Acronym,Objective,Title,Total Cost,EC Max Contribution,Start Date,End Date,Programe Code,Framework Programme,Programme Title,webLink,Score,Foundation for Trustworthy AI,Adverse consequences known to us,Basis as 'regulation',Total Pages,Values,Human Rights,Discrimination,Gender,Race,Ethics,Total Orgs,Private Companies,Public bodies,Higher education,Research orgs,Other orgs DANTE,"Money underpins all terrorist activities (without money propaganda, training, recruitment, and support are less effective or null). The disruption of terrorist financing activity is a key element in any fight against terrorism. DANTE will deliver effective, efficient and automated data mining, analytics solutions and an integrated system to detect, retrieve, and analyse huge amounts of heterogeneous and complex multimedia and multi-language (in five languages) terrorist-related contents from both the Surface and the Deep Web, including the Dark Nets. The ultimate goal is to discover (by “connecting the dots”), analyse and monitor potential terrorist-related activities and people, with focus on online fund raising activities, but also considering propaganda, training and disinformation. The challenging results of DANTE are achievable by exploiting, improving and integrating several existing data mining and analysis tools (mostly provided and owned by the partners; some already with high TRL). These tools and services will be further evolved and enhanced to be put at the service of the requirements provided by LEA partners (Guardia Civil, Policia Judiciaria, Home Office, Carabinieri). Thus, starting from lab and pre-prototype tools and methods, a market ready product with higher TRL will be the major outcome of DANTE. The presence of end user partners in the consortium will allow the validation/optimisation of the solution and boost of its adoption in their operational circumstances. The DANTE system will be validated and demonstrated in three pilots under the direct responsibility of the involved LEAs in their operational environments with the aim of detecting, analysing and monitoring terrorist-related contents for (i) propaganda (including recruitment, incitement, radicalization and disinformation), (ii) training and (iii) fund raising. DANTE surpasses the needs of the call for ensuring TRL6 of the projects results, by including components that will reach TRL7.",Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities,"6,206,216.25 €","4,998,527.88 €",2016-09-01,2019-02-28,FCT-06-2015,H2020,Law Enforcement capabilities 2: Detection and analysis of terrorist-related content on the Internet,,4.07%,1.53%,3.82%,6.87%,131,0,2,4,1,0,9,18,9,4,1,4,0 SpeechXRays,"The SpeechXRays project will develop and test in real-life environments a user recognition platform based on voice acoustics analysis and audio-visual identity verification. SpeechXRays will outperform state-of-the-art solutions in the following areas: · Security: high accuracy solution (cross over accuracy of 1/100 i.e. twice the commercial voice/face solutions) · Privacy: biometric data stored in the device (or in a private cloud under the responsibility of the data subject) · Usability: text-independent speaker identification (no pass phrase), low sensitivity to surrounding noise · Cost-efficiency: use of standard embedded microphone and cameras (smartphones, laptops). The project will combine and pilot two proven techniques: acoustic driven voice recognition (using acoustic rather than statistical only models) and multi-channel biometrics incorporating dynamic face recognition (machine vision analysis of speech, lip movement and face). The vision of the SpeechXRays project is to provide a solution combining the convenience and cost-effectiveness of voice biometrics, achieving better accuracies by combining it with video, and bringing superior anti-spoofing capabilities. The technology will be deployed on 2000 users in 3 pilots: a workforce use case, an eHealth use case and a consumer use case. The project lasts 36 months and is coordinated by world leader in digital security solutions for the mobility space.","Multi-channel biometrics combining acoustic and machine vision analysis of speech, lip movement and face","5,278,189.82 €","4,102,467.00 €",2015-05-01,2019-04-30,DS-02-2014,H2020,Access Control,,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,11,7,0,2,2,0 D-ID,"""Dramatic advances in Face Recognition (FR) technologies in recent years have led to proliferation of the use of automated recognition of people’s face images, facilitating the identification or the authentication of a person. However, facial recognition can be as scary as it is useful. The statement """"Your face is your identity"""" has become ever more critical with the proliferation of FR. Face images, when stored in enterprise databases or disseminated through the web, pose significant risks of misuse, violation of fundamental privacy rights, unauthorized tracking and even identity theft. These threats are growing swiftly, with the growth of the FR market. As a result, privacy regulations, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation, now address face images not just as personal information, but as sensitive personal information, subjecting this data to strict privacy protection measures, security standards, and potentially huge fines and lawsuits, in case of data breaches. D-ID™ is a high-risk/high-potential innovation that introduces a disruptive solution to assist companies to privacy-protect face images, while concurrently preserving their visual similarity (hence optimal usability) of the images, thus, strengthening compliance with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation and reducing the risk for fines/lawsuits, as well as damaged reputation. """,ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SOLUTION PROTECTING IDENTITIES FROM FACE RECOGNITION,"71,429.00 €","50,000.00 €",2018-12-01,2019-05-31,H2020-EU.3.,H2020,PRIORITY 'Societal challenges,,27.31%,14.23%,3.46%,64.23%,260,0,37,0,8,1,167,1,1,0,0,0,0 iBorderCtrl,"iCROSS envisages to enable faster thorough border control for third country nationals crossing the borders of EU, with technologies that adopt the future development of the Schengen Border Management. The project will present an optimal mixture of an enhanced, voluntary form of a Registered Traveller Programme and an auxiliary solution for the Entry/Exit System based on involving bona fide travellers. iCROSS designs and implements a system that adopts mobility concepts and consists of a two-stage procedure, designed to reduce cost/time