########################################################### Body length dataset ########################################################### File: "data_body_length.txt" - Photo_date: The date at which the photo was taken - Scale_length_cm: the length of the reference scale in centimeters - Scale_length_px: the length of the reference scale in pixels - Length_px: the length of the seal in pixels - Length_cm: the length of the seal in centimeters ########################################################### Sex ratio dataset ########################################################### File: "data_SR_model.txt" - Name: the seal name - Id: the seal unique identifier - N_pups: total number of pups produced by breeding seals - Female: number of daughters produced by breeding seals - Male: number of sons produced by breeding seals - Length: relative body length of the seals - Tenure: number of days a seal spent in the Rivière du Nord breeding site - Success: relative reproductive success, i.e., the number of pups produced by the focal seal divided by the mean number of pups produced in the population - Weights: relative tenure, i.e., the number of days the focal seal spent in the Rivière du Nord breeding site divided by the maximum number of days a seal spent in the Rivière du Nord breeding site