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Published December 14, 2022 | Version v2
Project deliverable Open

D4.4 Territoriality Roundtables (combined report)

  • 1. University of Amsterdam, Institute for Information Law


This report summarizes the outcome of two roundtables held with expert legal scholars on the need for a unified European copyright. Issues discussed include various models for a unitary copyright title and fundamental rights aspects.

The Roundtables are part of a strand of the Recreating Europe project that queries how the territorial nature of copyright and related rights can hinder the realisation of the digital single market. While for e.g., trademarks and designs the EU has legislated community wide rights that extend across borders of individual Member States, copyright and related rights remain national at heart. Authors, performers, phonogram producers, database producers and other related rights owners all acquire bundles of national rights in their respective (intellectual) productions. Despite far-reaching harmonization of the subject-matter, scope and duration of national rights, these rights remain restricted in their existence and exploitation to the geographic boundaries of the individual Member States under whose laws they arise, i.e., they are territorial.

Associated papers:



Territoriality Roundtables report(FINAL)870626_D4_4.pdf

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reCreating Europe – Rethinking digital copyright law for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe 870626
European Commission