Szpila, KrzysztofPiwczyński, MarcinGlinkowski, WojciechLutz, LenaAkbarzadeh, KamranBaz, ArturoJohnston, Nikolas P.Grzywacz, Andrzej2023Figure 2 in First molecular phylogeny and species delimitation of West Palaearctic Pollenia (Diptera: Polleniidae)10.5281/zenodo.7474083Figure 2. Maximum likelihood tree inferred from the analysis of combined mitochondrial (1 locus: COI) and nuclear (2 loci: Ef-1α, CAD) sequence data for 18 representatives of Pollenia in RAxML. Bootstrap support from maximum likelihood analyses using RAxML, GARLI and PHYML software and posterior probability for Bayesian inference with MRBAYES are given at nodes. Nodes that were not recovered in one of the analyses are marked with hyphen (-). Only support values> 60 and posterior probability> 0.6 were presented and considered significant. The red font indicates high support (support value> 88, posterior probability = 1.0), the blue font indicates moderate support (support value 60–74, posterior probability 0.60–0.74). Species-group names are written in bold.