spent per traveller at the crossing station. It leverages software and hardware technologies ranging from portable readers/scanners, various emerging and novel subsystems for automatic controls, wireless networking for mobile controls, and secure backend storage and processing. The two-stage procedure includes: (A) the registration before the travel to gather initial personal, travel document and vehicle data, perform a short, automated, non-invasive interview with an avatar, subject to lie detection and link the traveller to any pre-existing authority data. Utilizing multifactor analytics and risk-based approach, the data registered is processed and correlated with publicly open data or external systems such as the SIS II. Processing will need the travellers consent as set in EU legislation and national law. (B) the actual control at the border that complements pre-registered information with results of security controls that are performed with a portable, wireless connected iCROSS unit that can be used inside buses/trains or any point. Multiple technologies check validity and authenticity of parameters (e.g. travel documents, visa, face recognition of traveller using passport picture, real-time automated non-invasive lie detection in interview by officer, etc.). The data collected are encrypted, securely transferred and analysed in real time, providing an automated decision support system for the border control officers.",Intelligent Portable Border Control System,"4,501,877.50 €","4,501,877.50 €",2016-09-01,2019-08-31,BES-05-2015,H2020,Border crossing points topic 1: Novel mobility concepts for land border security,,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,14,7,3,2,2,0 PROTECT,"The goal of the PROTECT project is an enhanced biometric-based person identification system that works robustly across a range of border crossing types and that has strong user-centric features. The system will be deployed in Automated Border Control (ABC) areas supporting border guards to facilitate smooth and non-intrusive rapid crossing by travellers based on deployment of the next generation of biometric identification detection methods. The ability for the system to efficiently process low-risk travellers, combined with increased levels of accuracy, security and privacy standards and enabling border guards to concentrate resource on higher-risk travellers, are central ambitions of the project. To achieve these goals, a multi-biometric enrollment and verification system is envisaged, taking into account current and next-generation e-Passport chips, mobile equipment and person identification ‘on the move’. Research will be undertaken into optimization of currently deployed biometric modalities, application of emerging biometrics (including contactless finger vein, speaker recognition and angthropometrics), multi-modal biometrics and counter-spoofing, for border control scenarios. An integral part of the project is collection and dissemination of new border-realistic biometric datasets, and systematic evaluation of the developed biometric methods including vulnerability and privacy assessment. The PROTECT project is strongly user-driven and demonstration of the developed biometric system will be conducted at two different border crossing sites. Finally, the PROTECT project will make contributions to facilitating border crossing of bona-fide non-EU citizens as well as evolving standards in biometric systems.",Pervasive and UseR Focused BiomeTrics BordEr ProjeCT,"4,981,752.50 €","4,981,752.50 €",2016-09-01,2019-08-31,BES-06-2015,H2020,Border crossing points topic 2: Exploring new modalities in biometric-based border checks,,1.75%,0.00%,2.63%,2.63%,38,0,0,0,1,0,1,10,3,2,5,0,0 RANGER,"EU trade, transport, tourism and economic development are directly dependent on open and safe seas and oceans. EU's maritime borders are widely spread including various topologies from open sea to semi-enclosed cabins with islands and islets. This poses great challenges that affect securing maritime border areas. Failing to protect against a wide array of maritime threats and risks may result in these areas becoming arenas for international conflicts, terrorism or organized crime, where smuggling, irregular immigration and drug trafficking are the most common ones. RANGER aims at re-enforcing EU by combining innovative Radar technologies with novel technological solutions for early warning, in view of delivering a surveillance platform offering detection, recognition, identification and tracking of suspicious vessels, capabilities exceeding current radar systems. It will be a platform, consisting of 2 radar technologies, a novel Over-The-Horizon Radar combined with a Multiple Input Multiple Output one implemented exploiting the latest photonics advancements, and an Early Warning System exploiting deep and adaptable machine learning schemes able to Automatically detect radar Targets. It safeguards seamless fitting and interoperability with CISE (enhanced maritime surveillance and cross border SaR operations), through the development of a CISE translation Gateway, exporting on-demand CISE services directly to end-users, by strengthening the information exchange between national authorities and the European Agency. RANGER leverages the experience of its consortium, a balanced blend of technology providers, domain experts and end-users, delivering a cost efficient, environmental friendly solution, abiding to regulations and legislation for the protection of human lives. Two pilot exercises are foreseen to thoroughly assess RANGER’s ability to deliver on its promises, enhancing its potential to become a flagship platform for the European Maritime Surveillance industry.",RANGER: RAdars for loNG distance maritime surveillancE and SaR opeRations,"7,992,312.50 €","7,992,312.50 €",2016-05-01,2019-12-31,BES-01-2015,H2020,Maritime Border Security topic 1: radar systems for the surveillance of coastal and pre-frontier areas and in support of search and rescue operations,,7.26%,7.92%,8.91%,4.95%,101,0,8,4,2,3,5,10,4,2,2,2,0 VIRT-EU,"The networked future promises new relationships between people and artifacts, the private and the public, the individual and the collective. The increased networking capabilities of pervasive technologies mean that of personal data are being produced, analyzed, monetized and connected to other data streams in ways that hold both enormous potential and pose profound challenges for European society. Recent policy, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation, reflects mounting public concerns