Country;Case study;Data source ;short description;Data source type;Data owner;Data custodian;Population;Epidemiological unit;Access and governance issues;Use in the case study;Frequency of update of the original source ;known reporting delays;"Frequency of update needed in the application ";Stakeholders;URL DK;AMU;VetStat;Veterinary prescription database;SQL database;FVST;;Domestic animals;Prescription at farm level (including drug and indication);Access is very sensitive;Unknown if it will be possiblle to use it directly;;;If we can use it at all, then we can use the version we have;FVST, all livestock industry; NO;AMU;Mastitis test results;Microbiolocical test results including resistance;Unknown;Tine;Tine;Dairy cattle;Test result;No current access;If allowed access, combine with prescription data to validate use of VetReg for surveillance;Daily;Unknown;For the research, none.;Cattle industry, Tine, veterinary practitionars; NO;AMU;NormVet;Test results from AMR surveillance;SQL;Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA);Norwegian Veterinary Institute;Domestic animals;Sample (animal or batch);Access, may have to apply for use in specific projects;Combine with prescription data;Daily;None;For the research, none.;NFSA, industry; NO;AMU;VetReg;Veterinary prescriptions and veterinary use of medicines;SQL, data transferred as csv;Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA);NFSA;Production animals;Animal and/or holding;Access is sensitive. general access for purposes related to support of NFSA.;Indication, drug used, animal id, holding id;Daily;Should be a few days.;For the research, none.;NFSA, industry; SE;AMU;FOTA;Antimicrobial sales ;governmental database;eHealth agency;;Domestic animals;"Animal species; antimicrobial (class)";"SVA gets annual report from eHealth agency; may be possible to have access to their database, Concise, through paying yearly license";;;;;Swedish board of agriculture, EMA; SE;AMU;Vet@Data;Antimicrobial usage ;SQL database;Swedish board of agriculture;Swedish board of agriculture;Livestock;"Animal species; antimicrobial";SVA has access to the data, and the data can be used for identifying trends and for better surveillance/preparedness in general, but will need to ask the Swedish board of agriculture if we want to put the data online (e.g. dashboard).;;Daily;;;Swedish board of agriculture, EMA; SE;AMU;SVALA;Antimicrobial resistance ;SQL database;SVA ;SVA;Domestic animals;"Animal species; antimicrobial ";SVA has access to the database and can use the data for projects/activities that aims to promote animal and public health ;;Daily;;;Swedish board of agriculture, EMA, veterinary practitioners; EE;ASF;"National Ref Lab for ASF; Veterinary- and Food Laboratory";laboratory data for all analysed samples. The database includes information about animal owners, animals, samples, test results and geolocation;SQL database;Estonian veterinary authority - Board of agriculture and food;"National Ref Lab for ASF; Veterinary- and Food Laboratory";Domestic pigs;animal/herd;Access, may have to apply for use in specific projects;Possible;Daily;;For the research, none.;Vet authority; EE;ASF;"National Ref Lab for ASF; Veterinary- and Food Laboratory";laboratory data for all analysed samples. The database includes information about animal owners, animals, samples, test results and geolocation;SQL database;Estonian veterinary authority - Board of agriculture and food;"National Ref Lab for ASF; Veterinary- and Food Laboratory";Wild pigs;animal;Access, may have to apply for use in specific projects;Possible;Daily;;For the research, none.;Vet authority; EE;ASF;Population registers;Animal locations and movements;SQL database;Estonian board of agricultual information and registers;Estonian board of agricultual information and registers;Livestock;animal/herd;Access, may have to apply for use in specific projects;Possible;quarterly;;For the research, none.;"Vet authority; farmers"; DK;ASF;Pig producers' database;Pig movements;CSV file;SEGES/industry;;Domestic pigs;Batch of animals;We have general access;Analyse dynamic contact network of pig movements between farms (including spatial locations of farms);;;We may be able to get an update, otherwise we can use the version we have;SEGES, pig insutry, FVST; NO;ASF;Movement data;"Several registers that will be combined to estimate movement: from, to, number of animals, transport route. Day for veterinary visits when using medicines (Veterinary prescription data) Day for visits for AI (AI register) Pig movement register (number of animals moved) Slaughter truck movements (to slaughter, robably with order of farms)";SQL database;"Industry, Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA)";"Industry, Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA)";Domestic pigs;Groups of animals;Have started working on access for a research project;;Annually