Randallia laevis (Borradaile, 1916)

(Fig. 11A)

Persephona (Myropsis) laevis Borradaile, 1916: 107 [Type locality: Trindade Island, Brazil].

Trindade specimens. Male holotype, cl 24 mm (not examined). Type in the Natural History Museum, in London (catalog number: 1917.1.29.166).

Comparative material examined. Randalia laevis is only known from the holotype.

Distribution. So far only known from Trindade Island.

Ecological notes. Unknown.

Remarks. The only known specimen of Randallia laevis (Fig. 11A), caught during the British Antarctic (“Terra Nova”) Expedition, 1910, was found “Placed in a bottom with Johngarthia lagostoma (as Gecarcinus) from South Trindade Island, and therefore probably taken near the island. Its condition somewhat suggests its having been picked up dead on the shore.” (Borradaile 1916).