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Published December 12, 2022 | Version V1
Dataset Restricted

An innovative scheme to confront the trade-off between water conservation, drought reduction, and heat alleviation for urban sustainability: a case study in Phoenix, Arizona

  • 1. Arizona State University
  • 2. The University of Oklahoma


The manuscript for this dataset is still under review in AGU Advances, and can be accessed here: link. Please cite the literature when using the datasets.

Citation format: Yuanhui Zhu, Soe Myint, Xin Feng, Yubin Li. An innovative scheme to confront the trade-off between water conservation, drought reduction, and heat alleviation for urban sustainability. 

This study aims to develop a practical and integrated framework to tackle the trade-off between land surface temperature (LST) reduction and water conservation for heat mitigation and resilience planning. We developed a multi-objective framework of spatial optimization for priority areas that considers environmental justice. We employed the priority areas (i.e., residential districts, socio-economically disadvantaged neighborhoods, hotspot regions, and opportunity areas), ECOSTRESS-based LST, actual evapotranspiration (ETa, as a proxy to water use), Landsat-based LST and ETa changes (2000–2020), and the evaporative stress index (ESI). These datasets are used to identify the priority areas in which environmental conditions need to be improved seriously and (2) spatially optimize the placement of new green space (tree %, grass %) in the priority areas to realize the most significant LST reduction and minimum OWU.

The dataset summarization
Category Dataset Resolution Source/method Time
Environmental database Summer daytime LST 70m ECOSTRESS 2019
Environmental database Summer nighttime LST 70m ECOSTRESS 2019
Environmental database Summer ETa 70m ECOSTRESS 2019
Environmental database Summer ESI 70m ECOSTRESS 2019
Environmental change database Trends of summer LST changes 30m Landsat-based Statistical Mono-Window algorithm 2000-2020
Environmental change database Trends of summer ETa changes 30m Landsat-based Simplified Surface Energy Balance 2000-2020

note: LULC: Land use and land cover; LST: Land Surface Temperature; ETa: Actual Evapotranspiration; ESI: Evaporative Stress Index





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