This ZACCHELLO_ETAL_DATASET_readme.txt file was generated on 2021-12-07. Data set: Zachelloetal_PopStudy_DataSet.xlsx PI contact information: Jon Ågren Dept of Ecology and Genetics, Uppsala University Norbyvägen 18 D, 756 32 Uppsala, Sweden Email: Methods used to generate this data set are described in the paper Zacchello, G., S. Bomers, C. Böhme, F. M. Postma, and J. Ågren. Seed dormancy varies widely among Arabidopsis thaliana populations both between and within Fennoscandia and Italy. Ecology and Evolution, in press. The data set includes estimates of dormancy (germination proportion) of seeds produced by up to 215 Arabidopsis thaliana maternal lines sampled in 45 populations in Fennoscandia and Italy, and grown in three different environments: greenhouse, field site in Italy and field site in Sweden. The data file includes two spread sheets with data. The spread sheet "LineMeans" includes information for each of the 4-5 maternal lines sampled per population, and grown in each of three environments (greenhouse, field site in Italy, field site in Sweden). The spread sheet "Population Means" contains, for each study population, variable means calculated based on maternal line means, an estimate of DSDS50 for seeds matured in the greenhouse, geographic location, and climatic variables for site of origin obtained from the WorldClim data base. In a third spread sheet called "Legend", variable names are explained.