around emerging data practices, RRI, data ethics and privacy. VIRT-EU addresses these concerns at the point of design through researching and intervening upon the development cultures and ethics of the next-generation IoT innovators. We ask how do European IoT innovators and developers make ethically consequential decisions – about code, hardware and data – for new connective devices? What assumptions about human behavior, privacy and freedom underpin European cultures of IoT innovation? Leveraging state of the art collaborative SSH and ICT methodological innovations, VIRT-EU will analyze and map the ethical practices of European hardware and software entrepreneurs, maker and hacker spaces, and community innovators. Our goals are to (1) understand how IoT innovators enact ethics as they design future devices and to (2) generate a new framework for Privacy, Ethical and Social Impact Assessment (PESIA), which will proactively position ethical self-assessments in the development process of IoT technologies. These tools, informed by legal approaches, data mining, quantitative and qualitative social science and design research serve to secure a place for societal concerns in the generation of new technologies, engaging societal stakeholders in ensuring a digital future which is populated by innovative devices and services that are explicitly aligned with, and conscious of, the ethical and social values held by EU citizens.",VIRT-EU: The ethical challenge of IoT,"1,999,951.25 €","1,999,951.25 €",2017-01-01,2019-12-31,H2020-EU.2.1.1.,H2020,INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT),,58.91%,23.26%,65.12%,88.37%,43,0,10,21,6,1,38,6,1,0,4,0,1 GHOST,"To effectively respond to the multitude & complexity of cybersecurity challenges in smart-homes GHOST deploys a pioneering software-enabled ‘usable security’ solution. The project brings professional level security to the European citizens and to this end it: (a) increases the automation level & effectiveness of existing security services; (b) opens up the cybersecurity ‘blackbox’ to consumers, creates understanding and builds trust through effortless decision support & advanced ‘usable transparency’; (c) enhances the system’s self-defence by safeguarding critical security-related data using blockchain technology. GHOST software will be embedded in an adequately adapted smart-home network gateway though it will be designed to be vendor-independent. A dedicated middleware layer ensures interoperability with multiple gateways & IoT devices. GHOST considers the relationship between security and usability to be an integration challenge (positive sum game) and definitely not a trade-off (zero-sum game). In this context, the project envisions to lead a paradigm shift in consumer cybersecurity by successfully coupling usable security with transparency and behavioural engineering. The envisaged user experience will systematically trigger security-friendly behaviour aiming at establishing appropriate ‘habitual behaviours’. The solution will perform network analysis & deep packet inspection for suspicious pattern recognition, will apply machine learning for malicious behaviour detection, will carry out context-aware real-time risk assessment, and widely apply analytics & visualization for effortless user comprehension & decision support. In short, GHOST will (i) increase cybersecurity resilience; (ii) boost usability & automation; and (iii) enhance the competitiveness of European ICT security industry. GHOST will be demonstrated in more than 140 real smart-homes in Spain, Norway & Romania via the Red Cross network and beta testers from the customer basis of Televes & ThingsMaze.",Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control,"4,995,519.25 €","3,603,831.75 €",2017-05-01,2020-04-30,H2020-EU.3.7.4.,H2020,Improve cyber security,,1.52%,2.27%,0.00%,2.27%,44,0,1,0,0,0,1,10,4,0,4,1,1 Humane AI,"The Humane AI initiative will develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape the ongoing artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. The goal is to design and deploy AI systems that enhance human capabilities and empower both individuals and society as a whole to develop AI that extends rather than replaces human intelligence. This vision fits very well into the ambitions articulated by the EC in its Communication on AI but cannot be achieved by legislation or political directives alone. Instead it needs fundamentally new solutions to core research problems in AI and human-computer interaction (HCI), especially to help people understand actions recommended or performed by AI systems. Challenges include: learning complex world models; building effective and fully explainable machine learning systems; adapting AI systems to dynamic, open-ended real-world environments (in particular robots and autonomous systems in general); achieving in-depth understanding of humans and complex social contexts; and enabling self-reflection within AI systems. The focus is on human-centered AI, with a strong emphasis on ethics, values by design, and appropriate consideration of related legal and social issues. The HumanE AI project will mobilize a research landscape far beyond the direct project funding and create a unique innovation ecosystem that offers substantial return on investment. It will result in significant disruption across its socio-economic impact areas, including Industry 4.0, health & well-being, mobility, education, policy and finance. It will spearhead the efforts required to help Europe achieve a step-change in AI uptake across the economy. The consortium, with 35 partners from 17 countries, including four large industrial members, will define the details of all aspects necessary to implement future projects in the topic, and mobilize major scientific, industrial, political and public support for the vision.","Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us","999,250.00 €","999,250.00 €",2019-03-01,2020-04-30,FETFLAG-01-2018,H2020,Preparatory Actions for new FET Flagships,,7.64%,0.88%,4.85%,17.18%,227,0,2,6,4,1,39,35,5,0,20,9,1 ASGARD,"ASGARD has a singular goal, contribute to Law Enforcement Agencies Technological Autonomy and effective use of technology. Technologies will be transferred to end users under an open source scheme focusing on Forensics, Intelligence and Foresight (Intelligence led prevention and anticipation). ASGARD will drive progress in the processing of seized data, availability of massive amounts of data and big data solutions in an ever more connected world. New areas of research will also be