Climate Compatible Growth: Start Data Kit ----------------------------------------- This data deposit contains the following comma-separate value files: Table1_<COUNTRY>.csv: Installed Power Plants Capacity in The Country Table2_<COUNTRY>.csv: Techno-economic parameters of power generation technologies Table3_<COUNTRY>.csv: Projected costs of renewable power generation technologies for selected years to 2050. Table4_<COUNTRY>.csv: Technoeconomic parameters for transmission and distribution technologies Table5_<COUNTRY>.csv: Techno-economic parameters for refinery technologies Table6_<COUNTRY>.csv: Fuel price projections to 2050 Table7_<COUNTRY>.csv: Fuel-specific CO2 Emission Factors Table8_<COUNTRY>.csv: Estimated Renewable Energy Potentials Table9_<COUNTRY>.csv: Estimated Fossil Fuel Reserves A `references.bib` file which contains all the data sources A SAND file: "<COUNTRY> Base SAND.xlsm" This data is licensed under a Creative Commons Zero license. Get the latest version of clicSAND here: For help with OSeMOSYS, visit To obtain the latest version of OSeMOSYS visit Funding: This research received funding from the FCDO Climate Compatible Growth Project Disclaimer: The views expressed in this website do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.