Nov. 2022 Readme for model code and data in support of "Regionally disparate ecological responses to microplastic slowing of faecal pellets yields coherent carbon cycle response" by Kvale, Hunt, James, Koeve (2022) Submitted to Frontiers in Marine Pollution. For additional questions please contact Karin Kvale ( Figure scripts used to generate the manuscript figures are found in the directory figure_scripts. These require Ferret software (NOAA free software) cntl_clim directory is the CNTL_clim simulation model output (no microplastic effects) All directories with a *_cntl title are model output from the CNTL ensemble. All netcdf files with a *big* in the title are from the SLOW_big ensemble. All netcdf files with a *small* in the title are from the SLOW_small ensemble. All netcdf files with a *diff* in the title are postprocessed SLOW-CNTL of ensemble mean. All netcdf files with a *std* in the title are postprocessed standard deviation of SLOW-CNTL of ensemble mean. All netcdf files with *mean* in the title are postprocessed ensemble mean. All netcdf files with *robust* in the title are postprocessed using the "sign*".jnl files in figure_scripts.