Rattus biakensis Troughton, 1946

Rec. Aust. Mus. 21(7): 409. (24 June 1946).

Common name. Yapen Island Rat.

Current name. Rattus jobiensis jobiensis Rümmler, 1935; following Taylor et al. (1982) and Musser & Carleton (2005). Holotype. M.7082, by original designation. Female adult, [Field no. 17], Skull, study skin, collected on 9 March 1945 [not 1935] by E. Le G. Troughton, registered 14 October 1945.

Condition. Cranium missing both auditory bullae, otherwise complete; both dentaries complete. Study skin complete and in good condition.

Type locality. Biak Island, Schouten Group, Cenderawasih (formerly Geelvink) Bay, Papua Province, Indonesia.

Comments. Probably described from the holotype only. Troughton’s account makes no mention of other specimens in the type series and there are no other specimens of this taxon with matching dates in the AM database. Holotype skull figured by Flannery (1995c).