(Figures 1–27, Table 1) http: //zoobank. org/urn: lsId: zoobank. org: act: 79D5A7E7- F14F -4D64-90ED -89BF47023562
Orthochirus Karsch, 1892: 306; Kovařík et al., 2020: 1–73, figs. 1–352, tables 1–4 (complete reference and synonyms list until 2020).
DIAGNOSIS. Total length of adults 22–55 mm. Tergites I–VI with weak median or lateral carinae, or carinae indistinct. Patellar trichobothrium d 3 located between dorsomedian and dorsointernal carinae. Dorsal trichobothria of femur arranged in beta-configuration. Trichobothrium d 2 of pedipalp femur absent or present on dorsal surface. Chelicerae with typical buthid dentition (Vachon, 1963), ventral aspect of fiXed finger with two denticles. Tibial spurs present on legs III and IV; in all legs, mid-ventral aspect of tarsomere II sparsely setose with 1 or 2 rows of short spiniform setae. Pectines with fulcra, densely hirsute. ProXimal dentate margins of pedipalp fingers not strongly undulate; movable fingers of pedipalps with 7–10 rows of denticles and 2–5 subterminal denticles. Carapace strongly trapezoidal, lacking distinct carinae; in lateral view distinctly inclined downward from median eyes to anterior margin; 5 pairs of lateral eyes. First and second metasomal segments with carinae. Metasoma posteriorly widened; metasomal segments IV and V ventrally punctate. Telson elongate with subaculear tubercle absent, aculeus robust, as long as or longer than vesicle; hemispermatophore capsule with 3 laminate lobes + 1 hook-like basal lobe; spiracles slit-like.