Monilonotum sundholmi sp. nov.

ZooBank registration: 06C295BA-5233-4A1D-8119-95C1EDEF7974

(Figs 42, 80, 115, 154; Map 2)

HOLOTYPE (sex not determined): New South Wales: Australia, NSW Mount Kiera 14 November 1989 A. Sundholm Joe Bugeja // K 304508 (AM). PARATYPES (2): New South Wales: same data as holotype except K 304507 (1 ♁, AM); 10 Mile Rd nr Deepwater NSW 23.xi.89 // S.G. Watkins Collection Donated 2001 // 232 (1 ♁, ANIC).

Differential diagnosis. Monilonotum sundholmi sp. nov. bears a close superficial resemblance to M. pascoei but is easily differentiated from it by the hind coxae and base of metafemora which are no paler than those of the other legs, and by the elytral intervals which are generally more ridge-like.

Description. Habitus: Fig. 154. Total length: 6.4–8.8 mm (holotype, 8.5 mm). Head: Vertex and frons black, clypeus, supra-antennal elevations and gular region black-brown, anteclypeus semi-transparent orange, antennae, labrum and palpi orange-brown; eyes separated by 1.33–1.62 eye widths (holotype, 1.33); frons and upper half of frons with small, shallow, even, punctation, lower part of frons with smooth, rugulose and punctate areas; genae wrinkled, submentum smooth; exterior margins of terminal palpomeres (maxillary and labial) about 2.5 times the length of inside edges; antennae long, reaching to or slightly beyond base of pronotum; eyes and most of cranium vested with erect pale setae, frons with slightly shorter medially-directed setae. Prothorax: Black to black-brown except pronotal collar and pronotal projection whitish or pale yellow; pronotum 1.13–1.29 times longer than wide (holotype, 1.29), sides evenly curved, middle slightly broader than lateral part of pronotal arch; subapical depression v-shaped, central impression of disc smooth, flowing from subapical depression, not sulcate, pronotum with weak lateral impression, surface smooth, almost impunctate, punctation consisting of sparse inconspicuous (shallow and smooth) setose impressions; moderately distributed with long erect setae and shorter finer multi-directional setae. Pterothorax: Ventrites orange, vested with short, pale, posteriorly-directed, semi-decumbent setae; elytra three-toned (base colour black-brown, each elytron with a whitish transverse fascia slightly sloping posteriorly towards lateral margins, half to two-thirds of area anterior to fascia orange-brown, the posterior margin of brown area being slightly oblique to almost straight, apex with small whitish triangular macula); length to width ratio 2.52–2.65:1 (holotype, 2.52:1); 8 th stria beginning immediately behind humeral tumescence, all stria terminating abruptly at posterior margin of whitish transverse fascia, punctation without nodules, epipleurae extending into apical curve, becoming obscure near apex; interstriae lined with short, erect to semi-erect setae about as long as distance between centres of neighbouring punctures, plus erect setae of slightly longer length, intrafoveal setae not observed (potentially present though minute). Legs: Entirely orangebrown (including coxae and tarsi), ventral tarsal pads paler. Abdomen: First ventrite dark orange-brown, other ventrites black-brown. Male genitalia: Tegmen as in Fig. 42;, broadest at basal opening (i.e., at point of flexation of struts), apex of parameroid lobes narrowing evenly to a point, inner margin narrow internally then gradually opening towards apex (not indented as in M. pascoei and M. doddi); dorsal sinus about one-third tegmen length, parameroid lobes subparallel, only very slightly broadening apically; ventral sinus just over half as long as dorsal sinus; apodeme slightly shorter than one-third tegmen length; median lobe as in Fig. 80; pygidium as in Fig. 115.

Etymology. We name this species after Mr Allen Sundholm, co-collector of the holotype specimen, in appreciation for his generosity in sending clerid beetles to the first author.

Biology. Adults have been collected in November and December; the specimen from Barron Grounds Nature Reserve was collected in rainforest at escarpment.

Distribution (Map 2). Southern Highlands region of New South Wales.