addressed. The consortium is configured with LEA end users and practitioners “pulling” from the Research and Development community who will “push” transfer of knowledge and innovation. A Community of LEA users is the end point of ASGARD with the technology as a focal point for cooperation (a restricted open source community). In addition to traditional Use Cases and trials, in keeping with open source concepts and continuous integration approaches, ASGARD will use Hackathons to demonstrate its results. Vendor lock-in is addressed whilst also recognising their role and existing investment by LEAs. The project will follow a cyclical approach for early results. Data Set, Data Analytics (multimodal/ multimedia), Data Mining and Visual Analytics are included in the work plan. Technologies will be built under the maxim of “It works” over “It’s the best”. Rapid adoption/flexible deployment strategies are included. The project includes a licensing and IPR approach coherent with LEA realities and Ethical needs. ASGARD includes a comprehensive approach to Privacy, Ethics, Societal Impact respecting fundamental rights. ASGARD leverages existing trust relationship between LEAs and the research and development industry, and experiential knowledge in FCT research. ASGARD will allow its community of users leverage the benefits of agile methodologies, technology trends and open source approaches that are currently exploited by the general ICT sector and Organised Crime and Terrorist organisations.",Analysis System for Gathered Raw Data,"11,992,556.25 €","11,992,553.25 €",2016-09-01,2020-11-30,FCT-01-2015,H2020,"Forensics topic 1: Tools and infrastructure for the extraction, fusion, exchange and analysis of big data including cyber-offenses generated data for forensic investigation",,41.67%,50.00%,50.00%,25.00%,8,2,2,2,2,0,2,35,7,12,6,10,0 ARCSAR,"The ARCSAR project will establish international best practice and propose innovation platforms for the professional security and emergency response institutions in the Arctic and the North-Atlantic. The focus is on increased interaction in targeted networks between the professional institutions, academia and the innovators in the preparedness service and equipment industry. The ARCSAR project will monitor research and innovation projects and recommend the uptake and the industrialization of results, express common requirements as regards innovations that could fill in capability and other gaps and improve their performance in the future, and indicate priorities as regards common capabilities, or interfaces among capabilities, requiring more standardization. The project will look into the need for enhanced measures to respond to composite challenges including surveillance of and mobilization in case of threat situations, and emergency response capability related to search and rescue (SAR), environmental protection, fire fighting, and actions against terror or other forms of destructive action.",Arctic and North Atlantic Security and Emergency Preparedness Network,"3,885,272.50 €","3,492,021.25 €",2018-09-01,2024-02-29,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,0.31%,0.00%,0.93%,0.00%,216,0,0,0,0,2,0,21,3,8,7,1,2 PEN-CP,"Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners (PEN-CP) project builds a network between distinct customs administrations to create an ecosystem for interoperability, knowledge sharing and innovation to improve European security though more efficient control of the illicit trade flows. Organized collaboration across customs organizations forms a platform for excellence in customs practices and their continuous improvement through the means of technology, regulatory changes and organisational restructuring. The project complements the fundamental objective to improve the security of people, businesses and institutions in modern society through technological innovations, collaboration with police, border guards and private operators. The project evolves through orchestrated collaborative activities to build confidence and trust among the customs administrations leading to transparent information sharing and social build-up of common norms and values. The created network effect is a precursor for innovation and continuous improvement to battle against the plethora of criminal acts the societies are facing. Despite common aims different customs organizations operate and are being managed in different ways. Strong country specific traditions and national focus have prevented the natural evolution and improvement of customs operations to mitigate the risks hidden in global trade flows. PEN-CP enables cross-fertilization of ideas, working procedures and technological experimenting beyond the existing practises. A social network of practitioners from the same field with heterogeneous backgrounds is the source of creative thinking and progress, which the project aims to unleash for common good. Like any social network the impact is scalable to all operators in the customs realm, thus the project and its results will have an impact to all customs administrations, including the ones not partnering the PEN-CP project.",Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners,"3,496,253.13 €","3,496,253.13 €",2018-09-01,2024-01-31,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,18,2,13,2,1,0 eNOTICE,"This project aims to build a dynamic, functional and sustainable pan European network of CBRN training centres, testing and demonstration sites (CBRN TC) strengthening capacity building in training and users-driven innovation and research, based on well-identified needs. We seek to better European preparedness, resilience and incident response to CBRN attacks and emerging threats through close multi- (stakeholders) and single-discipline (practitioners) interactions. This makes CBRN TC the perfect operational intermediary between all civilian and military CBRN actors, EU relevant bodies and policy-makers, as well as the best cradle for expansion of a CBRN network of professionals. Main pillars for the network and confidence building will be to pool and share resources, effective practices and lessons learned, to map and label EU CBRN TC based on their capabilities and specificities, and to use a dedicated web based information and communication platform for exchanges and dissemination. Rather than usual workshops that are of no interest for task-focused, busy practitioners, the CBRN TC network will organize joint activities, training and debriefing in well-adapted infrastructures, using real-life or simulated situations (e.g., field