17. * Eugenia chiapensis Lundell, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 20: 238 (1938)

EOO: 251.482 km ². AOO: 12 km ². Evaluation of IUCN: Vulnerable.

Eugenia chiapensis is an endemic species that occurs in the Humid Montane Forest and Temperate Forest in the state of Chiapas. The estimated extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) fall into the Endangered category. There are only 3 known locations and all of them have different ongoing threats. Eugenia chiapensis occurs mainly in areas of well-preserved vegetation and under lower anthropic pressure (CONABIO 2018), such as in the vicinity of “Reserva de la Biosfera El Triunfo” in the state of Chiapas (INE-SEMARNAP 1999b) but near to urban areas, excluded from any conservation measure. In this case, any disruption caused by anthropic activities (fire events, agricultural or urban expansion) could drive the taxon to the CR or EX in a very short time. Therefore, considering the restricted area of occupancy and the number of locations, Eugenia chiapensis is classified as Vulnerable (VU), as it meets the criterion D2.

Specimen examined:— MEXICO. Chiapas: Heath & Long 945 (MEXU!).