Data associated with Hadlow et al. (2022) Density-dependent patterns of multivariate selection on sperm motility and morphology in a broadcast spawning mussel. Ecology and Evolution

Corresponding author contact information:
Jessica H. Hadlow
Centre for Evolutionary Biology, School of Biological Sciences, University of Western Australia, M092 Perth WA 6009 Australia

Data were collected in June-October 2019 in Perth, Western Australia. The model species is Mytilus galloprovincialis, a marine broadcast spawning
Details of data collection can be found in associated paper (published in Ecology and Evolution).
Sperm morphology was measured using Image J (v 1.48) and images taken of sperm fixed in 10% buffered formalin.
Sperm motility was analysed using computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA, CEROS-II, Hamilton-Thorne, Beverly, USA).
Fertilisation rates were estimated as the number of embryos undergoing normal cleavage or with polar bodies out of 200 haphazardly-sampled eggs. Fertilisation assays were conducted
under two sperm density regimes (high and low sperm concentrations).
Data were analysed using multivariate selection analyses in R (v 3.6.0).


File descriptions


File containing sperm morphology measurements for 183 male mussels.
Morphology measurements were used as phenotypic predictors of fertilisation success.
Average sperm morphological traits taken from 20 sperm per male.
**  parameter not used in final analyses

ID: unique individual identifier for males. Letter at end of ID indicates treatment (H - high or L - low)
HW AVE**: average sperm head width (micrometres, um)
AC AVE**: average sperm acrosome length (um)
HL AVE: average sperm head length (um)
FL AVE: average sperm flagellum length (um)
TL AVE**: average total length of sperm (um)

Morphological data could not be collected for males 2012L and 2010H. The rows associated with these males contain "n/a" (rows 168 and 171).


File containing sperm motility parameters and fertilisation rates for 182 male mussels.
Motility measurements were used as phenotypic predictors of fertilisation success.
Fertilisation success used as a measure of reproductive fitness.
**  parameter not used in final analyses

ID: unique individual identifier for males. Letter at end of ID indicates treatment (H - high or L - low)
Block: number identifying experimental block to which the individual belongs (experiment was conducted in 22 blocks)
Treatment: H or L. H = high sperm density treatment, L = low sperm density treatment
Fert: fertilisation success, number of embryos undergoing normal cleavage or with polar bodies out of 200 haphazardly-sampled eggs
motilecount**: number of motile sperm tracked in the sample
ALH**: amplitude of lateral head placement, maximum lateral placement of sperm head about its average path (um)
BCF: beat-cross frequency, average rate at which the actual sperm trajectory crosses the average path (Hz)
LIN: path linearity, linearity of the curvilinear/actual sperm trajectory (VSL/VCL x 100)
STR**: path straightness, linearity of the average path (VSL/VAP x 100)
VAP**: average path velocity, average velocity of sperm along a smoothed track (um/s)
VCL: curvilinear velocity, average velocity of sperm measured along the actual track (um/s)
VSL**: stragiht-line velocity, average velocity of sperm along a straight line from their first and last detection point (um/s)
PM: percentage of motile sperm in the sample (%)
totalcount**: total number of sperm tracked in the sample (motile and non-motile)