Published October 2, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

iFishIENCi Report on regulatory framework and requirements (First Version)

  • 1. ttz Bremerhaven
  • 1. NCE Seafood Innovation Cluster
  • 2. NORCE Research
  • 3. LEITAT


The overall objective of iFishIENCi is to provide the European aquaculture sector with a competitive advantage and growth stimulation through breakthrough innovations supporting sustainable aquaculture based on enabling technologies and circular principles. In that context, it is important to identify and assess the regulatory framework and requirements linked with the Fish farming industry and the nutrition and breeding in the European aquaculture.  

As the European aquaculture companies operate in complex markets with multifaceted interface at local and global level, the current report D4.12 focuses on the EU regulation, both sector specific and cross-sector regulation, for nutrition and breeding in the European aquaculture, followed by national regulations seen from a Maltese, Norwegian, Danish, Spanish, Greek, Hungarian, German and French (the countries of the consortium members) perspective. Although the European national regulations for a large part are implementation of EU regulation, there are differences, which influence the competitiveness of the national industry. iFishIENCi will also look out at responsible legislation of other countries such as Ireland, Scotland and Turkey (to start with) in order to identify lessons to learn from those countries. 

The objective of iFishIENCi project is also to develop and demonstrate a disruptive IoT/AI based innovations, considering the feeding value chain of aquaculture as a whole, and addressing four commercially-important species, with fish quality as focus. 

Limitations, constraints and opportunities in terms of Standardisation and Certification as well as the evaluation of informal institutions will be implemented along the lifetime of the iFishIENCi project. The existing framework is described in the current report D4.12, whereas the detailed methodology to be used and the results will be described in follow-up deliverables D4.13 and D4.14 (Report on regulatory framework and requirements 2nd and 3rd version). 



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iFishIENCi – Intelligent Fish feeding through Integration of ENabling technologies and Circular principle 818036
European Commission