exercises, table top, serious gaming and simulations), with external partners, in order to foster the identification of genuine users’ needs with users-driven technological solutions. This network will also benefit to national and EU CBRN projects, thereby expanding network scope and size, fast-tracking innovations and dissemination. Whilst using efficiently investments made across Europe in demonstration, testing, and training facilities for practitioners, this novel concept will issue meaningful users-guided recommendations to the EU R&D programme, enhance CBRN product performance and competitiveness, and decrease EU market fragmentation. Only such an interactive and collaborative approach is expected to reach long term sustainability.",European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEnters,"3,587,422.50 €","3,497,735.00 €",2017-09-01,2023-08-31,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,1.04%,0.63%,0.00%,2.51%,319,0,2,0,0,0,8,15,0,4,7,4,0 EXERTER,"EXERTER connects 22 practitioners from 13 EU Member States into a Network with Explosives Specialists within the Security of Explosives (SoE) area. The objective of the EXERTER Network is to bridge the difficulties for security practitioners to capture and utilize research results and to direct the industry’s innovation efforts to address the most pressing needs in the fight against terrorism and serious crime. Practitioners will via EXERTER get improved operational capability via novel technologies, methods and knowledge to aid them in executing more efficient countermeasures in a changing threat environment. In cooperation with key practitioners in the Network, the project will each year define one unique scenario based on past events to facilitate the identification of capability gaps along different counter-terrorist phases associated with PREVENT, DETECT, MITIGATE and REACT. With its explosives expertise, EXERTER will provide recommendations to the SoE community on how these gaps can be countered by (i) directing innovators into targeted areas to which research programmes should focus, (ii) proposing standardization priority areas and (iii) advising on exploitation and commercialisation opportunities. Ongoing research activities will continuously be reviewed to promote practitioners’ uptake of results and knowledge. Academia and research institutes will be supported by the technical expertise within EXERTER to lower exploitation barriers for promising research by enhancing their interaction with security industry. EXERTER will assess evolving threats requiring immediate attention of the SoE community - thus widely addressing emerging technologies and trends. Annual interaction workshops will be held where explosives practitioners, research institutes and academia as well as industry gather to discuss the current state of play and future roadmaps to answer to urgent capability requirements.",Security of Explosives pan-European Specialists Network,"3,498,868.75 €","3,498,868.75 €",2018-06-01,2023-05-31,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,1.01%,1.52%,0.00%,1.52%,66,0,1,0,0,0,1,21,0,10,3,8,0 MEDEA,"The Mediterranean and Black Sea region is characterised by a very volatile and dynamically changing security environment that pose severe threats and challenges on the societies and prosperity. The MEDEA project, during its 60 months of implementation provides funding for four interrelated actions: (i) Establish and Operate the MEDEA network, a multi-disciplinary network of security practitioners, with active links to policy makers and users/providers of security innovations across the M&BS countries focusing in Border Protection and other Security- and Disaster-Related tasks. During the project duration, MEDEA members will engage in activities towards maintaining its sustainability and longevity after the financing of this project ends, (ii) Engage participants in anticipatory governance on emerging security challenges that the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions would face in the coming years (present until +10 years), which concretely operationalizes the backbone of the project in a triple structure: a) understanding unsatisfactory state of play, b) design the desirable future and c) define a resilient pathway on how to achieve this, (iii) Push for the “co-creation” of security technology and capabilities innovations between practitioners and innovation suppliers, which is based upon their evaluation and prioritization on multi-criteria analysis (technology, operational and cost-benefit, etc.) and also linked to Human Development, Policy Making and Organizational Improvements in-terms of facilitating its use by the practitioners (iv) Establish and annually update the Mediterranean Security Research and Innovation Agenda (MSRIA), that identifies areas where security & defence research is needed and the establishment of recommendations for European Security & Defence technology investments.",Mediterranean practitioners’ network capacity building for effective response to emerging security challenges,"3,495,843.75 €","3,495,843.75 €",2018-06-01,2023-05-31,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,2.67%,0.00%,2.15%,5.85%,325,0,0,3,2,2,19,21,2,10,2,4,3 NO FEAR,"The emergency medical care in the EU is a fragmented chain including population, emergency medical services, volunteers, hospitals and cooperation with fire services, police and authorities. It needs to prepare to respond to new threats and assist casualties after security incidents. In response to this challenge, NO-FEAR proposes to bring together a pan-European network of practitioners, decision and policy makers in the medical and security fields. They will collaborate to achieve a common understanding of needs, as well as - in collaboration with academia and industries – increase the EU innovation potential that could better fill the operational gaps and recommend areas for future innovations. NO-FEAR main objectives are to: - create a long-lasting community of practitioners, interacting with a network of suppliers and academia, - elaborate an innovation roadmap, with practical recommendations for uptake, - advise relevant Research and Innovation projects, - support market uptake of EU research results, - issue policy and regulatory recommendations enabling collective procurement, - indicate priorities for standardisation; - support quick wins and practical short term results, - implement a transactional dynamic portal providing fora, a catalogue, market place and flexibility to address new threats. The project will