This folder contains six grid files and one Matlab code from Zheng et al. (2022). (1)105W95W1S5N_mba.grd -- mantle Bougour anomaly calculated in this study (displayed in Fig. 1c). (2)105W95W1S5N_mba_ship_topo_global_FAA.grd -- Calculated mantle Bougour anomaly using mutltibeam bathymetry and global free air anomaly data (displayed in Fig. S1b). (3)105W95W1S5N_mba_global_topo_global_FAA.grd -- Calculated mantle Bougour anomaly using global bathymetry and global free air anomaly data (displayed in Fig. S1c). (4)105W95W1S5N_thermal_1k.grd -- thermal effect caused by plate cooling (displayed in Fig. S2b). (5)105W95W1S5N_rmba_1k.grd -- residual mantle Bougour anomaly (displayed in Fig. 2a). (6)105W95W1S5N_crust_1k.grd -- relative crustal thickness (displayed in Fig. 2b). (7)fig4_filtered_model.m -- Matlab code for producing filtered model in Fig. 4