Genus Meneviella Stubblefield, 1951

Meneviella Stubblefield, 1951: 213. —

Type species: Erinnys venulosa Hicks, 1872, by monotypy.

Erinnys Hicks, 1872: 177. — Type species: Erinnys venulosa Hicks, 1872, by monotypy (Hicks 1872).

Salteria – Walcott 1884: 31.

Menevia – Lake 1938: 270-272.

DIAGNOSIS. — Body elongate; micropygous; cephalon semicircular, wide and convex; fixigena meet in front of glabella; eye ridges at anterior third of glabella, tapering away; pair of librigenal spines; thorax of 25 segments or more with narrowing axis; pygidium small, axis tapering (based on Harrington et al. 1959, with modifications).


Hicks (1872) first described Erinnys venulosa. The name Erinnys was occupied by Schrank & Schrank (1801) who named a genus of butterflies Erynnis. Walcott (1884) recognized the circumstances and renamed the genus Salteria in honour of Salter. However, Salteria was already in use for another trilobite described by Thomson (1864), which was mentioned by Lake (1938). Lake (1938) gave the name Menevia to the genus, but this name was preoccupied by Schaus (1928). Stubblefield (1951) introduced Meneviella as a new generic name, which is still recognized today.