be conducted by a consortium of 18 partners, of which 11 and the coordinator are practitioners, under the advice of the EC Community of Users. It aggregates the various dimensions of the project (acute care, operations and training), supported by the already large networks. To disseminate and exploit the NO-FEAR recommendations, an ambitious strategy will be implemented, including workshops, demonstrations and communication events every 6 months. This will enable knowledge sharing, build a common understanding and promote innovation uptake by organising technology showcases and demonstrations in a real practitioner environment.",Network Of practitioners For Emergency medicAl systems and cRitical care,"3,495,957.50 €","3,495,957.50 €",2018-06-01,2023-05-31,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,3.40%,0.00%,4.08%,6.12%,49,0,0,0,2,0,3,18,4,5,6,2,1 I-LEAD,"l-LEAD’s focus is on the incapability of groups of operational Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) practitioners defining their needs for innovation. This will be done in a methodological way, also with the help of the research & industrial partners supplemented by a broad range of committed stakeholders. I-LEAD will build the capacity to monitor the security research and technology market in order to ensure a better matching and uptake of innovations by law enforcement agencies with the overarching aim to make it a sustainable Pan-Europan LEA network. Earlier funded European research with a high technology readiness level as well as pipeline technologies will be closely monitored and assessed on its usefulness. Where possible a direct uptake from this research will be facilitated and implemented in the ENLETS and ENFSI networks supporting the action. I-LEAD will indicate priorities in five practitioner groups as well as aspects that needs (more) standardization and formulate recommendations how to incorporate these in procedures. As a final step, I-LEAD will advise the Member States through the existing EDBP-ESTP procurement group about how the outcomes of this project could be used in Pre-Commercial Procurement and Public Procurement of Innovation activities.",Innovation - Law Enforcement Agencies Dialogue,"3,483,717.50 €","3,483,716.00 €",2017-09-01,2023-02-28,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,0.00%,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,20,2,12,0,5,1 DAREnet,"The DAREnet project is to support flood management practitioners across the EU Danube River region and from different disciplines to deepen and broaden their Research, Development and Innovation related collaboration (=RDI). DAREnet will build a multi-disciplinary community of practitioners, operating in a network of civil protection organisations, and supported by a broad range of stakeholders from policy, industry and research. Together they will build a transnational and interdisciplinary ecosystem to foster synergies, innovation and its uptake. One of the key-results of DAREnet will be a regularly updated RDI Roadmap highlighting promising innovation opportunities to cope with the main environmental and societal challenges of the region. It will provide concrete perspectives for the further development, industrialisation and uptake of innovations of highest relevance for practitioners. The Roadmap will be the result of a systematic assessment and prioritisation of promising innovations, including standardisation to foster the development of common capabilities. The RDI Roadmap will also lay the basis for concrete innovation initiatives, practitioner-driven and “bottom-up”, building a unique portfolio of joint innovation concepts for the Danube river region. To reach sustainable impact, DAREnet will draw upon synergies with the modules and facilities of the EUCPM and the regional strategies for flood prevention and risk management of the ICPDR and EUSDR. DAREnet will promote the RDI Roadmap and Portfolio to political key-stakeholders on national, regional and European level, and will also prospect institutional options to ensure the continuity of the DAREnet innovation process after project end.",DAnube river region Resillience Exchange network,"3,500,000.00 €","3,500,000.00 €",2017-09-01,2023-02-28,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,1.44%,1.73%,2.60%,0.00%,231,0,4,1,4,1,0,18,3,6,1,2,6 FIRE-IN,"FIRE-IN has been designed to raise the security level of EU citizens by improving the national and European Fire & Rescue (F&R) capability development process. FIRE-IN addresses the concern that capability-driven research and innovation in this area needs much stronger guidance from practitioners and better exploitation of the technology potentially available for the discipline. We argue that this is to be achieved by practitioners more effectively coordinating on operational needs, on available research and innovation, on standardisation, and on test & demonstration and training. Further, we claim the need for the development of a common research culture that is to be achieved by better cooperation between practitioner and research/industry organisations. FIRE-IN addresses these objectives through four main areas of activity: (i) the identification and harmonisation of operational capability gaps based on the contribution provided by a significant and heterogeneous practitioner network, (ii) the identification of promising solutions to address those gaps through monitoring and screening of research outcomes and the continuous involvement of research and industry representatives, (iii) the definition of a F&R Strategic Research and Standardisation Agenda (SRSA) based on the previous elements as well as (iv) the development of a concept for more efficient use of test & demonstration and training facilities to support innovation and joint skill development. The overarching result of the project will be a proven process for organising F&R capability-driven research based on a wide practitioner and research and innovation network. The network will be linked at cross-domain and cross-border level and will feed harmonised operational requirements (or challenges) into national and EU capability development, i.e. research, innovation, procurement and standardisation programmes.",FIRE-IN - Fire and Rescue Innovation Network,"3,496,241.25 €","3,496,241.25 €",2017-05-01,2022-10-31,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,0.30%,0.18%,0.18%,0.55%,"1,100",0,2,1,1,0,6,21,7,5,1,6,2 ILEAnet,"The ILEAnet project will set up and develop a sustainable network of Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) practitioner