A new inventory of High Mountain Asia surging glaciers derived from multiple elevation datasets since the 1970s Description: Glacier surging is an unusual undulation instability of ice flow and complete surging glacier inventories are important for regional mass balance studies and assessing glacier-related hazards. Glacier surge events in High Mountain Asia (HMA) are widely reported. Through the estimated elevation changes from multiple DEMs sources that acquired from 1970s to 2020, and morphologic changes from 1986 to 2021, here we present a new surging glacier inventory across HMA. The inventory has incorporated 890 surging and 336 surge-like glaciers, each glacier is assigned with indicators of surging feature and surge possibility. Compared to previous surging glacier inventory in HMA, our inventory is theoretically more complete because of the much longer observation period. This data repository contains the surging glacier inventory and glacier elevation change maps. The inventory is stored in the format of GeoPackage (.gpkg) and ESRI Shapefile format (.shp), which is represented by glacier polygon (from GAMDAM2) or surface point with geometric attributes. The multi-temporal elevation change maps of identified surging glaciers were divided into 1×1° tiles, storing in the format of GeoTiff(*.tif). Detailed description of the dataset including the file contents and attributes information can be found in the metadata file (README.txt). Note: The dH tiles are from preliminary results using for identifying surging-related elevation change pattern only. Therefore we recommend against using this dataset for any geodetic mass balance estimation or other precise calculations. Reference: Guo, L., Li, J., Dehecq, A., Li, Z., Li, X., and Zhu, J.: A new inventory of High Mountain Asia surging glaciers derived from multiple elevation datasets since the 1970s, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint], https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2022-238, 2022. File Contents: 1. Surging glacier inventory: - Represented by with glacier polygon: - 01_HMA_surging_glacier_inventory_gamdam_v2.zip - HMA_surging_glacier_inventory_gamdam_v2.gpkg - HMA_surging_glacier_inventory_gamdam_v2.shp - Represented by glacier surface point: - 02_HMA_surging_glacier_inventory_gamdam_v2_point.zip - HMA_surging_glacier_inventory_gamdam_v2_point.gpkg - HMA_surging_glacier_inventory_gamdam_v2_point.shp 2. Multi-temporal elevation change maps of identified surging glaciers: - dH map of COP30 DEM - NASADEM (2000-2010s) - 03_2010s_cop_elev_diff_surging_glacier.zip - latlon_2010s_cop_elev_diff_surging_glacier.tif - dH map of HMA8m DEM - NASADEM (2000-2010s) - 04_2010s_hma8m_elev_diff_surging_glacier.zip - latlon_hma8m_yyyymmdd_elev_diff_surging_glacier.tif - dH map of NASADEM - KH-9 DEM (1970s-2000) - 05_1970s_kh9_elev_diff_surging_glacier.zip - latlon_kh9_yyyymmdd_elev_diff_surging_glacier.tif 3. Attribute information file: README.txt Description of the attribute fields: Glac_ID: Glacier identifier composed by Lat/Lon Area: Glacier area (km2) Zmin: Minimum elevation of the glacier (m a.s.l) Zmax: Maximum elevation of the glacier (m a.s.l) Zmed: Median elevation of the glacier (m a.s.l) Slope: Mean glacier surface slope (°) Aspect: Mean glacier aspect/orientation (°) MaxL: Maximum length of glacier flow line (m) HiMAP_region: HMA subregion that the glacier belongs to Surge_20: Surge identified in 2000-2020 by dH Surge_70s: Surge identified in 1970s-2020 by dH Delta_T: Identified class of glacier terminus advance Loop_M: Identified class of looped moraine change Medial_M: Identified class of medial moraine change False_signal: False positive signal of identification Trib_surge: If the glacier has/is surging tributary Surge_class: Final surge identification during 1970s-2020