Corporatization, administrative intensity and the performance of public sector organizations
The dataset includes 9 years of data (2008/09-2016/17) on acute care NHS hospital trusts.
The dataset is organised according to the usual panel structure adopted in economics and business studies. It covers the whole trust population with some missing data due to organizational mergers during the period investigated.
The dataset contains the following variables: organisationcode (a unique identification for each hospital trust), year (the year of the observation), Admin_to_All (Number of administrative staff per 1000 staff), Nonman_Admin_to_All (Number of nonmanagerial administrative staff per 1000 staff), years_as_FT (Number of years a trust has been an FT), rci (Reference Cost Index), Cost_per_Admission (Trust Expenditure per Admission), Safety_incidents_reported (Number of patient safety incidents reported per 100 admissions), patient_experience (Patient Experience score), Size (Natural log of total number of beds), number_of_units (Number of units of a hospital trust), Admissions (Natural log of admissions deflated by case-mix), Casemix_index (Case-mix for each hospital trust divided by mean case-mix), bed_occupancy (Percentage of bed occupancy of a hospital trust), teaching_trust (Dummy variable taking the value of 1 for teaching status), Specialist (Dummy variable taking the value of 1 for specialist status), strategic_health_authority (Strategic Health Authority of trust).
The analysis has been conducted in STATA17 with the following command code: xtabond2 patient_experience l. patient_experience years_as_FT size number_of_units admissions Casemix_index bed_occupancy teaching_trust Specialist i.year i.strategic_health_authority, gmm(l.( years_as_FT patient_experience admissions bed_occupancy) , collapse) iv(Casemix_index size number_of_units Specialist teaching_trust i.year i.strategic_health_authority, eq(level)) robust
For more information on xtabond2, see Roodman, D. 2009. How to do xtabond2: An introduction to difference and system GMM in Stata. Stata Journal 9: 86-136.
The dataset has been anonymised due to copyright licence reasons in relation to some of the data.
Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: