TITLE: Source data for the publication "SiGe quantum wells with oscillating Ge concentrations for quantum dot qubits" CORRESPONDING AUTHORS: M. A. Eriksson (maeriksson@wisc.edu), Mark Friesen (friesen@physics.wisc.edu) DESCRIPTION: This repository contains data reported in the figures of the publication "SiGe quantum wells with oscillating Ge concentrations for quantum dot qubits." REPOSITORY CONTENTS: fig2a.png: Full-resolution TEM image shown in Fig. 2(a). Source Code.nb: Mathematica notebook containing the code used to produce theoretical results shown in Fig. 1(c) and Supplementary Fig. 1. Source Data.xlsx: Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing data points for all plots in the main text and supplementary information. Data for each plot are listed on separate, labeled spreadsheet tabs.