This package contains all computational data for the work titled "Decoding CRISPR–Cas9 PAM recognition with UniDesign" by Huang et al. 00_Cas9s-preprocessed-PDBs.tar.bz2 : 10 preprocessed PDBs. 01_perl-scripts.tar.bz2: all perl scripts used in this study. This UniDesign software is not included in this package. 02_PAM-variants-PDBs.tar.bz2: all PAM variant combos for each of the ten PDB scaffolds. 02_list-Cas9s-PAM-variants.tar.bz2: lists of all PAM variant combos for each of the ten PDB scaffolds. 03_PAM-recognition-Cas9s.tar.bz2: all PIAA-repacked structure models and energy scores. 03_PAM-recognition-top-bind-and_total_energy.tar.bz2 : summary of all UniDesign-calculated binding and total energy scores for each PAM variant of each Cas9. The PAM-recognition-*.txt files were generated using Perl script The PAM-recognition-*.txt.sort files were generated using The PAM-recognition-*.txt.sort.*-*.txt files were generated using Perl script The preferred PAM variants can be extracted from the first field of the PAM-recognition-*.txt.sort.*-*.txt files. 03_RESFILE-PAM-recognition.tar.bz2: all RESFILEs for computational PAM recognition experiments. 04_PIAA-design-Cas9s-PDB-PAMs.tar.bz2: all PIAA-redesigned structure models and energy scores using PDB PAMs. 05_models-consensus-PAM-Cas9s.tar.bz2: all Cas9 structure models bearing consensus PAMs. 05_list-Cas9s-PIAA-design-consensus-PAMs.tar.bz2: lists of all Cas9 structure models bearing consensus PAMs. 06_PIAA-design-Cas9s-consensus-PAMs.tar.bz2: all PIAA-redesigned structure models and energy scores. The redesigned PIAAs can be extracted from *bestseqs.txt, *bestsites0001.pdb and/or *beststruct0001.pdb files. 06_RESFILE-PIAA-design.tar.bz2: all RESFILEs for computational PIAA redesign experiments.