README to the data from the manuscript "Widespread habitat for Europe's largest herbivores, but poor connectivity limits recolonization".

- folder "_SDM_input_data": The input data used to generate the Species Distribution Models (SDM) in R, as .csv-files. Please refer to the main manuscript for further details about the data sources and generation of model predictor variables.
  For each species, one model data frame is given for the respective SDM regarding environmental habitat suitability, human pressure, as well as for creating the resistance surface used in the connectivity assessment.
	- columns in "SDM_habitat_suitability_*"-files (representing raster pixel values at 100m resolution):
		#region:region of the species record.
		#distance_to_forest: Euclidean distance [m] to the nearest core forest pixel.
		#core_forest: Share [%] of core forest (i.e., forest pixels surrounded by forest pixels) cover at the respective species' home range scale.
		#forest_edges: Share [%] of edge forest (i.e. forest pixels on the outside of forest patches as well as along openings inside forest patches) at the respective species' home range scale.
		#grassland: Share [%] of grassland cover at the respective species' home range scale.
		#wet_forests_grasslands: Share [%] of wet forests & grasslands at the respective species' home range scale.
		#TCG_interdecile: Interdecile range of tasseled cap greenness index.
		#TCG_median: Median tasseled cap greenness index.
		#TCW_median: Median tasseled cap wetness index.
		#slope: Mean slope [°].
		#distance_to_roads: Euclidean distance [m] to nearest major road.
		#distance_to_settlements: Euclidean distance [m] to nearest settlement.
		#road_density: Mean road density [m/km²] at the respective species' home range scale.
		#population_density: Mean human population density [number of inhabitants per ha] at the respective species' home range scale.
		#occurrence: 1=presence point, 0=background point.
	- columns in "SDM_resistance_surface_*"-files have identical names, but predictor variables represent mean values at a coarsened 1-km resolution.

- folder "_species_location_data": For each species, a csv-file with the species location records used in the analyses. 
  The spatial coordinates are provided at a coarsened resolution (50 km), due to the sensitive nature of these data.
  The column 'occurrence' contains one of two values: 1=records used for the habitat suitability analyses; 2=additional sporadic occurrences included in the connectivity analyses. 
  CRS: ETRS89-LAEA (epsg:3035).

- folder "_habitat_suitability_maps": Continuous habitat suitability index maps for European bison and for moose, as .tif-files.
  For each species, one map based on environmental predictors, and one map based on human pressure predictors.

- folder "_potential_habitat_humanpressure_levels": Categorical habitat maps for European bison and for moose, combining environmental and human pressure suitability maps, as .tif-files (please refer to the Methods section of the manuscript for details about the thresholds used for the classification).
  Class code of the map: 1=Potential habitat associated with low human pressure; 2=Potential habitat associated with medium human pressure; 3=Potential habitat associated with high human pressure.

- folder "_connectivity_maps": Output maps of the connectivity assessments for European bison and for moose, as .tif-files.
  The layers with name "*_landscape" represent cumulative current values; the layers with name "*_westward" represent current values (see Method section of the manuscript for details).