Data from: Prescribed versus wildfire impacts on exotic plants and soil microbes in California grasslands Larios, Loralee, University of California, Riverside Glassman, Sydney, University of California, Riverside ## Description of the Data and file structure APSoil_file column header metadata.txt This is a central file that has column header descriptions for the Dryad data files APSoil_SpringPlantdata.csv Plant species composition data for grassland plots in prescribed and wildfire study sites. It includes plots that were exposed to fire (i.e. burned) and those not (i.e. unburned). Data were collected in the first spring after the respective fire. Six letter species codes are used for column headers. Full species names for species codes can be found in APSoil_Plant Species List.csv Columns for species diversity response variables are also included in that are stratified across the entire community or based on species provenance (i.e. native or exotic). APSoil_Plant Species List.csv Provides full species names for any plant species observed during the study. A "NA" value was given for any species that had no field observation notes. APSoil_Bacterial-Metadata-withsoilPCA_final.csv Bacterial richness, diversity and abundance response variables for grassland plots sampled in prescribed and wildfire study sites that were either exposed to fire or not. Data are reported for multiple time points and file includes soil chemistry data and soil PCA axis scores that were used for data analysis. Soil samples were only collected for first time point after fire; thus the soil variables for other timepoints are listed as NA. APSoil_otu_Bacteria_16S_rarefied data.csv Bacterial OTU table after rarefication adjustments. The first column is a sample ID key that can be connected to plot treatment information found in APSoil_Bacterial-Metadata-withsoilPCA.csv APSoil_Fungal-Metadata-withsoilPCA.csv Fungal richness, diversity and abundance response variables for grassland plots sampled in prescribed and wildfire study sites that were either exposed to fire or not. Data are reported for multiple time points and file includes soil chemistry data and soil PCA axis scores that were used for data analysis. APSoil_otu_Fungal_ITS_rarefied data.csv Fungal OTU table after rarefication adjustments. The first column is a sample ID key that can be connected to plot treatment information found in APSoil_Fungal-Metadata-withsoilPCA.csv APSoil_AMF data.csv Compiled data file that has summary spring plant richness and diversity metrics and richness, diversity metrics for arbuscular fungal mycorrhizae