organisations from all over Europe. The mission of this network will be to stimulate LEA capabilities to influence, develop and take up research, development and innovation (RDI) that is useful and usable for LEAs, and thereby help them to tackle the major challenges they face. The network will be organised around ILEAnet National Contacts (INCs) who will be in charge of federating the respective networks of practitioners, policy makers, academics, industrial players and other RDI stakeholders in their respective countries. ILEAnet will also operate as a community of people with a common interest in exchanging and collaborating with respect to LEA challenges and needs and LEA-centred RDI. Whilst the organisational ILEAnet Network will be focused – “top-down” - on specific challenges, the ILEAnet Community of people will contribute “bottom-up” ideas to produce innovative approaches to face newly arising challenges. An online community platform will enable professional social networking and mutual online assistance related to new solutions and best practice to address LEA challenges. The platform will support online and physical meetings and discussions, and will provide the infrastructure for efficient knowledge management. Synthesising top-down approaches and bottom-up ideas in iterative survey-organise-brainstorm-analyse-propose-discuss-poll processes, ILEAnet will build up a broad portfolio of RDI results and new RDI project concepts, and will deliver recommendations for future RDI policies. ILEAnet will hence catalyse innovation between LEAs and between LEAs, academics and industry. This will enable LEAs not only to take up mature results but also to prepare and influence future RDI efforts which could be taken up by individual or groupings of organisations and countries as well as by European research funding programmes.",Innovation by Law Enforcement Agencies networking,"3,482,146.25 €","3,482,146.25 €",2017-06-01,2022-05-31,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,2.78%,2.38%,1.19%,4.76%,84,0,2,1,0,0,4,22,2,14,3,1,2 COPKIT,"""The COPKIT project addresses the problem of analysing, preventing, investigating and mitigating the use of new information and communication technologies by organised crime and terrorist groups. This question is a key challenge for policy-makers and LEAs due to the complexity of the phenomenon, the quantity of factors and actors involved, and the great set of criminal and terrorist technological activities in support of OC and terrorist actions. It is a clear VUCA world effect (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). EUROPOL who is involved in COPKIT as head of its Advisory Board, in this year’s SOCTA 2017 report """"Crime in the Age of Technology"""" states that """"This is now, perhaps, the greatest challenge facing LEAs around the world"""". COPKIT proposes an intelligence-led Early Warning (EW) / Early Action (EA) system, directly related to the methodological approach used by EUROPOL in SOCTA. “Intelligence-led policing” offers a framework to guide operations, prioritizing needs and optimizing resources. EW explain how crimes are evolving, identifying """"weak signals"""", warnings, new trends, and being a basis for assisting decision makers, both strategic and operational levels, in order to develop EA (preparedness, mitigation, prevention and other security policies). Our project, with 18 European organizations from 13 countries participating (9 of them LEAs from 8 countries, one of them leader of EMPACT firearms) and with EUROPOL leading support, aims to create such a technological intelligence and knowledge ecosystem for LEAs, to fight OCT. COPKIT will comprise several phases: (1) developing and applying a EW/EA system and applying it to use-cases, (2) developing a toolkit for knowledge production and exploitation, tested by LEAs in their premises, (3) ensuring respects to EU legal and ethical principles, (4) developing innovative curricula for all aspects of the EW/EA methodology and eco-system to facilitate the uptake by LEAs.""","Technology, training and knowledge for Early-Warning / Early-Action led policing in fighting Organised Crime and Terrorism","4,986,973.75 €","4,986,973.75 €",2018-06-01,2021-09-30,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,32.87%,11.11%,6.94%,80.56%,72,0,8,4,0,1,58,20,8,6,2,4,0 SHERPA,"The overall objective of SHERPA is to gather relevant knowledge and opinions that contribute to the formulation of recommendations for future policies relevant to EU rural areas. It will use results of on-going and past research projects (from FP6, FP7, H2020 and other EU and national funding streams) to engage citizens, stakeholders, policy makers and scientists in the development of strategic thinking and practical recommendations for the formulation of modern rural policies. The project will: i) take stock of scientific evidence relevant to future rural policy and research activities; ii) use this evidence to engage citizens, researchers and policy makers at local and EU levels in debates about options for policy and priorities for research, iii) use the outcomes of engagement to formulate recommendations for rural policies relevant the period post-2020, and future agendas for research. SHERPA aims to develop a science-society-policy interface that will continue after the end of the project. It will use a suite of approaches to science-society-policy interactions in 40 Multi-Actor Platforms covering 20 EU countries and at EU level, and state-of-the art multimedia tools for two-way communication with citizens and policy audiences. SHERPA’s implementation approach will follow four guiding principles: flexible programming of activities to enable timely and responsive contributions to policy making, impartiality and transparency; recognition of the diversity of EU rural territories and multi-level interactions; and co-construction. SHERPA will contribute to policy development in three main areas: i) provision of inputs for the design of future research policies, with a focus on preparation of work programmes under Horizon Europe; ii) support for implementation of policies relevant to rural areas in the programming period 2021-2027; iii) support for setting the direction of rural policy in the next programming period (after 2027).",Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors,"4,999,747.50 €","4,999,747.50 €",2019-10-01,2023-09-30,RUR-01-2018-2019,H2020,Building modern rural policies on long-term visions and societal engagement,,8.93%,11.65%,14.67%,0.45%,661,0,77,5,88,4,3,23,2,0,7,9,5 