Homotropus megaspis Thomson, 1890: 1516–1517.
Homotropus megalaspis – Schulz 1906: 98, 341.
SWEDEN • 1 ♀; Åsele lappmark, Åsele, Björnlandets nationalpark, Häggsjöbäcken; 63.949° N, 17.999° E; 29 Jul.–26 Aug. 2014; A. Garpebring leg.; Malaise trap in boreal forest; NJ • 1 ♀; Östergötland, Boxholm, Rinna, Björneberg; 58.195° N, 14.911° E; 15–27 May 2018; N. Johansson leg.; NJ.
Described by the Swedish Entomologist C.G. Thomson from material collected by J. Kriechbaumer from Bavaria, Germany (Thomson 1890). The distribution covers the Palaearctic, but the species seems to be rarely recorded (Klopfstein 2014b). The Swedish records are both from mature, semi-open taiga forests.