None.

Distribution. Curaçao and Brazil (Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Trindade Island) (Rathbun, 1930; Oliveira 1945; Coelho & Ramos 1972; Coelho et al. 1986; Coelho Filho & Coelho 1996). Xanthias inornatus has not been recorded from Trindade previously.

Ecological notes. Rare. Found in calcareous algae between 12 and 75 m. In Trindade, X. inornatus (Fig. 41C, D) was found near rocks in sandy bottom at 12 m.

Remarks. Rathbun (1898; 1930) mentioned that the female holotype of X. inornatus was captured “off Cape St. Roque” [Rio Grande do Norte], Brazil, 6º59’30”S, 34º47’00”W. However, these geographic coordinates actually refer to off Cabedelo, Paraíba, Brazil, which, therefore, is the correct type locality of X. inornatus.