for research project;Varies;For the research, annually.;NFSA, pig industry; NO;ASF;Population registers;"Several registers that will be combined to estimate herd size and number of animals per animal category and to categorize the herds in production types. Examples of registers are: Agricultural property register (geo-coordinates) Production subsidies (number of animals and partly caracterization into production type) Sow pools register (production type) Breeding herds (production type, top of breeding pyramid) Carcass deliviries (partly caracterization into production type)";SQL database;"Industry, Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA)";"Industry, Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA)";Domestic pigs;Herd;Have started working on access for a research project;;Annually for research project;Varies;For the research, annually.;NFSA, pig industry; SE;ASF;Farm locations;Public information about the farm locations, and animal species.;Shapefile;Jordbruksverket;Lantmäteriet;Livestock;;Open access through Lantmäteriet.;;Every 6 months;;;; SE;ASF;Meteorological data;;CSV file;;SMHI;;;;;;;;; SE;ASF;Pig movements (central database for animal movements);;SQL database;;Jordbruksverket;Livestock;;;;;;;; SE;ASF;Road network;Data on road networks, service areas, ;Available through API;;Trafikverket;;;;;;;;; SE;ASF;Terrain map;The terrain map in scale 1:50 000 provides a full-fledged soil type report that also includes blocky land, mountains in the day and deciduous forest. It also has a detailed account of small roads, paths and roadblocks. ;Available through FTP or API. Vector format;;Lantmäteriet;;;This open geodata is available according to the open data license Creative Commons, CC0. The license allows you to use, re-distribute, modify and compile Lantmäteriet’s open data - even for commercial purposes without any restrictions. (user account needed, could be created for free);;;;;; SE;ASF;Traffic accidents (wild animals);;;;Nationella viltolycksrådet;Wild animals;;;;;;;; SE;ASF;Wild data;;;;Svenska jägarförbundet;Wild animals;;;;;;;; UK;ASF;Agricultural Census;Locations of farms that hold livestock in England;CSV ;DEFRA/APHA;;Livestock;Agricultural holding;No current access, some aggregated data public;location and number of pigs;Full census every 10 years, annual partial updates ;Unknown;;All agriculture in UK, related government departments; UK;ASF;eAML2;Pig movements in England/Wales;unknown;AHDB (industry levy board);;Domestic animals;Animal - older records will be batch;No current access;Connectivity between farms for modelling;Unknown;Unknown;;Pig industry, levy board, related government departments; UK;ASF;ScotEID - pig movements;Pig movements in Scotland;unknown (likely CSV);ScotEID ;;Livestock;Animal or batch;No current access;Connectivity between farms for modelling;Unknown;Unknown;;Pig industry, levy board, related government departments; DK;Food safety;CHR database;Animal locations and movements for DK cattle farms;SQL database;SEGES;;Livestock;Animal / movement;We have general access;Parameterise connectivity between farms plus spatial risk factors etc;Daily, but we get updates roughly monthly;A few days max;None;SEGES, cattle industry, FVST; DK;Food safety;Test data;Animal level test data for S dublin;SQL database;SEGES;;Livestock;Test result;Currently being negotiated;Categorised farms as infected/unifected over different time periods;Daily, but we should be able to get updates roughly monthly;A few days max;None;SEGES, cattle industry, FVST; NO;Food safety;Individual cattle register;Herd ID and movements for NO cattle;SQL, format for data transfer is not decided yet.;Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA);NFSA;Cattle;Individual;Formal access, working on data transfer.;Norway not a part of the FS case study;Daily;Formally max should be 7 days ;;; NO;Food safety;LIMS at NVI;Salmonella test results, all negative for S. Dublin so far.;SQL database;Submitter of sample;Norwegian Veterinary Institute;Cattle;Sample (animal or batch);Access, may have to apply for use in specific projects;Norway not a part of the FS case study;Daily;None;;; SE;Food safety;CDB (Central Database Bovine animals);Cattle movements and events: Births, deaths, movements. ;SQL database;Swedish board of agriculture;Swedish board of agriculture / SVA;Cattle;Animal/ movement;SVA gets data from the Swedish boear of agriculture and store it in an own database. Employees at SVA could get access to that database. some information about the holdings may be confidential.;Sweden not a part of the FS case study;;;;; SE;Food safety;SVALA (SVA Laboratory Information Management System);laboratory data for all analysed samples. The database includes information about animal owners, animals, samples, test results and geolocation;SQL database;SVA;SVA;Animals;Test result?;;Sweden not a part of the FS case study;;;;;