NoBIAS,"Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based systems are widely employed nowadays to make decisions that have far-reaching impacts on individuals and society. Their decisions might affect everyone, everywhere and anytime entailing risks, such as being denied a credit, a job, a medical treatment, or specific news. Businesses might miss chances, because biases make AI-driven decisions underperform; much worse, they may contravene human rights when treating people unfairly. Bias may arise at all stages of AI-based decision making processes: (i) when data is collected, (ii) when algorithms turn data into decision making capacity, or (iii) when results of decision making are used in applications. Therefore, it is necessary to move beyond traditional AI algorithms optimized for predictive performance and embed ethical and legal principles in the training, design and deployment of AI algorithms to ensure social good while still benefiting from the potential of AI. NoBIAS will develop novel methods for AI-based decision making without bias by taking into account ethical and legal considerations in the design of technical solutions. The core objectives of NoBIAS are to understand legal, social and technical challenges of bias in AI-decision making, to counter them by developing fairness-aware algorithms, to automatically explain AI results, and to document the overall process for data provenance and transparency. We will train a cohort of 15 ESRs (Early-Stage Researchers) to address problems with bias through multi-disciplinary training and research in computer science, data science, machine learning, law and social science. ESRs will acquire practical expertise in a variety of sectors from telecommunication, finance, marketing, media, software, and legal consultancy to broadly foster legal compliance and innovation. Technical, interdisciplinary and soft-skills will give ESRs a head start towards future leadership in industry, academia, or government.",Artificial Intelligence without Bias,"3,989,295.61 €","3,989,295.61 €",2020-01-01,2023-12-31,H2020-EU.1.3,H2020,EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions,,16.67%,5.00%,30.00%,15.00%,40,0,2,4,6,2,6,9,1,0,6,2,0 SEREN 4,"SEREN4 is a 34-month Coordination and Support Action with the overall aim of strengthening the capacities of and cooperation among Secure Societies NCPs and providing high quality support and services to programme applicants and the security community at large with the view to enhancing participation in the security research and innovation area.To reach this objective, the project will develop four main activity axes, corresponding to the projects’ specific objectives: 1) capacity building of NCPs; 2) providing targeted services for applicants and security stakeholder to strengthen their participation to Horizon 2020 funding opportunities; 3) supporting networking opportunities within the Secure Societies constituency and 4) carrying out awareness raining activities to ensure that the information about SC7, Horizon 2020, new FP9 and SEREN4 project effectively and timely reaches the target audience. SEREN4 is the continuation and evolution of the precedent network, SEREN3, whose results and lessons learnt have been taken into consideration with the logic of improving the future network and in order to valorize the network’s strengths. In addition, new tasks and activities will be implemented to meet the challenges of the security area and requirements of new SC7 topics. The network will seek further opening to a wider target of stakeholders and businesses in the Secure Societies field. SEREN4 consortium comprises 19 Beneficiaries, with a good mix of well-experienced and less experienced NCPs, and representing Member States, Associated Countries and Third Countries. Besides Beneficiaries, the project services will be offered to all officially appointed H2020 Secure Societies NCPs, who will be involved in project activities as “Associated Partners”.",SEcurity REsearch NCP network 4,"1,999,953.75 €","1,999,953.75 €",2018-05-01,2021-08-31,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,0.69%,0.00%,0.89%,1.19%,337,0,0,0,3,0,4,20,0,8,1,8,3 MAGNETO,"MAGNETO addresses significant needs of law enforcement agencies (LEAs) in their fight against terrorism and organised crime, related to the massive volumes, heterogeneity and fragmentation of the data that officers have to analyse for the prevention, investigation and prosecution of criminal offences. These needs have been identified after consulting with eleven different European LEAs –members of the MAGNETO consortium. In response, MAGNETO empowers LEAs with superior crime analysis, prevention and investigation capabilities, by researching and providing tailored solutions and tools based on sophisticated knowledge representation, advanced semantic reasoning and augmented intelligence, well integrated in a common, modular platform with open interfaces. By using the MAGNETO platform, LEAs will have unparalleled abilities to fuse and analyse multiple massive heterogeneous data sources, uncover hidden relationships among data items, compute trends for the evolution of security incidents, ultimately (and at a faster pace) reaching solid evidence that can be used in Court, gaining also better awareness and understanding of current or past security-related situations. In parallel, MAGNETO will spark an ecosystem of third-party solution providers benefiting from its open, modular and reusable architectural framework and standard interfaces. To achieve these objectives, MAGNETO will test and demonstrate its developments on five representative and complementary use cases (types of crime), under real-life operational conditions in the facilities of eleven different LEAs, keeping them continuously in the production loop, adopting an agile implementation methodology and a multi-disciplinary scientific approach, combining researchers with exceptional track records, officers with top-level operational know-how in law enforcement, recognised experts for legal and ethical compliance to EU and national standards, and qualified training experts for innovative curricula development.",Multimedia Analysis and Correlation Engine for Organised Crime Prevention and Investigation,"5,320,475.00 €","5,320,475.00 €",2018-05-01,2021-04-30,H2020-EU.3.7.6.,H2020,"Ensure privacy and freedom, including in the Internet and enhance the societal, legal and ethical understanding of all areas of security, risk and management",,33.33%,50.00%,0.00%,50.00%,2,0,1,0,0,0,1,24,8,9,5,2,0