Published December 7, 2022 | Version v1
Poster Open

Health Behavior and Injuries in School Age - Overview and potentials for educational research

  • 1. Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences


Most studies in the social sciences are designed to answer distinct research questions. However, the range of topics covered in a survey or interview may also include areas relevant to fields of research not primarily targeted by the scientists conducting the study. The study “Health behavior and Injuries in School Age” (GUS) presents such a case. Its primary goal was to identify causes of injuries in students in secondary education schools. However, with around 80 questions per student-questionnaire including different aspects of the personality, family environment, academic performance and social situation of the respondents, it provides a valuable asset for researchers from different disciplines and with various research interests.
The data was collected by the Research Centre of Demographic Change (Forschungszentrum Demografischer Wandel, FZDW) at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences as a panel survey over the course of six annual waves from 2014 to 2020. The dataset is available for re-use at the Research Data Center at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (Forschungsdatenzentrum, RDC LIfBi) and contains information from over 40,000 questionnaires. It also includes data from the heads of schools and the interviewers present during the classroom surveys.
The presentation gives insights into the methods and field work of the GUS study and serves as an introduction into working with the data and documentation materials. It especially highlights the research potentials with a focus on topics relevant for educational research. Important variables both surveyed and generated are presented and examples of possible analyses are given.


2022-12-05 Poster NEPS Conference_v2.1 (published).pdf

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